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Kosher Food ALERT - Preparing for Purim & Pesach 2012
Submitted by Lynda Stewart, Academic Dean for Maimonides Hebrew Day School and Beverly Leah Mitchell, Kosher Food Coordinator for We have gathered information to assist you in finding kosher foods and items locally. Supplies of some items may be limited, so please don't wait for the last minute. Plan ahead & order or purchase now to secure that you have what you want and need for your Shabbos, Purim, Pesach and Simchas. The Publix at Market Place in Pelican Bay, Naples (8833 Tamiami Trail) Steve Micheli, Publix
Manager, and his assistants, continue to serve the needs of their Jewish customers. We
appreciate Publix ever expanding offerings throughout the year for kosher foods and additional
items for special events and holidays. Fresh kosher meats and poultry, as well as oven ready
meals and a variety of kosher cheeses by Millers & Haloam are now available. Beef Stew, and
assortments of Meal Mart luncheon meats such as beef salami, pastrami, corned beef, baloney
roll and beef franks are some of the newer items along with recently expanded supply of Empire
turkey hot dogs and stuffed cabbage. Glatt Kosher and KJ beef & poultry in a variety of
selections such as fresh whole chickens or selections of wings, breasts, cut up fryers and ground
chicken breasts. Meat selections available include Brisket and Lean Ground Beef. In addition to
fresh they also have frozen items such as Empire Cornish Hens, whole chickens and turkey and
ground turkey, Fish includes Dagim filets, Flounder, Sole, Tapia, Salmon, Ocean Perch, White
fish and Gefilte Fish Rolls.
The bakery is helping you celebrate Purim with Hamantaschens and for Pesach marble, honey
cakes, chocolate leaves and assortments of pastry and cookies. You can call and place orders for
Shabbos, a special event or holiday. Specify your KOSHER needs. In the Bakery Dept. contact
Joel Crepo or Susanna Taska, or the Meat Dept. Mgrs. Raul Saldiyar or Jose Almanza, they can
made arrangements to have a whole line of FRESH special made to order kosher foods with a 2
weeks' notice. Special order foods need to be placed by Monday and it will arrive on Wednesday
of the following week. The Publix at Market Place can be reached directly at 239-596-1982.
The Publix at South Point, Ft Myers at College Parkway & South Point Blvd. by McGregor
Blvd. can be reached at 239-415-1515. Meat Manager Eric Pellicero or his assistant Jordan are
making extra efforts to once again increase Kosher items based on customer and community
input and purchases. There is now a big stand up sign designating the KOSHER DELI with a
selection of packaged kosher luncheon meats including Meal Mart beef salami, pastrami, and
baloney. In the poultry area a sign designates the FRESH KOSHER POULTRY. The store is
open and anxious to take your order for specific kosher and holiday needs.
Ada's Whole Foods Market & Health Store in the Burlington Coat Factory shopping center, on
Cleveland Ave in Ft Myers, has greatly expanded the selection of kosher foods to include
FRESH Glatt and KJ kosher poultry: chicken - whole or breasts or legs. Miller's Swiss cheese
and Chalov Yisrael Cheeses such as shredded and sliced. Dr. Pragers frozen Vegetarian Burgers.
Steve Zelco, the meat manager, can be contacted at 239-939-9600. He will gladly take orders for
whole turkeys and chickens and whatever you need. He has Meal Mar luncheon meats, whole
hard salami and beef franks on order at this writing. Ada's support of the Jewish community is to
make every effort to fill special dietary needs and requests. There are designated shelves in all
departments with yellow labels to make the kosher foods easy to find and identify. There is an
expanded line of kosher health supplements from Blue Bonnet, Solgar, and Maxi Health. If you
have special needs contact Juan, the supplement and vitamin manager. Ada's carries a large
supply of kosher grocery items and healthy organic fruits and vegetables.
Costco manager Adam Bloom can be contacted at 239-415-3860. He is adding fresh NY Glatt
Kosher Pastrami and turkey slices, Cholov Yisrael Kosher and natural cheeses, Blue Roy Hill
white fish and salmon, NY Kosher deli beef hot dogs. They still have the frozen Amons pizza.
Call or order items as on hand stock is limited.
BJs of Ft Myers & Cape Coral. They have added Pas Yisrael Challahs as well as 7 layer cake,
marble cake and sprinkle cookies available weekly and a limited supply of kosher items to their
groceries selection. They will have Parve Hamantaschens for Purim. Call Barry the manager for
both locations; he can be reached at 239- 829-3300 for Cape Coral and 239- 896-1071 for the N
Ft Myers store. Rabbi Labkowsky, Chabad of Cape Coral, is working closely with the Cape
Coral BJ's store and Publix to expand their kosher groceries. The Rabbi can be reached at 239-
Wal Mart of South Ft Myers and most other Wal Marts, over 70% of their shelf foods that are
kosher. They are now carrying frozen Whiting Kosher wild fish filets in the frozen fish dept.
Total Wine in Ft Myers on S. Cleveland Ave, in the Target & Barnes & Nobel shopping Center,
has new signage marked KOSHER/Israel Wines. Their large selection of kosher O/U and CRC
wines includes over 15 different brands and varieties of those brands such as Baron Herzog,
Rashi, Yarden, Bartenura, Hagafen and many more Kosher red & white wines. Manager Joshua
or Assistant Mgr. Brian Ludlan can be reached at 239-432-0510 to confirm in stock availability
of wines. Please call to request anything special and secure large quantities or cases you might
need to get you through your Simchas. They are offering a 10% discount on orders of cases
placed 3 weeks in advance…So order early for you Pesach Seders and L'Chayim!
www.JewishBonita.com/kosherfood is providing a service of kosher prepared lunches and
dinners that can be ordered on the internet and they can pick up at the Chabad in Bonita Springs
or delivered. For more info go to the website for a complete menu. Contact Rabbi Greenberg at
239-949-6900 with specific questions
Trader Joe's located at 10600 Tamiami Trail in North Naples is a trendy California based
grocery store chain now open at the Granada Shoppes on E US 41 in the old Borders Book Store.
If a Kosher item is not in stock it can be ordered at the Customer Service Dept. Service Manager
Bernadette Pauls can be reached at 239-596-5631. Go to the website www.traderjoes.com for a complete list of the variety of foods and their kosher symbols grocery list. Trader Joe's extensive list of over 4 pages is also available at the store to use as your shopping or ordering list. We welcome this new location for fresh Glatt Kosher poultry, ground beef, turkey, rib steak, and stew meat. As well as organic produce, shelf foods, frozen foods and so much more. Whole Foods in Naples Mercado Plaza can be reached at 239-552-5100. Julie Joiner or Jessica
Varnes will be happy to assist with orders. They carry Glatt Kosher Valley fresh chicken and
ground beef, frozen kosher items, as well as Gelfon shelf products.
Aroma Market & Catering at 8819 Stirling Road in Ft Lauderdale can be reached at 954-252-
2600 or www.aromamarket.net. They will take orders on the internet for delivery to the Chabad
in Naples on Thursdays. For more information Rabbi Fishel Zaklos, Chabad of Naples can be
reached at 239-262-4474.
The store management of the shops listed above have made efforts to help the Jewish community
observe kosher traditions and holidays. If you have any questions about information in this
Kosher Food Alert please contact Beverly Leah Mitchell, Coordinator for Chabad Lubavitch, at
239-939-5888. She is diligently working with Rabbi & Nechamie Minkowicz in developing and
researching kosher foods with our local supermarkets, health food stores and hospitals. She
continues to work so that members of our Jewish community do not have to travel to the east
coast to observe our kosher traditions.

Source: http://www.maimonideschabad.com/media/pdf/629/Rxvc6290411.pdf


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