Classified as hazardous according to criteria of WorkSafe Australia
Other Names: UN Number: DG Class: Packing Group: Hazchem Code: Poisons Schedule:
* For the purposes of transportation by road and rail, quantities of less than 1kg have been identified as non-dangerous goods by the Australian Work Cover Authority. Bulk quantities are classified as per the above schedule and are dealt with in the subsection on Storage and Handling. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION AND PROPERTIES
Appearance: Melting Point: Vapour Pressure: Specific Gravity: Solubility: Reactivity:
Product is stable under normal conditions. Product will give off toxic gases of chlorine on contact with acids. Product reacts with easily oxidisable material, including many pool chemicals in the concentrated form. Reacts with ammonia, urea and related nitrogen compounds, and inorganic reducing agents.
Chemical Entity Proportion by Weight CAS RegistryNo. Lithium Hypochlorite, 35% Available Chlorine 27-30% 13840-33-0 Lithium Chloride 4% 7447-41-8 Lithium Carbonate 2% 554-13-2 Lithium Chlorate 2% 36355-96-1 Lithium Hydroxide 1 % 1310-65-2 Inert Materials (including Water) balance 7732-18-5
HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION Effects from Acute Exposure
May cause burns to the mouth, throat and stomach resulting in vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.
Risk of serious damage to the eyes which could result in permanent injury.
Inhalation of dust can cause irritation or burns to the nose, throat and mucous membranes. Fine dust reaching the lungs is toxic. However the physical nature of the product (granules is such that dust particle of respirable sizes are not likely to be encountered.
Effects from Exposure:
This product has no known chronic effects.
If conscious, drink large quantities of water immediately. DO NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention or Poisons Information Centre phone 13 11 26 Australia wide. NEVER attempt to give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a Doctor immediately.
If skin contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash skin with plenty of cold water. Wash contaminated clothing before re-use. If irritation occurs contact a doctor.
Remove victim from exposure. If breathing laboured and patient cyanotic (blue), ensure airways are clear and have a qualified person give oxygen through a face mask. If breathing has stopped apply artificial respiration at once. In the event of cardiac arrest, apply external cardiac massage. Seek urgent medical attention.
Eye wash and safety shower in area of use
PRECAUTIONS FOR USE EXPOSURE STANDARDS No permissible exposure limits have been established for this product by the National Occupation Health and Safety Commission (WorkSafe Australia). However, it is recommended that a short-term exposure limit (STEL) of 2mg/m³ be observed. ENGINEERING CONTROLS
Use adequate ventilation. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. PERSONAL PROTECTION
Avoid skin and eye contact. Wear overalls, chemical goggles, full-face shield, impervious gloves, rubber boots and rubber apron when working with large volumes. Use with adequate ventilation. If inhalation risk exists, wear an approved respirator. Always wash hands before smoking, eating, drinking or using the toilet. Wash contaminated clothing and protective equipment before re-using. FLAMMABILITY
This product is combustible. Avoid conditions of extreme heat, contamination with moisture, solvents, acids, glycerine, turpentine, organic greases, glycols and other organic material. STORAGE AND HANDLING Only when lithium hypochlorite mixtures exceed 39% available chlorine does the UN Code 1471 apply. However, as bulk quantities of this product are regarded as a Class 5.1 Oxidising Solid (Packing Group 11, EPG Code 5A1) by the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road or Rail (Eight Edition), the UN Code 1479 (Oxidising Solid N.O.S.) may be deemed applicable. Bio-Lab Australia P/L therefore advises that the storage and handling of the product be treated according to the relevant Dangerous Goods guidelines for the UN Code. SPILLS AND DISPOSAL Wear protective equipment to prevent skin and eye contamination and inhalation of dust. Sweep, scoop, or vacuum all spilled material and contaminated material and place in clean dry containers for disposal. Complete clean-up on a dry basis. For disposal, refer to the State Land wast Management Authority. FIRE AND/OR EXPLOSION HAZARD May be combustible when in contact with oxidisable materials. Extinguishing Medium:
Use appropriate media for surrounding fire.
Fire Fighting Instruction:
Fire Fighters or others exposed to products of
combustion should wear full protective clothing including self -contained breathing apparatus. Thoroughly decontaminate clothing after use.
Hazardous Combustion:
Oxygen and toxic chlorine gases may be released When heated or when in contact with strong acids.
All information given in this data sheet and by the company's technical staff is compiled from the information currently available to the company. The company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for its accuracy, or for any results which may be obtained by customers. Any customer who relies upon any advice or information given in this data sheet by the company or by its technical staff does so entirely at its own risk, and the company will not be liable for any loss or damage thereby suffered notwithstanding any want of care on the part of the company or its staff in compiling or giving the advice or information.
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Avangard’s 2010 operational and fi nancial results surpassed our model’s expectations. Management recently announced FY10 net profi t of USD 171mn on revenue of USD 434mn. The company produced 4.4bn shell eggs (+22% YoY), and exported the equivalent of 1.0bn pcs of shell eggs. Avangard now expects to produce 6.0bn shell eggs in 2011, a 36.3% YoY increase, with dry egg product output uncha