
PAMIÊTAJ!!! Ostateczne rozwi¹zania zaznacz na karcie odpowiedzi.
I. Grammar part
1. Dan (1) …………. along the beach when a gust of wind (2) ……………. his hat off.

2. Lucy was ……………………… by her grandparents.
3. I can't tell ……………. the truth.
4. That's the man ……………… daughter is a policewoman in the USA.
5. My father (1) ……………. on the report since Monday but he (2) ………………… it to the manager yet.
a) (1) has been working; (2) hasn't given 6. I don't mind ……………… the washing up at home.
7. ………………. I go to Frank's birthday party on Saturday night, mum?
8. I don't have much time, but if I (1) …………. enough time, I (2) ……………. hard before my exams.
9. Children …………………. swim in the sea without adult's care.
10. Jim is …………………………… his sister.
11. We can't make sandwiches for the party. There is …………………… bread left.
II. Communication activity and vocabulary check
12. A: What shall we do on Saturday afternoon?
B: ………………………………….
13. A: I'm sorry I didn't phone you yesterday evening.
B: …………………………………
14. How can you offer your help to wash dad's car?
a) Dad, would you like to help me wash the car? c) Do you need any help with the car, dad? d) Would you like me to wash the car for you, dad? 15. A: I feel terrible! I've got a headache and a temperature.
B: …………………………………………….
c) Don't exaggerate! It's not my problem.
d) If I were you, I'd go to the doctor.
16. A: Can I use your mobile phone?
B: ……………………………………….
d) No, you can't. I'm afraid I need it now.
17. A person who doesn't want to change her/his opinion or attitude is ……………….
18. Match sports and places.
19. What does your elder brother do?
20. Do the crossword 'Houses' and find the solution:
1. A room just below the roof of a house.
4. My bedroom is the best ………. in the house.
5. A piece of land around the house where you can grow The solution is …………………………….
III. Reading comprehension
More than 50 thousand children who are 8 - 10 years old don't eat anything in the morning and come to school empty.
Many schools now have a canteen where kids have a choice.And so they decide to take junk food like pizza or chipsinstead of salad and fish. When they are young, they think they will never die and don't care about 'adult' problems likeobesity and heart disease. The Heart Foundation has just started a campaign to show that bad eating habits are oftenthe most important causes of heart problems when we are older.So where do we start if we want to eat in a healthyway? First, we should eat normally but do a lot of physical exercises. It is very hard to keep a diet, and it's too easy tostart getting fat again. The best idea is to exercise in the morning and not to eat late at night!Second, if we eat meat,chicken and fish are much better than pork or beef. They are good for our body and mind.Third, we should rememberthat fizzy drinks reduce the amount of healthy substances which the body can take from food. So if you suffer fromheadaches or o lack of energy, try drinking a lot of water instead. Sometimes your skin gets clearer and your eyes getshining - so a healthy lifestyle means prettier looks, too!(Glossary: obesity - oty³oœæ, disease - choroba, habit - nawyk, zwyczaj, suffer - cierpieæ, lack - brak) (Adapted from: A. Bogobowicz: "Matura - Testy") 21. More than 50 thousand children in Britain ……………………………
22. The campaign started by the Heart Foundation shows the consequences of …………….
23. If we want to eat in a healthy way, we should ……………………………………….
24. For people who eat meat, it is best to ……………………………………….
25. If we drink more water, we also ……………………………….
26. Which is junk food?



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