Effects of intravenously administered esomeprazole sodium on gastric juice ph in adult female horses
E f f e c t s o f I n t r a v e n o u s l y A d m i n i s t e r e d E s o m e p r a z o l e S o d i u m o n
G a s t r i c J u i c e p H i n A d u l t F e m a l e H o r s e s
R. Videla, C.S. Sommardahl, S.B. Elliott, A. Vasili, and F.M. Andrews
Background: Gastric ulcers are common in horses and treatment of horses that cannot be administered oral medication can
Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of esomeprazole sodium administered intravenously on gastric juice pH and gastric
Animals: Twelve adult female Quarter Horses. Methods: Esomeprazole sodium (0.5 mg/kg IV) was administered once daily to 8 horses (treatment group) and saline (5 mL
IV) was administered to 4 horses (control group) for 13 consecutive days. Gastroscopy was performed and gastric juice pH andgastric ulcer score were recorded before and 1 hour after the administration of esomeprazole sodium or saline on days 1 and 5,then on day 14, 23 hours after the 13th daily dose of esomeprazole sodium or saline.
Results: When compared with values before treatment, gastric juice pH was higher in esomeprazole sodium-treated horses
after treatment (4.25 Æ 2.39 versus 6.43 Æ 1.18; P 5.002). Also, gastric juice pH was higher (P 5.001) in esomeprazole sodium-treated horses compared with saline-treated control horses on day 5 and on day 14 values. Gastric ulcers were seen in 5/12(43%) horses in the study.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Esomeprazole sodium shows promise for treatment of gastric ulcers in horses with
signs of dysphagia, gastric reflux, or other conditions that restrict oral intake of the current Federal Drug Administration-approved omeprazole paste.
Key words: Equine gastric ulcer syndrome; Gastric ulcers; Gastroenterology; Stomach.
Gastric ulcers, as part of the equine gastric ulcer syn- istration of oral medications in horses with gastric reflux
drome (EGUS), commonly affect horses.1 The
or dysphagia is contraindicated. Therefore, a formula-
clinical signs associated with this syndrome are nonspe-
tion for IV administration would be helpful to increase
cific and include colic, poor hair coat, poor appetite,
gastric juice pH and treat EGUS in horses with these
decreased performance, diarrhea, weight loss, and de-
pression.2,3 The prevalence of gastric ulcers approaches
Esomeprazole, the S-enantiomer of omeprazole, pro-
100% in actively racing horses and 70.9% in pastured
vides better gastric acid control and decreases inter-
broodmares.4,5 Spontaneous healing does not typically
individual variability in gastric juice pH, when compared
occur in horses under training or exposed to other
with omeprazole (mixture of S- and R-enantiomers) in peo-
stressors. Current antiulcer pharmacological agents act
ple with GERD.9-13 Its improved efficacy is likely because
by suppressing hydrochloric acid secretion thereby increas-
of esomeprazole's (S-enantiomer) lower first-pass hepatic
ing gastric juice pH. This sets up a permissive environment
metabolism, slower plasma clearance, and higher area un-
for ulcer healing. Ulcers of the nonglandular stomach mu-
der the curve (AUC) plasma concentration when compared
cosa have been likened to gastroesophageal reflux disease
with omeprazole.14 A higher plasma concentration results
(GERD) in people, where the maintenance of the gastric
in more drug available (dose-dependent effect) to enter and
juice pH above 4.0 for 419 hours during the day and night
inhibit parietal cell function and greater hydrochloric acid
is necessary for healing.6,7 The proton pump inhibitor, om-
suppression. Esomeprazole maintained intragastric pH 44
eprazole paste,a is the only pharmacologic agent approved
when given PO, once daily, for 5 days in people; and also
by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment
had a faster onset of action when compared with omepraz-
ole and other racemic proton pump inhibitors.
in horses and foals 4 weeks and older.8 Unfortunately,
In a recent study in horses, esomeprazole magnesium
omeprazole paste can only be administered orally. Admin-
(60 and 80 mg PO q24h) maintained gastric pH 4 5 up to6 hours after administration.15 However, administrationof oral medications is contraindicated in horses with
From the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College
gastric reflux or dysphagia, therefore, an IV formulation
of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (Vi-
would be desirable in such conditions. A recent study,
dela, Sommardahl, Elliott); Randlab Australia Pty Ltd, Australia
(Vasili); and Equine Heath Studies Program, Department of Veter-
increased gastric juice pH 1 hour after the 1st dose and
inary Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, LouisianaState University, Baton Rouge, LA (Andrews).
23 hours after the 4th dose in horses.16 The purpose of
Corresponding author: Dr Frank M. Andrews, Equine Health
this study was to determine the effects of IV administered
Studies Program, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, School
esomeprazole sodium on gastric juice pH and gastric
of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
Submitted October 22, 2010; Revised January 17, 2011;
Copyright r 2011 by the American College of Veterinary Internal
Twelve healthy adult mixed-breed Quarter Horse mares (mean
[range]: 12.5 years [7-18 years]) with mean bodyweight (ÆSD) of
Esomeprazole for Treatment of Equine Gastric Ulcers
502 kg (Æ42 kg) were used in this study. Mares were not pregnant
The clinician measuring the gastric juice pH was not masked to the
and part of the University of Tennessee reproduction teaching herd.
treatment groups; however, the aspirate was taken from the first
Before entering the study, horses were healthy as indicated by phys-
ical examination and vaccinated and dewormed as part of a regularscheduled maintenance program. Mares were chosen because of
temperament and handling to facilitate passing of the endoscopeand not prescreened based on ulcer score. All procedures performed
Mean gastric juice pH values before and after treatments on days
in this study were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and
1, 5, and 14 from horses were compared by Statistical Analysis
Use Committee at the University of Tennessee (IACUC # 1727).
System.f A mixed model procedure was used for analysis of variance. A
Mares were randomly assigned to treatment (n 5 8) and control
complete randomized design was run with split plot treatment arrange-
(n 5 4) groups stratified by ulcer score. Esomeprazole sodiumb
ment. Gastric juice pH values were expressed as mean Æ standard error
(0.5 mg/kg IV) sterile powder was reconstituted with sterile water
of the mean. Although the horses were processed in groups of 3, no
and administered between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM once daily for 13
period effect was seen, so data collected on the horses was grouped
consecutive days to the treatment group. The control group received
together and analyzed. The level of statistical significance was set at
saline (5 mL IV) for the same period. Mares were housed at the
university farm in a pasture environment, except on day 1, horses
A statistical analysis was not performed on gastric ulcer scores
were transported to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) and
(number and severity) because of the low number of mares affected.
housed in individual stalls (3.7 m  3.7 m) until day 5. An IV cath-eter was placed in either jugular vein of each mare the evening
before gastroscopy and treatment (day 1). The IV catheter was usedfor administration of sedative agents before endoscopic examina-
tions and for administration of esomeprazole sodium or saline
ijk ¼ m þ Ti þ H  ðTÞij þ Sk þ Sk  Tij þ S  H  ðTÞijk
during the first 5 days of the study. On day 5, the IV catheter was
where Yijk represent the dependent variable (pH) for the ith treatment
removed and mares were returned to the pasture at the research
(T) on the whole plot treatment for the jth plot replicate (horse) (H)
farm. From day 6 to 13, esomeprazole sodium was administered
and kth subplot (time) (S); m, represents the overall mean.
daily via 20 G 1.5 in. needle. The mares were fed grass hay ad libitumwhen stalled and supplemented with the same type of grass hay(round bale) when they were in the pasture. Horses were not fed con-
centrates during the study period. Horses were divided into 3 groups
Horses were clinically normal during the study period.
of 4 mares each for ease of scoping and management. Each groupconsisted of at least 1 saline-treated control. The different groups were
No adverse responses to esomeprazole administration,
overlapped, which allowed the study to be completed in 21 days. Part
the gastroscopy procedure, or aspiration of gastric
of the study was conducted at the VTH to make use of the facilities
juice were observed. On day 1, gastric ulcers were found
and personnel. However, the mares were taken back to the university
in 5/12 horses (42%) in this study. Two horses had gastric
pasture between endoscopies to avoid overcrowding at the VTH.
ulcers in the nonglandular mucosa, 2 horses hadgastric ulcers in the glandular mucosa, and 1 horse had
Endoscopic Examination and Gastric Ulcer Scoring
gastric ulcers in both nonglandular and glandular mucosa.
Gastric juice pH values from all the horses were in-
All horses were endoscopically examined on days 1, 5, and 14, but
cluded in the statistical analysis. Gastric juice pH varied
gastric ulcers scores were only recorded on days 1 and 14. Before the
from 1.7 to 7.9 before esomeprazole or saline adminis-
gastroscopy procedure feed and water were withheld for 12 and 4hours, respectively. Horses were restrained in stocks and sedated with
tration. Although gastric juice pH was variable between
xylazinec (220 mg IV) 10 minutes before each endoscopic procedure. A
horses, mean values were not statistically different
3 m gastroscoped was introduced into the dependent glandular region
(P 5.250) between treated (4.25 Æ 2.39) and control
of the stomach, and at least 60 mL of gastric juice was aspirated
(5.47 Æ 1.03) horses on day 1 before treatment.
through the biopsy channel with the suction device attached to the
On day 1, mean gastric juice pH significantly increased
endoscope system. Gastric juice was collected before and 1 hour after
from 4.25 Æ 2.39 to 6.43 Æ 1.18, 1 hour after esomepraz-
esomeprazole sodium or saline administration on days 1 and 5, so that
ole administration when compared with values before
each horse underwent endoscopy twice, 1 hour apart, on these 2 days.
treatment, but this was not significantly different than
Gastric juice was also collected with the endoscope on day 14, 23
control values (6.19 Æ 1.29, P 5.567) at the same time
hours after the 13th daily dose of esomeprazole sodium or saline.
point. Four of eight (50%) horses had pH 4 4.0 before
Mares were muzzled and not allowed access to feed or water betweenthe hourly endoscopic procedures.
esomeprazole treatment. This increased to 7/8 horses
After gastric juice was collected the stomach was insufflated with
(88%), 1 hour after the 1st dose of esomeprazole.
an air compressor attached to the biopsy channel. The stomach of
On day 5, 23 hours after the 4th daily dose of
each horse was given a gastric ulcer score (range 0-4 for number
esomeprazole, gastric juice pH was higher than control
of ulcers; range 0-5 for lesion severity) on day 1, during the 1st
horses (4.35 Æ 2.10 versus 2.08 Æ 0.33, P 5.002), but not
endoscopic procedure, and again on day 14 based on a previously
significantly different from pretreatment values (4.35 Æ
2.10 versus 4.25 Æ 2.39, P 5.870). Also, in this group 5/8(63%) of horses had gastric juice pH 4 4.0, whereas none
of the control horses had gastric juice pH 4 4 at this sametime point. However, 1 hour after the 5th daily dose of
Gastric juice pH was collected from the biopsy channel, before
insufflation of the stomach, directly into a closed glass jar and mea-
esomeprazole, gastric juice pH significantly (P 5.002)
sured immediately with a portable pH metere with attached
increased from 4.35 Æ 2.10 to 6.70 Æ 0.70 and was
electrode. The pH meter was calibrated with standard pH (4.0, 7.0,
higher than both values before treatment and control
and 10.0) solutions before the beginning of each collection period.
values. Furthermore, all of the esomeprazole-treated
horses (8/8; 100%) had a gastric juice pH 4 4.0, 1 hour
The high gastric juice pH in some horses could have
after treatment, whereas none of the control horses had
been caused by the length of feed withdrawal. Although
gastric juice pH 4 4.0 after saline treatment.
feed was withheld from the horses in this study for 12
On day 14, 23 hours after the 13th daily dose, gastric
hours, a longer period (19-24 hours) could be required to
juice pH was significantly (P 5.002) higher in the
achieve a low and less variable gastric juice pH in all
esomeprazole-treated horses compared with values
horses.24,25 Furthermore, although horses were muzzled
before treatment on day 1 and control values at the same
during the feed withholding period, some of the horses
time point (5.46 Æ 1.34 versus 4.25 Æ 2.39 and 2.79 Æ
could have been able to eat manure or bedding through
0.94). Six of 8 (75%) had gastric juice pH 4 4.0 at this
the muzzle or some horse could have taken their muzzles
off while in the stall. This could have led to the observed
Five of 12 (43%) horses in this study had gastric ulcers.
higher gastric juice pH seen in some of the horses.
Nonglandular gastric ulcers were seen in 3 horses and
Esomeprazole given IV (0.5 mg/kg bwt) resulted in a
varied in number score from 1 to 3 and severity score
significant increase in gastric juice pH in horses in this
from 1 to 2. Glandular ulcers were seen in 3 horses and
study. One hour after the 1st dose, gastric juice pH in-
varied in number score from 1 to 2 and varied in severity
creased significantly and pH was 44 in 7 of 8 (88%)
horses, compared with 4 of 8 (50%) horses before treat-ment. Sustained gastric juice pH 4 4.0 is considered
important in healing of esophageal and gastric erosionsand ulcers in people with GERD.6,26 Because nonglan-
Gastric juice pH was variable and high in the horses
dular gastric ulcer disease is similar to GERD in people,
(mean 4.66 Æ 2.12; range 1.99-7.90) before esomeprazole
a sustained pH 4 4 maybe needed to facilitate ulcer
or saline treatment. Considerable interhorse variation
healing. Based on results reported here, esomeprazole is
in gastric juice pH has been reported before and after
potent at increasing gastric juice pH. This is consistent
treatment with omeprazole.16,18,19 However, although
with reports in people, when compared with omepraz-
variability in gastric juice pH values exist between horses,
ole.9 The proposed mechanism for improved efficacy is
there appears to be good intraindividual reproducibility
that esomeprazole has a lower first-pass hepatic metabo-
for recordings repeated in the same horse. Also, repeated
lism, which results in slower plasma clearance and higher
sampling of gastric juice leads to altered gastric juice pH
AUC plasma concentration when compared with om-
values. However, a previous report in horses where gas-
eprazole.14 Higher AUC results in more esomeprazole
tric juice samples were taken from horses at 0.5, 2, 4, 8,
available to enter the parietal cell and inhibit gastric acid
18, 24, 36, 42, 48, 60, and 72 hours showed minimal vari-
secretion. Horses in the study presented here had higher
ability in gastric juice pH values within the same horse
pretreatment mean gastric juice pH (4.25 Æ 2.39) than
over multiple sampling periods and these data are similar
horses in the previous omeprazole trial (2.01 Æ 0.42). If
to data reported on horses in this study.20 Esomeprazole
horses in this study would have had a lower mean gastric
treatment resulted in a significant increase in gastric
juice pH, a higher dose of esomeprazole could have been
juiced pH 1 hour after administration and gastric juice
required to increase gastric juice pH 4 4. However,
pH (6.43 Æ 1.18; range 3.54-7.51) had a narrow range,
mean gastric juice pH increased from a mean of 2.03-
compared with values before treatment (4.25 Æ 2.39;
6.64 in the 4 horses with low gastric juice pH, 1 hour after
range 1.72-7.90). Esomeprazole treatment decreases
esomeprazole treatment. Thus, esomeprazole appears to
interindividual variability in gastric juice pH in people
have a potent effect on gastric juice pH, as these 4 horses
and in horses when administered orally.9,11,15
experienced at least a 4 pH unit increase in gastric juice
Gastric juice pH on day 1, before esomeprazole or
saline treatment, was higher than a previous report, when
Collection of gastric juice before esomeprazole admin-
gastric juice was aspirated from the stomach in standing
istration on day 5 and day 14 provided an opportunity to
horses sedated with detomidine.16 The reason for the
assess its effects 23 hours after administration of the 4th
higher gastric juice pH measured in this study is
and 13th daily dose, respectively. Twenty-three hours
unknown, but xylazine administration could have played
after esomeprazole treatment, gastric juice pH was
a role. Xylazine, an a-2 agonist, delays gastric emptying
significantly higher than values measured in control
in horses, but to a lesser extent than detomidine.21,22
horses. Also, 5 of 8 horses had gastric juice pH 4 4.0,
The delay in gastric emptying could have allowed
23 hours after the 4th daily dose and 6 of 8 horses had
bicarbonate-rich bile to reflux into the stomach from the
gastric juice pH 4 4, 23 hours after the 13th daily dose.
duodenum, which could have increased gastric juice pH
These data suggest that esomeprazole sodium adminis-
in these horses.23 However, mean gastric juice pH was
tered IV has a long duration of effect. This is in contrast
low in some of the horses on day 1 and the control horses
to a previous report that showed esomeprazole magne-
after sedation on day 5, so xylazine administration did
sium (40 and 80 mg PO) did not result in a sustained
not likely cause of the increased gastric juice pH in these
increase in gastric juice pH, 24 hours after the 4th daily
horses. Variation in gastric juice pH measurements could
dose.15 It should be mentioned that the dose of
have been produced by the fact that the gastric juice pH
esomeprazole magnesium used in that previous study
was measured a single time at each sampling time. It is
was 4-8 times lower than the esomeprazole sodium used
possible that by a continuous pH measurement technique
in the study reported here. Therefore, because of the
could have decreased this type of error.
lower dose and oral administration, it is likely the AUC
Esomeprazole for Treatment of Equine Gastric Ulcers
plasma concentrations were much lower in that pre-
current data on the efficacy of esomeprazole in healing
vious study compared with the study presented here.
gastric ulcer in horses. However, a previous study
Esomeprazole is dose dependent so IV administration
showed that omeprazole sodium (0.5 mg/kg IV once
would likely produce higher AUC plasma concentrations
daily) significantly decreased the number of gastric ulcers
leading to a more potent effect on gastric juice pH than
in horses after 5 days of treatment.16 Also, a higher AUC
the PO-administered esomeprazole magnesium.27 Also,
plasma concentration translates into better healing rates
it could be that the increase in pH was missed because of
for esophageal and gastric ulcers in people.14,26 However,
the timing of sampling in horses in this study. A previous
esomeprazole sodium AUC plasma concentration was
study showed that panoprazole administered to neonatal
not measured in horses in this study.
foals resulted in peak pH values 2-3 hours after admin-
IV administration of esomeprazole sodium can be use-
istration.28 Peak gastric juice pH could have been missed
ful in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers in
because samples were taken 1 hour after administration
horses with restricted oral intake because of gastric
reflux, such as duodenitis-proximal jejunitis (DPJ) and
Esomeprazole-treated horses in the study presented
postoperative ileus or in horses with dysphagia or facial
here had a higher gastric juice pH 23 hours after treat-
bone fractures. Horses with DPJ have a higher preva-
ment on days 4 and 13, when compared with control
lence of gastric ulceration (68%) compared with
horses. The pH data reported in the horses in this
horses with large colon impactions (32%) or large
study are similar to gastric juice pH in horses 23 hours
colon volvulus (14%).31 Parenteral administration of
after administration of omeprazole IV.16 Therefore,
esomeprazole could be indicated in some horses with di-
esomeprazole sodium appears to produce a long dura-
agnosed DPJ or other conditions that have a high
tion of acid suppression. Similar to omeprazole,
esomeprazole accumulates in the acidic secretory canal-
In conclusion, IV administration of esomeprazole
iculi of the gastric parietal cell because of its low pKa
sodium (0.5 mg/kg) caused a rapid and sustained increase
(4.0).13 Once inside the canaliculi, it is rapidly protonated
in gastric juice pH in horses after the 1st and 5th daily
to its active cyclic sulphenamide form and binds cova-
doses. Esomeprazole sodium appears to have a more
lently and irreversibly to the H1, K1, ATPase enzyme.9
pronounced acid suppressive effect. This IV formulation
The long duration of effect suggests that this formulation
of esomeprazole sodium should only be used in horses
of esomeprazole is effective in increasing gastric juice
with restricted oral intake that cannot consume the
pH 4 4.0 when administered once daily.
current FDA-approved oral omeprazole paste or in
The prevalence (43%) of gastric ulcers in the nonpreg-
horses with severe gastric ulceration that are at risk of
nant pastured mares in the study reported here was lower
than previous reports in nonpregnant broodmares(70.9%).5 The difference in gastric ulcer prevalence couldbe because of differences in breed, environmental condi-tions, diet and level of stress.8 Horses in the study
presented here were Quarter Horse and Quarter Horsemixed breed horses, whereas previous studies have
a GastroGard, Merial Limited, Duluth, GAb
focused on Thoroughbred mares. The prevalence of
Randlab Australia Pty Ltd, Peakhurst, NSW, Australia
gastric ulcers in Quarter Horses is 40%.29,30 Tempera-
Rompun, Bayer Animal Health, Shawnee Mission, KS
ment was cited has a possible reason for the lower
e Acumet AP61 Portable pH meter, Fischer Scientific, Pittsburgh,
prevalence of gastric ulcers in the Quarter Horse breed.
Horses in the study presented here were chosen for their
good temperament and ease of handling for endoscopy,which could have influenced the low observed gastriculcer prevalence.
Gastric ulcers in horses in the study reported here were
generally mild before treatment. Nonglandular gastric
ulcers were zero in all horses on day 14 and none of the
The authors acknowledge Dr Nicola's Villarino for the
horses developed new nonglandular ulcers during the
statistical analysis and Dr Karen Kalck for technical as-
study period. Glandular gastric ulcer scores were low and
scores improved in the esomeprazole-treated horses,whereas scores increased slightly in untreated controlhorses. These findings suggest that nonglandular gastric
ulcers undergo spontaneous healing in some horseshoused in a pasture environment. An alternative expla-
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UNIVERSIDAD DE CÁDIZ LECCIÓN INAUGURAL CURSO ACADÉMICO 2004 - 2005 Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 4 de Octubre de 2004 Aplicaciones de la Entomología en Medicina Forense Prof. Dr. D. José Luis Romero Palanco Catedrático de Medicina Legal y Forense Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Cádiz. Aplicaciones de la Entomología en Medicina Forense.
Unternehmer Version 01/2013 .24 Informationen der Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft Permethrin Gesundheitsschädlich beim Einatmen und Verschlucken. (R20/22)Sensibilisierung durch Hautkontakt möglich. (R43)Sehr giftig für Wasserorganismen, kann in Gewässern längerfristig schädliche Wirkungen haben. (R50/53)Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen. (S2)Von Nahrungsmitteln