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Testimonial by Dr Anil Kumar (Swami Shantananda) M.D., D.C.H. Kriyayoga Research Institute, Jhunsi, Allahabad, U.P., India
I, a U.S. citizen and a medical doctor, has specialized in the care of children and young
adults for the last 38 years. After practicing
modern medicine mostly in the United States of
America and also in England and India, I have
returned to India to serve on a volunteer basis. For
the past two years I have been practicing the
science of Kriyayoga meditation as taught by my guru, Swami Shree
Yogi Satyam. He imparts knowledge of this ancient experiential spiritual
science, free of charge, to everyone seeking a change from their
current status by conducting classes throughout India, Canada,
Germany and the USA. His desire to serve humanity regardless of
nationality, race, religious beliefs, educational and socio-economic
backgrounds, has led him to successfully integrate modern medicine
and the spiritual science of Kriyayoga meditation.
Swami Shree Yogi Satyam has bestowed upon me the title of "Swami
Shantananda", which means a non-religious renunciate monk. This
drastic change in my life and career came about after personally
witnessing the healing power of body, mind and spirit through the
sincere practice of Kriyayoga meditation. During a short period of 40
days in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, I have witnessed the cure of
intractable illnesses like breast cancer, severe diabetes mellitus,
cataract of the eye lens, crippling arthritis, mental depression,
…continued on next page…. …continued from previous page…
syndrome, and many more. I am convinced that with proper guidance
each and every one of us has the innate power to heal ourselves totally
in every aspect of our lives. Similarly, upon witnessing Kriyayoga
practitioners during my three months stay in India, I came across many
examples of people who have cured themselves of advanced diseases
such as liver cancer, blood cancer, rheumatoid arthritis with severe
deformities, severe rectal prolapse since birth, cancer of mouth and
others. Also during this brief period, a practitioner, a dwarf woman at
age 50, has grown her stubby fingers and all her bowed limbs to almost
a normal configuration. If such tall claims were made by anyone else
and not personally witnessed by me, I would not have believed them.
I personally have had several major surgeries including two open-heart,
two back, two abdominal and two knee surgeries. In addition, I
consumed about 20 different medications daily for various bodily
ailments like migraine headache, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis,
abdominal distress and hyperacidity of the stomach, prostatic
enlargement, several skin problems, knee and back pain. I was able to
give up all those medications without any untoward effect by the 4th
day of the 40 days while practicing Kriyayoga meditation four times
daily and consuming a non-violent yogic diet.
In Kriyayoga meditation there are no contorting postures and it is totally
expense free. This is a spiritual science where every practitioner has
100% guaranteed results if practiced continuously with full devotion and
patience. A short trial of approximately 7 to 10 days will convince many
of improvement in their patience and alleviate bodily and mental
Marvellous Kriyayoga Effects by Dr Anil Kumar, M.D., D.C.H. (Swami Shantananda) An American Medical Doctor Medical Record submitted by Anil Kumar, M.D., D.C.H. Date of Birth: March 30, 1945. Residing at Kriyayog Research Institute, Jhunsi, Allahabad-211019, UP, India.
In a letter addressed to John Upledger, D0 of Palm Beach Gardens, FL on
January 2001 I mentioned the following diagnoses or problems I experienced:
1. Mental fogginess and impaired memory. The latter is noticed and persistent
2. Impaired balance when standing on left lower extremity 1/2001. This
symptom has although improved but not completely resolved.
3. Painful post-surgical keloid scars over anterior chest and epigastrium. Pain,
pruritus, and paraesthesia around the scar and extending to the mid clavicular line
and epigastrium even shirt or sheet cover hurt all the time 1/2001. Kenalog
injection in keloid 12/2001 resulted in minimal relief.
4. One episode of diplopia or actually multiple images first experienced 11/2
year ago. Similar experience since. No major cause could be determined when
Jefferey Pearlman, MD investigated the first episode. Recently he suspected
5. Bilateral Tinnitus and very gradually worsening hearing loss in the right ear
past 2 years. Pinna of my right ear itches. My mother suffered of tinnitus. Trying to
understand while attending a noisy social function, stage performance or lecture
Nasal allergies due to dust mites and many other environmental
agents for decades. Frequent episodes of para-nasal sinusitis and an
occasional need for an antibiotic treatment. Use of intranasal steroid and
Claritin tablet often becomes necessary. Past episodes of bronchospasm
associated with viral respiratory infections once every few years.
Facial eczema since late 2000 palliative response to Protropic oint.
Past episodes of urticaria due to known and unknown causes many
decades. Causes could be as varied as ingestion of a green colored candy,
codeine once with target lesions on another occasion with immediate
bronchospasm needing an inhaled steroid administration. Bronchospasm
responding to inhaled steroid for not really known reasons occur
Past episodes of squamous rashes lasting for months over body or
Lower back pain radiating to left gluteal region, left leg, and foot. A
sensation of biting pain from leg down along with paraesthesia including
numbness at the plantar aspect of the fore foot have been almost constant
feature since I get up from my bed until I lie down supine again.
These symptoms have persisted since June 2001. The second lumbar
surgery had become essential as I was experiencing excruciating burning
pain down the entire length of the left sciatic nerve since 5/2001 due to
fragmented desiccated L4-5 disc. Currently I am trying homeopathic
treatment and meditation. Occasionally I use Flexeril 10 mg prn for
paraspinal muscle spasm and Darvocet N 100 mg prn for pain. Within the
past 2 weeks spasms of the left leg and foot have been occurring at bed-
Pain and stiffness left knee 2 years. On weight bearing. I had two
medial manisectomies and extensive physiotherapy without any relief.
Rotator cuff injury to right shoulder 3 years ago. Persistently
tender and becomes painful whenever the shoulder is exercised.
Prostatic hypertrophy since 2 years taking Flomax qd with benefit.
Hypertension and Familial Hyerlipidemia are also under control
with Accupril 20 mg qd and Lipitor 40 mg qd respectively.
Unstable angina first noticed late 2000 only upon exertion and
since then even at rest. On 1/27/2001 a triple vessel by-pass was done at
the Delray Hospital after a coronary angiogram demonstrated blockages.
This not only failed to give me relief from angina at rest symptom but was
also followed by anterior ventricular wall hypofunction.
.continued on next page… .continued from previous page…
Two vessels angioplasty was subsequently successfully performed following
another angiography in Maryland. Size 3 stints were placed at the sites of
the original coronary artery blockages. Currently I am taking Toprol XL 50
mg qd but apparently it is causing dyspepsia.
16. Moderately severe right internal carotid stenosis diagnosed on
17. I crave for desserts, sugary and high calorie foods immediately after a
full meal, in the evening, and at the bedtime.
18. As a child before the age of 10 years I remember suffering of chicken
pox, typhoid, malaria, hepatitis-A, dysentery, and obesity.
Updated record of surgeries I had as of June 21, 2004.
1974- External rectal sphincterotomy at Luton & Dunstable Hospital,
1984- Lumbar laminectomy for herniated disc L4-5 for left sciatica by
Douglas Martin, MD who performed partial superior and inferior
hemi-laminectomy at L 4-5 on 2/10/84 at the Bethesda Memorial
Hospital, 2406 S. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435,
1986- Vasectomy performed by an Urologist at Boynton Beach, FL
complicated by post-surgical atrophy of right testis.
.continued on next page… .continued from previous page…
1999- Nasal turbinectomy for obstruction and deviated septum. Stela
Tudoran, MD performed a functional septoplasty with turbinotomy
and cryotherapy on 1/15/1999 at the Boca Raton Community
Hospital, 800 Meadows Road, Boca Raton, FL 33486. Telephone
1999- Medial menisectomy left knee twice by Peter Schosheim, MD at the
Boca Raton outpatient surgery and laser center, 501 Glades Road,
Boca Raton, FL 33432. Last surgery was performed on 2/11/2000
comprising of arthroscopy for debridement of post surgical meniscal
cyst and removal of posterior horn of left medial meniscus.
2001- 3 vessel cardiac by-pass surgery for unstable angina by Geoffrey
Lynn, MD on 1/27/2001 at the Delray Medical Center, 5352 Linton
Boulevard, FL 33484. The surgery comprised of left internal
mammary artery to the left anterior descending coronary artery,
saphenous vein graft to the diagonal, and the posterior descending
2001 - Lumbar laminectomy for fragmented disc L4-5 for left sciatica
performed by Joel Falik, MD on 6/19/2001. His address is 7257 B.
Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt, MD 20770, Telephone- 301-982-
2001- 2 vessel cardiac angioplasty for unstable angina. PTCA/stent
performed by Pradeep Srivastava, MD on 9/20/2001 at Prince
George's Community Hospital Center, Maryland
.continued on next page… .continued from previous page…
2001- Right radical orchiectomy for necrosis in an atrophied testis. A
radical Orchiotomy of right testis was performed by Mark Licht, MD
on 12/7/2001 at the Boca Raton Community Hospital.
2003 - Routine Colonoscopy was performed on 5/20/2003 by Edgar
Ibanez, MD of 2609 Woolbright Road #4C, Boynton Beach, FL
33436, Telephone 561 738 1770. On histology focal lymphoid
aggregate-negative for polyp was reported.
By October 15, 2004 on the fourth day of attending Kriya yoga course at
Kitchener, Ontario Canada I discontinued all the medications which
Intranasal homeopathic remedies for a Allergies and sinusitis
Flomax 0.8 mg alternate day for benign prostatic hypertrophy
Hydrogen peroxide solution for oral irrigation
Other medications and remedies which were used on and off for various
.continued on next page… …continued from previous page…
Instead of all the above I started on a new regime of bathing with warm
and cold water using little soap, a diet principally consisting of
carbohydrate rich roots and fruits, nuts and seeds, whole grains, all
legumes, and totally devoid of any added salt or sugar. I started to
consume water based upon the thirst and the urine coloration. All animal
protein was eliminated from the diet so were all drinks containing alcohol.
Update July 27, 2006 Unless I have grossly violated all principles of Kriyayoga and the non-
violent yogic diet, neither have I ever got sick nor ever needed any
medication. Amazingly even while staying in India and leading a normal
life, I have enjoyed good health. Although minor symptoms are
experienced occasionally, however, those abate as soon as the causative
Other than self I do not see any physician for my own health care and I do
not need any one any more. My blood pressure is 110/70 mm of Hg. and
the lipemic rings around the iris of the eyes have disappeared. The
annoying itchy painful keloid scars over anterior chest and abdomen from
the open heart surgery have also resolved. I have been leading a full
active life filled with vigor and vitality while practicing Kriyayog at least
The Journal of DermatologyVol. 32: 972–975, 2005A Case of Lichenoid Drug Eruption Associated Emiliano Antiga, Lucilla Melani, Carla Cardinali, Barbara Giomi, Marzia Caproni, Stefano Francalanci And Paolo Fabbri Abstract A 53-year-old man developed lichenoid lesions on the upper chest, posterior surfaces ofthe trunk, and abdominal region about three months before his first visit. Physical
La plus fréquente des maladies chroniques de l’enfantTouche environ 10 % de la population de moins de 16 ansPrévalence : a doublé depuis 20 anshabitations mieux isolées => prolifération acariensnombre accru de chatstabagisme passifpollution atmosphériqueprise en charge parfois déficiente (hospitalisation ; corticoïdes)Physiopathologie (compréhension imparfaite) modification contr