Ddis update information

March 2007
ANTI-TAG-72 MONOCLONAL AB.82000503CA-9-PEPTIDE.10120625 2007 CD-ROM (1995-current) disc return procedures: It is monthly outdated (1995-current) Index Record disc to IDIS. After monthly (1995-current) Index Record disc, please destroy the Article disc is a permanent file, NEVER DISCARD! Place the disc at the end of your current article disc file in chronological a Home Page on the WWW linked to the University of Iowa. Information newsletter, FDA Approval Packages and a form trial can be found here. You can also send us an Internet message directly from our Home Page. The address is: http://www.
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encourage you to make use of this number.
Article Numbers: 568161-568171: Vardenafil Hydrochloride, Levitra.
Agreement (RSSA): It is not necessary for CD-ROM subscribers to sign an RSSA agreement for their 2007 IDIS subscription. A copy of the RSSA will be enclosed with Article Numbers: 568149-568160: Ziconotide Intrathecal Infusion, Prialt.
CD-ROM Retrospective Articles: The 1997 - 2006 CD-ROM articles are available for purchase. Please check Article Numbers: 568137-568148: Rifaximin, Xifaxan.
your 2007 Price Sheet for cost information.
Article Number 569934: Anonymous. Telbivudine (Tyzeka) for Chronic Hepatitis B. (IDIS Note: The
1.0 Hour of CE Credit is for All Articles in the Issue, Article Numbers 569933-569934). Med Lett Drugs
2007, 49:11-12. (0.1 CEU)
Article Number 569933: Anonymous. Pioglitazone/Glimepiride (Duetact) for Diabetes. (IDIS Note: The
1.0 Hour of CE Credit is for All Articles in the Issue, Article Numbers 569933-569934). Med Lett Drugs
2007, 49:9-11. (0.1 CEU)
Article Number 569882: Fleming WK. AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program: Its Impact on Managed
Care (IDIS Note: The 2.5 Hours of CE Credit is for All Articles in the Issue, Article Numbers 569880-
569882). J Manag Care Pharm 2007, 13:S19-S20. (0.25 CEU)
Article Number 569881: Solomon DH. The Comparative Safety and Effectiveness of TNF-Alpha Antag-
onists in Adult Rheumatoid Arthritis Study by AHRQ Effective Health Care Program. (IDIS Note: The 2.5
Hours of CE Credit is for All Articles in the Issue, Article Numbers 569880-569882). J Manag Care Pharm
2007, 13:S7-S18. (0.25 CEU)
Article Number 569880: Chao SH, Urbano FL. Medicare Section 1013 and AHRQ's Effective Health
Care Program. (IDIS Note: The 2.5 Hours of CE Credit is for All Articles in the Issue, Article Numbers
569880-569882). J Manag Care Pharm 2007, 13:S3-S6. (0.25 CEU)
Article Number 569843: Kerr JL, Timpe EM, Karpinski JP. Varenicline: A Novel Nicotinic Receptor Par-
tial Agonist for Smoking Cessation. J Pharm Technology 2007, 23:23-29. (0.1 CEU)
Article Number 569793: Anonymous. Angeliq for Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms. Med Lett Drugs
2007, 49:15-16. (0.1 CEU)
Article Number 569480: Reeder CE. Anemia in Cancer and Critical Care Patients: Pharmacoeconomic
Considerations (IDIS Note: The 2.0 Hours of CE Credit is for All Article in the Issue, Article Numbers
569478-569480). Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2007, 64:S22-S27. (0.2 CEU)
Article Number 569222: Cada DJ, Levien T, Baker DE. Posaconazole Oral Suspension. Hosp Pharm
2007, 42:57-72. (0.15 CEU)
Article Number 568817: Kretsinger K, Broder KR, Cortese MM, Joyce MP, et al. Preventing Tetanus,
Diphtheria, and Pertussis Among Adults: Use of Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular
Pertussis Vaccine: Recommendations of Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.MMWR 2006,
55:1-37. (0.25 CEU)
FDA Advisory Committee Meetings
Article Numbers: 568547-568550: Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting, July 14,
2005. FDA Advsiory Commttee 2005
Article Numbers: 568540-568546: Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting, De-
cember 2, 2005. FDA Advisory Committee 2005.
Article Numbers: 568535-568539: Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting, Oc-
tober 25, 2005. FDA Advisory Committee 2005.
Article Numbers: 568529-568534: Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting, June 6,
2005. FDA Advisory Committee 2005.
Article Numbers: 568524-568528: Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting, Oc-
tober 26, 2005, FDA Advisory Committee 2005.
Article Numbers: 568519-568523: Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting, July 13,
2005. FDA Advisory Committee 2005.

Source: http://www.uiowa.edu/~idis/updmar07.pdf


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