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Report of the cyprus air traffic controllers union on the meeting of atceuc, 08th – 9th october 2010
REPORT OF THE CYPRUS AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS UNION FOR THE MEETING OF ATCEUC, 8 - 9 October 2010 ATS / ATFM ENVIRONMENT Increase in Air Traffic within NICOSIA FIR Increase in Air Traffic movements, Larnaca and Paphos Airports Procedures and Airspace structures
The Nicosia Area Control Center has established a few new routes in order to
decongest the control center's west sector responsible for the arrivals and
departures from the island's aerodromes (Larnaca and Paphos). Although a
questionable move, the effects are yet to be calculated and quantified.
A new ground control unit has been established at Larnaca airport, resulting in
better traffic management and R/T decongestion.
The new air traffic control system (LEFCO), due to be delivered by SELEX, is on
its 4th year of delay. It is currently undergoing service testing with regards to
endurance and subsystem operations but it does not look promising. The whole
issue is expected to be resolved in a few months.
A great number of delays have been recorded in the Nicosia FIR. A blend of
understaffing (only three sectors in operation), refusal by Ankara to coordinate
traffic or even communicate with Nicosia ACC since 1974, interference by Turkey
on political grounds (e.g. illegal operation of ERCAN station in the northeast
corner of the FIR), delays on the implementation of the new ACC system and
The Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) has been slow on dealing with personnel
issues such as personnel planning, hiring and training.
The DCA claims that extra man hours have to be extracted from existing
personnel as opposed to hiring a greater number of new ATCOs. Additionally,
the process of training new ATCOs appears inefficient since trainees have to be
trained for 2 - 2½ years just to get their aerodrome / approach ratings and an
additional 1 - 1½ year to become area radar controllers. This procedure results
to a lead time of 3½ - 4 years for a trainee to be able to work at Nicosia ACC,
where the entirety of delays is recorded.
Although understaffed, Larnaca and Paphos Aerodromes / Approach Centers are
Performance of existing personnel
The performance of Cypriot ATCOs is recorded in the latest Eurocontrol PRR of
Flights per Controlled hours Controller's cost controller per controllers European Training of existing personnel
An on-the job training instructors course has successfully been completed this
year. Another 20 newly recruited ATCOs are undergoing training to be employed
at the aerodrome control towers / approach centers. Other training programs,
including a much needed refreshing course in emergency procedures, are yet to
There is constant friction between management and personnel. Tension has
been escalating during the last couple of years because of differences in
Increased input of man hours from existing ATCOs
Implementation of new demands resulting of European ATC licensing.
The Air Traffic Services in Cyprus are in need of extensive restructuring. Some
steps have taken place but the nature and structure of the problems require a
As a newly established union we are committed to dialogue in helping
management resolve the problematic areas of our operations and in settling the
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