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Geschäftsleute in bedrohli- chen Situationen war das Motto einer Kampagne der Deutschen Bank Italien, für die Thomas Herbrich eine Serie von drei Bildern liefern sollte. Für den Ruderer zwi- schen den Haifischen gab es eine gemalte Layoutvorlage, von der Herbrich deutlich abwich. Für seinen Kalender ersetzte er den Geschäfts- mann durch einen Angler. Th

Microsoft word - sound alike look alike- guideline 2010.doc

Community Mental Health for Central Michigan PROTOCOL FOR LOOK-ALIKE AND SOUND-ALIKE DRUGS This protocol should be posted in all licensed residential group homes who contract with Community Mental Health for Central Michigan ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINE In an effort to improve medication safety and to meet The Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goal Number 3, Community


Before being diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) in April, 2010, it was believed that I had Idiopathic Generalized Torsion Dystonia. My Neurologist in early 2008 told me he would consider Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) to treat it, but I needed to see a Pain Management Specialist for the spasticity in my legs and lower back before he could warrant such a highly intrusive surgery. I did not te

Microsoft word - rehsfil0.wwi

Bayer CropScience SCHEDA DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE) Num. 1907/2006 CURIT TRIO 1. IDENTIFICAZIONE DELLA SOSTANZA/PREPARATO E DELLA SOCIETÀ / IMPRESA Informazioni sul prodotto E-Mail: qhse-italy@bayercropscience.com (Indirizzo di posta elettronica al quale inviare esclusivamente richieste relative ai contenuti tecnici della scheda di sicurezza.) +39 02-3978 2282 (Numer


Gasz Balázs, Benkő László, Jancsó Gábor, Lantos János, Alotti Nasri, Rőth ErzsébetOxidatív stressz és gyulladásos válaszreakciók mértékének vizsgálata hagyományos és pumpa nélküli koronáriaműtétekbenCard. Hung. 2003, 33 (Suppl. 2): A55. Alotti Nasri, Simon József, Kassai Imre, Tarsoly László, Csordás József, Harang PéterÉrdemes-e végezni carotis és szívműtétet


T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e Current Concepts Henry M. Feder, Jr., M.D., Barbara J.B. Johnson, Ph.D., Susan O’Connell, M.D., Eugene D. Shapiro, M.D., Allen C. Steere, M.D., Gary P. Wormser, M.D., and the Ad Hoc International Lyme Disease Group*From the Departments of Family Medi-cine and Pediatrics, Connecticut Chil-L B. bur yme disease, the most common ti

Microsoft word - k series app note - supercapacitors for rtc.doc

Supercapacitors for RTC & Memory Back-up For many years secondary Lithium batteries have been used in back up power applications for volatile memory and real time clock, however they are not always an ideal solution. Lithium batteries have a relatively short cycle life, limited operating temperature range and also present end of life disposal issues. For many applications the solution to

Zenicke sveske integralno.indb

Osam terapijskih koraka U vrijeme pripremanja ovog teksta nacija se priprema za povratni~ku turneju Bijelog dugmeta . Vje{ti manipulator i veliki me{tar za prodaju magle, turbo folka i ju~era{njih bureka - Goran Bregovi} , okupio je najprofitabilniji muzi~ki sastav na prostorima nekada{nje Jugoslavije, kako bi udovoljio brojnoj hipnotisanoj gomili koja naseljava prostor od Vardara do T


Mijn klachten waren: allergie- allergische reacties, ondragelijke jeuk / uricaria, oedeem in gehele lichaam, vitiligo / witte vlekken op de huis, reumatische pijnen. Na een zoektocht van ongeveer tien jaar kwam ik bij dokter Vink terecht. Ik leed aan ondragelijke jeuk (urticaria) en hield vocht vast in mijn lichaam. Er zijn niet veel therapieën, geneesmiddelen die ik niet heb geprobeerd. Niets hi

Microsoft word - dokument

http://www.gmwatch.org/archive2.asp?arcid=8498 GM Watch - 19.11.2007 MONATSRÜCKBLICK Nr. 50 - Deutsche Ausgabe (19/11/2007) ----------------------------------------------------------- GM WATCH NR 50 ------------------------------------------------------------ NEUE FORSCHUNG PROPAGANDA, BETRUG UND VERLEUMDUNG WERDE AKTIV! KONTAMINIERUNG WIDERSTAND UND GENTECH-VERBOTE VORSCHRIFTEN/KENNZEICHNUNG GM

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