polymorph would be present in its product.
Mchemical compound - in a generic find that SmithKline presented conclusive
version of a popular antidepressant do not
evidence as to the actual presence of such a
infringe the brand-name manufacturer's poly-
small quantity of the patented polymorph.
morph patent, a federal judge recently ruled.
Therefore, he concluded, the court should
The decision could severely limit or even
not stop the FDA from approving Apotex's
eliminate the ability of brand-name manufac-
application for a generic version of Paxil
turers to use polymorph patents to protect
their blockbuster pharmaceuticals. At the
(although the brand-name manufacturer has
very least, it puts the industry on notice that
asserted infringement of other patents that ispreventing final FDA approval).
Paxil case could reshape the purpose ofpatent law,"says Green.
"When a defendant can't avoid infringement,
and the infringement provides no benefit toanyone, should there be a remedy?"
extreme care is needed in structuring both
Posner's decision is being appealed to the
patent portfolios protecting brand-name drugs
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
and abbreviated new drug applications for
generic products containing active ingredients
that exist in several polymorphic forms.
infringement arguments is just as important
In the meantime, he adds, it is a warning
as the quality of the patent," says Robert
bell for the pharmaceutical industry.
Green, a partner in LVM's Chicago office."If
this ruling stands, it could potentially lead to
turers from protecting their patents, and they
can still prevent a company from using a par-
that resolve questions of patent infringement
ticular polymorph, but it does show the need
earlier in litigation, without the expert testi-
mony and long legal battles that are now
turers to work with experienced patent attor-
neys to develop infringement positions and
craft drug product specifications," says Sklar.
federal Judge Richard Posner in SmithKline
"It is vital for manufacturers, whether brand-
Beecham Corp. v. Apotex Corp. involved
name or generic, to get expert advice for
SmithKline's antidepressant Paxil.
something with the potential for billions of
dollars in business - not to mention millions
quantity of a polymorph that would be unin-
tentionally and unavoidably present in thegeneric product as a result of the manufactur-
An in-depth discussion of the Paxil case is
ing process would infringe a patent claiming
available in Sklar's article in the March 28, 2003,issue of BNA's Pharmaceutical Law & Industry
Report - reprinted on LVM's Web site at
generic manufacturer, would not benefit com-
www.leydig.com. For more information on genericdrug patent issues, see Green's article, "Patentable
amount (less than 0.5 percent) of the claimed
Inventions or Invented Patents?" also onLVM's Web site.
actual dilution," says Mark Liss, a partner
in LVM's Chicago office."The standard of
peting businesses that operate under similar
that the mere fact that consumers mentally
famous mark "does not reduce the capacity
companies claiming trademark "dilution,"
which is the reduction of a mark's capacity
however, that a showing of actual financial
to identify and distinguish goods and ser-
injury is not required to prove that dilution
sion, under many state dilution statutes,
show actual dilution in the distinctiveness
of their marks - not just that they proba-
gerie giant Victoria's Secret against a
trying to trade off the senior users' famous
Little Secret. Victoria's Secret argued the
Kentucky store's name was too close to its
Madrid Protocol opens trademark doors in 57 countries
virtually every country and can help clients
must be filed electronically, to the World
Twhich means that as ofNov.2, Intellectual Property Organization
2003, a single U.S. trademark application
may be used to register a mark in as many
add countries to their international regis-
"You have to go through a review in each
the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office will
that period, registration will be automati-
country you add, but you can do it at any
cover all the countries that have signed the
time," says Sullivan."And one filing with
protocol," says Lynn Sullivan, a partner in
WIPO is all that's required to assign a
LVM's Chicago office."You can designate
applicant may respond through an attorney
in that country. Qualified U.S. patent and
sold or there's a merger in any designated
R E P R E S E N T A T I V E L I S T I N G O F R E C E N T L Y I S S U E D U. S. P R O S E C U T E D B Y L E Y D I G V O I T &
6,527,178 Method for authenticating mail pieces
6,530,158 Locating system for molding machine clamp frame
6,541,510 Antiviral methods and compounds
6,544,751 Method of harvesting rare cells from blood products
6,559,610 Continuous wave electron-beam accelerator and continuous wave
electron-beam accelerating method thereof
Narrow claims throw drug's patent protection off course
partner in LVM's Chicago office."When
patents are drafted that specifically, it can be
The case offers some valuable lessons for
Gagala, a partner in LVM's Chicago office.
"Anyone filing a patent application must
specification," Gagala says. "Patent attorneys
other ingredients not specifically recited
be sure the breadth of the invention is ade-
stating it could do so without infringing
quately described in the specification. If the
written description of the invention is too
patent's disclosure, including the fact that
narrow, it may be too late to ask a court for
fenofibrate and surfactant "are the only
ingredients present in every comicronized
mixture described" in the patent's application.
able to read a patent and fully understand
what the terms in it mean," says Hefner.
the patent used some very specific disclo-
"Ideally, it should not require hiring experts
sure that made it clear that it covered only
tional ingredients," says Dan Hefner, a
Madrid Protocol continued from page 2
in a non-member country - a restriction
several advantages for trademark applicants,
registrations than it was with individual
tional registrations are based on approval
it is anticipated that both countries will
rejects an application, it will automatically
fail in all the other designated countries.
If a trademark is successfully challenged in
take some ironing out," says Naffziger.
international registration is lost, as well.
be wise to retain a reputable intellectual
Finally, notes Naffziger, an international
property law firm to help them avoid poten-
registration can't be assigned to an entity
tial problems, especially when the process is
Publication of LVM. LVM® is a registered
trademark of Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd. LVM Report is intended for general interest.
Its contents should not be construed as legal
R E P O R T A publication for the intellectual property community
Preliminary injunction denied in Steel Tank case
and Steel Tank Institute, a trade association for
contended the characterization of fire-resistance
manufacturers of steel tanks, for alleged
being claimed as proprietary by U-Fuel was
Wwas immediately confronted with infringement ofU-Fuel's patent on non-insu- the result ofa new standard,rather than a new
a motion for a preliminary injunction and had
less than two months to prepare for a full evi-
"We didn't have much time to prepare, but
The court agreed, finding that the patent
dentiary hearing on the infringement claim.
we knew from experience what it takes to argue
and the prior art claimed the same purpose of
U-Fuel Inc., a Wisconsin above-ground stor-
a preliminary injunction, whether we're repre-
storing combustible and flammable materials,
age tank manufacturer, sued two competitors
senting the plaintiff or the defense," says John
and ruled that the defendants' arguments raised
Augustyn, a partner in LVM's Chicago office."A
a significant question as to whether U-Fuel's
plaintiff must show both that its infringement
infringement complaint would succeed.
complaint is likely to succeed and that it would
"This case is a good example not only of
suffer irreparable harm without the injunction.
why patent owners should very carefully assess
The hearing requires that both sides present
the merits of their cases before seeking prelimi-
your LVM Report mailing label? Are you
their best evidence, including expert witnesses,
nary relief, but also why defendants look to
sharing a copy of LVM Report with a col-
experienced intellectual property litigators when
they must respond to a motion for preliminary
Gordon Coons argued that their clients had
injunction with a full court press," Augustyn
mailing list? Prefer to receive the publica-
been manufacturing, licensing and selling
says."It's critical to have qualified legal advice
tion via e-mail? Just send an e-mail with
non-insulated tanks more than a year before
every step of the way. There are all kinds of
relevant information and your instructions
U-Fuel applied for its patent. Additionally, they
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