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Badbir protocol v12_13032008finaleth
British Association of Dermatologists' Biological Interventions Register Final BADBIR Protocol (Version 12 March 13th 2008) Steering group members Anthony Ormerod (Chair) Alex Anstey Prof. Jonathan Barker David Burden Robert Chalmers David Chandler (PAA) Prof Andrew Finlay Prof. Chris Griffiths Karina Jackson Neil McHugh Kevin Mckenna Prof N Reynolds Catherine Smith Study Team Principal Investigator 1. Background Biological interventions using highly specific immuno-modulatory agents represent a new therapeutic
approach to the treatment of patients with severe psoriasis, especially those in whom other agents
have failed, are contra-indicated or are for other reasons unsuitable. The scientific basis, mode of
action, effectiveness and safety of these interventions have been more rigorously tested than many
standard psoriasis therapies but the evidence is based on short term clinical trial interventions,
commonly 3 -6 months; there is, however, some limited data up to three years with certain of these
agents and considerably more experience from use in other diseases with others (infliximab and
Psoriasis tends to be a lifelong illness, most commonly starting before 40 years of age and often
presenting initially in childhood or early adulthood. Patients with severe disease are known to have a
significantly increased mortality, particularly from cardiovascular disease (Mallbris et al.;Wong et
al.;Gladman et al.). They tend to require interventions over long periods of their life and many of these
expose them to toxic and potentially fatal side effects. For photochemotherapy this includes squamous
carcinoma and melanoma; for methotrexate, haematopoietic failure, cirrhosis and pulmonary fibrosis
(rare in psoriasis patients); and for ciclosporin, renal impairment hypertension and its consequences.
Paul et al noted a doubling of the incidence of malignancies in 1252 patients treated with ciclosporin
due to a higher (six fold) incidence of squamous carcinoma, particularly in patients treated with PUVA
and more than two years of ciclosporin (Paul et al.). With acitretin there may be the development of
skeletal hyperostoses, hyperlipidaemia and its consequences, and hepatotoxicity. Side effects such as
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
nausea, vomiting, headache, hair loss, myopathy etc. can prevent the use of an agent in some
patients. The long term effects and relative risks with each of the modalities or combinations of these
modalities are poorly studied and poorly understood.
Retrospective cross sectional studies have been carried out in large populations of patients with
severe psoriasis. A cohort of 8991 patients hospitalised for psoriasis (Mallbris et al.) showed that
patients with severe disease, as indicated by frequent admission and earlier age of onset, is
associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular death (SMR 2.62; 95% CI 1.91-3.49). Olsen
(Olsen, Moller, and Frentz) reported on 6910 patients with psoriasis and found an increase in cancer
of the larynx (RR2.8) and pharynx (RR2.9) in men and colon RR (1.6) and kidney (RR 2.3) in women.
In a community-based study of more than 100,000 people aged over 65 years, Gelfand (Gelfand et
al.) found there to be an increased incidence of lymphoma amongst the 2718 patients with psoriasis
(Relative rate 2.95; CI 1.83-4.76): only 1.5% of these patients received ciclosporin and the cohort pre-
dated the widespread use of this drug, and the finding pertained even when methotrexate patients and
those developing mycosis fungoides were excluded. Boffetta (Boffetta, Gridley, and Lindelof) reported
increased cancer risks in a cohort of 9773 patients with psoriasis (SIR 1.37; 95% CI 1.28 - 1.47), most
notably squamous carcinoma of the skin (2.64), vulva (3.24) and penis (4.66). Interestingly, malignant
melanoma was reduced in incidence (SIR 0.32; 95% CI 0.10-0.74). In addition several malignancies
associated with smoking and alcohol were increased. A similar Finnish study by Anna Hannuksela-
Svahn et al (Hannuksela-Svahn et al.) examining 5687 patients who had been hospitalised for
psoriasis revealed an increased incidence of Hodgkin's disease (RR 3.3; CI 1.4-6.4) and squamous
carcinoma of the skin (SIR 3.2; 95% CI 2.3-4.4), non Hodgkin's lymphoma (SIR 2.2; 95% CI 1.4-3.4)
and laryngeal carcinoma. Melanoma incidence was reduced (SIR 0.8; CI 0.3-1.6). Margolis (Margolis
et al.) studied 1101 patients with severe psoriasis requiring second line therapy and 16519 patients
with less severe disease. They used patients with severe eczema, hypertension or organ
transplantation as controls. They found a similar incidence of cancer in severe psoriasis patients to
that found in the organ transplants (RR 2.12; 95% CI 1.8-2.5) with males and older patients having the
greatest risk. The risk ratio for lymphoma was 7.95 (95% CI 4.94-12.79). Non-melanoma skin cancer
accounted for most other malignancies in their patients but the sample was of insufficient power to
compare differences between treatments. The increased risk in the non-severe psoriasis patients was
only slightly increased (RR 1.13; 95% CI 1.03-1.25). Whether these effects are a consequence of
disease severity or the use of therapies cannot be ascertained.
Excess mortality related to alcohol and smoking is also found to be associated with severe psoriasis
(Poikolainen, Karvonen, and Pukkala). Overall SMR was 1.62 (95% CI 1.52 -1.71) for men, and for
women 1.54 (95% CI 1.43-1.64). For causes related to alcohol the SMR for men was 4.46 and for
women 5.6. Similar ratios have been found for patients with psoriatic arthritis (SMR 1.59 for males and
1.65 for females) (Wong et al.). Potentially, disease modification can have beneficial effects on
disease associated co-morbidity. This has been established for low dose methotrexate (Prodanowich
et al.) and for TNF blockers in rheumatoid arthritis (Jacobsson et al.)
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
Thus psoriasis itself is associated with health risks that may relate to disease severity and may
alternatively be modified by interventions with immunosuppressive and UV based therapies. The
disease is a long term condition for which optimal long term management has little evidence to guide
the clinician. We do not know whether powerful but toxic interventions lead to a net benefit or a net
2. Rationale for the Establishment of a Biological Interventions for Psoriasis Register
The primary purpose of establishing a "biologicals" registry for psoriasis is to follow a large cohort of
patients treated with biological agents so that their long-term safety can be monitored. This long-term
safety data cannot be determined from short-term clinical trials in selected patients. A subsidiary aim
will be to collect information on their long-term efficacy.
In the UK, three agents (infliximab, efalizumab and etanercept) are licensed for treatment of psoriasis
and two are undergoing technology approval by NICE (efalizumab and etanercept). These agents are
free from the traditional end organ toxicities of existing systemic agents but have other side effects
such as infusion reactions, chills, injection site reactions and development of antinuclear antibodies
(infliximab and etanercept); additional rare side effects include thrombocytopenia (efalizumab),
rebound or flare (efalizumab), serious infection e.g. tuberculosis (infliximab and etanercept), cardiac
failure and demyelinating disease (infliximab and etanercept). They are likely to offer considerable
benefits in safety and quality of life for those with more severe disease but questions remain regarding
long term safety and rare side effects. Other biological agents are being evaluated for psoriasis (e.g.
adalimumab) and when these become licensed they could be integrated into the register.
We need to have a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of these agents for
maintaining suppression of severe psoriasis over years and of how these compare with existing
agents. Such understanding will inform the place of each treatment in long-term treatment strategies,
e.g. in what sequence should they be given and should they be used in combination with existing
drugs or with each other? Although some of these questions might be answered by carefully designed
randomised controlled trials, there will inevitably be many uncertainties about the "real world" use of
these therapies and much could be learned from a registry. Establishing a registry of all UK patients
exposed to biological therapy for psoriasis and a control group given conventional therapies including
ciclosporin, methotrexate and acitretin will help to answer these questions.
In a prospective follow-up study of 1380 patients treated with PUVA alone over a 20 year period,
Stern, Nichols and Vakeva observed a five fold increase in the relative risk for melanoma (Stern,
Nichols, and Vakeva). This was in an American population where there is a higher background
incidence of melanoma than in the UK. Latency was as long as 10-15 years and the crude incidence
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
was only of 8 more melanomas than expected. A similar follow up of 4799 Swedish patients treated
with PUVA failed to show an increase in the risk of melanoma following systemic PUVA (Lindelof et
al.). The proposed register will probably include a number of patients who have received large
cumulative doses of PUVA in the past. Current UK practice, however, is to rely more on narrow band
UVB for which the carcinogenic risks are thought to be less but where there is a lack of long-term
Comparable databases have been set up in Europe and USA for anti-TNFα therapies in other
indications and initial findings are starting to be reported. In the Stockholm register for inflammatory
bowel disease, with 217 infliximab treated patients (Ljung et al.), the risk of adverse events was
increased in elderly patients with severe inflammatory bowel disease and lymphoma had a 1.5%
incidence. A Spanish register of 1,540 patients treated with infliximab (86%) and etanercept (14%)
showed a 1.1-1.9% incidence of tuberculosis in patients treated for rheumatoid arthritis (Gomez-Reino
The American national register for rheumatic disease studied by Wolfe (Wolfe and Michaud) included
18,572 patients with RA and showed an overall SIR for lymphoma in patients treated for RA with anti
TNFα therapies of 2.9 (95% CI 1.7-4.9), but this may be due to patients with more severe disease
being represented in these treatment cohorts and the authors could not establish a causal relationship
between RA treatment and the lymphomas observed.
3. Methods
3.1 Aims
The primary purpose of establishing a "biologicals" register for psoriasis is to ascertain whether there
is an importantly increased risk of serious adverse events following the introduction of these agents in
the treatment of psoriasis compared to that expected from a conventionally treated cohort with
comparable disease severity. This assessment is to include potential adverse effects, which have not
been detected in the relatively short-term clinical trials and those which are theoretically or currently
perceived as important. Specifically this includes cancer especially lymphoma, non-melanoma skin
cancer especially squamous cell carcinoma, demyelinating disease and tuberculosis.
A subsidiary aim will be to collect information on the long-term efficacy of these therapies. A number of
subsidiary questions will also be addressed which include the evaluation of differences between these
agents, multiple agents concurrently or in sequence in terms of serious adverse effects.
Further, it is proposed that the register will seek to identify all available data on patients who become
pregnant on treatment and to follow up the outcome of those pregnancies.
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
The BADBIR will also correct for the influence of potential confounders on these outcomes such as
psoriasis severity, alcohol and cigarette smoking; non-biological concomitant or previous therapy; and
This initial proposal is based on outcomes to be ascertained within 5 years of start of treatment though
it is accepted that longer term follow up may be required for serious adverse events with a greater
The results will inform clinical practice for long-term management of this chronic, often lifelong
3.2 Design
This is a prospective cohort study consisting of two cohorts comparing patients treated with biological
interventions to a control group with similar disease characteristics but exposed only to non-biological
systemic therapies. The comparison group would include patients treated with PUVA, methotrexate,
ciclosporin and acitretin. The protocol will be submitted for MREC approval. Analysis will take into
account switching from the control group to a biologic agent or from one biologic agent to a different
The register will be modelled on the existing British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register,
BSRBR, and run on a similar platform and co-located at Manchester University. Staff of the BSRBR
will be partners in running this new register. BADBIR will promote registration of biological therapies
and of controls to all dermatologists prescribing these interventions on all patients they treat that
satisfy the inclusion criteria and that consent to take part. The register aims to recruit all patients
receiving each agent until the required cohort size has been attained. Numbers required need to be
achievable and sufficient to enable worthwhile comparisons to be made. It is anticipated that 2000-
4000 will be required in each biological intervention and 4000 controls. Recruitment for one agent
would cease if the 4000 patient target is reached.
Following registration, for the duration of the study, BADBIR will approach the dermatologists to
update the records of all patients whether or not they continue on therapy. This will be captured
primarily as web-based data entry. Dermatologists will be able to view data on their patients and add
to this without unnecessary repetition. Paper forms will be available as a substitute for those unable to
The co-ordinating centre will mail patients with paper forms to gain additional information on their
quality of life, drinking and smoking habits, medication and any health care problems according to the
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
Where responses from patients or physicians are delayed there will be repeated reminders and phone
calls if necessary to ensure the most complete data possible is obtained.
When formal follow-up of the last patients entered in the register is complete, BADBIR will continue to
link the register to the national cancer register and to the death register. Patient data will need to be
acquired and stored with patient specific information. This will be pseudonymised (e.g. patient
3.2.1 Exposed cohort Inclusion criteria 1. Patients commencing treatment with a biological agent in the previous six months for their psoriasis 2. Age 16 years or older
3. Willingness to give informed consent for long term follow-up and access to all medical records.
To reduce bias between this and the active intervention group BADBIR will also collect at baseline the
reasons for treatment with the chosen agent, whether the patient is either intolerant or contraindicated
or failed to respond to other therapies.
With support of the BAD, external validity will be maintained by urging involvement of all
dermatologists in the registration process. BAD guidelines and guidance from NICE will all state that
patients treated with biologic therapy should be registered. Failure to do so can be construed as not
complying with normal clinical practice.
The study will be restricted to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and will be co-
ordinated by a steering group acting on behalf of the BAD.
3.2.2 Non-exposed cohort
Many patients with similar disease severity will continue to be treated with traditional interventions.
The severity of disease requiring a systemic intervention is likely to compare quite closely with that of
those exposed to biological interventions. Most frequently a decision to use biological therapy will be
based more on unsuitability or unresponsiveness to existing therapy than on disease severity. There
are likely to be differences, for example in the responsiveness to standard agents, compared to
patients in the biological group; these cannot be quantified other than by fully documenting previous
systemic treatment for psoriasis. These random heterogeneous effects should be similar over a large
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
The controls will be recruited across all contributing centres, with participants encouraged to register
one control for every patient registered. This will ensure high recruitment of controls and reduce the
Analysis will take into account switching from one group to another or to different biologics such that
the person years of follow-up in the control group switch to the biological group if biological therapy is
Inclusion criteria
1. Patients initiating or switching conventional therapy with PUVA, ciclosporin, methotrexate,
fumaric acid esters or acitretin for therapy of their psoriasis.
2. If not switching therapy, patients must have severe psoriasis meeting the severity criteria
for biological therapy as in the BAD guideline (rule of 10s)
3. Aged 16 years or older
4. Informed consent to participate in long-term follow-up and access to all medical records.
Exclusion criteria
1. Patients must never have been exposed to biological therapy
Note: If a patient was subsequently started on biological therapy, then he/she would switch from the
control cohort to the biological cohort as the design is to include all eligible patients in that cohort.
4. Statistics, Sample size and statistical power (see also appendix 1) The initial analyses will consist of comparisons in baseline status between the individuals in the
treatment cohorts. For the purposes of analysis (initially) follow-up time will be censored in both
cohorts if there is switching to another class of biologic therapy and censored in the standard therapy
group if there is switching to a biologic agent. The adverse events of interest are calculated per person
time of follow-up, after the start of therapy. Depending on the events, separate analyses are
undertaken (i) restricting consideration to time on drug, which include the period within 90 days of last
injection and (ii) all person time following start of therapy. Standard time-dependent regression
analyses will be undertaken to compare event rates between groups after adjusting for baseline and
Sample size of the biologics exposure group will be limited or determined by external factors:
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
1) NICE technology assessment 103 and recommendation of the agents with etanercept failure
being a criteria for the use of efalizumab
2) NICE indicates the need for pharmacovigilance and recommends patients are registered in this
After discussion with sponsors, industry, health administration and opinion leaders we feel that over 5 years collecting 4000 patients in each of the biological intervention arms and in the control cohort is likely to be achievable.
The size of the comparison cohort will be under our control. However, it is difficult to anticipate the
magnitude of rate differences for adverse events between the cohorts as patients from all groups are
likely to have had prior exposure to immunosuppressive drugs. Cancer is likely to have a low
incidence, which may also be increased by having severe psoriasis. Using crude incidence figures in
psoriatic patients, approximated from previous studies (Hannuksela-Svahn et al.), (Boffetta, Gridley,
and Lindelof) these would be as follows:
Any adverse events with a frequency of up to 1 in 2,000 in the control group should be addressed
within the power of the register. (See assumptions in appendix 1). Bold figures, above, indicate those
outcomes which the register is powered to address to an increase risk of 3 or 4 fold over 5 years.
Other potential adverse effects with biologicals have been shown to have a strong signal which would
be detected by the register by virtue of the many fold increase in risk of a rare outcome e.g.
Tuberculosis increased by a factor of 5 with anti-TNFα agents.
The sample size required in each group for a 2 sided significance of alpha < 0.05 to be detected with
80% power has been determined in patient years. Grey shaded areas in appendix 1 indicate
predictions within the scope of the register.
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
Estimating the risk of rare adverse effects with a smaller signal, especially lymphoma will be facilitated
by long-term linkage to the national cancer registry (in addition to the control group). The risk window
for cancer being defined as once exposed always at risk. Where two biologicals have been used, the
proportion of time spent on each will define its possible contribution to risk. Where the adverse event
is rare or where a biological intervention is under-represented in the register, the numbers of patient's
data can also potentially be increased by sharing data with other compatible registers such as those
operating in Sweden, Italy, and Germany.
The aim is to recruit 4,000 patients on conventional treatments and 2,000 to 4,000 on each biological
intervention (depending on the uptake of these drugs in clinical practice). NICE guidelines indicate that
in the UK etanercept should be used first and it is likely to be used much more than the others. 4,000
patients in each cohort, biologicals and conventional treatment would give an exposure of 12,000
patient years in each group. This would give power to detect at least a 3 or 4 fold increase in risk of
events occurring at a frequency of 1 in a 1000 or 1 in 2000 patients. Rarer events would be detected if
the relative risks were higher. nQuery advisor (version 5, JD Elashoff) was used to calculate the
person years of follow-up required using a 95% confidence level and 80% power 1 to 1 ratio in each
cohort. This would be sufficient to detect for example the risk of non melanoma skin cancer which is a
particular concern in these patients who have been exposed to phototherapy.
5. Auditing the conduct of the study and research governance
The following coordinated program will ensure quality control
a. Training of staff - including a program of training for nurses in PASI scoring and how
to use the register. A coordinated program is underway.
b. An on-line manual will be provided for dermatologists to send in quality data, including
c. Quality checks will be made for data received (i.e. manual scanning for completeness,
errors and then checks at data entry stage for inconsistencies).
d. Selected serious adverse events (SAEs) will be checked against a set of predefined validation criteria. BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008 6. Summary Study flow chart Data captured Baseline Follow up (months) 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60 (If applicable) applicable)
Transaminase, Cholesterol, triglycerides Systemic treatments
*Pregnancy: Specific prompts in the consultant follow-up forms with additional questionnaires if yes to follow specific outcome. 7. Baseline data.
This will necessarily be comprehensive to identify potential confounding factors.
A unique identifier will be assigned on registration of the patient. Ascertainment of data will be from a
combination of patient interview, examination and examination of hospital medical records, performed
by a doctor or trained deputy e.g. nurse.
7.1 Patient identification (separately stored for confidentiality)
• NHS number (Chi number Scotland) (health and care number Northern Ireland)
• Hospital unit number if above not known
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008 7.2 To appear in the register
• Patient identification unique number
7.3 Psoriasis details
Chronic plaque with guttate Chronic plaque without guttate Erythrodermic Generalised pustular Localised pustular Nails Flexural (inverse) Scalp Acrodermatits continua of Hallopeau
Family history of psoriasis in first degree relatives yes / no
Has the patient a diagnosis by a rheumatologist of inflammatory arthritis? Y/N
Patients with arthritis - HAQ score to be obtained via patient questionnaires every 6 months.
7.4 Baseline severity
• CAGE questionnaire for alcohol dependence
7.5 Baseline examination 6.6 Prior therapy
Has the patient previously received and total exposure (months)
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
3. Oral retinoids 4. Hydroxycarbamide 5. Azathioprine 6. Mycophenolate mofetil 7. Fumaric acid esters 8. Infliximab (biologicals group only) 9. Etanercept (biologicals group only) 10. Efalizumab (biologicals group only) 11. Adalimumab(biologicals group only) 12. Alefacept (biologicals group only)
7.7 Risk factors for skin cancer
Residence in tropical/subtropical countries
History of prior Neoplastic or pre-cancerous lesions:-
Melanoma, Melanoma in situ (give site and date for each), SCC (give number), BCC (give number),
yes tick for Keratoacanthoma, Actinic Keratosis, Bowen's Disease.
7.8 Co morbidity data
High blood pressure Angina Heart attack Stroke Epilepsy Asthma Chronic bronchitis/emphysema Peptic ulcer Liver disease Hepatitis Abnormal LFTs Renal disease Raised creatinine
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
TB increased risk Demyelination Diabetes Thyroid disease Depression Non skin cancer Type free text, site free text, date Blood dyscrasia Immunodeficiency syndromes
1. Current, 2.ex-smoker or 3.never-smoked
a) Number of cigarettes currently smoked
b) Number of cigarettes smoked when a smoker
Current alcohol intake: number of units per week (give examples on the form)
7.9 Concomitant medications
List drugs patient is taking - (predictive text on field)
A specific prompt will be made for topical tacrolimus and pimecrolimus use.
7.10 Laboratory investigations
Basic blood results will be captured including: Haemoglobin, White cell count, Platelets,
Creatinine, Transaminase (ALT), and where possible fasting Cholesterol and triglyceride.
These will be recorded in the register at baseline and every 6 months
8. Follow up data
Recorded at 6 monthly intervals for 3 years and yearly for a further 2 years the following data will be
8.1 Consultant Follow up
• Have there been any changes to the patient's biological therapy?
• If yes record drug, dose started and stopped
• Other
• Any change in the patient's oral anti-psoriatic medication?
• Anti-psoriatic drug treatment, dose, started and stopped?
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
• Number of doses and total Joules (PUVA) for the episode
• Has your patient experienced an adverse event or new illness?
• Adverse event detail (allow for input of several)
• Specific prompt for skin cancer and non-cutaneous cancer and tuberculosis or serious
• Was patient on biological therapy at the time of onset of event?
• Did this result in death, hospitalisation, loss of function, significant disability, congenital
malformation or was in any other way life threatening?
• Do you believe that there is a reasonable possibility that this event was related to the patient's
• Was a yellow card filled in for the adverse reaction?
8.2 Current psoriasis severity
• PASI • Physicians global assessment (PGA) (See appendix 5) • Patients with a rheumatologist's diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis will have the HAQ
assessed at baseline and subsequent visits
8.3 Vital status
• Contact details for person completing the form
• Add any missing data from registration
• Adverse events will be classified according to the new pharmaceutical standard MedDRA
• If pregnancy occurs follow up to include outcome
8.4 Data acquired directly from patients at follow up
• Any new hospital referrals and reason Y/N
• If yes name of hospital consultant in charge and reason
• Any new hospital admissions and reason Y/N
• If yes name of hospital, consultant in charge and reason
• Euroqol 9.0 Analysis of the data 9.1 Primary endpoints for evaluation BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008 9.2 Hypotheses to test
Increased risk is related to the duration of therapy
Baseline characteristics determine increased risk, especially prior therapy
Certain longitudinal combinations of treatment carry higher risks
In addition the benefits of therapy will be assessed using a variety of objective scores, PGA
and PASI, and quality of life DLQI, Euroqol EQ-5D.
9.3 Analytic approach
The initial analyses will consist of comparisons in baseline status between the individuals in the
treatment cohorts. For the purposes of analysis (initially) follow up time will be censored in both
cohorts if there is switching to another class of biologic therapy and censored in the standard therapy
cohort if there is switching to a biologic agent. The adverse events of interest are calculated per
person time of follow up, following the start of therapy. Depending on the events, separate analyses
are undertaken (i) restricting consideration to time on drug, which includes the period within 90 days of
last injection and (ii) all person time following start of therapy e.g. malignancy. Time-dependent
regression analyses will be undertaken to compare event rates between groups after adjusting for
9.4 Interim Analyses
Interim analyses will be undertaken at appropriate intervals when 5000 person years of exposure have
been accumulated in any of the exposed groups. Such analyses will be a guide to the ultimate levels
of recruitment and length of follow up required. Decisions as to the timing of publications and the need
for continued follow up and/or recruitment can only be taken in the light of results from such analyses.
A Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee (DMEC) has been established, analogous to a Data Safety &
Monitoring Board established for major clinical trials. The DMEC will be independent of the principal
investigators and also of any of the pharmaceutical industries involved, and will have the power to
request interim analyses and advise on the timing and nature of any publications. The DMEC should
include at least one epidemiologist, a dermatologist and a statistician.
10. Roles of interested parties
The BAD will seek funding and a generic contract with the pharmaceutical companies whose products
are being monitored. The University of Manchester will be the sponsor of the study. BAD will have
ownership of the data. The project will be steered by a steering group and data monitoring and ethics
committee (DMEC) under the auspices of the BAD and will operate independently from direct industry
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
involvement. The manufacturer of a product will have access to aggregated data from subjects
exposed to their product but not to named individual data.
10. 1 Role of the Pharmaceutical companies The goals of industry and the dermatological community are similar in seeking accurate estimates of
any increased risk of serious adverse events. It may also be a pre-requisite for drug licence approval,
that a study such as the one proposed is established. It is accepted that it is beneficial that any study,
such as the one proposed, should be independent of any direct industry involvement. Thus decisions
on analyses, interpretation and publication should be independent of any industrial contribution.
Industry can have a crucial role in stimulating registration after licensing, and also contributing their
experience into the nature and type of data to be collected. Timely serious adverse event data will be
shared with the relevant manufacturer according to agreed standardised protocols. Aggregated data
relating to a particular product will be shared with industry in confidence, though individual identifiable
patient data will not be released. A participant company has the option of requesting specific analyses
and will be shown drafts of any publications, reports, abstracts or other material prior to submission for
presentation or publication. They can ask for clarifications or amendments to such material but the
final decision on these would rest with the principle investigators and the DMEC. All the principal
investigators and members of the DMEC have to complete an annual 'Declaration of conflict of
interests', which will be added to all publications.
There will be an annual joint pharmaceutical companies meeting to discuss contractual issues and
10.2 Role of BAD BAD will be the owner of the data that emerge from the study. The study co-ordinator will report on a
quarterly basis to such committees or sub-committees that BAD deems appropriate. The membership
of the DMEC will be subject to the approval of BAD.
Boffetta, P., G. Gridley, and B. Lindelof. "Cancer risk in a population-based cohort of patients
hospitalized for psoriasis in Sweden." J Invest Dermatol 117.6 (2001): 1531-37.
---. "Cancer risk in a population-based cohort of patients hospitalized for psoriasis in Sweden." J Invest
De, Bandt M., et al. "Systemic lupus erythematosus induced by anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha
therapy: a French national survey." Arthritis Res.Ther. 7.3 (2005): R545-R551.
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
Gelfand, J. M., et al. "Lymphoma rates are low but increased in patients with psoriasis: results from a
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BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
---. "Tuberculosis infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and the effect of infliximab therapy."
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BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008 Appendix 1Statistical Power and numbers converted to patient years Number pt years required in each cohort (controls and biologics) Shading indicates likely power of the register in 5years (dark) to 10 years (light)
Using stat calc (epi info) 95% confidence level 80% power 1 to 1 ratio in each cohort Chart of accrual of patient years given scenario of 1000 per year patients registered on biologics or 500 per year registered runs to 14 years which may be relevant for longer term e.g. melanoma data.
BADBIR Protocol Version 12 March 13th 2008
INIBIÇÃO E SINTOMA: a angústia na clínica hoj Clínica Psicanalítica; Inibição; Sintoma; Angústia. Vera Lopes Besset RESUMOUma inibição pode levar um sujeito a procurar um analista? Talvez, mas para isto é preciso que ela se torne sintomática , que adquira o estatuto de sofrimentos de um sintoma . Sintoma que se apresente como enigma ao sujeito nele revelado como desejant
PolarScreen Red™ (Invitrogen) Glucocorticoid Receptor Assay Tecan Infinite™ F500, Fluorescence Polarization The Glucocorticoid Receptor Assay description The Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) belongs to the important Invitrogen has developed a variety of so called PolarScreenTM superfamily of ligand-activated, intracytoplasmatic Nuclear Receptor Assays ,