Umbilical cord care at birth:commonplace, traditions and ebmin family paediatrics

baby. She goes to the family paedi-atrician office to examine Georgia, before the imminent birth. "Doctor, would you clarify my views about a question: after mysecond baby's birth, how should I La cura del cordone ombelicale alla nascita: luoghi comuni, tradizioni ed EBM in pediatria di neonatologist prescribed to disin- fect the umbilical cord with ethylalcohol and sterile heron; my sis-ter, who had a baby just two Generally, pregnant mothers question the family paediatrician about umbili- cal cord care after the baby's birth. Through the Evidence Based Medicine, the authors have converted the need for cord with silver sulphadizine. Oth- such information into answers, search for evidence in online bibliographic database, critically analyze the scientif- ic research and answer the patient's questions, taking into account the pa- opinions: it is very difficult to un- derstand which is the best thing to Una madre gravida pone un quesito al pediatra di famiglia riguardante la cu- prossimo figlio. Attraverso le tappe del- l'Evidence Based Medicine gli autori definiscono il quesito clinico, cercano le prove di efficacia, le analizzano criti- camente e danno una risposta clinica Umbilical cord (UC) infection caused alla paziente tenendo conto del conte- sto nel quale nascerà il bambino. Cord • Topical umbilical cord care • Topical • Umbilical cord • Umbilical Cordone ombelicale • Topici per la cu- ra del cordone ombelicale • Cura del reduce the risk of neonatal infection 3.
Is topic treatment in UC care after delivery better than doing nothing, in If so, what are the best topic, therapy stand, we have to identify the outcome and the population, then we have to formulate a query for every problem.
ter delivery in developed countries".
and curochrome, mercurochrome and hy-
C) Pezzati M, Biagioli EC, Martel- A) Zupan J, Garner P - Topical um- Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2002. - ten randomised clinical trials (RCT).
Two reviewers considered published so unpublished works (?? Not clear).
A (opaque envelopes, independent
B) Pezzati M, Biagioli EC, Martelli E, FF. Umbilical cord care: the effect of eight different cord-care regi- ferent a third person was consulted.
derive from a "period effect" (as a re- the separation of the cord stump 2 5.
ical trials provide weaker evidence.
WHO/RHT/MSM/98.4 Care of the Um-bilical Cord: A review of evidence.
Centro EBM di Oxford: http://cebm.jr2.
bi B, Biagiotti R, Rubaltelli FF. Umbili- Zupan J, Garner P. Topical umbilical cord cal cord care: the effect of eight different care at birth. The Cochrane Library, Is- cord-care regimens on cord separation time and other outcomes.Biol Neonate Anderson T. Cochrane made simple. Rou- tine topical umbilical cord care at birth. Novack AH et al. Umbilical cord separa- tion in the normal newborn. Am J Dis


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