Eine Gruppe von Antibiotika antibiotika-wiki.de , zu denen das Natürliche Antibiotikum Lincomycin und sein halbsynthetisches Analogon Clindamycin gehören. Sie haben bakteriostatische oder bakterizide Eigenschaften, abhängig von der Konzentration im Körper und der Empfindlichkeit von Mikroorganismen. Die Wirkung ist auf die Unterdrückung der Proteinsynthese in Bakterienzellen durch Bindung DER 30s-Subeinheit der ribosomalen Membran zurückzuführen. Lincosamide sind resistent gegen die Wirkung von Salzsäure Magensaft. Nach oraler Verabreichung wird schnell absorbiert. Es wird für Infektionen verwendet, die durch Gram-positive Kokken (hauptsächlich als Medikamente der zweiten Reihe) und unvorhersehbare anaerobe Flora verursacht werden.
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F L O R A (PLANTS) Agave arizonica Agave parviflora Agave victoriae-reginae #1 Nolina interrata Galanthus spp. #1 Sternbergia spp. #1 Hoodia spp. #9 Pachypodium spp. #1 (Except Pachypodium ambongense Pachypodium baronii Pachypodium decaryi Rauvolfia serpentina #2 Panax ginseng #3 (Only the population of the Russian
Federation; no other population is included in the Appendices)
Panax quinquefolius #3 Araucaria araucana Podophyllum hexandrum #2 Tillandsia harrisii #1 Tillandsia kammii #1 Tillandsia kautskyi #1 Tillandsia mauryana #1 Tillandsia sprengeliana #1 Tillandsia sucrei #1 Tillandsia xerographica #1 CACTACEAE spp.7 #4 (Except Ariocarpus spp. Astrophytum asterias Aztekium ritteri Coryphantha werdermannii Discocactus spp. Echinocereus ferreirianus ssp. lindsayi Echinocereus schmollii Escobaria minima Escobaria sneedii Mammillaria pectinifera Mammillaria solisioides Melocactus conoideus Melocactus deinacanthus Melocactus glaucescens Melocactus paucispinus Obregonia denegrii Pachycereus militaris Pediocactus bradyi Pediocactus knowltonii Pediocactus paradinei Pediocactus peeblesianus Pediocactus sileri Pelecyphora spp. Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii Sclerocactus erectocentrus Sclerocactus glaucus Sclerocactus mariposensis Sclerocactus mesae-verdae Sclerocactus nyensis Sclerocactus papyracanthus Sclerocactus pubispinus Sclerocactus wrightiae Strombocactus spp. Turbinicarpus spp. Uebelmannia spp. Caryocar costaricense #1 Saussurea costus Dudleya stolonifera Dudleya traskiae Fitzroya cupressoides Pilgerodendron uviferum Cyathea spp. #1 CYCADACEAE spp. #1 Cycas beddomei Shortia galacifolia #1 Cibotium barometz #1 Dicksonia spp. #1 (Only the populations of the Americas; no
other population is included in the Appendices)
DIDIEREACEAE spp. #1 Dioscorea deltoidea #1 Dionaea muscipula #1 Euphorbia spp. #1 (Succulent species only except the species included in Appendix I. Artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Euphorbia trigona, artificially propagated specimens of crested, fan-shaped or colour mutants of Euphorbia lactea, when grafted on
artificially propagated root stock of Euphorbia neriifolia, and artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Euphorbia 'Milii' when they are traded in shipments of 100 or more plants and readily recognizable as artificially propagated specimens, are not subject to the provisions of the Convention)
Euphorbia ambovombensis Euphorbia capsaintemariensis Euphorbia cremersii (Includes the forma viridifolia and the var. Euphorbia cylindrifolia (Includes Euphorbia decaryi (Includes the vars. ampanihyenis, robinsonii and Euphorbia francoisii Euphorbia moratii (Includes the vars. antsingiensis, bemarahensis Euphorbia parvicyathophora Euphorbia quartziticola Euphorbia tulearensis Fouquieria columnaris #1 Fouquieria fasciculata Fouquieria purpusii Gnetum montanum #1 (Nepal) Oreomunnea pterocarpa #1
LEGUMINOSAE (Fabaceae) Afrormosia, cristobal, rosewood, sandalwood
Dalbergia nigra Dipteryx panamensis(Costa Pericopsis elata #5 Platymiscium pleiostachyum #1 Pterocarpus santalinus #7 Aloe spp. #1 (Except the species included in Appendix I. Also excludes Aloe vera, also
referenced as Aloe barbadensis which is not included in the Appendices)
Aloe albida Aloe albiflora Aloe alfredii Aloe bakeri Aloe bellatula Aloe calcairophila Aloe compressa (Includes the vars. paucituberculata, rugosquamosa and schistophila)
Aloe delphinensis Aloe descoingsii Aloe fragilis Aloe haworthioides (Includes the Aloe helenae Aloe laeta (Includes the var. Aloe parallelifolia Aloe parvula Aloe pillansii Aloe polyphylla Aloe rauhii Aloe suzannae Aloe versicolor Aloe vossii Magnolia liliifera var. obovata #1 Cedrela odorata #5 [Population of Colombia Swietenia humilis #1 Swietenia macrophylla #6 Swietenia mahagoni #5 Nepenthes spp. #1 Nepenthes khasiana Nepenthes rajah ORCHIDACEAE spp. 8 #8 (Except
(For all of the following Appendix-I species, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid
media, transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions of the Convention)
Aerangis ellisii Dendrobium cruentum Laelia jongheana Laelia lobata Paphiopedilum spp. Peristeria elata Phragmipedium spp. Renanthera imschootiana Cistanche deserticola #1 Beccariophoenix madagascariensis Chrysalidocarpus decipiens Lemurophoenix halleuxii Marojejya darianii Neodypsis decaryi #1 Ravenea louvelii Ravenea rivularis Satranala decussilvae Voanioala gerardii Meconopsis regia #1 (Nepal) Abies guatemalensis Podocarpus neriifolius #1 Podocarpus parlatorei
PORTULACACEAE Lewisias, portulacas, purslanes
Anacampseros spp. #1 Avonia spp. #1 Lewisia serrata#1 Cyclamen spp. 9 #1 Orothamnus zeyheri #1 Protea odorata #1
RANUNCULACEAE Golden seals, yellow adonis, yellow root
Adonis vernalis #2 Hydrastis canadensis #3 Prunus africana #1 Balmea stormiae
SARRACENIACEAE Pitcher-plants (New World)
Sarracenia spp. #1 (Except the Sarracenia oreophila Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii Picrorhiza kurrooa #3 (Excludes Bowenia spp. #1 Stangeria eriopus Taxus chinensis and infraspecific taxa of this species10 #10 Taxus cuspidata and infraspecific taxa of this species10 #10 Taxus fuana and infraspecific taxa
of this species10 #10 Taxus sumatrana and infraspecific taxa of this species10 #10 Taxus wallichiana #10
THYMELAEACEAE (Aquilariaceae) Agarwood, ramin
Aquilaria spp. #1 Gonystylus spp. #1 Gyrinops spp. #1
TROCHODENDRACEAE (Tetracentraceae) Tetracentron
Tetracentron sinense #1 (Nepal) Nardostachys grandiflora #3 Welwitschia mirabilis #1 ZAMIACEAE spp. #1 (Except the Ceratozamia spp. Chigua spp. Encephalartos spp. Microcycas calocoma Hedychium philippinense #1 Guaiacum spp. #2
1. Species included in these Appendices are referred to:
a) by the name of the species; or b) as being all of the species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof.
2. The abbreviation "spp." is used to denote all species of a higher taxon.
3. Other references to taxa higher than species are for the purposes of information or classification
only. The common names included after the scientific names of families are for reference only. They are intended to indicate the species within the family concerned that are included in the Appendices. In most cases this is not all of the species within the family.
4. The following abbreviations are used for plant taxa below the level of species:
a) "ssp." is used to denote subspecies; and b) "var(s)." is used to denote variety (varieties).
5. As none of the species or higher taxa of FLORA included in Appendix I is annotated to the effect that
its hybrids shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of Article III of the Convention, this means that artificially propagated hybrids produced from one or more of these species or taxa may be traded with a certificate of artificial propagation, and that seeds and pollen (including pollinia), cut flowers, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers of these hybrids are not subject to the provisions of the Convention.
6. The names of the countries in parentheses placed against the names of species in Appendix III are
those of the Parties submitting these species for inclusion in this Appendix.
7. In accordance with Article I, paragraph (b), sub-paragraph (iii), of the Convention, the symbol (#)
followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon included in Appendix II or III designates parts or derivatives which are specified in relation thereto for the purposes of the Convention as follows: #1 Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
a) seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia); b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; and c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants;
#2 Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
a) seeds and pollen; b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and d) chemical derivatives and finished pharmaceutical products;
#3 Designates whole and sliced roots and parts of roots, excluding manufactured parts or derivatives such as powders, pills, extracts, tonics, teas and confectionery;
#4 Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
a) seeds, except those from Mexican cacti originating in Mexico, and pollen; b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; d) fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or artificially propagated plants; and e) separate stem joints (pads) and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or artificially propagated plants of the genus Opuntia subgenus Opuntia;
#5 Designates logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets;
#6 Designates logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets and plywood;
#7 Designates logs, wood-chips and unprocessed broken material;
#8 Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
a) seeds and pollen (including pollinia); b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and d) fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of artificially propagated plants of the genus Vanilla;
#9 Designates all parts and derivatives except those bearing a label "Produced from Hoodia spp. material obtained through controlled harvesting and production in collaboration with the CITES Management Authorities of Botswana/Namibia/South Africa under agreement no. BW/NA/ZA xxxxxx"; and
#10 Designates all parts and derivatives except:
a) seeds and pollen; and b) finished pharmaceutical products.
Artificially propagated specimens of the following hybrids and/or cultivars are not subject to the provisions of the Convention:- Hatiora x graeseri - Schlumbergera x buckleyi - Schlumbergera russelliana x Schlumbergera truncata - Schlumbergera orssichiana x Schlumbergera truncata - Schlumbergera opuntioides x Schlumbergera truncata - Schlumbergera truncata (cultivars) - Cactaceae spp. colour mutants lacking chlorophyll, grafted on the following grafting stocks: Harrisia 'Jusbertii', Hylocereus trigonus or Hylocereusundatus- Opuntia microdasys (cultivars).
Artificially propagated specimens of hybrids of the genera Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis and Vanda are not subject to the provisions of the Convention when: 1) the specimens are traded in shipments consisting of individual containers (i.e. cartons, boxes or crates) each containing 20 or more plants of the same hybrid; 2) the plants within each container can be readily recognized as artificially propagated specimens by exhibiting a high degree of uniformity and healthiness; and 3) the shipments are accompanied by documentation, such as an invoice, which clearly states the number of plants of each hybrid. Artificially propagated specimens of the following hybrids: - Cymbidium: Interspecific hybrids within the genus and intergeneric hybrids - Dendrobium: Interspecific hybrids within the genus known in horticulture as "nobile-types" and "phalaenopsis-types" - Phalaenopsis: Interspecific hybrids within the genus and intergeneric hybrids - Vanda: Interspecific hybrids within the genus and intergeneric hybrids are not subject to the provisions of the Convention when: 1) they are traded in flowering state, i.e. with at least one open flower per specimen, with reflexed petals; 2) they are professionally processed for commercial retail sale, e.g. labelled with printed labels and packaged with printed packages; 3) they can be readily recognized as artificially propagated specimens by exhibiting a high degree of cleanliness, undamaged inflorescences, intact root systems and a general absence of damage or injury that could be attributable to plants originating in the wild; 4) the plants do not exhibit characteristics of wild origin, such as damage by insects or other animals, fungi or algae adhering to leaves, or mechanical damage to inflorescences, roots, leaves or other parts resulting from collection; and 5) the labels or packages indicate the trade name of the specimen, the country of artificial propagation or, in the case of international trade during the production process, the country where the specimen was labelled and packaged; and the labels or packages show a photograph of the flower, or demonstrate by other means the appropriate use of labels and packages in an easily verifiable way. Plants not clearly qualifying for the exemption must be accompanied by appropriate CITES documents.
Artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Cyclamen persicum are not subject to the provisions of the Convention. However, the exemption does not apply to such specimens traded as dormant tubers.
10 Whole artificially propagated plants in pots or other small containers, each consignment being accompanied by a label or
document stating the name of the taxon or taxa and the text 'artificially propagated', are not subject to the provisions of the Convention.
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