Nome: ______________________________ nº:__ _ classe:9o ano Disciplina: _Língua inglesa_ _____/_____/ 2009 Professor (a): ___Isabel Cristina_ Bimestre: 3o 1- Use Present Continuous. ( 2.0 ) 1- John. a jeep. ( drive ) 2- Grandma.the windows. ( open ) 3- Mr. the swimming pool. ( swim ) 4- They. the bread. ( cut ) 5-. you. postcards ? ( write ) 6-.the boy.his homework ? ( do ) 7- Two girls. a computer. ( fix ) 8- The woman. a sandwich. ( eat ) 9-. she. the kitchen. ( clean ) 10-.the table. ( paint / not ) 2- Use the verbs in the box to complete the gaps. ( Simple Present ) Write come wash drive go swim study make drink
a. your car slowly. b. Don't. your hair, honey! c. your hands before meals. d. You're too young. Don't. late. e. Don't. in the sea. It's dangewrous. f. Don't. on the desks, Kids! g. your milk, darling. It's good for your health. h. a sandwich to grandmother, Ted. She's hungry. i. Tracy you are tired today. to bed. j. Laura has a test tomorrow. math, Laura. a. You have not good marks. b. I always speak Italian very wel ?. c. Do you play tennis. d. They watches Jornal Nacional?. e. I play not soccer. 4- Match the columns.

a- When did he write to you? ( ) twentydol ars. b- Did he find his blue cap? ( ) At the beach. c- How much did it cost? ( ) A new course. d- What did your brother take? ( ) Aerosmith, my favorite band. e- Where did you spend your vacation? ( ) Last summer. f- Who sings this song? ( ) No, he didn't.
1-5- Write sentences. Use the Present Perfect tense. ( escreva frases )

1- Beth / walk to school. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2- The students / see the game. -------------------------------------------------- 3- I / think about you. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Lucy and Ted / sel their house. -------------------------------------------------- 6-Complete.
1- Shirley ----------------------------------------------------to the theater. ( to go ) 2- Ted --------------------------------------------------------- an aspirin. ( to take ) 3- Sammy and I -----------------------------------English for a test. ( to study ) 4- Susan and her friend --------------------------------------- relatives (to visit ) 7- Check the correct alternative.
1- I……. never ………. a movie like that. a- Hasn't - see b- has - not see c- have - seen d- haven't - saw
infinitive simple past past participle translation

1- to write ……………. ……………… ……………….
2- ………………. Wore ……………… ……………….
3- ……………… ……………. told ………………
4- ……………… ……………. ……………. falar
5- to sleep ……………. ……………. …………….
6- ……………… sent ……………. …………….
7-. swum.
8-. sentar
9- to sing.
10-. came.


Otka-46243 kutatási zárójelentés

Az OTKÁ-hoz 2003.-ban „A prekondicionálás korai és késői antiarrhythmiás hatásában szerepet játszó mechanizmusok farmakológiai és molekuláris vizsgálata” címmel benyújtott pályázatban vázolt kutatási tervezet végrehajtása során a következő eredményeket értük el A prekondicionálás kardioprotektív hatásában szerepet játszó mechanizmusok vizsgálatasorán


First KIA First KIA Laureate Laureate Fundamental Research Fundamental Research Researcher: Prof. Jhillu Singh Yadav Nationality: Indian Date of birth: 1950 Position: Director Scientific affiliation: Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India Project title: Synthesis of complex natural products of biological relevance Abstract

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