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International Journal of Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Research April 2012; 2(2): 78-83
Simultaneous Estimation Of Amoxicillin, Tinidazole And Omeprazole In Microsphere Formulation By RP-HPLC
Nanomedicine Research Centre, Department of Pharmaceutics, Rajendra Institute of Technology and Sciences, Abstract A simple isocratic reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method has been developed and subsequently validated for estimation drugs (amoxicillin, tinidazole and omeprazole) in combined dosage form. The three compounds were monitored at 230 nm using an isocratic mode on HPLC of Younglin prominence consist of SP930D solvent delivery pump on inertsil ODS C18 column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 µ) with flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and a mobile phase consisting of methanol: acetonitrile: water in a ratio of 49: 49: 2 % v/v/v. The retention time for amoxicillin, tinidazole and omeprazole was found to be 3.4 min., 5.0 min., and 5.7 min., respectively. Thus, the proposed method could be applied for simultaneous estimation of amoxicillin, tinidazole and omeprazole in routine analysis. Keywords: Amoxicillin; Tinidazole; Omeprazole; HPLC. 1.0. INTRODUCTION Helicobacter pylori has identified as a human
The current management of H. pylori
pathogen causing active gastritis and peptic ulcer
infections relies on antibiotic therapy, consisting of
[1]. H. pylori are gram negative bacterium that can
a combination with two different antibiotics
infect the mucosal lining of the stomach and
together with a proton-pump inhibitor with or
duodenum. Spiral-shaped, gram negative bacterium
without colloidal bismuth, which in most cases is
H. pylori found in colonized gastric mucosa or
successful in eradicating the bacteria [6].
adherent to the epithelial linings of the stomach [2]. H. pylori infects 25-50% of individuals in the
bacteriolytic, β-lactam antibiotic used to treat
developed countries and up to 70-90% of
individuals in the developing countries [3].
microorganisms [2]. Amoxicillin[(2S,5R,6R)- 6-
combination of antimicrobial agents, typically
acetyl]amino}- 3,3-dimethyl- 7-oxo- 4-thia- 1-
combined with antisecretory agents or bismuth [4].
azabicyclo[3.2.0] heptane- 2-carboxylic acid] is an
Combination therapies including proton pump
oral semi-synthetic penicillin structurally related to
inhibitors are preferred, especially for patients with
ampicillin [7] (Figure 1). The presence of a benzyl
ulcer, as they provide rapid symptomatic
ring in the side chain extends the antibacterial
improvement as well as having a bacteriostatic
effect [5]. Triple combination therapy, using two antibacterial antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor, achieved a high eradicationrate.
*Correspondence Dr. M. Senthil Kumar Professor & Head Department of Pharmaceutics Nanomedicine Research Center, Institute of Pharmacy
Rajendra Institute of Technology and Sciences (RITS)
Figure 1: Structure of Amoxicillin Email Address: nanorits@gmail.com
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Vikas Kasnia et al.Int J Recent Adv Pharm Res, 2012;2(2):78-83
ISSN: 2230-9306; www.ijrapronline.com International Journal of Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Research April 2012; 2(2): 78-83
It is usually the drug of choice within the
class because it is better absorbed, following oral
administration, than other β-lactam antibiotics. Amoxicillin is susceptible to degradation by β-lactamase-producing bacteria, about 20 % is bound to plasma proteins in the circulation and plasma half-life of 1 to 1.5 hours has been reported [9, 10].
benzimidazole compound and a prototype anti-
secretory agent [11] (Figure 2). It is very effective in the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. It is Figure 3: Structure of Tinidazole
the first "proton pump inhibitor" widely used for
symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux and also for
The combination of amoxycillin along with
prophylaxis [12]. It acts by interacting with H+/K+
tinidazole is available in the market in the Tablet
ATPase in the secretory membranes of the parietal
A review of the literature revealed that
several high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods have been reported for the individual determination of amoxicillin, tinidazole and omeprazole. However, no HPLC method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of amoxicillin, tinidazole and omeprazole. In this paper, we report an isocratic reversed-phase HPLC
method to assay amoxicillin, tinidazole, and
omeprazole using a C18 SPE extraction cartridge and UV detection at 230 nm. This combination of
Figure 2: Structure of Omeprazole
SPE and UV detection results in a method with high
recoveries and good linearity, accuracy, and precision.
It is a lipophilic, weak base and can be
degraded unless it is protected against acid
conditions. OPZ contains a tri-coordinated sulphur
2.1. Chemical and reagents
atom in a pyramidal structure and because of this structure omeprazole exists in two different
Amoxicillin, Tinidazole and Omeprazole was
optically active forms, (S)- and (R)-omeprazole. OPZ
obtained as gift samples. Acetonitrile (ACN) and
was first approved as a racemic mixture, but the (S)
methanol used were of HPLC grade and obtained
isomer was recently introduced on the market [13].
from RFCL Ltd. Millipore water of HPLC grade was used for the study.
Tinidazole is a 5-nitro imidazole derivative
and has antimicrobial actions as that of
2.2. Instrumentation
metronidazole. It is 1-(2-ethylsulfonylethyl)-2-
A quaternary HPLC was performed on an Isocratic
methyl-5-nitro-imidazole and is used similarly in
HPLC of Younglin prominence consist of SP930D
the treatment of susceptible protozoal infections, in
solvent delivery pump pump on Inertsil ODS C18
the treatment and prophylaxis of anaerobic
column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 µ) attached to UV/VIS dual
bacterial infections (Figure 3).
absorbance detector. The control of HPLC system
Int J Recent Adv Pharm Res, 2012;2(2):78-83
ISSN: 2230-9306; www.ijrapronline.com International Journal of Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Research April 2012; 2(2): 78-83
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and data collection was performed by Autochro-
with n‐hexane and dried in vacuum at room
2.3. Chromatographic conditions 2.6. Method validation
The process was carried out on C18 column using
As per ICH guidelines, the method was validated
the mobile phase consisting of ACN, methanol and
and the parameters checked were accuracy,
Millipore water 49:49:2 (% v/v/v). The mobile
precision, linearity and range, limit of detection
phase was degassed under vacuum by filtration
(LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), specificity,
through a Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filter
ruggedness, robustness and stability. For all the
(0.22 µm) and sonicated to remove air bubbles by
parameters percentage relative standard deviation
bath sonicater prior to use. The mobile phase flow
rate was 1 mL/min and the detection wavelength
was set at 230 nm. Sample preparation was also filtered through PTFE (0.22µm) filter paper and
3.1. Method optimization
injected through Rheodyne injector. The mobile
In order to develop a suitable and robust HPLC
phase was prepared fresh daily and sonicated
method for the determination of amoxicillin,
tinidazole and omeprazole, different mobile phases
2.4. Preparation of stock and standard working
and columns were employed to achieve the best
phosphate buffer, acetonitrile was tried as mobile
Stock solutions of amoxicillin, tinidazole and
phase, in which satisfactory peak were not obtained,
then different ratios of acetonitrile, methanol and
appropriate amounts of each drug in mobile phase
to obtain final drug concentrations of 100 mg/ml in
satisfactory. Finally, the mobile phase consisting of
100 ml volumetric flask. Stock solutions were
acetonitrile, methanol and water (49:49:2 % v/v/v)
stored at 4°C. The standard working solution of
at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min, using a Inertsil ODS
amoxicillin, tinidazole and omeprazole were
C18 column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 µ) column was found
prepared separately by further it was diluted with
to be appropriate, allowing good separation of the
mobile phase. Each standard solution (20µl) was
given drugs (Figure 4).
injected into the column after filtration using 0.2 micron membrane filter.
2.5. Preparation of mucoadhesive microsphere formulation
Microspheres were prepared by a solvent evaporation
acetone/liquid paraffin was used. Agglomeration of microspheres was prevented by using 0.75% w/v Span80. Eudragit RL 100 was used as core of microspheres and carbopol 934P was coated to produce mucoadhesion. Eudragit RL 100 was dissolved in acetone and weighed quantity of drugs, Carbopol 934P were dispersed in it. This homogeneous final dispersion was cooled to 5°C and poured slowly with stirring (700 rpm) into liquid paraffin containing 1% w/v span 80, which
was previously also cooled to 5 °C. The obtained emulsion was stirred at 40 °C for 40 min. The
Figure 4: A typical chromatogram of Amoxicillin,
microspheres in liquid paraffin was filtered, washed
Tinidazole and Omeprazole
Int J Recent Adv Pharm Res, 2012;2(2):78-83
ISSN: 2230-9306; www.ijrapronline.com International Journal of Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Research April 2012; 2(2): 78-83
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2. Method Validation
and diluted with mobile phase to get final concentrations in range 10-60 µg/ml of amoxicillin
3.2.1. Specificity
and tinidazole, and 50-300 µg/ml of omeprazole.
The specificity is the ability of the analytical method
Calibration graph was plotted between the mean
to measure accurately and specifically the analyte in
peak area v/s respective concentration and
the presence of the other component that might be
regression equation was derived. The linear
expected to be present in the sample. Condition of
regression equations of the lines for amoxicillin Y=
HPLC method like percentage of organic solvent in
42.63x+342.3, (r2= 0.991), for tinidazole Y= 73.87x-
mobile phase, ionic strength, flow rate etc, was
37.61, (r2= 0.993), for omeprazole Y= 7.903x+201.6,
changed. In spite of above changes no additional
peaks were found, although there were shift
3.2.4. LOD and LOQ Determination
retention times or little changes in peak shapes.
Limit of detection can be calculated by using
3.2.2. Accuracy and Precision
The accuracy of the proposed method was checked
by analyzing different concentration of the drugs in pure form within the calibration range in triplicate
(n = 3). The precision of the developed method was
based on standard deviation of the response and the
calculated by determining the inter-day and intra-
day coefficient of variation. The inter-day precision
was calculated by analyzing samples for three consecutive days. The intra-day precision was
Where σ = Standard deviation of the Y intercept of
calculated by analyzing the three different
concentration of the drug in triplicate and three
times in day. The percentage recovery of amoxicillin, tinidazole and omeprazole were
The Limit of Detection (LOD) were found to
between 97.2 to 99.6 with % RSD of 1.19 to 1.94
be 6.93 µg/ml for the amoxycillin, 8.71 µg/ml for
(Table 1).
tinidazole and 6.54 µg/ml for omeprazole while Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) were found to be 19.36
3.2.3. Linearity and range
µg/ml for amoxycillin, 21.40 µg/ml for tinidazole
To establish the linearity, aliquots of standard stock
Omeprazole were taken in 10 ml volumetric flasks
Table 1: Results of accuracy and precision study of Amoxicillin, Tinidazole and Omeprazole
Int J Recent Adv Pharm Res, 2012;2(2):78-83
ISSN: 2230-9306; www.ijrapronline.com International Journal of Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Research April 2012; 2(2): 78-83
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2.5. Robustness
Characterization of Amoxicillin Trihydrate
Robustness of the method was determined by
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HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL** VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME HIV RESEARCH NETWORK CY2010 ADULT VARIABLE LIST PLEASE NOTE: 1. Variables that were new in CY2009 remain highlighted in blue . 2. Variables that are new or have changed in CY2010 are shaded in orange . 3. Variables that are no longer a
Dr. Drug Rep On a blustery fall New England day in 2001, a friendly representative from W yeth Pharm aceuticals cam e intom y office in Newburyport, Mass., and m ade m e an offer I found hard to refuse. He asked m e if I’d like to givetalks to other doctors about using Effexor XR for treating . He told m e that I would go around todoctors’ offices during lunchtim e and talk about som e o