Selling Sickness: How Drug Companies Are Turning Us All Into Patients
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children), premenstrual dysphoric disorder,
and social anxiety disorder, each of which is
behaviour or lifestyle in some way in the
linked to a specific drug treatment.
seek medical advice and treatment. On the
mote all these conditions through their cul-
other hand, these initiatives find a ready
I remember as a medical student weekendsforgeneralpractitioners. Selling Sickness describes how "aware-
opportunistic investors seeking new prod-
ness raising" campaigns seek to transform
ucts and profits-not patients seeking new
another to get their hands on the free food
the worried well into the worried sick.
diagnosis and treatments." This one-sided
ings sponsored by drug companies. I found
possible, in Britain, where this is prohibited,
diagnoses (often, like fibromyalgia or myal-
gic encephalopathy (ME), not linked to any
representatives preposterous-a view con-
tions such as erectile dysfunction, prompt-
specific drug treatment) and form organisa-
firmed when I briefly joined their ranks in a
ing requests for prescriptions. The tech-
subsequent career break. Ever since I have
nique of "astro-turfing"-the formation by
diagnose, and treat them. Undoubtedly the
drug company public relations profession-
often featuring celebrities-has helped to
somely from them, but they did not create
that doctors "just say no to drug reps"
dependency between the medical profession
diverse processes of "disease mongering"
have helped to turn pharmaceuticals into a
first recognise that the convergence between
Selling Sickness is a spirited journalistic
global $500bn (£271bn; €401bn) industry,
corrupting effects of corporate largesse,
however distasteful we may find these links.
What is required is a wider challenge to the
redraws the boundaries between health and
medical practice involving the diagnosis and
mineral density-as diseases afflicting sub-
treatment of disease and, on the other, the
stantial sections of society and requiring
profession was the main target of critics of
worlds of lifestyle regulation and "recrea-
treatment with medication. Another strata-
medicalisation, today doctors appear more
tional" drug use (including preventive treat-
ments of dubious merit as well as medica-
patients that conditions such as anxiety and
tions of unproven therapeutic value).
depression, hitherto reckoned to afflict only
a small minority, should be diagnosed-and
Michael Fitzpatrick general practitioner, London
loss of prestige and authority have turned to
Competing interest: MF is the author of The
health as a sphere in which they can forge
Tyranny of Health: Doctors and the Regulation ofLifestyle (review BMJ 2001:322:305).
points of contact with a remote andfragmented
Items reviewed are rated on a 4 star scale
Kingdom scarcely a week goes by without a
See for review of BBC Radio 4's(4=excellent) BMJ VOLUME 331 24 SEPTEMBER 2005
the "gender bias" in the management of heart
describes how the dysfunctions of love have
disease. More generally, though, from what
been, since classical times, not only meta-
privileged vantage point can we assess what is
phorically considered as illness, but at times
a bias, responsible for incorrectly framing a
also literally medicalised as disease.
Does lovesickness really exist? Duffin is
The story of the emergence of hepatitis C
biological realities. Some "symptoms" seem
is one of litigation and cultural mores about
stable over the centuries, she suggests, but
deserving and undeserving sufferers. Political
not its credibility as a medical problem. She
draws on phenomena as diverse as adultery,
research that constructed a new disease from
what was essentially a left over category of
als, and masturbation to argue that "love was
liver disorder, and dividing it into two diseases
once a card-carrying disease" (p 65) but
with different meanings depending on how it
appeared to disappear in the 20th century.
was contracted, through blood transfusion,
or through lifestyle. But Duffin has already
implied that it could not be otherwise: we
cannot have a pure disease, untainted by the
Conventionally, medicine deals with suggestingthatloveissimilartoobsessive unpleasantnessofpoliticsandmorality,for
illnesses cannot become diseases without a
social network to make them possible.
selection of diseases from the range of prob-
passing details, but raise the question about
lems that afflict us is neither inevitable nor
the legitimacy of tracing such equivalences
straightforward, as illustrated by the much
through time. How can we know that there is
which problems (whether they are those of
debated candidate cases of those alphabet
a real underlying illness if we recognise it
women reluctant to leave violent husbands,
disorders of modernity such as RSI (repeti-
only from its endlessly varied manifesta-
or injecting drug users at risk of hepatitis)
tive strain injury) and ME (myalgic encepha-
are seen as residing in the social order,
lopathy). Given the large body of work that
not? How can we read historical writings on
rather than within a medical model. Again,
explores the emergence, construction, and
love from anything other than a 21st century
hardly a new idea, but one well worth reiter-
ating. Not all troubles are, or should be, the
makes heavy weather of convincing readers
Duffin's arguments suffer a real tension
between the relativism of a historian recog-
categories, but emerge when social demand
nising that biology has been a rather different
Judith Green senior lecturer in sociology, department of public health and policy, London
Her first case study is lovesickness.
fastidiousness of a clinician anxious to correct
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
a few wrong assumptions on the way, such as
which also caters for non-residents and has
The result of this experiment is astound-
ing. EXIT, as the film has been named, is basi-
tourism, both EXIT associations offer their
cally a compilation of typical scenes from the
society's daily life. Perhaps in an attempt to let
the viewer make their own decisions, Melgar
fronted with an incidence of assisted suicide
does not impose his own interpretation-
while watching a news report a few years ago.
Melgar merely takes the role of the passive
observer. There is no narrative to guide you
although I never questioned the choice of the
nor is there a journalist interviewing anyone
suicide candidate," he recalls. "It was more the
and summarising things for you. Instead the
suicide assistant's perspective that bewildered
film builds on the intimate conversations
French speaking Switzerland release date:
between its characters, including suicide can-
didates, other members of EXIT, relatives,
German speaking Switzerland release date:
idea of making a documentary film. In view
of the delicacy of the subject, the society's
president, Dr Jérôme Sobel, initially hesi-
Little by little, the viewer learns about the
motivations of candidates for suicide, their
tated to agree to the project. "Then again, wehad nothing to hide," he says. Melgar was
ups and downs, and about their feelings for
their loved ones. We learn how difficult it is to
eventually given the opportunity film virtu-
be an accompanying volunteer worker. "This
ally all of the society's activities over a year.
is not something you can do as regularly as
legislation with regard to assisted suicide. If
clockwork. It's an exceptional act every single
time. I'm exhausted after every assisted
assistance-for example, by providing the
doctors. Active euthanasia, however, remains
the process of an assisted suicide can be.
They simply drink a glass of "magic potion"
and fade in the company of their loved ones.
three organisations in Switzerland: EXIT forGerman speaking Switzerland; EXIT for
Raghav Chawla fifth year medical student,
French speaking Switzerland, also known as
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
EXIT ADMD; and Dignitas. Unlike Dignitas,
Seniorcliniciansareoftencastigatedfor visualisetheguidelinesoncardiopulmonary academics
resuscitation I learnt at medical school. I was
I was recently sent a PhD thesis to mark.
taught well-a process reinforced by years of
in evidence based guidelines make it difficult
attending arrests. In the 1970s the compres-
sion to breath ratio was 5:1, with 60 sternal
leaflet entitled "Safety-everyone's
neuronal loss incapacitate the senior clini-
responsibility." On my forthcoming visit
mind are the specified doses of bicarbonate,
calcium, and "lignocaine." But nowadays this
imprinted knowledge could potentially fail
suggests that revalidation should require
me during advanced life support testing.
doctors to pass regular summative knowledge
bins labelled "toxic waste" and avoid
tests. No doubt educationalists will seek to
examinations, and we will face some form of
experiences with PhDs, I think I'll return
multiple selection questionnaire, probably
evolved to 10:2, to continuous, and ended up,
linked to a visit to a simulator to resuscitate a
at least for now, at 15:2. But this knowledge
plastic doll. An industry will establish itself
only overlays the old, and I feel uncomfort-
entire Soundings column to the injuries I
around such tests, and-given time, a few
had sustained by falling over my own half
courses, and plenty of practice-I might hope
the theory is evidence based, ward survival
after cardiac arrest has actually altered little
continuous feed printouts of two years'
worth of data, had taken up residence in a
candidate, but over-attentive supervisors
who keep multiple drafts of their pupil's
container is stowed securely under a desk.
and the threat of violence from masters or
peers. A safe learning strategy was to keep
thing old is difficult. Unlearning is not the
same as forgetting. Forgetting enables you to
avoid attracting attention. And I became very
start again without the problem of trying to
good at this. My daughter's schooling has
resolve conflicting information. Unlearning
summarising (more or less accurately) the
produced few basic science problems that I
is far more challenging, because you have to
cannot solve, even though I have not thought
alter information, and in so doing you have
about physical chemistry or the physics of
to challenge your beliefs. Unlearning a fact
time to reach a fitting conclusion to his or
light for 30 years. But I loathe being forced
implies that all the time spent learning it
into artificial situations in simulators or
originally was wasted. Unlearning a method
of learning requires fundamental alteration
changes to practice and policy. Examiners
of your mental processes, even though the
ship. I listened carefully to experts, made
original way worked perfectly well for you.
approached from a sitting position with a
The dividends of unlearning are negligible:
the opinions of others. Nowadays, of course,
after much effort you still possess the same
interactive groups, facilitated learning, and
amount of valid knowledge. Maybe that's
plenary report-back sessions have replaced
generally been written last, in a flood of
debating inefficiently for 40 minutes, argue
and psychologists who make a living out of
emerging blearily from their garret after
about who reports back, and watch politely
facilitating our thought processes, I offer
six months' writing up, realises that their
this: think about unlearning and teach us all
while a guru covers a whiteboard in random
how to do it. I predict a great future for
scrawl. There is nothing for me to latch on
unlearning. But in the meantime, if you wish
to, note down, and remember. I return home
washing up, small children, in laws, etc.
advanced life support bear in mind that I
certificate, feeling cheated that I have paid
know five sets of guidelines not one, and that
errors I may make in following the current
the thesis is posted, and send directly to
change with time. But unlike a computerhard drive my mind does not replace old
Chris Johnson consultant anaesthetist, Anaesthetic Trisha Greenhalgh professor of primary health
information with new; the original remains
Department, Southmead Hospital, Bristol
intact to confuse. My retentive mind can still
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