pb`qflk=OW=== `ljmlpfqflkLfkcloj^qflk=lk=fkdobafbkqp= b`=kçW= = `^p=kçW= `çåíÉåí= `ä~ëëáÑáÅ~íáçå=
The full text for all R-Phrases are displayed in Section 16 pb`qflk=PW=e^w^oap=fabkqfcf`^qflk=
Flammable. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Harmful: may cause lung
= pb`qflk=QW==cfopq=^fa=jb^probp = dÉåÉê~ä=fåÑçêã~íáçåW=
Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.
Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Get medical attention. Provide rest, warmth and fresh air. When breathing is difficult, properly trained personnel may assist affected person by administering oxygen.
DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING! NEVER MAKE AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON VOMIT OR DRINK FLUIDS! If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs. Drink plenty of water. Get medical attention immediately! Provide rest, warmth and fresh air.
Remove contaminated clothing. Wash the skin immediately with soap and water. Get medical attention promptly if symptoms occur after washing.
Make sure to remove any contact lenses from the eyes before rinsing. Promptly wash eyes with plenty of water while lifting the eyelids. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention.
m~ÖÉ=N=çÑ=R Product: Woodworm Killer (Solvent Based) pb`qflk=R=W=cfob=cfdeqfkd=jb^probp= = bñíáåÖìáëÜáåÖ=jÉÇá~W=
Fire can be extinguished using: Foam. Dry chemicals, sand, dolomite etc. Water spray, fog or mist. DO NOT use direct water jet as this will scatter and spread the fire.
péÉÅá~ä=cáêÉ=ÑáÖÜíáåÖ= mêçÅÉÇìêÉëW=
Avoid breathing fire vapours. Cool containers exposed to flames with water until well after the fire is out. Keep run-off water out of sewers and water sources. Dike for water control.
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Vapours are heavier than air and may spread near ground to sources of ignition. May travel considerable distance to source of ignition and flash back. May form explosive mixture with air particularly with in empty uncleaned receptacles.
= péÉÅáÑáÅ=e~ò~êÇëW=
Fire creates: Dense acrid smoke. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon Monoxide (CO)
mêçíÉÅíáîÉ=ãÉ~ëìêÉë=áå=ÑáêÉW= =Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. pb`qflk=SW==^``fabkq^i=obib^pb=jb^probp = mÉêëçå~ä=mêÉÅ~ìíáçåëW=
Ventilate area. Avoid breathing vapours. Remove all sources of ignition. Wear suitable protective clothing as specified under section 8 of this safety data sheet - Exposure Controls and Personal Protection.
Wear necessary protective equipment. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Dispose of in accordance with Local Authority Regulations via a licensed waste carrier. Do not contaminate water sources or sewer.
pb`qflk=T=W=e^kaifkd=^ka=pqlo^db= = rë~ÖÉ=mêÉÅ~ìíáçåëW=
Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Avoid spilling, skin and eye contact. Ventilate well, avoid breathing vapours. Use approved respirator if air contamination is above accepted level.
Store in tightly closed original container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place. Keep in original container.
pb`qflk=U=W=bumlprob=`lkqolip=L=mboplk^i=molqb`qflk fåÖêÉÇáÉåí=`çããÉåíëW== lbp=Z=lÅÅìé~íáçå~ä=bñéçëìêÉ=pí~åÇ~êÇ= mêçíÉÅíáîÉ=bèìáéãÉåíW= = båÖáåÉÉêáåÖ=jÉ~ëìêÉëW=
Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation.
No specific recommendation made, but respiratory protection must be used if the general level exceeds the Recommended Occupational Exposure Limit.
Use protective gloves made of: Nitrile or Neoprene.
bóÉ=mêçíÉÅíáçåW= m~ÖÉ=O=çÑ=R Product: Woodworm Killer (Solvent Based) líÜÉê=mêçíÉÅíáçåW=
Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of liquid contact and repeated or prolonged vapour contact.
DO NOT SMOKE IN WORK AREA! Wash at the end of each work shift and before eating, smoking and using the toilet. Promptly remove any clothing that becomes contaminated. Wash promptly with soap and water if skin becomes contaminated. Use appropriate skin cream to prevent drying of skin. When using do not eat, drink or smoke.
pb`qflk=VW=mevpf`^i=^ka=`ebjf`^i=molmboqfbpK ^ééÉ~ê~åÅÉW lÇçìêW pçäìÄáäáíó=aÉëÅêáéíáçåW=
Insoluble in water= _çáäáåÖ=mçáåíE⁄`FW= s~éçìê=aÉåëáíó=E~áêZNF== = sáëÅçëáíóW= =1.09 cSt @ 40ºC cä~ëÜ=mçáåí: ^ìíç=fÖåáíáçå=qÉãéÉê~íìêÉEº`F=230 `çäçìêW= = =Colourless mÜóëáÅ~ä=Ç~í~=ÅçããÉåíëW=
Information given concerns the major ingredient.
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Stable under normal temperature conditions.
Avoid contact with acids oxidising substances.
e~ò~êÇçìë=ÇÉÅçãéçëáíáçå= mêçÇìÅíëW=
Fire creates: Toxic gases/vapours/fumes of: Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
>3000 mg/kg (oral rat)= = fåÜ~ä~íáçåW=
Exposure to organic solvent vapours in excess of the stated occupational exposure limit may result in adverse effects such as irritation of the mucous membrane and the respiratory system and adverse effects on kidney, liver and central nervous system. Symptoms and signs include headache, dizziness, fatigue, muscular weakness, drowsiness and in extreme cases, loss of consciousness.
Liquid irritates mucous membranes and may cause abdominal pain if swallowed. Significant absorption may cause sleepiness, intoxication and pulmonary oedema.
Repeated or prolonged contact with organic solvents may cause removal of natural fats from the skin, resulting in non-allergic contact dermatitis and absorption through the skin.
bóÉ=`çåí~ÅíW= =
Spray and vapour in the eyes may cause irritation and smarting.
The product causes irritation of mucous membranes and may cause abdominal discomfort if swallowed.
q~êÖÉí=lêÖ~åëW= m~ÖÉ=P=çÑ=R Product: Woodworm Killer (Solvent Based) pb`qflk=NO=W=b`lildf`^i=fkcloj^qflk= bÅçíçñáÅáíóW=
Dangerous to fish and other aquatic organisms. Toxic to bees.
= jçÄáäáíóW=
Water, insoluble: the product spreads over the surface of the water and will slowly evaporate. Soil: the product has only slight mobility in the soil and will partially evaporate.
Likely to bioaccumulate, but with short retention time in the order of a week or less.
Readily biodegradable. The biodegradability after 28 days was found to be 314% when expressed as a ratio of the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) to the chemical oxygen demand (COD).
Dangerous to fish and other aquatic organisms.
Dispose of waste and residues in accordance with local authority requirements.
This material should be considered as 'Special Waste' and disposal should conform to the relevant regulations.
=pb`qflk=NQ=W=qo^kpmloq=fkcloj^qflk= i~ÄÉäW= = rh=oç~Ç=`ä~ëëW= mêçéÉê=ëÜáééáåÖ=å~ãÉW=
Petroleum distillates, N.O.S. or Petroleum products, N.O.S (Naphtha (Petroleum), Hydrotreated heavy; low boiling point hydrogen)
rk=oç~Ç=kçW 1268 rh=oç~Ç=m~Åâ=doW= ^ao=`ä~ëë=kçW 3 ^ao=`ä~ëëW= ^ao=m~Åâ=dêçìéW=
III e~ò~êÇ=kçKE^aoF= ^ao=i~ÄÉä=kçW=
3 e~òÅÜÉã=ÅçÇÉW= `bcf`=qb`E=oF=kçW=
30GF1-III ofa=`ä~ëë=kçW= = ofa=m~Åâ=dêçìéW=
III rk=kçK=pÉ~W= fjad=`ä~ëëW 3 fjad=m~ÖÉ=kçW= fjad=m~Åâ=doW III j~êáåÉ=éçääìí~åíW= rk=kçK^áêW= f`^l=`ä~ëëW= ^áê=m~Åâ=doW=
=pb`qflk=NR=W=obdri^qlov=fkcloj^qflk= = pìééäóW= = `çåí~áåëW=
R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking
R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
m~ÖÉ=Q=çÑ=R Product: Woodworm Killer (Solvent Based)
S13 Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs.
S46 If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show this
S56 Dispose of this material and its container to hazardous or special
S60 This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous
S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting, seek medical advice immediately
= båîáêçåãÉåí~ä=iáëíáåÖW= =
Rivers (Prevention of pollution) Act 1961. Control of pollution (Special Waste Regulations) Act 1980.
System of specific information relating to Dangerous Preparations. 2001/58/EEC.
pí~íìíçêó=fåëíêìãÉåíëW= =
Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations
^ééêçîÉÇ=ÅçÇÉ=çÑ=éê~ÅíáÅÉW= Classification and labelling of substances and preparations dangerous
Occupational Exposure Limits EH40. Introduction to Local Exhaust Ventilation HS (G) 37. CHIP for everyone HSG (108)
fåÑçêã~íáçå=ëçìêÅÉëW= =
Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials Report, N.Sax et.al.
Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed
aáëÅä~áãÉêW= If this product is re-distributed and re-formulated for sale, details of its hazards and recommended methods for safe handling must be passed to customers. Customers are urged to ensure that the product is entirely suitable for their own purpose. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks created by a work activity using this product is undertaken before this product is used. = kçíÉW The information contained in this Safety Data Sheet does not constitute the users own
assessment of workplace risk as required by other Health & Safety Legislation (e.g. the Health and Safety at Work Act,1974;the control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations,1988). The data given here is based on current knowledge and experience. The purpose of this data sheet is to describe the products in terms of their safety requirements. The data does not signify any warranty with regard to the product's properties.
Our Ref: WWKILL-BT/ 06 Created by F COPE/ Approved by R JONES
m~ÖÉ=R=çÑ=R Product: Woodworm Killer (Solvent Based)
MULTITEST Z J. ANGIELSKIEGO /ROK 2007/ GIMNAZJUM PAMIÊTAJ!!! Ostateczne rozwi¹zania zaznacz na karcie odpowiedzi. I. Grammar part 1. Dan (1) …………. along the beach when a gust of wind (2) ……………. his hat off. 2. Lucy was ……………………… by her grandparents. 3. I can't tell ……………. the truth. 4. That's the man ……………… daughter i
Safety Data Sheet Oxybutynin Hydrochloride Revision date : 2011/09/28 1. Product and Company Identification 2. Hazards Identification Emergency overview WARNING: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. May cause eye damage. Possible risk of harm to the unborn child. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. INGESTION MAY CAUSE GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. CAN FORM EXPLOSIVE DUST-AIR MIXTURES. Avoid c