A THERAPEUTICALLY EQUIVALENT PRODUCT MAY BE DISPENSED AND ADMINISTERED UNLESS CHECKED IN THE LEFT COLUMN. DATE AND TIME NEONATAL COMFORT CARE ORDERS MUST BE ENTERED - DISCHARGE ALLERGIES: Weight: _____________ kg Check (✓) all that apply and fill in the blank if applicable 1. May discharge to: Other __________________________ Medical Diagnosis: __________________________________________ Code Status: Full Code See DNAR Form
Breast milk or Formula _____________ as tolerated by breast, bottle, feeding tube, or syringeFeeding tube type: Corpak Size _______ UnweightedIf needed place a Corpak for home care Size ___________ Unweighted
Offer Non-pharmacologic Comfort Measures Prn: Swaddling, Holding, and Pacifier Offer Oral Sucrose per policy for mild to moderate pain Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) less than 4 Pain Control: A. Short-acting or Breakthrough Pain Medications Opioids need not be held for respiratory depression in actively dying patients.
Morphine ____mg (0.2 - 0.5 mg/kg/dose) Po q ____ HRS Prn severe pain NIPS score greater than 4Acetaminophen ____mg (10 -15 mg/kg/dose) Po or PR q ____HRS Prn mild pain
Note: Max dose = 90 mg/kg/day if greater than 36 weeks; 60 mg/kg/day if 32 - 36 weeks
B. Long-acting Pain Medications Opioids need not be held for respiratory depression in actively dying patients.
Methadone ____mg (0.05 - 0.1 mg/kg/dose) Po q ____HRS
C. Gastric Pain
Famotidine suspension (8 mg/mL) ______mg (0.5 mg/kg/dose) Po q 12 hours, or Other: _______________________________________________ Dyspnea: Order opioids here if patient not already receiving opioids for pain.
Morphine ____mg (0.2 - 0.5 mg /kg/dose) Po q ___HRS Prn dyspnea or Lorazepam ____mg (0.1 mg /kg/dose) Po q ___HRS Prn dyspnea ____ % Oxygen ____ liters/min. by with humidification via neonatal/infant nasal cannula (indicated for hypoxemia; may be helpful in other cases) Anxiety/Agitation
Lorazepam ____mg (0.1 mg /kg/dose) Po q ____HRS Prn agitation. May give IV if unable to tolerate Po or Diphenhydramine ____mg (1 mg /kg/dose) Po q ____HRS Prn agitation 10. Secretions Control with medications is preferred as suctioning can be uncomfortable for the patient. Note: Minimizing fluids will help decrease symptoms
Reposition q 2-4 HRS as toleratedGlycopyrrolate ____mCg (40 - 100 mCg /kg/dose) Po q ___HRS Prn secretions Portable suction equipment with suction catheters
11. Fever May consider additional non-pharmacologic measures such as bathing.
Acetaminophen ____mg (10 -15 mg /kg/dose) Po or PR q ____HRS Prn Temp greater than ____°CNote: Max dose = 90 mg/kg/day if greater than 36 weeks; 60 mg/kg/day if 32 - 36 weeks
12. Diarrhea
Loperamide ____ mg (0.08 - 0.24mg /kg/DAY in divided doses) Po q ___ HRS Prn diarrhea (Do not exceed 2
mg/dose), or 12-hour Chart Check___________________________ RN DATE: _______ / _____ / _____ TIME:____________ T.O. __________________________________________Taken by: ______________________________________Title:______________________ TRANSCRIBED BY: ______________ ____/____/ ____, TIME:___________ NOTED BY:_______________ ____/____/ ____, TIME:___________ PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________ DATE:________________ TIME: ____________ PRINTED NAME/ID:
1- ORAL PRESENTATIONS I : LOWER LIMB 01 Recurring synovitis as a possible reason for aseptic loosening of knee endoprostheses in patients with rheumatoid arthritis B.FINK(1*), I.BERGER(2*), C.SIEGMÜLLER(1*), W.RÜTHER(1*) (1* HAMBURG, GERMANY) (2* MAINZ, GERMANY) Periprosthetic mineralisation around cemented titanium total hip stems M.LENGSFELD, D.GÜNTHER, T.PRESSEL, R.LEPPEK,
Y A-T-IL ENCORE UNE VIE SEXUELLE APRÈS TRAITEMENT POUR CANCER DE LA PROSTATE ? B. TomBal 1, R.J. opsomeR 1, l. RenaRd 2 Résumé Le cancer de la prostate est le cancer le plus fréquent de l’homme âgé de plus de 50 ans. Malgré que plus de la moitié des cancers dia- Cliniques universitaires Saint Luc gnostiqués aujourd’hui soient peu agressifs, la p