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Indian J GastroenterolDOI 10.1007/s12664-011-0146-0
Effect of bovine colostrum-based food supplementin the treatment of HIV-associated diarrhea in NorthernUganda: a randomized controlled trial
F. O. Kaducu & S. A. Okia & G. Upenytho & L. Elfstrand &C.-H. Florén
Received: 23 November 2010 / Accepted: 10 November 2011
# Indian Society of Gastroenterology 2011
stool frequency was recorded, and body weight and body
Aim HIV-associated diarrhea is common in HIV/AIDS
mass index were evaluated at weeks 1, 4 and 9. Baseline CD4
patients in developing countries. An earlier uncontrolled study
+ count was measured at baseline and at week 9.
showed that a nutritional product made from bovine colostrum
Results Mean daily stool frequency decreased by 79% from
(ColoPlus®) alleviates HIV-associated diarrhea. We performed
7.5 to 1.3 motions over the study period in patients on
a randomized single-blind controlled trial of addition of
colostrum-based supplement, compared to a 58% reduction
colostrum-based supplement (ColoPlus®) to standard anti-
in controls (p<0.001). Self-reported fatigue was reduced by
diarrhea treatment in HIV/AIDS patients with diarrhea.
85% in patients on colostrum-based supplement by week 9
Methods Eighty-seven adult patients with HIV-associated
compared to 43% reduction amongst controls (p<0.001).
diarrhea were recruited at Gulu Hospital and four community
Patients on colostrum-based supplement had 11% increase
clinics in Northern Uganda. Forty-five patients were random-
(p<0,001) in mean body weight and body mass index by
ized to receive 50 g of colostrum-based supplement twice a
week 9, but no changes were observed in control subjects.
day for 4 weeks in addition to standard anti-diarrhea
Mean CD4+ count increased by 14% for patients on
treatment, and 42 patients received standard anti-diarrhea
colostrum-based supplement, in contrast to 12% decrease
treatment alone. Patients were followed up for 9 weeks. Daily
in controls (p<0.001). Conclusions This study shows that addition of colostrum-based supplement to standard therapy is effective in
treatment of HIV-associated diarrhea.
Department of Public Health,Gulu University Faculty of Medicine,Gulu, Uganda
Keywords CD4+. Colostrum. Colostrum-supplementation. Diarrhea. HIV. HIV-associated diarrhea
S. A. OkiaGulu Independent Hospital and Gulu Women EconomicDevelopment and Globalisation,Gulu, Uganda
Uganda is located in East Africa and has a population of
Community Health Department, Gulu Regional Referral Hospital,Gulu, Uganda
about 30 million, of which nearly 980,000 are people livingwith human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Gulu in
northern Uganda is one of the districts hardest hit by
Department of Clinical Sciences, Skåne University Hospital,
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Data from
HIV sentinel surveillance site at Lacor Hospital reveal that
Gulu district has HIV prevalence rate of 11.9% [].
Department of Clinical Sciences/Medicine,
The Uganda Ministry of Health Policy on HIV/AIDS
Skåne University Hospital, Lund University,
care ranks nutritional intervention as a key component of
SE 23940 Lund, Swedene-mail: claes-henrik.floren@med.lu.se
the comprehensive care package for HIV/AIDS patients
HIV-infected patients are commonly faced with malnutri-
commercially produced nutritional supplements (immune
tion and chronic diarrhea, requiring prolonged or recurrent
boosters) during the previous 48 h; those with known
antibiotic treatment. Studies have shown that in 30% of
allergy or intolerance to milk and milk-products, and
patients with HIV-associated diarrhea, enteric pathogens
cannot be identified; and of the remaining 70%, only abouthalf of the identifiable etiological agents were treatable with
antibiotics []. This means that only about 35% of patientswith HIV-associated diarrhea improve on regular treatment
The study was an open-labeled, randomized, clinical trial.
One group of patients received 50 g of colostrum-based
The above problems faced by HIV-infected patients with
supplement twice a day for 28 days, in addition to the
chronic diarrhea could be addressed by the use of bovine
"regular care" currently offered to patients with diarrhea in
colostrum products. Colostrum contains high titers of
Uganda. The second group, serving as the control group,
antibodies or immunoglobulin active against a wide range
received only the "regular care" for HIV patients with
of bacterial, viral and protozoa pathogens as well as against
diarrhea until the diarrhea subsided. Randomization was
done using a table of random numbers, and a unique
ColoPlus® is bovine colostrum-based food product in
number was allocated to each study subject. These random
porridge form, is administered orally, with no known side
numbers were matched to the study identification numbers
effects reported so far. An earlier open-labeled observa-
and were used to allocate either treatment protocol.
tional study from Nigeria indicated clinical improvement of
"Regular care" of HIV-associated diarrhea currently
patients with HIV-associated diarrhea on regular supple-
involves fluid and electrolyte replacement, use of anti-
diarrheal drugs and antibiotics in appropriate doses as well
We evaluated the effects of a colostrum-based supple-
as good nutrition using locally available food items.
ment (ColoPlus®), using a randomized single-blind trial, on
Patients were followed up at weekly intervals in the clinics
diarrheal frequency, immunological response and nutritional
status of patients with HIV-associated diarrhea.
It was assumed that the proportion of patients with HIV-associated chronic diarrhea whose diarrhea would subside
after regular treatment, including antibiotics was 35% []. Itwas further assumed that the proportion of patients with
The study was done between October 2007 and June 2008
HIV-associated diarrhea whose diarrhea would subside after
in Gulu Regional Referral Hospital HIV/AIDS Clinic and
receiving colostrum-based supplement was 72%
four community outreach sites (mobile clinics) located in
Assuming 20% loss to follow up of the calculated sample
four internally displaced persons' (IDP) camps in Gulu and
size (6.4≈7 patients), the minimum sample size for each
Amuru districts of northern Uganda. Laboratory tests were
arm was 39≈40. For both arms, a minimum of number of
performed at the Joint Clinical Research Center (JCRC)
specialized laboratory in Gulu. Samples collected from
Patients who met the selection criteria were randomly
patients at the community outreach sites were transported
assigned to either of the treatment groups. The purpose of
under optimal conditions to the JCRC laboratory within 4 h
the study was explained to them by a study nurse and
informed consent was taken prior to enrolment. A total of45 patients were recruited on the colostrum-based supplement
(intervention) arm and 42 were recruited on the control arm(Fig. ).
Study patients were recruited, examined and followed up at
At the time of enrolment, baseline socio-demographic
both the hospital HIV/AIDS clinic and the community
data and clinical information were recorded on a pre-coded,
outreach sites. The inclusion criteria were HIV-positive
pre-tested standardized questionnaire. A clinic staff admin-
patients aged 18 years or more; diarrhea with stool
istered the questionnaire, designed in English and translated
frequency of four or more motions per 24 h for more than
into the local language (Luo), to obtain and record the
7 days; patients not receiving anti-retroviral (ARV) therapy;
socio-demographic information, and baseline symptoms
and those who gave their informed consent. Patients with
and examination findings. Other important baseline param-
stool frequency of less than 4 motions per 24 h or those
eters documented included self-reported frequency of stool
with diarrhea lasting 7 days or less; those who had used
per 24 h, and self-estimated fatigue level, body weight,
CD4+ counts and were startedon ARVs within 1 week, 1 usedantibiotics in previous 48 h, 3declined to consent)
body mass index, stool microscopy results, hemoglobin
up visits. For those who could not read and write, the study
level, serum albumin, and CD4+ counts.
nurse filled in the dairy card using patient recall. Fatigue
During weeks 1 to 4, patients in the intervention arm
level was estimated by the patient using a visual analogue
received 50 g of colostrum-based supplement twice daily.
scale (VAS) consisting of a line drawn with equal interval
They also received regular care until the diarrhea ceased.
scale from 0 to 10, where 0 represented no fatigue and 10
Compliance to colostrum-based supplement intake was
represents the worst fatigue level possible. Body weight
checked at weekly intervals and was over 95%. Patients
and height were measured by the clinic nurse, and the body
in the control arm received only the regular care until
mass index (BMI) was calculated from these values. Stool
microscopy, serum albumin and hemoglobin measurements
The main outcome measures, which included stool
were done at the JCRC laboratory using standard procedures.
frequency per 24 h, fatigue level, body weight, body mass
CD4+ count was determined using flowcytometry.
index, stool microscopy, hemoglobin and serum albumin,were assessed at weeks 4 and 9 in all patients. CD4+ count
was repeated at week 9. Measurements at 9 weeks wereused to examine whether colostrum-based supplement had
Data were entered in EPI Info, exported to and analyzed
a protracted effect on the outcome measures 5 weeks after
using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences computer
software (SPSS version 10.0). Categorical outcomes were
Stool frequency was recorded by the patient on a dairy
analyzed using chi-squared test, and continuous variables
card on a 24 hourly basis throughout the study period. The
were analyzed using independent sample t-test and analysis
records for each patient were regularly verified for
of variance. Multiple logistic regressions method was used
completeness by the clinic staff during the weekly follow-
ColoPlus usage was accepted by the Ethical Committee of
The mean 24 h frequency of stool at time of enrolment
Lund University, Sweden in September 2002 (LU-472-02)
into the study was 7.2 motions per day, while the
which approved of the use of ColoPlus on adult patients
average duration of diarrhea was 16.6 days. Patients on
with HIV-associated diarrhea. Ethical approval for the
the two treatment groups were similar in these baseline
Uganda study was obtained from Gulu University Faculty
parameters. Overall, 36.8% of the patients had fever at
of Medicine Institutional Research Committee (IRC) and
baseline. The mean duration of fever at enrolment was
the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology
similar in both treatment groups, 8.7 days and 7.2 days
for colostrum-based supplement and control groups,
ColoPlus is patented by ColoPlus AB, Malmö, Sweden
respectively. Seven patients had history of other chronic
and is manufactured in accordance with the Swedish
illnesses in the previous 1 month: 5 patients were
National Board of Food Administration. ColoPlus is in
treated for tuberculosis and 2 for peptic ulcer disease.
dry-powder form with particles 0.3-7.0 mm in diameter.
The majority of the patients (93%) were on septrin
The particle size allows slower intestinal transit than that
prophylaxis, with mean duration of septrin use being
for milk. The active part of the product is collected and
13.8 months. Seventeen (20%) patients were using other
processed from bovine colostrum in such a way that its
antibiotics at the time of enrolment; antibiotics used by
antimicrobial properties are preserved. The active part then
patients in the previous 1 month included: amoxicillin,
is added to a vehicle of dry rice flakes, and banana flakes
ciprofloxacin, ampicillin, doxycycline, chloramphenicol and
and sugar are added to give a pleasant taste. The particles
metronidazole (Table ). Patients on colostrum-based sup-
swell after mixing with water, and the starch-containing
plement did not differ from the controls in septrin and other
vehicle has a protective role for the active substances in the
antibiotics use. None of the patients was on any nutritional
bowel and contributes to increasing the transition time
ColoPlus is packed in portions of 50 g to be taken twice
a day, with the first and last meal of the day, giving aninterval of about 12 h. Each portion is mixed by the patient
Patients on both treatment groups did not differ in their
with 120 mL of boiled lukewarm water (max 60°C) to
mean baseline hematocrit, hemoglobin, and white blood
porridge-like consistency just before ingestion. Each por-
cell counts. However, patients on colostrum-based supplement
tion of the product contains 3-4 g of immunoglobulin, the
had relatively lower mean CD4+ counts and mean serum
main part of which is constituted by IgG1. Growth factors,
albumin compared to the control group.
such as IGF-1, TGF-β2, are positively correlated with
Seven (8%) patients had identifiable micro-organisms
immunoglobulin content of bovine colostrum ].
on stool microscopy; Trichomonas hominis was seen in
The composition of ColoPlus product is as follows: 32%
three patients, Giardia lamblia in two patients, and
colostrum powder; 30% rice flakes; 14% banana flakes;
Entamoeba histolytica and Hymelnolepsis nana in one
20% maltodextrin; and 4% sugar. Energy value of one
sachet of ColoPlus, which equals 50 g, is 825 kJ, which isequivalent to 175 kcal.
The mean (SD) number of stool motions per day decreased
from 7.5 (2.9) at enrolment to 1.6 (0.7) at week 4 in thecolostrum-based supplement group, and from 6.9 (3.2) to
2.9 (1.8) in the control group (p<0.001). The protractedeffect was seen after 5 weeks of stopping colostrum-based
The mean age of all study participants was 36.7 years.
supplement. At 9 weeks, mean number of stool motions
Participants who received colostrum-based supplement
was 1.3 (1.6) in the colostrum-based supplement group,
were younger than the controls; 34.5 years vs. 39.1 years
compared to 2.7 (SD 3.5) in the control group (p=0.041)
(p=0.018). Most of the study participants (n=60 [69%])
were females. The sex distribution, and socioeconomic
Diarrhea, defined as stool frequency of more than 3
characteristics measured by education level and occupa-
motions per day, on average ceased by day 7 for
tion, were similar for the two groups. Twenty percent of
patients receiving colostrum-based supplement and stool
the participants did not have any formal education
frequency was normal at week 9, 5 weeks after stopping
colostrum-based supplement. The control subjects
Table 1 Baseline demographic and laboratory characteristics of study participants by study group, n=87
achieved normalization of stool frequency at mean
Patients who received colostrum-based supplement
Previous studies that examined the effects of bovine
reported greater improvement in their life and feeling of
colostrum preparations, including one study with ColoPlus,
wellbeing, with less fatigue as compared to the control
in the treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS-associated
group (Table ). There was 11.4% increase in mean weight
diarrhea, have all been observational studies , ,
and mean BMI at week 9 among patients on colostrum-
This is the first randomized single-blinded controlled
based supplement (p<0.001) but there was no change in
clinical trial using a colostrum preparation in the manage-
weight in the control group (p=0.251). The serum albumin
ment of HIV/AIDS patients presenting with chronic
and hemoglobin was similar in both treatment groups at
diarrhea. Our results indicate that colostrum-based supple-
ment is effective in reducing the frequency of stool motionsand self-estimated fatigue levels, thereby improving a sense
of patient well-being and functionality. The interventiongroup, who in addition to regular therapy received
The mean CD4+ count increased by 14% at week 9 in the
colostrum-based supplement, achieved weight gain and
colostrum-based supplement group but was reduced by 12%
had increased CD4+ cell counts. These findings are
over the same follow up period among the controls (p<0.001)
consistent with those seen in the previous observational
study using colostrum-based supplement [].
Table 2 Effect ofcolostrum-based supplement on
Table 3 Effects of colostrum-based supplement on self-reported fatigue and weight
VAS Visual analogue scaleData are as mean (SD)
Except for mean age at enrolment, mean CD4+ cell
contrast, the count reduced by 12.2% in the control arm
count and mean serum albumin levels, study patients in the
over the 9 week study period. The observational study done
two treatment arms were similar in all the other baseline
in Nigeria documented an increase in the mean CD4+
socio-demographic characteristics, symptoms, signs and
count of 125% after 4 weeks of ColoPlus treatment.
laboratory findings. The remarkable reduction in the mean
Weight and body mass index improved in patients in the
frequency of stool of 79% among patients on colostrum-
intervention group; these findings are consistent with those
based supplementation at week 4 in this randomized
in the earlier study. However, no changes in hemoglobin
controlled study is comparable to findings in the earlier
and serum albumin were found in our study. These indices
observational non-randomized study conducted in Nigeria
probably need more time after recovery from diarrhea to
The percentage reduction in the stool frequency among
control patients was lower than that in the intervention
There are certain limitations to this study. First it was
group. The prolonged effect of colostrum-based supplement
carried out as a single-blind randomized study without an
on diarrhea was seen at week 9. The reason for this
isocaloric placebo arm. We do, however, feel that an
addition of a mere 350 kcal (which equals the caloric
Micro-organisms could be identified in only a few stool
contents in 100 g of colostrum-based supplement) to the
samples and these were opportunistic infections. We cannot
control group would not jeopardize our major conclusions.
rule out missed diagnosis on microscopy since we did not
Also, we did not include an arm with antiretroviral therapy
do stool cultures. However, previous studies have not
as colostrum-based supplement should act as an adjunct to
identified infective etiological agents in most HIV patients
antiretroviral therapy, not a substitution for antiretroviral
with diarrhea. Besides opportunistic bacterial infections,
therapy. Also, in Northern Uganda antiretroviral therapy
viral infections and HIV enteropathy are major causes of
was not readily available at the time of the study.
This study thus provides evidence that bovine colostrum,
Patients on colostrum-based supplement had a lower
administered as ColoPlus, is effective in treating HIV-
mean baseline CD4+ counts at enrolment. A selection bias
associated diarrhea; it also reduces fatigue levels. Patients
in the allocation of study participants to the treatment
treated with bovine colostrum achieve greater weight gain,
groups during randomization process cannot be ruled out.
increase in body mass index and show a good immunological
However, in patients who received colostrum-based sup-
response as demonstrated by a rise in CD4+ count. These
plement, the mean CD4+ count increased by 14%; in
effects can last for over 1 month after treatment is stopped.
Table 4 Effect of colostrum-based supplement on CD4+ counts
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VIOLENCIA INTRAFAMILIAR EN CUBA. DESAFÍOS PARA LA INTERVENCIÓN SOCIAL. Yohanka Valdés Jiménez 1 A MODO DE INTRODUCCIÓN. Cada vez más países comienzan a tomar conciencia de la necesidad de iniciar acciones preventivas contra la violencia que logren cambios en las actitudes, las creencias, los valores y las expectativas sociales. Diferentes manifestaciones de la violencia soc
Errors, communication and a learning feedback-loop for development Structure: 2) ‘Personal medicine’ considers the feedback-loop of communicative self- Different criteria for errors Before we talk about how to handle or avoid ‘medical errors’ we should clarify what Is it an error, when a doctor doesn’t diagnose an angina caused by streptococcus A, when a child has a sore thro