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Domestic violence act conference programme

"The South African Domestic Violence Act:
Lessons from a Decade of Legislation and Implementation"
26-28 November 2008
The Parktonian Hotel Braamfontein
Johannesburg, South Africa
Conference Programme
Wednesday 26 November
Ms Adele Kirsten - Executive Director Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation Mr. Bafana Khumalo - Commissioner Commission on Gender Equality (TBC) Plenary session 1 - Inputs
Theme - Taking Stock: Domestic Violence legislation and policies
Facilitator: Dr Lillian Artz

Clarifying the Duty of the State to Protect: Reflection on CEDAW and the Optional Protocol -
Wendy Isaacs, Legal Adviser, People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA) Lessons from a Decade of Legislation and Implementation - Ms Joy Watson, Gender Researcher Reflections from NGOs & CBOs Working in Rural Communities on Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998 - Findings from Workshops - Naomi Webster, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development - Gender Directorate Championing Safety: Domestic Violence Prevention Interventions by the Kwa-Zulu Natal Department of Community Safety and Liaison (KZN DCSL) - Yasmin Bacus Plenary session 2 -- Inputs
Theme: Services for women in domestic violence situations
Facilitator: Delphine Serumaga

Exploring Women's Use of Services in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence: A Case Study of
Acornhoek, Mpumalanga - Lisa Vetten, Francois van Jaarsveld, Phineas Riba & Lufuno Mokwena, Tshwaranang Legal Advocacy Centre to End Violence Against Women Gains and Challenges of the Domestic Violence Act as experienced by the Saartjie Baartman Centre - Fatima Ismail & Charmaine Morris Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act Over the Past 10 Years: Analysis and Reflection - Service Provision for Women Survivors of Domestic Violence: Shelters. What part do they play? - A Psychosocial Intervention with Children Affected by Domestic Violence - V. Arendse, Z. Joseph & W. Wichman, Trauma Centre for Survivors of Violence and Torture, Cape Town Conference delegates leave for Constitution Hill Opening of exhibition "Healing and Empowerment: 10 Years of Public Awareness Raising
and Education on Domestic Violence" and "Written on Her Face" at Constitution Hill
Lunch of the "I stories" - Gender Links Entertainment with Mamela Nayamaza - Move 1524 Project Conference dinner at Constitution Hill
Thursday 27 November

Plenary session 3 - Inputs
Theme - Domestic Violence: From the Private to the Public through the Criminal Justice
Facilitator: Wendy Isaacs
Victim Retraction or System Reluctance?: An Investigation into the Attrition of Domestic Violence Cases within the Criminal Justice System - Dr Lillian Artz, Director Gender, Health & Justice Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Cape Town Monitoring and Evaluation of Domestic Violence: a Methodology for Non-governmental Organizations - Marieta de Vos, Executive Director Mosaic Training, Service & Healing Centre The Domestic Violence Act and HIV/AIDS: Amend, Expand or Interpret?-Lorenzo Wakefield & Heléne Combrinck, Community Law Centre, University of Western Cape The Role of the Victim Empowerment Programme in the Monitoring & Oversight of the Domestic Violence Act and Victim's Charter - Fiona Nicholson, director Thohoyandou Victim Access to Justice and Domestic Violence: the case of the Argentinean Supreme Court - Josefina Duran, lawyer with the Equipo Lationamericano de Justicia y Genero (Latin American Justice and Plenary session 3: Questions and plenary discussion. Plenary session 4: Inputs
Theme - Working with perpetrators: a real alternative to end domestic violence?
Facilitator: Nditsheni Maanda
'Once the Hitting Stops' Myths about batterer intervention programs - Marcel Londt - lecturer in the Department of Social Work at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town What working with violent men in intimate partner relationships has revealed about the nature of intimate partner violence in South Africa: A review of the NICRO Programme for Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence - Vanessa C.T. Padayachee, National Manager Research and Exploring men's subjective accounts of intimate partner violence - Collet Ngwane researcher with the CSVR Gender-based Violence Programme and Malose Langa, lecturer in the School of Community and Human Development at the University of the Witwatersrand and Community Counselling Psychologist with the CSVR Trauma Clinic. Is there a Place for Restorative Justice in Responding to Domestic Violence? - Restorative Justice Plenary session 4: Questions and plenary discussion DAY THREE
Friday 28 November
Plenary session 5: Inputs
Theme: Beyond responses: effecting the socio-cultural changes needed to prevent domestic
Facilitator: Angelica Pino
Campaigning To End Domestic Violence In India: Challenges And Gains - Anuradha Mohanty, People's Cultural Centre - Orissa, India Traditional Leaders and the Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act in Zimbabwe - Sithokozile N. Thabethe - lawyers with the Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association Ten Years of the Domestic Violence Act: Public Awareness and Education Campaigns on Domestic Violence - Ms Nditsheni Maanda, Outreach Manager Nisaa Institute for Women's Gender Based Violence in a Masculine Society - Jeffrey Monakisi, Engender Health Men as Plenary session 5: Questions and plenary discussion. Plenary session 6: Conference conclusions and recommendations
Facilitator: Lisa Vetten

Source: http://womensnet.org.za/sites/www.womensnet.org.za/files/conferences/agendas/Programme_0.pdf


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