
泸州医学院 2006-2007 学年度第一学期期末考试 (适用于 2004 级临床医学、口腔麻醉、中西医结合等专业) 试卷说明:本试卷满分为 100 分,考试时间为 120 分钟。 Part one Multiple choose (每小题 1 分,共 50 分) DIRECTIONS: Each question below contains five suggested answers. Choose the best one response to each question. 1. Adverse reaction of ACEI include all of the following EXCEPT A.hypotension B.cough C.hyperkaliemia D.hypoglycaemia E.diabetes 2. which of the following drug is the first choice for treatment of legionnaires' disease A. penicillin G B. gentamicin C. streptomycin D. ciprofloxacin E. lincomycin 3. Epinephrine is added to local anesthetics in order to A.stimulate local wound to repair B.promote hemostasis C.facilitate their dissemination along nerves D.retard their absorption and prolong action time E.Enhance action of local anesthetics 4. As contrasted to epinephrine, the infusion of small amount of norepinephrine increases all the following cardiovascular parameters EXCEPT A. systolic pressure B. diastolic pressure C. mean pressure D. heart rate E.peripheral resistance 5. Which of the following drugs is considered to be most effective in relieving and preventing ischemic episodes in patients with variant angina? A. Propranolol B. diltiazem C. atropine D. Nifedipine E. verapamil 6. Ototoxicity is a rare but serious manifestation of A.hydrochlorothiazide(氢氯噻嗪) B.ethacrynic acid C.spironolactone(螺内酯) D.triamterene(氨苯蝶啶) E. amiloride(阿米洛利) 7.The action of propylthiouracil is thought to involve which of the following mechanisms? A. Blocking the synthesis of thyroxine B. Preventing the uptake of iodide C. Preventing the synthesis of thyroglobulin(甲状腺球蛋白) D. Inhibiting the release of thyroid stimulating hormone E. Blocking the release of thyroxine 8. Common effects of muscarinic stimulant drugs include all of the following EXCEPT A. TachycardiA. B. Increased peristalsis C. Miosis. D.Stimulation of sweat glands E.Increased secretion by salivary glands 9. A drug that deceases blood pressure by a CNS action is A. captopril B. propranolol C. nitroprusside sodium D. Prazosin E.Clonidine 10. adverse effects resulting from quinolones can include all of the following EXCEPT A adverse effects in gastrointestinal tract B.toxicity in CNS C.allergic response and photosensitivity reaction D. cartilage lesion E. Ototoxicity 11. A predictably dangerous side effect of propranolol, which constitutes a contraindication to its clinical use in susceptible patients, is the induction of A.hypertension B.cardiac arrhythmia C. bronchial asthma D.congestive heart failure E.angina pectoris 12.the following statements about action of pilocarpine are true EXCEPT that A.miosis B. lowered intraocular pressure C. spasm of accommodation D.increase secretion of sweat and saliva glands E.paralysis of accommodation 13. which of the following agents can block M-receptor A.ephedrine B.epinephrine C.phentolamine D. Atropine E. propranolol 14. which of the following statements best characterizes morphine ? A.it is useful for the treatment of cough B.it can increase biliary tract pressure C.it always produces corediastasis(瞳孔扩大) D.it is useful for premedication E. it has low addiction capabilities compared with dolantin 15. The use of morphine is contraindicated in A.myocardial infarction B.acute pulmonary edema C.simple diarrhea D.kidney colic E.bronchial asthma 16. a patient comes into your office ,examination reveals that the patient has a parkinsonian tremor and tardive dyskinesiA. chronic use of which of the following drugs would yield these symptoms? A. codeine B.chlorpromazine C.dolantin D. morphine E. methadone(美沙酮) 17. Furosemide is useful for the treatment of all of the following conditions EXCEPT A.congestive heart failure B.acute pulmonary edema C. hypocalcemia D.edema resulting from hepatic or renal disease E. hypertensive crisis 18. which of following antihypertensive drug is ACEI A.captopril B. nifedipine C.clonidine D.sodium nitroprusside E.thiazides 19.the following statements about quinolones are true EXCEPT that A.the quinolones are active against gram-positive and gram-negative B.the quinolones are active against bacillus pyocyaneus(铜绿假单孢菌) C.all quinolones are active against tubercle bacillus D.some quinolones are active against mycoplasma E.the quinolones may damage growing of cartilage 20. which of the following drug is the first choice for various tuberculosis A. isoniazid B.amikacin C.streptomycin D. pyrazinamide E. rifampicim 21. which of the following drug is the first choice for hypertensive crisis A. clonidine B. sodium nitroprusside C. β-receptor blocker D.thiazides diuretics E. prazosin(哌唑嗪) 22. which of the following drug is antagonists A.atropine B. norepinephrine C. adrenaline D. dopamine E. ephedrine 23. the following statements about clinical uses of glucocorticoids are true EXCEPT that A.vicarious treatment B.autoimmunity disease C.hematopathy D. infective shock E. hyperadrenocorticism syndrome 24. characteristics of the third-generation cephalosporins EXCEPT A.broad-spectrum of activity B.easy permeation the blood-brain barrier C. activity against β-lactamase-producing staphylococci(葡萄球菌 ) D. little renal toxicity E.activity to gram-positive> gram-negative 25. which of the following oral hypoglycemic drug can be used for treatment for diabetes A.chlorpropamide (氯磺丙脲) B.tolbutamide C. glipizide D.α-glucosidase inhibitor E.biguanides 26. which of the following drug is the first choice for thyroid crisis A.high dose iodine B.methylthiouracil C. radio iodine D. propranolol E.propylthiouracil 27. Verapamil exerts its effects through which of the following actions? A.Preventing entry of calcium through slow channels B.Preventing depolarization of the cell membrane C.Increasing sodium entry D.Antagonizing the opening of the fast sodium channel E.Enhancing potassium efflux 28. Which of the following antihypertensive drugs produces most of its effects by blocking α1-adrenergic receptors in arterioles and venules? A.propranolol B.Prazosin C.captopil D.hydrochlorothiazide(氢氯噻嗪) E.Clonidine 29. Hyperkalemia is a contraindication to the use of which of the following drugs? A. bumetanide(布美他尼) B. hydrochlorothiazide C.Ethacrynic acid D.Furosemide E.Spironolactone 30. Which of the following drug has a hypoglucemic action through stimulating release of insulin? A.Metformin(二甲双胍) B.Phenformin(苯乙双胍) C.Rosiglitazone(罗格列酮) D.Glimepiride 格列美脲 E.Acarbose(阿卡波糖) 31. Which of the following drug is suitable for treatment of diabetes with obesity? A.Metformin B.insulin C.Rosiglitazone D.Glimepiride E.Acarbose 32. All of the following antimicrobials inhibit bacterial protein synthesis EXCEPT A.Erythromycin B.Cefazolin C.Amikacin. D.Gentamicin E.Clindamycin 33. A drug active against pseudomembranous clitis(假膜性肠炎) A.Gentamicin B.Cephalothin C.Erythromycin D.Vancomycin E. Clindamycin 34. An inhibitor of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, useful in tuberculosis, is A.Isoniazid B.Streptomycin C.Rifampin. D.Ethambutol(乙胺丁醇) E. pyrazinamide 35. All of the following statements about aminoglycosides are accurate EXCEPT A.They may cause dose-dependent vestibular dysfunction(前庭功能障碍) B.They are bactericidal inhibitors of protein synthesis. C.They are primary drugs for gram-negative bacterial infections, D.They are effective against anaerobes(厌氧菌) E. Administration by oral, absorption of the drug isn't easy 36.In the treatment of gonococcal(淋球菌) infection in adults, the drug of choice is A. Clarithromycin(克拉霉素) B.gentamicin C. ciprofloxacin(环丙沙星) D. Erythromycin E.lincomycin 37. what is the first choice drug for treatment acute or chronic osteomyelitis(骨髓炎) resulting from staphylococcus aureus(金黄色葡萄球菌) A.Erythromycin B. clindamycin(克林霉素) C. Third generation cephalosporin D. penicillin G E. gentamicin 38. which of the following agents can stimulate DA-receptor A.dopamine B. epinephrine C.phentolamine D.Atropine E.propranolol 39.Adrenaline reversal is A. Pressor effect after administration β-receptor blocker B.Depressurization effect after administration α-receptor blocker C.Stimulation effect of adrenaline to αand β receptor D. Depressurization effect after administrationβ-receptor blocker E. Pressor effect after administration α-receptor blocker 40. The preferred treatment of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis is intravenous administration of which of the following drugs? A.Erythromycin B. clindamycin(克林霉素) C. Third generation cephalosporin D. penicillin G E. gentamicin 41.The route of excretion for drugs or their metabolic derivatives that is quantitatively the LEAST significant is which of the following? A.Biliary tract B.Kidneys C.Lungs D.Feces(粪便) E.Milk 42.Supposing passive transport of nonionized forms of the following drugs determines the rate of their absorption, which of the following drugs will be best absorbed in the small intestine?(Supposing pH is 6.0 in bowel) A.Aspirin, weak acid (pKa = 3.0) B.Ethacrynic acid, weak acid (pKa = 3.5) C.Sulfamethoxazole(磺胺甲基异恶唑), weak acid(pKa=5.6) D.Secobarbital(司可巴比妥), weak acid (pKa = 7.8) E.Theophylline(茶碱), weak base (pKa = 8.8) 43.A rapid reduction in the effect of given dose of a drug after only one or two doses A.Supersensitivity B.Tachyphylaxis(快速耐受性) C.Tolerance D.Hyposensitivity E.Anaphylaxis 44. the maximum effect (Emax) achieved by a drug is a measure of A.potency B.efficacy C.the quantal response D.antagonist E. the therapeutic index 45. the first-pass effect occurs most often after A.oral administration of a drug B.sublingual administration of a drug C.intravenous administration of a drug D.subcutaneous administration of a drug E.intramuscular administration of a drug 46. all of the following statements about the therapeutic index (TI)are true EXCEPT A. a high TI means that the drug is safe to use B.a low TI means that the drug is dangerous to use therapeutically C.a high TI indicates that the ED50 far exceeds the LD50 D.LD50 is median lethal dose E. a high TI indicates that the LD50 far exceeds the ED50 47. The first choice drug for the treatment of anaphylactic shock is A.histamine (组织胺) B.epinephrine C.norepinephrine D.isoproterenol E. glucocorticosteroid 48. Phentolamine often causes an increase in heart rate and in the force of contraction by which of the following mechanisms: A.Directly stimulating cardiac β1 receptors B.Antagonizing the vagal(迷走神经的) transmitter C.Releasing histamine(组织胺) from mast cells, which stimulates the heart D.Blocking peripheral vasoconstriction, which produces reflex stimulation of the heart E.Increasing the amount of calcium available to the heart 49. Functionally, a patient with myasthenia gravis resembles who has been treated with A.atropine B. physostigmine(毒扁豆碱) C.pilocarpine D. neostigmine E.propranolol 50. All the following targets respond to β-adrcnergic receptor stimulation EXCEPT for A.the ciliary muscle of the iris B. coronary vessels C.bronchial smooth muscle D.atrioventricular node E.sinoatrial node Part two Explain the following words (每小题 4 分,共 20 分) 3. first pass elimination 4. side reaction 5. chemotherapy Part three answer the following questions(共 30 分) 1. what is the inotropic action characteristic of cardiac glycosides?(8 分) 2.Briefly describe what is adverse reaction of aminoglycosides and which problem is we should pay attention to?(12 分) 3. what is the adverse reaction of long-term application glycocorticoids?(10 分)

Source: http://jpkc.lzmc.edu.cn/ec/c44/Course/pages/data/yl04sy_B.pdf

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2557_05.08.qxd_FORMAT 106 119,5x240 04/10/11 10:51 Page1 FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO: INFORMAZIONI PER L’UTILIZZATORE compresse rivestite con film Legga attentamente questo foglio prima di prendere questo medicinale. Conservi questo foglio. Potrebbe aver bisogno di leggerlo di nuovo. Se ha qualsiasi dubbio, si rivolga al medico o al farmacista. Questo medicinale è stato prescritto per lei p


APPLICATION NOTE Separation and Quantitation of R and SEnantiomers using Normal PhaseChromatography on an API 3000™LC/MS/MS System Normal phase chromatography can strates that it is possible to safely and be used for the analysis of chiral compounds using the API 3000™ LC/MS/MS System. Overview Key Features Figure 1. Verapamil calibration curves for enantiomer R and

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