Eine Gruppe von Antibiotika antibiotika-wiki.de , zu denen das Natürliche Antibiotikum Lincomycin und sein halbsynthetisches Analogon Clindamycin gehören. Sie haben bakteriostatische oder bakterizide Eigenschaften, abhängig von der Konzentration im Körper und der Empfindlichkeit von Mikroorganismen. Die Wirkung ist auf die Unterdrückung der Proteinsynthese in Bakterienzellen durch Bindung DER 30s-Subeinheit der ribosomalen Membran zurückzuführen. Lincosamide sind resistent gegen die Wirkung von Salzsäure Magensaft. Nach oraler Verabreichung wird schnell absorbiert. Es wird für Infektionen verwendet, die durch Gram-positive Kokken (hauptsächlich als Medikamente der zweiten Reihe) und unvorhersehbare anaerobe Flora verursacht werden.
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UC Anschutz Medical Campus Health Sciences Library 12950 E. Montview Blvd., MS A003, Aurora, CO 80045 http://hslibrary.ucdenver.edu/ | AskHSL@lists.ucdenver. edu | 303-724-2152 Ovid Self-Test 1. What are the recent developments in the surgical treatment of morbid obesity in adolescents? 2. What are the effects of working 30 hour shifts on medical residents? 3. Use Ovid's Save Search/Alert feature to save the search history in question so that you can run that search again at a future date. (Hint: You must make a personal account to save searches to). 4. What's the difference between Cialis and Viagra? Which do patients prefer? 5. My doctor says my hoarseness is caused by my GERD, is that true? 6. Find a Harvard Health Letter article on grapefruit and drug interactions from August 2003. Provide the article title, volume, issue, and page numbers. Is it available in full text at Health Sciences Library? UC Anschutz Medical Campus Health Sciences Library 12950 E. Montview Blvd., MS A003, Aurora, CO 80045 http://hslibrary.ucdenver.edu/ | AskHSL@lists.ucdenver.edu | 303-724-2152 1. What are the recent developments in the surgical treatment of morbid obesity in adolescents? Type morbid obesity into the search box, click on "Search". Click on "Continue" in the next window. Click on the check box next to "surgery" and click on "Continue". Click on "Additional Limits" (near the bottom of the green box), then click on Adolescent in the Age Groups menu, and on "Limit A Search". Scroll down to see the most recent 10 citations. 2. What are the effects of working 30 hour shifts on medical residents? Type medical residents into the search box and click on "Search". Click on the checkbox to the left of the subject heading "Internship and Residency", click on continue, then click on "Continue" again. Type work shifts into the search box. Click on the check box to the left of the subject heading "Work Schedule Tolerance". Click on "Continue" and then on "Continue" again. Click on the check boxes to the left of the two subjects in the "Search History" table, then click on Combine selections with: "AND" button under the "Search History" table.
3. Use Ovid's Save Search/Alert feature to save the search history in question 2 so that you can run that search again at a future date.
Click on the "Personal Account" link and set up your account. Click on the "Save Search History" button under the Search History table. Type resident work shifts into the Search Name box, type a brief descriptive comment into the Comment box, and select "Permanent" as the Type. Click on the Save button. To rerun the search strategy at a future date, click on the Saved Searches/Alerts link in the upper right of the main search screen. Click on the check box to the left of your search name, then click on the "Run" button. Click on the Main Search Page button to view the results. 4. What's the difference between Cialis and Viagra? Which do patients prefer? Neither drug has its own Medical Subject Heading. Identify the drug names for Cialis (tadalafil) and Viagra (sildenafil). Uncheck the "Map Term to Subject Headings" box and search the first brand and drug name: cialis or tadalafil Then search the second brand and drug name: viagra or sildenafil Click on the Combine selections with: "AND" button. The results will provide articles that discuss both drugs. Type in patient satisfaction, click "Continue" and then click "Continue" again. Select the checkboxes for your two subjects, then click on Combine selections with: "AND" button. 5. My doctor says my hoarseness is caused by my GERD, is that true? There is no link to special consumer health resources in Ovid. Then type GERD into the search box, select "Gastroesophageal Reflux", click "Continue", and click "Continue" again. Click on the "Additional Limits" and select Consumer Health Journals from the Journal Subsets menu, then click on "Limit A Search" button. 6. Find a Harvard Health Letter article on grapefruit and drug interactions from August 2003. Provide the article title, volume, issue, and page numbers. Is it available in full text at Health Sciences Library?
Click on the "Find Citation" tab. Type grapefruit in the article title box, type Harvard Health Letter into the journal name box and type 2003 into the publication year box and click on the "Search" button.
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