Vitamin handout.xls

VITAMIN A Fat alfalfa, broccoli, carrots, cheese, eggs, fish, fish soluble liver oil, green & yel ow fruits & vegetables, kale, alcohol, coffee, cold weather, liver, milk products, spirulina cortisone, diabetes, excessive iron, infections, laxatives, liver disease, mineral oil, nitrates, strenuous physical activity within 4 hours of consumption, sugar, tobacco, vitamin D deficiency, zinc deficiency brewer's yeast, dessicated liver,organ meats, wheat germ, whole grains, yogurt(produces intestinal bactera needed for synthesis of B blackstrap molasses, brewer's yeast, brown rice, alcohol, antacids, barbituates, fish, meats, nuts, organ meat, poultry, wheat (excessive), stress, surgery, black tea, tobacco blackstrap molasses, brewer's yeast, eggs, fruit, alcohol, coffee, sodium bicarbonate, meat, poultry, tongue, whole grains, almonds, milkblackstrap molasses, brewer's yeast, green leafy alcohol, coffee, estrogens,oral vegetables, avocadoes, bananas, cabbage, dessicated liver, fish, meat, organ meat, peanuts, menopausal drugs, radiation prunes, raisins, soybeans, walnuts, wheat germ, exposure, tobaccowhole grains, trout, blueberriesbeef, eggs, fish, milk and milk products, organ B12 COBALAMIN meats, pork, spirulina, cottage cheese, liver, trout deficiency, coffee, hydrochloric acid Water Soluble deficiency, laxatives, liver disease, oral contraceptives, tobacco.
brewer's yeast, egg yolk, legumes, milk, organ BIOTIN meats, whole grains, liver (beef), peanuts CHOLINE brewer's yeast, egg yolk, fish, lecithin, legumes, alcohol, coffee,sugar (excessive)Water Soluble organ meats, soybeans, soybeans, wheat germ.
beets, cabbage family, citrus fruits, eggs, green a f y vegetables, milk products, organ meats, contraceptives, stress, sulfa drugs, tobacco blackstrap molasses, brewer's yeast, citrus fruits, alcohol, coffee INOSITOL Water lecithin, meat, milk, nuts, organ meats, Soluble vegetables, whole grains, orange, peanuts (roasted with skin)eggs, lean meats, milk products, organ meats, NIACIN Water peanuts, poultry, seafood, whole grain breads & liver disease, sugar/starches bran, brewer's yeast, broccoli, brown rice, carrots, alcohol, coffeecauliflower, cheese, eggs, fish, peas, legumes, peanuts, royal jel y, salmon, soybeans, spinach, walnuts, wheat, wheat germ, whole grains, liver (beef), mushroomsfresh fruits and vegetables antihistamines, aspirin, barbituates, cortisone, high fever, oral fruits (skin and pulp), apricots, cherries, grapes, antihistamines, aspirin, barbituates, grapefruit, lemons, plums VITAMIN D Fat egg yolks, organ meats, bone meal, sunlight, liver laxatives, mineral oil, phenobarbitolSoluble (beef), milk, salmon/tunabutter, dark green vegetables, eggs, fruits, nuts, air pol ution, chlorine, inorganic iron VITAMIN E organ meats, vegetable oils, wheat germ laxatives, linoleic acid, mineral oil, oral contraceptives, rancid fat & oil vegetable oils, wheat germ, sunflower seeds bone meal, green leafy vegetables, legumes, liver, milk and dairy products, molasses, nuts, salmon (w/bones), sardines, seaweeds, shel fish, phosphorus, stress, tetracyclines, oxalic & phytic acids, too much saturated fat in diet, vitamin D deficiency black pepper, cheeses, clams, corn oil, meats, refined carbohydrates, repeated pregnancies avocado, cauliflower, legumes, liver, molasses, nuts, organ meat, raisins, seafood, oysters, whole (excess intake)grains, brazil nuts, soybeansblackstrap molasses, dark green leafy vegetables, dessicated liver, eggs, fish, lean meat, legumes, liver, organ meats, oysters, poultry, shel fish, tongue, wheat germ, whole bone meal, bran, brown rice, green vegetables, honey, kelp tablets, nuts, organ meats, seafood, D, diuretics, excessive oxalic or phytic acids, highly refined diet, oral contraceptives, protein, tetracyclines, too much fat in diet.
apricots, blackstrap molasses, broccoli, brussel sprouts, dates, figs, lima beans, peaches, peanuts, raisins, red meats, seafood, seaweed, penicil in, salt, sugar, stressspinach, tomato juice, tofu, yel ow veggies, bananas, potatoes, sunfower seedsanimal meats, brewer's yeast, broccoli, cabbage, mercury, cadmium, silver, arsenic, eggs, fish, onion, organ meats, seafood, tomatoes, tuna, wheat germ, whole grains, lobster


Bei besonderem leidensdruck und einschränkung der lebensqualitä

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Badbir protocol v12_13032008finaleth

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