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Wednesday - October 2, 2013
5:15 PM - 6:45 PM
Exhibit Hall (220C)
Presenters of featured posters will be present during poster tours to explain their work. Tours take place at the end of the day onTuesday and Wednesday. Tour sign-up required (see sheets in front of main entrance to Exhibit Hall at 220D). Meeting point at firstposter of tour at 5:15 PM.
Poster Tour W1
Matthew Farrer (USA)
Calmodulin regulation of L-type calcium channels in SNc DA neuron culture
Dietary administration of paraquat for 13 weeks does not result in a loss ofdopaminergic neurones in the substantia nigra of mice
Role of MAPT variation in Parkinsonian disorders
Exome sequencing of Norwegian families with PD reveals novel gene mutations
Household organophosphorus pesticide use and Parkinson's disease
Exploring the impact of Parkinson disease (PD) susceptibility loci in olderpersons without PD
The complex interaction of LRRK2 with the cytoskeleton
Poster Tour W2
Ted Dawson
Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) as an alpha-synuclein anti-aggregation drug-screening tool
Smoking and Parkinson's disease: nicotine binds to alpha-synuclein and causeslarge conformational changes which may prevent
it from misfolding
14-3-3 chaperone protein modulates alpha-Synuclein aggregation and toxicity
The role of intramolecular interactions in parkin activation in vivo
Mutant LRRK2 expression induces calcium dysregulation and dendritic mitophagy
High Cortical LB burden and ABeta pathology in Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson's disease Dementia
Tau oligomers as novel therapeutic target for PD and neurodegenerativesynucleinopathies
Poster Tour W3
Etienne Hirsch
Neuroprotection and neurorescue properties of Sitagliptin in 6-hydroxydopaminerodent model of Parkinson's disease
The effect of a chronic treatment with MPEP, an mGlu5 receptor antagonist, onbrain basal ganglia D1/D2 receptors,
preproenkephalin/preprodynorphin mRNAlevels and ERK/Akt signaling pathways in de novo parkinsonian monkeys
A functional magnetic resonance imaging approach towards understanding thecircuit-level effects of deep brain stimulation
Quantitative evaluation of hypokinesia in Parkinson's disease using sensor gloves
Dose-dependent therapeutic effects of FK506 on dopaminergic neurodegenerationand neuroinflammation in a viral
vector-based alpha-synuclein rat model for Parkinson's disease

Unilateral 6-OHDA lesion and Dopa administration in Nur77 knockout rats revealan important role of this transcription factor in
Parkinson's disease and itstreatment

Selective knockout of the vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT) in the motor cortexcompletely protects against MPTP-induced
lesioning in mice

Poster Tour W4
Alice Templin
Tai Chi, zumba, drumming and golf: an integrative approach to promote PDwellness
Effects of resistance training on bradykinesia, functional performance anddisease severity in individuals with Parkinson's

Development of a community-based Nordic walking program for persons with Parkinson's disease
Comparative biomechanics from ice skating and regular terrain locomotion amongstpeople living with Parkinson's disease
School "Health" in the lives of patients with Parkinson's disease
Shared decision making in current treatment choice in advanced Parkinson's disease
Equal options; shared decision? Development of a decision aid for treatmentchoice in advanced Parkinson's disease
Poster Tour W5
Anne-Louise Lafontaine
Developing a network of interdisciplinary Parkinson's rehabilitation teams in nontraditional settings: providing high-quality
treatment to populations inunderserved settings

The relationship between patient age and resource utilization among newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease patients
Our experience developing a service for in-patients with Parkinson's
Does a specialist Parkinson's unit improve outcomes for hospitalised Parkinson'spatients?
Multidisciplinary care in professional networks for Parkinson's disease
Poster Tour W6
Michel Panisset
Antipsychotic efficacy and motor tolerability in a phase III placebo-controlledstudy of pimavanserin in patients with Parkinson's
disease psychosis (ACP-103-020)
Gender differences in non-motor symptoms in early, drug naïve Parkinson's disease
Motor, cognitive and affective characteristics of new-fallers compared tonon-fallers in an incident cohort of Parkinson's disease
Gait predicts decline in attention over 18 months in an incident cohort of Parkinson's disease
The Relation between Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors and PARKIN Genotype
The clinical features of asymptomatic, first degree relatives of Ashkenazi Jewish Parkinson patients, carriers of the G2019S
mutation in the LRRK2 gene

Poster Tour W7
Daniel Weintraub
Personality and depression: Factors that influence reported quality of life among PD patients
Impact of Parkinson's disease on social role function: Multi-faceted disability
A new paradigm in neuropsychological assessment: Motor Imagery. A pilot Study with Parkinson's disease patients
Vitamin D in Parkinson's disease
High intensity exercise improves skeletal muscle mitochondrial functioncorresponding with reduced fatigability in Parkinson's
Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressureimproves non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's
disease patients

Focus Group and Quantitative Assessment of Sleep and Fatigue in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
The Roles of Dorsal and Ventral Striatum in Stimulus-Response Learning: Implications for Parkinson's Disease
Poster Tour W8
Anthony Lang
Changes in troublesome dyskinesia and its relationship with dose in advanced Parkinson's disease patients treated with
levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gelinfusion
Taq1A polymorphism improves Dopamine Agonist therapeutic response in Parkinson's Disease
Effects of levodopa on gait variabiolity of backward walking in Parkinson's disease
Safety analyses from open-label clinical trials of levodopa-carbidopa intestinalgel in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease:
Events not related to deviceor procedure

Effective treatment of Parkinson tremor using kinematics to optimize Botulinumneurotoxin type A injection
Pharmaceutical Quality of Seven generic Levodopa/Benserazide Products compared with original Madopar® / Prolopa®
Poster Tour W9
Margarita Makoutonina
AmbuloSono: a sensorimotor contingent musical walking program for people livingwith Parkinson's disease
Neurocognitive rehabilitation with motor imagery vs treadmill training forfreezing of gait in Parkinson's disease. A randomized
controlled study

A unique community Group Rehabilitative Exercise and Therapy (GREAT) program forpeople with Parkinson's disease
The effectiveness of occupational therapy in Parkinson's disease
The effect of dopaminergic medication on muscle performance in people with Parkinson's disease-related fatigue
The role of optic flow on locomotion in young adults during overground walking
Central components of quadriceps fatigue are dopamine dependent
Poster Tour W10
Terry Ellis
Impact of freezing of gait on self-perceived balance confidence for functionalactivities in people with Parkinson's disease
Treatment effects of Attention Process Training for an individual with Parkinson's disease: A single-subject study
The impact of high intensity exercise on outcome in people with Parkinson's disease: A systematic review
The type of secondary task matters in dual task walking during the Timed Up and Go
Pre-stepping postural preparation in patients with Parkinson's disease with andwithout freezing of gait
Assessment of gait therapy effectiveness in the patients with Parkinson's disease on the basis of three-dimensional movement

Home-based gait improvement in Parkinson's disease: using video to supportself-cueing
Poster Tour W11
Jon Stamford
Initial choice of dopaminergic therapy in the NINDS Exploratory Trials in Parkinson Disease (NET-PD) Longitudinal Study-1 (LS-1)
Apokyn for morning akinesia trial (AM IMPAKT)
A cohort study of Parkinson's disease in British Columbia
Efficacy, safety and tolerability of rasagiline as add-on to suboptimal dopamineagonist monotherapy in Parkinson's disease (PD):
The ANDANTE study

Effects of a community-based balance program on enhancing the balance performance in people with Parkinson's disease
Extended Release Amantadine Safety and Efficacy Study in Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia (EASED Study)
Poster Tour W12
Hayley Carpenter
The chain that bonds not binds - a project in awareness
Pass the baton for Parkinson's awareness and fundraising program
The social movement: building the More Than Motion™ Facebook community for people living with Parkinson's disease
The effect of Medicare Part D on Parkinson's disease patients: a four yearretrospective study
The accomplishments and challenges of international Parkinson advocacy: socialhistory, literature review and call to action
Policy Advocacy on Parkinson's Diseases in Nepal
Parkinson's UK Research Support Network - working together to find a cure
Thursday - October 3, 2013
5:15 PM - 6:45 PM
Exhibit Hall (220C)
Presenters of featured posters will be present during poster tours to explain their work. Tours take place at the end of the day onTuesday and Wednesday. Tour sign-up required (see sheets in front of main entrance to Exhibit Hall at 220D). Meeting point at firstposter of tour at 5:15 PM.
Poster Tour T1

Louis Tan
Analysis of Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Parkinson's Disease
COMT × DRD4 epistasis impacts cognitive flexibility during the Trail Making Test
PARK18 SNP is Associated with Differential Expression of Major Histocompatibility complex II in Healthy Controls and
Parkinson's Disease Patients

Investigation of PD brain DNA for SNCA (alpha-synuclein) mutations, and cellular studies of the recently reported H50Q
Revisiting Smoking and Parkinson's: Marker, Cause or Effect?
Identification of LRRK2 G2019S modifiers of disease penetrance
Lewy body fractions from patients with Parkinson's disease initiate-synuclein-dependent neurodegeneration in mice and
non-human primates

Poster Tour T2
Jeffrey Kordower
Identification of cis- and trans-regulatory elements and signaling pathways inparkin gene expression - A genomic fugu parkin

Molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in the En1+/- mouse model of Parkinson's disease
A reverse engineered Parkinson's disease gene regulatory network identifies RGS2as a direct modulator of LRRK2 activity
Synergistic effects of mGluR5 antagonism and 5-HT1A/1B agonism in a rat model ofL-DOPA-induced dyskinesia
Longitudinal in vivo imaging in a novel model of Parkinson's disease in minipig
Parkinsonian features in aging GFAP.HMOX1 transgenic mice overexpressing humanHO-1 in the astroglial compartment
LRRK2 G2019S knock in Mice display progressive alterations in dopamine releaseand metabolism
Striatal and extrastriatal dopamine correlates with cognition in Lewy bodydisorders: an 11C altropane PET study
Poster Tour T3
Mark Guttman
In the Clinic, in Education and in the Community: A Capacity Building Strategyfor Comprehensive Supportive Services and
Wellness Programs through CommunityPartnership
Community wellness for people with Parkinson's
Nutritional status correlates with non-motor and motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease: A cross-sectional analysis in 143 patients
A continous care model: education to rehabilitation to wellness
Improving nutritional status in Parkinson's disease and the effects on Parkinson's disease symptoms
Poster Tour T4
Lucie Lachance
Awareness of Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (APDQ) in an Urban Asian setting
The impact of clinical symptoms on quality of life in patients with advancedstage Parkinson's disease
The Parkinson Atlas: transparency in medical practice variations in PD care in the Netherlands
Comparison of the psychological symptoms and disease-specific quality of life (QoL) between early- versus late-onset Parkinson's
disease patients

Factors, disabling patients on the early stages of Parkinson's disease
Does home-visiting improve quality of life of those living with Parkinson's disease living in rural areas? - a program evaluation
Patient-centered care in the Parkinson centers of excellence: a multicenter study
Poster Tour T5
Ruth Hagestuen
An evaluation of the Occupational Therapy Memory Group run for those with mildcognitive impairment in Parkinson's
Applying Integrated Chronic Care Management model using LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD protocol framework for care of people
with PD in the home

Twenty-five years of discovery: A longitudinal study of Parkinson support groups
The effect of a music cue on gait and quality of life in Parkinson's: a case study
Home-based training with Nintendo Wii Fit and Balance Board in Parkinson's disease. Is it a tool for self-management motor
activities in long term care ?
Expressive Writing improves Psychosocial Functioning of Patients with Parkinson's Disease and their Caregivers
Poster Tour T6
Laura Marsh
The impact of treatment response to cognitive-behavioral therapy on different clusters of depressive symptoms in Parkinson's
Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease is linked with ExtensiveCortical Thinning during Longitudinal Analysis
Initial Results of a Clinical Trial comparing a Neurocognitive Intervention toSupportive Therapy in Individuals with Parkinson's
Does rTMS enhance memory retention in Parkinson's Disease (PD)?
Working memory and facial expression recognition in Parkinson's disease individuals
Exercise for the mind: Investigating the effects of exercise on cognition in Parkinson's disease
Associations of Cognitive Domain Impairments and Gait in Parkinson's Disease
Poster Tour T7
Thomas Gasser
Effect of Dopamine Receptor Binding Agents on Dopamine Transporter (DaT) Scan Result
A large Turkish Parkinson Pedigree with alpha-Synuclein Duplication: Blood Expression Biomarkers elucidate predictive
Diagnostics and Pathway

A Novel Blood-Brain Barrier Permeable PET Ligand for Parkinson's Disease
Longitudinal striatal atrophy during Parkinson's progression
Metabolomic changes associated L-DOPA induced dyskinesia in a MPTP primate modelof Parkinson's disease and the effect of
DHA or plasmalogen precursoradministration
Influence of Dopamine Transporter (DaT) scan on medical management in movementdisorders specialists: Cleveland Clinic
Poster Tour T8
Roger Barker
Targeted next-generation sequencing for Parkinson's disease
Case report: transplantation of fetal porcine ventralmesencephalic cells (FPVMC) for Parkinson's disease (PD): results and

Long-term safety considerations of deep brain stimulation in treatment of Parkinson's disease
Modulation of glutamate receptors in dyskinetic MPTP monkeys receiving aunilateral subthalamotomy
Social support and motor outcomes after Deep Brain Stimulation in patients with Parkinson's Disease
Poster Tour T9
Bastiaan Bloem
A novel approach to testing freezing of gait in patients with Parkinson's disease: The clover test
Using the SpeechVive to treat speech impairments in Parkinson's disease
Changes in vowel (co)articulation following intensive voice treatment (LSVT) in Parkinson's disease
The impact of physical environmental barriers on accessibility problems- veryold people with self-reported Parkinson's disease
versus controls

Efficacy of mental practice mnemonic coupled with physical practice in improving gait of patients with Parkinson's disease
Development of an intelligent bicycle for rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease
Long-term Observation of Speech and Language in Patients with Parkinson's Disease under Continuous Levodopa/Carbidopa
Intestinal Gel Therapy
Poster Tour T10
Marten Munneke
Benefits of task-specific learning-principled practice to improve freezing ofgait for individuals with Parkinson disease in a small
group community setting. A case series study
European physiotherapy guidelines for people with Parkinson's disease
Test-retest and inter-rater reliability of the mini-BESTest in mild to moderate Parkinson's disease - a clinical approach
An acute Parkinson's therapy pathway; bridging the gap between hospital and home
A vision of improved postural stability in Parkinson's disease: enhancing balance through visual training under dual-task

Nicotine and nicotinic receptor drugs reduce L-dopa-induced dyskinesias in anonhuman primate model of Parkinson's disease
Poster Tour T11
Sara Riggare
3D Sensors, the New Paradigm for Assessing Movement Disorders
Can single-leg stance time be used to assess bilateral progression of Parkinson's disease?
Dual-task performance assessment (DTPA): A novel test for assessing motor and cognitive performance during dual-task
Measures of quality care reveal large variation across NPF Centers of Excellence
SENSE-PARK: measuring Parkinson in the home environment in an objective, continuous and minimally obtrusive fashion
Poster Tour T12
Israel Robledo
Managing Parkinson's disease symptoms while hospitalized for non-PD related conditions
Experiencing Parkinson's Disease and the Reward System: the point of view of aninformed patient
Not only an old person's disease
How the nonprofit sector can help people living with Parkinson's receive quality voice treatment: two successful models
Clinical profile of Parkinson's disease patients with pneumonia
The effect of STN-DBS's laterality on voice and perception of speechintelligibility of patients with Parkinson's disease
ParkNC: a referral network for enhanced Parkinson's disease care throughout North Carolina
Achieving the impossible together

Source: http://www.udima.es/files-udima/poster_tours_final(1).pdf


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Microsoft word - cy2010_adult_variable_list_03.10.2011.doc

HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL** VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME HIV RESEARCH NETWORK CY2010 ADULT VARIABLE LIST PLEASE NOTE: 1. Variables that were new in CY2009 remain highlighted in blue . 2. Variables that are new or have changed in CY2010 are shaded in orange . 3. Variables that are no longer a

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