DOI: 10.1097/01.ju.0000156556.11235.3f
From the Department of Urology, En Chu Kong Hospital, Taipei Medical University and Department of Urology, College of Medicine(SPL), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Purpose: We report a prospective randomized study comparing the effects of highly potent and
moderately potent topical steroids in treating pediatric phimosis.
Materials and Methods: A total of 70 boys 1 to 12 years old with phimosis were randomly
assigned to receive topical application of either betamethasone valerate 0.06% (a highly potentsteroid) or clobetasone butyrate 0.05% (a moderately potent steroid). Parents of the boys wereinstructed to retract the foreskin gently without causing pain, and to apply the topical steroidsover the stenotic opening of the prepuce twice daily for 4 weeks, then for another 4 weeks if noimprovement was achieved. Retractibility of the prepuce was graded from 0 to 5. Response totreatment was arbitrarily defined as improvement in the retractibility score of more than 2points.
Results: Mean treatment and followup periods were 4.3 and 19.1 weeks, respectively. The
response rates in boys treated with betamethasone valerate and clobetasone butyrate were 81.3%and 77.4%, respectively (p ϭ 0.63). Mean retractibility score decreased from 3.9 Ϯ 1.0 to 1.7 Ϯ 1.1,and 4.2 Ϯ 1.0 to 1.9 Ϯ 1.0 in the betamethasone and clobetasone groups, respectively. Bothsteroids were effective in all age groups. Pretreatment retractibility score did not affect treatmentoutcomes. No adverse effect was encountered.
Conclusions: Highly potent and moderately potent topical steroids are of comparable effective-
ness in treating phimosis. A less potent steroid may be considered first to decrease the risk of thepotential adverse effects.
KEY WORDS: steroids, phimosis, penis, circumcision
Because of medical, religious or social reasons, circumci-
sion has long been advocated as an effective way to treat
A total of 70 boys 1 to 12 years old (mean age 4.7 Ϯ 2.6
phimosis. Circumcision may result in complications such as
years) with phimosis were enrolled in this study between
meatal stenosis, meatitis, meatal ulceration, postoperative
2001 and 2003. The Appendix shows the grades of retract-
infection, anesthesia related adverse events and psychologi-
ibility of phimosis from 0 to 5 suggested by Kikiros et al.2 The
cal trauma.1 To avoid the hazards of circumcision, topical
associated presenting symptoms were penile pain and/or
corticosteroids have been used as an alternative for phimosis,
itching in 33 patients, preputial ballooning during voiding in
and high success rates (67% to 95%) have been reported.2-9
9, voiding pain in 6, slow urinary stream in 6, urinary fre-
The relative strengths of topical steroids are divided into
quency in 4 and concern over apparent phimosis in 12. Uri-
ultrahigh, high, moderate and low potency categories accord-ing to the recommendations of the British National Formu-
nalysis and urine culture were performed in patients who
lary.10 Inhibition of the pituitary-adrenal axis by excessive
complained of penile pain or voiding pain. Before application
application of stronger steroids has been well documented.11
of topical steroids boys with balanitis and urinary tract in-
Growth stunting in a child treated with long-term fluori-
fection were adequately treated with antibiotics. Boys with
nated steroids has been observed but the weaker steroids are
phimosis secondary to incomplete circumcision were ex-
considered safe in children.12, 13 Thus, to decrease the possi-
ble adverse effects, it is sensible to prescribe the weakest
Patients were randomly assigned to receive topical appli-
effective topical steroid possible in pediatric practice. How-
cation of either betamethasone valerate 0.06% (a highly po-
ever, to date, all but 2 reports on topical steroids for pediatric
tent steroid) or clobetasone butyrate 0.05% (a moderately
phimosis used ultrahigh or high potency steroids.2, 7 These 2
potent steroid). Parents of the boys were instructed to retract
studies using less potent steroids were neither prospective
the foreskin gently without causing pain, and to apply the
nor randomized controlled trials. Therefore, we conducted a
topical steroids over the stenotic opening of the prepuce and
prospective randomized study to compare the effects of topi-
the adhesion between the prepuce and glans twice daily for 4
cal application of highly potent and moderately potent ste-
weeks, then for another 4 weeks if no improvement was
achieved. The principal investigator (SSDY), who wasblinded to the treatment arm, evaluated the treatment out-
Submitted for publication April 19, 2004.
comes and adverse effects at 2, 4 and 8 weeks after treat-
* Correspondence: Department of Urology, En Chu Kong Hospital,
ment. A clinical research nurse, also blinded to the treatment
399 Fushing Rd., Taipei Hsien 237, Taiwan (telephone: 886-2-
arm, telephoned the parents of patients with a structured
26723456, ext. 6351; FAX: 886-2-26719512; e-mail:
questionnaire covering the grades of retractibility, improve-
ment in associated presenting symptoms and possible side
Chu4 et al have independently reported prospective studies
effects at 12 and 24 weeks after treatment.
demonstrating that the efficacy of steroid application was
Response to topical steroid application was arbitrarily de-
superior to that of gentle retraction or application of neutral
fined as improvement in the retractibility score of more than
cream only. The main purposes of this study were to inves-
2 points as suggested by Atilla et al.14 The results in boys
tigate whether weaker potency steroids are similarly effec-
older than 3 years were compared to those in boys 3 years or
tive in boys with phimosis, and to determine the influence of
younger. The Wilcoxon signed rank, Student t and chi-square
tests were used for statistical analysis.
Using steroid cream to treat phimosis was sensible and prac-
tical. Three possible mechanisms of action of topical steroids
have been proposed in the treatment of phimosis. Steroids can
Seven boys (3 in the betamethasone group and 4 in the
cause thinning of skin and improve the elasticity of the foreskin
clobetasone group) were lost to followup, leaving 63 eligible
by decreasing synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which has an anti-
for investigation. Mean treatment duration was 4.3 weeks
proliferative effect on the epidermis.15 In addition, topical
steroids can inhibit the production of the mediators of skin
The table compares the demographic data and therapeutic
inflammation, prostaglandins and leukotrienes.16 Finally,
results. There were no statistical differences in age (mean
the lubricant effect of the cream allows boys to retract the
age 4.9 Ϯ 2.5 and 4.5 Ϯ 2.9 years, respectively, p ϭ 0.31) or
pretreatment retractibility score (mean score 3.9 Ϯ 1.0 and
Elmore et al9 and we have proved the therapeutic effects of
4.2 Ϯ 1.0, respectively, p ϭ 0.32) between the 2 groups. The
topical steroids for phimosis in children younger than 3
retractibility score improved to 1.7 Ϯ 1.1 and 1.9 Ϯ 1.0 in
years. Adherence of the prepuce to the glans in infants and
the betamethasone and clobetasone groups, respectively
young boys is considered physiological, and expectant treat-
(p Ͻ0.01 in each group). The response rates were similar
ment has been suggested because of spontaneous resolution
between the 2 groups (81.3% vs 77.4%, p ϭ 0.63). Excellent
with age. But boys with physiological phimosis are often
results of grade 0 or 1 were achieved in 16 (50%) and 14
referred to urologists for surgery. Topical steroid therapy can
(45.2%) boys in the betamethasone and clobetasone groups,
offer a potential alternative to avoid unnecessary circumci-
respectively. Patient age did not affect treatment outcomes
sion. In addition, although treatment is usually recom-
significantly in each group. No significant differences were
mended after age 3 years, early treatment will be beneficial
found in the pretreatment retractibility score in the respond-
to boys younger than 3 years with signs of ballooning with
ers and nonresponders (4.0 Ϯ 0.9 vs 3.8 Ϯ 1.2 in the beta-
voiding, urinary tract infection and balanitis,5, 9 as circumci-
methasone group, p ϭ 0.42, and 4.3 Ϯ 0.9 vs 4.1 Ϯ 1.0 in the
sion has been proved to be effective in preventing recurrent
urinary tract infection in patients younger than 6 months,
After treatment circumcision was recommended in boys
who have a high incidence of periurethral bacterial coloniza-
with grade 4 or 5 phimosis. Two thirds of patients in the
betamethasone group and half of those in the clobetasone
There are no universally accepted criteria defining "suc-
group underwent circumcision because of remaining high
cessful therapy" for phimosis. To compare the effects of ste-
roids, we adopted the "2-point difference" after treatment as
No significant adverse effect was encountered during the
suggested by Atilla et al.14 In daily practice adequate care
study period. Therapeutic effects were maintained in all but
and cleaning of the foreskin and glans are the concerns of
1 patient who responded to the application of topical steroids.
genital hygiene. Even in cases of complete phimosis a 2-point
The 1 reported recurrence of phimosis was successfully
difference will result in a grade of 3 or less. Thus, the prepuce
treated with topical clobetasone butyrate. During followup no
can be pulled back easily to expose the glans and urethral
recurrent infection or associated presenting symptoms were
meatus. As shown in this study, circumcision can be avoid-
detected in boys with a history of balanitis and urinary tract
able in most cases because of decreasing infection rate and
Compliance with medication, rather than age or pretreat-
ment grades of phimosis, may be the key factor predicting
We report the first known prospective randomized con-
successful treatment outcome. In the current study mean
trolled study to compare different potency steroids in treat-
pretreatment score of phimosis was comparable in the re-
ing phimosis. The study reveals that highly potent and mod-
sponders and nonresponders in the 2 groups. Orsola et al
erately potent topical steroids are equally effective. The
reported that a highly potent topical steroid for phimosis was
achieved response rates (81.3% for highly potent and 77.4%
effective in boys older than and younger than 5 years.6 How-
for moderately potent steroids) are comparable to the success
ever, Monsour et al found that older boys applied the cream
rates (67% to 95%) reported in previous studies. Almost all
rather than their parents, so patients in whom treatment
studies used ultrahigh or high potency steroids, and the 2
failed were older than those with a successful outcome (mean
studies using less potent steroids were retrospective.2-9 Al-
age 10.6 versus 6.3 years).5 We agree with the conclusion of
though this study was not placebo controlled, Golubovic3 and
Wright that parent and patient compliance was the key fac-
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tor in predicting successful treatment.19 In our series mean
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