CHAPTER 55 EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION APRIL 2010 Meetings are the 2nd Saturday of each Month EAA Chapter 55 Hangar - Mason Jewett Airport - 643 Aviation Drive, Mason, MI 48854 Pres: Ken Vandenbelt 589-5051 Vice Pres: Bill Purosky 214-2729 Treas: Al Spalding 676-3370 Secr: Vickie Vandenbelt 589-5051 Editor: Warren Miller 214-2656 (all Area Code 517) Climb and Maintain Flight Level 55
Sign up sheets for both the Dawn Patrol 6/13/10 and Mason
Aviation Day 8/21/10 have been started and should be available
The Garmin Seminar held at the MDOT Aeronautics building in
at each meeting for you. We are still looking for an Auto
March was a great success. Beacon Aviation had EAA55 handle
the food purchase and set up and it turned out very well. Many
thanks to Bill Purosky, Vickie Vandenbelt, Greg Hover, Pete
Summers coming, calendar of events are expanding, it's been
Chestnut, and Bob and Margie Clark for putting it all together.
warmer outside the hanger than in. Time to drag out the picnic
Board of Directors Meeting April 7, 2010, 7:00 pm. Breakfast Teams Chapter Membership Meeting April 10, 2010 Breakfast 8-9 Meeting 9:00 am
This month we have MDOT providing seminars "Top 10 Things
Every VFR Pilot Should Know" and "Checklists-Are You Using
Them the Right Way". Invitations have been sent to Michigan
pilots. We have informed them that we will be cooking breakfast
from 8am-9am, so we are expecting a crowd. We will cross our
fingers for good weather so they can fly in, as well as drive.
If you can be available to help direct and park planes, please let
me know and be sure to grab a safety vest and paddles !! Vickie is
also looking for additional cafeteria help and people to pass out
EAA Chapter 55 Board of Directors Meeting, March 10, 2010 Because of the MDOT seminar this month and the "First
4Meeting was called to order at 7:01pm. 4Directors present:
Responders" seminar in May, we will be starting the EAA55
Ken Vandenbelt, Bill Purosky, Al Spalding, Vickie
meeting at 9am. We will try to keep it short so that we can
Vandenbelt, Joe Madziar, Dave James, Doug Koons. Absent:
get into the seminars as soon as possible.
Jim Spry, Warren Miller. Guest: Tom Botsford, Ed Search.
4Secretary's Report dated 2/28/10: Bill Purosky made a
For those that may not have heard, the Yankee Air Museum will
motion to approve per email; Doug Koons second; all
be bringing the B-25 Mitchell "Yankee Warrior" to our Dawn
approved. 4Treasurers Report dated 2/28/10: Income dues;
Patrol on June 13th. Because of this, we will extend our day to
breakfast; rent Expenses: liability insurance; computer and
about 2:30. After the breakfast, we are planning to switch over to
printer; scholarship. 15 members non-renewed. Doug Koons
made a motion to approve, Dave James second; all approved.
4Young Eagles: Doug Koons reported the headquarters requests
Worker Sign Up sheets for DP and MAD are ready. 4Meeting
that we recycle all the old forms and use the new. EAA55
for April and May will start at 9am each month to allow us to
received $790 in credits for use on YE materials until 12/31/10.
move right into our MDOT and First Responders Seminars.
4Membership: Vickie Vandenbelt has secured a list of EAA
4Vickie Vandenbelt has a survey sheet for member interest in
members within 50 mile radius from headquarters and made a
securing hats, shirts, license plates, decals etc. 4Ed Search has
motion to send EAA55 info to solicit members at cost of $44 for
been appointed to the BOD to fill space vacated when Al
postage; Bill Purosky second; all approved. 4Ken Vandenbelt
Spalding appointed as Treasurer. 4Beacon/Garmin seminar is
advised our program for Jax Model Rocketry Club had to cancel;
ready to go. 4Bill Purosky has rooms available in OshKosh
Dave James volunteered to do program on helicopters. 4Vickie
for Airventure. 4Al St. George has test cards for builders and
Vandenbelt requested budget for DP and MAD advertising and
also has some table tops available. 4Bill Purosky thanked
promotions. Joe Madziar made a motion to increase each by 5%
Doug Koons and Vickie Vandenbelt for all their set up work on
over 2009 spending; Bill Purosky second; all approved. Discussed
our booth at GLIAC. Rod Maccado donated a couple of signed
the B-25 coming to Dawn Patrol and maybe doing an easy lunch
books for our library which Bill will bring in after he has read.
from Noon-2:30pm. Discussed maybe arranging some type of
4Our YE of the Year was published recently and copy has
veterans salute at MAD. Bill Purosky is checking on cost of Food
Permit but feels it will be beneficial and maybe less costly to
4Meeting adjourned at 9:58pm and followed with Dave James'
purchase an annual permit. 4Bill Purosky reported all in
readiness for the 3/18 Garmin seminar. 4Vickie Vandenbelt
reported that postcards should be out for our MDOT seminar in
April. Suggestion that we start our EAA55 meeting at 9am in
By Vickie Vandenbelt
April and May to move into our seminars. 4Bill Purosky and
Tom Botsford reported status of First Responders seminar for
GILBERT McKESSY: has undergone surgery and is
May. Tom has talked to Mason fire department; Bill Purosky
recovering in UofM Hospital; Unit #2 Room 154.
advised CRAA staff would like to be involved and has program
information. Tom advised that Jeff Haueter of Mason AandW has
DAWN PATROL JUNE 13TH: In case you haven't heard, the
graciously offered to donate dogs/buns/burgers for a lunch. We
Yankee Air Museum will be bringing their beautiful B-25
will aim to host 40-50 firefighters. Tom is lining up aircraft and
Mitchell to our Dawn Patrol. If you have any contacts who
pilots for display and talk. 4Vickie Vandenbelt reported that the
would be interested in an advertising opportunity, please
mementoes from Mary Schwaderer have been found; but our DVD
contact me. We are also taking reservations for flights, let
One Six Right and One Six Left are still missing. 4Ken
people know and have them contact me to reserve their seat !!
Vandenbelt reported we received a bid on the peddle plane. He
will adjust pedals and call bidder. 4Budget: consider insulating
furnace, painting exterior, finish inside hanger, expand meeting
EVENTS PLANNING MEETING: Next meeting will be
room walls; no consensus. 4Vickie Vandenbelt make a motion to
Wednesday, April 14th, at 7pm. Maybe it will be warm
approve purchase of chapter printer to go with new computer for
enough to have it at the EAA meeting room!
$100; Bill Purosky second; all approved. 4Vickie Vandenbelt
presented information on the American Legion Flag program
where they put a flag out at business on holidays for $40 year.
sheets are now ready. Our Dawn Patrol will go a little longer
BOD is interested in doing at the airport entrance sign and Vickie
will pursue approval with CRAA. 4Bill Purosky made a motion
to appoint Ed Search to the BOD to fill the space vacated by Al
POSITIVE NOTE FROM: Jim Coyne, president of the
Spalding assuming the treasurers position; Joe Madziar second; all
National Air Transportation Association, said the aviation
approved. 4Vickie Vandenbelt is going to pursue member
industry is beginning to recover from the recession. For the first
interest in the purchase of EAA55 hats, shirts, decals, patches
quarter of the year, metrics such as fuel sales, used aircraft
and/or license plates. 4CRAA has reported that the Ninety-Nines
prices and flight hours increased. However, Coyne predicts it
should be doing the Compass Rose this spring/early summer.
"definitely will be a while" for new aircraft sales to recover.
4Bill Purosky made a motion to adjourn; Doug Koons second; all
WE RECYCLE: Styrofoam coffee cups & clean egg cartons
EAA Chapter 55
can be collected in the box next to the coffee pot stand (please -
Gen'l Membership Meeting, March 13, 2010
no paper, stir sticks, etc). Pop cans & water bottles can be
deposited in the special trash container.
4Meeting was called to order at 9:30am; 48 members and 4
guests present. 4Following the National Anthem, President
Young Eagles
KVandenbelt thanked the breakfast team of Ted Lakin, Ray Fink
By Doug Koons
and Mark Stanton for the great job. 4Secretary's Report dated
Feb 13th; motion to approve as published in the newsletter;
second; all approved. 4Treasurer's Report dated 2/28/10; Al Spalding reported income and expenses; motion to approve,
second; all approved. 4Dawn Patrol; Yankee Air Museum B-25
Mitchell is coming and we are taking reservations for flights.
Notes from Cape Juby
leave Montego Bay, Jamaica for a short flight to Santa Clara, Cuba and from there it would head to Halifax, Nova Scotia. A
By Terry L. Lutz, Chapter 55 Flight Advisor
man carrying a.38 caliber pistol breached security and
reaching the departure lounge, forced his way past the gate
In 1973, Ernest Gann wrote a book about an airline Captain who
agent and down the jet bridge toward Flight 919, which was
was imprisoned by the Chinese after his airplane crashed on
loaded with passengers and ready for departure. He confronted
approach to Taipei. He had flown an ADF approach and
the lead flight attendant and demanded that the flight depart
something had gone inexplicably wrong. The airplane crashed on
immediately. Captain James Murphy exited the cockpit to
the side of a hill, several miles from where it should have been.
investigate and was soon looking down the barrel of the pistol.
The Captain maintained that the approach had been flown
Watching from the cockpit, F/O Glen Johnson quickly closed
precisely as published. So what really happened?
A small group of airline Captains from around the world, each
Captain Murphy explained that the airplane had not been fueled
with their own airline background, from the Netherlands,
and the preflight checks had not been accomplished, at which
Germany, and the US, came to the aid of their friend. In China,
point the hijacker ordered Captain Murphy off the airplane to
they found a three-engine Junkers Ju-52 and with the help of the
arrange for the fuel. As Captain Murphy walked up the jet
local Chinese, managed to get it back into flying condition. They
bridge, the hijacker fired a shot, narrowly missing him. The
flew numerous ADF approaches into Taipei until they discovered
hijacker then demanded that the F/O order fuel, to which F/O
what had caused their friend to fly so far from the published
Johnson responded that hearing the shot fired, the ground crew
approach. Written in 1973, "Band of Brothers" is the title of the
had all left the area. This began 6 hours of negotiations, during
book, which preceded the WWII epic of the same title.
which the flight attendants convinced the hijacker that if we
would allow the passengers to leave, they would place what
In March 2009, the International Federation of Air Line Pilots
Associations (IFALPA) met at their annual conference in
Auckland, New Zealand. Several thousand miles to the north,
With the passengers off the airplane, F/O Johnson proposed a
Japan Air Lines Captain Hiroaki Tateno was preparing for work,
plan to ground security forces to capture and subdue the armed
when he heard news reports that an accident had occurred at
man. By then in was nearing 6am, and as the security team
Tokyo's Narita Airport. A Federal Express MD-11, landing in
entered the flight deck from outside the cockpit, F/O convinced
unpredictable wind conditions, had crashed at touchdown and
the hijacker to go to the rear galley for some coffee. Once he
rolled over, killing the two pilots on board. Realizing that the
was there, and with the flight attendants well clear, the security
IFALPA pilots who would respond to this accident were at the
team moved through the cabin and subdued the hijacker.
Conference in New Zealand, Captain Tateno called New Zealand,
Sometimes mental skills are as vital as flying skills to save
and came to the aid of his colleagues in the days following by
acting as a liaison with the Japanese aviation authorities. With his
assistance, they had access to all the weather information, details
On July 25, 2008, a B747-400 operated by Qantas Airlines was
of the flight plan, and actions of the emergency response teams to
enroute from Hong Kong to Melbourne, Australia. Cruising at
FL290 about an hour after departure, Captain John Bartels and
F/O Bernd Weminghaus heard a loud bang and a jolt in the
In March 2010, the IFALPA Conference was held in Marrakech,
airframe, followed immediately by a rapid decompression in
Morocco. More than 500 pilots and their families from around the
the cabin. An oxygen cylinder in the area of the right wing root
world were in attendance. There were many discussions, ranging
fairing had exploded, creating a huge hole in the side of the
from the world airline outlook for the next year, to contract
negotiations, and aviation safety. In addition to greeting pilots
from the far reaches of the world, who I haven't see in several
Within 25 seconds, the crew began an emergency descent
years, I had the opportunity to speak with pilots from India,
toward 10,000 feet. Numerous systems were lost because more
Pakistan, China, and from the host country, Morocco.
than 100 electrical cables were severed or damaged. The
control cables to the right side aileron controls were severed.
The pilot from Pakistan told me that any sort of airline flying in
The crew lost the Flight Management Computer, all three ILS
the north of his country is extremely hazardous. You don't know
systems, one VOR system, and the anti-skid system. With
from one flight to the next what the military situation is going to
Manila a little more than 200nm ahead, the crew began
be. He recalled one flight where he was on approach to an airport
dumping fuel to maximum landing weight, and were radar
along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, when a different voice
vectored for a visual approach and landing in Manila, without
came on the VHF radio, requesting that he turn to a heading away
from the airport. The pilot asked "Who are you?" The reply was
"I am Taliban, on a ridgeline to the west with a shoulder fired
The crew demonstrated exceptional awareness of their
missile in my hands. But I have you in sight, and you are OK".
situation, and precisely executed procedures necessary to save
the passengers and the airplane. Commenting on the award,
There are many events in airline flying that occur outside the US,
F/O Weminghaus left one important thought for all of us:
and we hear nothing about them. Here are two incidents where
"When sitting on the flight deck minding your own business,
airline pilots at foreign airlines acted with the same courage and
remember - it can happen to you." As a chilling reminder,
skill as Sully Sullenberger and Jeff Skiles. Late in the evening of
during the Conference we were informed that an Embraer 120
April 19, 2009 CanJet Flight 919, a B737-800 was preparing to
Brasilia, on a training flight in Darwin, Australia with two
Captains on board, had crashed on takeoff. Both pilots were lost,
A smart choice would be to use non-sedating medications such
and once again IFALPA pilots immediately responded to a tragic
as Allegra, Clarinex or Claritin. Nasal spray steroids are
effective also and allowed by the FAA. Nasal decongestants
like Afrin are effective but should be only used in certain
On the bright and entertaining side, the pilots of Royal Air Maroc
airlines had organized an outstanding Conference. One of the
highlights was an aerobatic demonstration by the "Green March"
Confused? Call or write through and we
team of the Moroccan Air Force (for some interesting history, you
will be happy to guide you through the array of available
can google "green march"). We were taken by bus to a location
outside of Marrakech and served green tea with mint leaves while
we waited for the team's arrival. They would be flying the CAP 232, a 300hp aerobatic airplane developed in France.
The interesting about the Green March is that first three airplanes
EAA Chapter 55 Hats; $13 each. Vickie 517-589-
in the formation are linked wingtip to wingtip with rope. They
takeoff in formation with the ropes attached, and are joined by 5 other airplanes to form a flight of 8. After several maneuvers in the 8 ship formation, including loops and barrel rolls, they do a
TKM MX-12 navcoms (2) with trays, one glideslope
downward bomb-burst maneuver, intentionally severing the ropes.
receiver, & wiring harness; $1,200 (firm); like new
But the ropes remain on the wingtips, so the pilots have to be
careful not to touch them with their propellers while in close formation. In the photo, you can see one of the ropes trailing from
Navy blue sheepskins (2) for Cessna 182; look new;
$175 for the pair. Cliff Hale 517-230-2357
Rans 2007 S6S Coyote II; 88 hrs; Rotax 912; many extras; price reduced to $49,000. Ernie Lutz 517-676-4601 DTV antenna; analog or digital TV; $20.00 George Moore 517- 536-1034 Telex ProCom 200 noise canceling headphones. Bart Smith 517-676-2146
Generac Generator; $350.00 Greg Hover 517-676-5126
As the weather improves and the flying season gets going, I think
Burning barrels; $5.00 Dave Groh 517-676-4416
it is important for everyone to be thinking about flying safety.
Already this year, there have been several tragic accidents.
Yesteryear Aviation; new surplus hardware 517-676-4416
Someone once said that "Safety is no accident", but they would
also have to say "To insure no accidents, there can be no flying".
Military-style Dog Tags; $5.00 Vickie 517-589-5051
There is a link between flying proficiency and accidents, and one
way to improve proficiency is to carefully plan a certain
Avon Products & Natural Beauty Soaps. Deanna McAlister
percentage of your flying just to practice maneuvers and improve
proficiency. Always remember: it can happen to you. And always
remember to lend a hand to fellow pilot when it's needed.
EAA Storage Hanger; $70 per month or Builders Hanger; $115
per month plus gas (includes electric) Ken Vandenbelt 517-
From the Flight Surgeon By Gregory Pinnell, MD
T-Hangers: Deanna McAlister 517-851-7047 or Lloyd Brown
Senior AME/ Senior Flight Surgeon USAFR
Although you wouldn't think so from the weather, the springtime
allergy season is around the corner and most of us suffer at least
Zenith 701 jigs & fixtures. Chuck Hacker 517-740-9222
occasional problems. If you use antihistamines remember that
CFR (FAR) 91.17 does not allow "any drug that affects the
Contact Warren or Vickie to place your ad here!
persons faculties in any way contrary to safety."
Warren E. Miller 4066 BonnyView Drive Lansing, MI 48911
Autorisation d’Usage à des fins Thérapeutiques (AUT) Substances et méthodes interdites en permanence (en et hors compétition). Substances et méthodes interdites en compétition # Attention, elles peuvent entraîner un contrôle positif au cours de la compétition si leur prise est rapprochée de celle ci. nécessitant donc de votre part une grande attention ( * http://
Date of Birth :________________________ Today’s Date:________________________ Medical History Do you have any of the following medical conditions ? Please check all that apply Please List any additional medical conditions:___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Are