Iafbc.volume 3/issue3

T h e l a t e s t n e w s f r o m t h e I N V E S T M E N T A G R I C U L T U R E F O U N D A T I O N o f B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 3 V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3 Inroads in Europe
for Canadian

Wine and Spirits
(EU) on wines andspirits is expected to maintain stabilityin Canada's domestic Dr. Punja and Mahfuzur Rahman of SFU examine the severity of root rot on ginseng collected from an experimental plot at Harper Ranch Ginseng Garden near Kamloops.
distribution practicesand significantly open "Functional Foods" an
expanding opportunity
and European represen-tatives on September 16.
The Strategic Plan focuses on identifying www.iafbc.ca
"Functional Foods" continued
food markets in the world, presenting exciting value-added properties in their foods and Inroads in Europe
opportunities for BC's export industry.
supplements. From ginseng to garlic extract - for Canadian
herbs, natural products and functional foods Wine and Spirits
for Health Products and Functional Foods contributing $400,000 to the implementation has been estimated at between $1.6 billion of a five-year Strategic Plan. "All organizations within the Industry Alliance have commongoals," says Jerzy Zawistowski, Director of Acting on a Strategic Plan objective to enhance BCFN, "We are more consolidated and stronger when we work together under one umbrella." funded project is a conference titled "Japan,A global leader in the development and To find out more, check out their website: "This is a win for Canada, it's a win marketing of functional foods." Japan has one of the largest and well-regulated functional win for wine and spirits producers and consumers in both of our regions who can now look forward to moretrade opportunities and a greater Planning The Future of Agroforestry
variety of choice than in the past," said Minister Vanclief.
Agroforestry integrates agriculture andforestry practices and can provide producers with new opportunities to diversify. To realize the full potential of alternative cropping methods, an Agroforestry Steering Committee has created a five-year Strategic Plan.
indications, such as Okanagan Valley, Niagara Peninsula and Foundation has committed $500,000 for theimplementation of the Strategic Plan over the next five years. "The Strategic Plan's purpose is to promote and increase agroforestry crop Jennifer Curtis (New Crop Specialist, BCMAFF) and DetmarSchwichenberg harvest cedar boughs from a windbreak buffer protecting forage fields on the Schwichenberg Dairy Farm. The boughs will be sold Agroforestry practices include silvopasture,timberbelts, integrated riparian management, forest farming and alley cropping. Resulting crops and products can be both traditional and non-traditional including everything syrups, Christmas trees and florals.
in Canada. The agreement will also facilitate access to the EU market for The Strategic Plan was developed after an conducted. "We found that sustainability and environmental stewardship were majorreasons for wanting to implement agroforestry Harold Macy (right) and Adam Campbell harvest sap at HeadwatersCreek Woodlot in the Oyster River Watershed, Vancouver Island. Big practices," says Reedy. Agroforestry can also Leaf Maple sap is used to produce delicious syrup and unique wine.
Planning The Future continued
provide environmental protection when used implementing our Strategic Plan. We also in riparian or windbreak areas, as pollution are wanting to identify existing successful Our New Executive
and odor filters, as living fences to enrich soil and to prevent erosion and loss of topsoil.
"To increase agroforestry activities in BC we will be held in Oyster River, Abbotsford, must raise awareness about the benefits of practicing agroforestry systems," Reedy Contact Harold Reedy at hreedy@bulkey.net continued. "Our Committee will be seeking interested industry partners to assist us in Robert Simon as ExecutiveDirector. Robertstarted a two Beautiful Gardens. a Super Natural BC
The BC Landscape and Nursery Association (BCLNA) is developing new tourism-inspired Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries.
ideas for expanding the domestic ornamentalhorticulture market. "As the Foundation mandate and programs have grown, so has the need enhancing BC's international reputation as time to a full-time Executive Director," a tourist destination with beautiful gardens to enjoy including parks, theme gardens and provincial governments has expanded the activities of the Foundation. This David Boag and Heather Edward, Co-Chairs for BC's Communities encourages municipalities and businesses to in Bloom program, at the first BCLNA meeting to build partnershipsbetween Communities in Bloom, the ornamental horticulture focus on creating attractive landscapes as a means to enhance tourist appeal - and thus expanding the market for BC nursery plants • Partnering with the Communities in Bloom Program to strengthen its administrative Rob brings excellent qualifications to his new position. He has demonstrated "If municipalities across BC can see the leadership skills in several challenging measurable economic returns from investing situations over the past nine years while significant opportunity to expand the market for BC's nursery growers, retailers and land- • Increasing BC's presence at international scape trades," said Gordon Mathies, President trade shows by pooling resources between of the BCLNA. "Our focus of building strong working alliances outside of the industry is • Further developing the existing website (www.gardeninspiredtourism.ca) for public The current initiative has received $21,250 use with new and more detailed images of in funding from the Foundation - accounting gardens, and for tourist companies world- for 50% of total funding. Some of the projects wide, with a searchable database to find unique gardens to add to their trip packages. B O A R D

Tarra Mason Ward joins our
Performance & Evaluation team
The Investment Agriculture Foundation is delighted to welcome Tarra Mason Ward to our staff. Tarra brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her role in supporting the Foundation's Performance The Performance and Evaluation Committee helps the Foundation keep project monitoring and reporting on track. The Committee's focus ranges from project activities and deliverables, to budgeting "The Committee provides information to appli- cants to help them understand their reporting sure they are not spending too much time on reporting responsibilities. Our focus is to make it easier for - yet are still clearly describing the progress on their them to meet those responsibilities when reporting projects," says Tarra. "Projects we fund are scrutinized on the performance of their projects," explains Bob for their ability to get effective results for industry," she McCoubrey, Emerging Sectors Representative and Chair of the Committee. "The addition of a full- time staff member will continue to improve the For project reporting advice, contact Tarra Mason Ward at working relationship between the Foundation and (250) 356-0119 or Tarra.Masonward@gems4.gov.bc.ca 2003 Application Deadlines
The following dates have been established to provide an effective administrative process for proposals going to the Foundation's Board for consideration. Oct 2 • Nov 7, 2003 • Jan 5 • Feb 10 • April 2• April 30 • May 28, 2004
For more information on the application process, see our website or email application@iafbc.ca
Ex Officio
Overview of Projects Funded
The Foundation is a non-profit organization that invests funds to help the agri-food industry adapt, diversify Projects approved in the period July 1, 2003 to
Summary of total projects approved by the
September 30, 2003
Foundation to September 30, 2003
Total value of projects
Investment AgricultureFoundation of British For a detailed listing of approved projects please check out Total Funding Commitment
the foundation web site www.iafbc.ca. Total Value of Projects Approved
F u n d i n g f o r t h e I n ve s t m e n t A g r i c u l t u r e F o u n d a t i o n o f B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a i s p r o v i d e d b y : Ministry of Agriculture,
Food and Fisheries

Source: http://www.iafbc.ca/publications_and_resources/documents/2003-Fall.pdf

Microsoft word - msds95801a 13 10 2009.doc

REF : 95801 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According to Regulation (EC) N° 1907/2006 Annexe II (18/12/2006) 1- Identification of the preparation and of company undertaking Product Name: Lipase Calibrator. REF : 95801: R1: 1 X 3 mL R2: 1 X 5 mL For the calibration of assays using BIOLABO LIPASE Reagent REF 99881; REF 99891 Company/Undertaking identification and emergency phon

Staff at calderdale and huddersfield nhs trust are exploring th

NEWS RELEASE NO SMOKING DAY – MARCH 10, 2004 Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust are supporting the national campaign ‘NoSmoking Day’ on March 10 to try and encourage people to kick the habit. The Specialist Tobacco Advisers in Huddersfield are taking part in the nationalawareness day, by having a stand in the main entrance of the Huddersfield RoyalInfirmary and inviting staff and p

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