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Hansa Planotime
Hansa Flor, Planotime
Radio-controlled week
Universal receivers with 1 or 2
Management of multi-user system
Memorisation: a particular receiver output
programmable timer to manage
channels, universal modular,
can be associated to each transmitter key up to 6 automation units
Nice or SM (SMXI) plug-in connector
for 100 events / week.
or for universal outdoors IP53,
The aerial can be incorporated in the Lucy
flashing light or in the universal outdoor IP53 receiver, or fixed with a bracket.
Ultra-thin and easy to install,
thanks to the fully recessed wall support.
Ergonomic design user-friendly feature large
energy-saving LCD display showing date,
time, groups, movement, status and functions.
Frequencies 433.92 MHz, 52 bit
Rolling Code generates over 4.5 million
of billion combinations; self-learning
Designed to dialogue with the FloR systems,
it enables users to manage other kinds
of automatisms (on condition that they are
controlled by receivers from the FloR series)
such as gates, garages and so on.
Estimated range: 200 m outdoors,
25 m indoors.
Exclusive functions:
• "random"
, enables the user to set casual
opening and closing times within a preset period of time, in order to pretend someone is at home when s/he is actually away on holiday; Receivers
• "nicetime" enables the user to interrupt
the automatic cycle to clean the window; • sun On/Off this enables to activate
or deactivate the sun and rain sensor linked Universal IP53 for outdoors, 2 channels with BM250 memory for ABKIT With Nice plug-in, 2 channels with BM250 memory • easy program: it makes programming
With SM plug-in, up to 4 channels with 256-codes memory PLANOTIME
Wall-mounted radio-control timer with LCD graphic display. 945,00 child's play.
Can manage up to 6 automation units and 100 events / week. Designed to dialogue with the FloR series receivers Planotime will record all the manoeuvres Accessories
63 codes memory card for FloR and VeryVR receivers 255 codes memory card for FloR and VeryVR receivers Impulsive channel units for the modular receivers in all series Step-by-step channel units for the modular receivers in all series Adjustable timer from 3 seconds to 5 minutes Professional, tuned directional aerial, bracket mounted Professional, tuned directional aerial, bracket mounted, can be incorporated in the FLOXB2R receivers and in Lucy flashing light 12 V alkaline battery for FLO1R-S/SC, FLO2R-S/SC/M and FLO4R-S/SC/M Technical specifications
Technical specifications
3 V with 1 lithium battery CR2450 (2 years with 10 events/day)

Source: http://www.nicehansa.co.za/Products/newpdf/Nice%20Hansa%20Planotime.pdf


Copyright © 2005 by AMERICAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION DOI: 10.1097/01.ju.0000156556.11235.3f HIGHLY POTENT AND MODERATELY POTENT TOPICAL STEROIDSARE EFFECTIVE IN TREATING PHIMOSIS: A PROSPECTIVESTEPHEN SHEI DEI YANG, YAO CHOU TSAI, CHIA CHANG WU, SHIH PING LIU From the Department of Urology, En Chu Kong Hospital, Taipei Medical University and Department of Urology, College of Medicine (SP


OSSERVATORE ROMANO – FEUILLETON Rom, den 17.10. A.D. 2009 Vierter oder fünfter Teil nern, an das was bisher geschah in die- Generationen von Abiturienten und der erkenntnis- sem meinem epochalen Werk, über das Maturanten, na ja Sie wissen schon. noch Generationen von Maturanten Bitte absolute Stille und Andacht: theoretischen Trilogie und Abiturientinnen hübsche Aufsätze Heute die L

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