Opening lecture: Paul Vanhoutte (Hong Kong University, China) Endothelium-mediated control of vascular tone: COX1 and COX2 products Session 1. PGE2 IN PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
Francis Berenbaum (Paris 6 University, France) PGE2 and osteoarthritis
Helen Wise (Hong Kong University, China) Neuroinflammation: role of PGE2 in neuron- glial interactions
Maria G Belvisi (Imperial College London, UK) PGE2 in airway diseases Session 2. PROSTAGLANDINS AND CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM
Theresa Kinsella (University College, Dublin, Ireland) Platelets and vascular cells, prostacyclin and thromboxane receptors
Paola Patrignani (University Chieti, Italy) The role of platelets in cardiovascular disease and cancer
Karsten Schrör (Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany) Aspirin and lipid mediators in the circulatory system Session 3. NOVEL LIPID MEDIATORS AND ADVANCES IN LIPID MEDIATOR ANALYTICS
Jesús Balsinde (CSIC, Valladolid, Spain) Lipid signaling and lipidomics in innate immunity and inflammation
Rob Vreeken (Netherlands Metabolomics Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands) High- resolution lipidomics Plenary lecture: Sven-Erik Dahlén (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden) Roles of leukotrienes and other lipid mediators in asthma and allied airway diseases YOUNG INVESTIGATOR Session Session 4. LIPOXYGENASES
Magnus Bäck (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden) 5-Lipoxygenase and cardiovascular disease
Hartmut Kühn (Charité, Berlin, Germany) 15-Lipoxygenase; structure and function Session 5. ADIPOSE TISSUE AND BIOACTIVE LIPIDS
Johan van de Voorde (Ghent University, Belgium) Regulation of vascular tone by adipocytes
Ebru Erbay (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey) Nutritional modification of lipotoxic endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation by a bioactive lipokine prevents atherosclerosis
María Jesús Moreno Aliaga (University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain) Role of omega-3 fatty acids in obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases Posters and 20 oral communications will be chosen from the submitted abstracts. The registration fees are 250 euros (Full price) and 50 euros (Reduced price). Educational Session on October 22th and other information on
Allegato 2 : Farmaci da Sottoporre all’Assessorato alla Sanita, Settore Farmaceutico, Tavolo Tecnico Permanente di Lavoro sul Farmaco, ex D.P.G.R.C. 11279 del 5-7 99 A06 AB Sodio Picosolfato 7,5 mg /ml gtt orali A07FA Lactobacillo buste NOTA: Solo in PZ pediatrici con gastroenterite acuta A11CC05 Paricalcitolo 5mcg/ml fl IV B01AD10 Drotrecogin alfa attivato 5mg fl IV Drotrecogin
Edição Número 246 de 23/12/2004 Minist ério da Saúde Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanit ária Diretoria Colegiada RESOLUÇÃO-RE Nº 441, DE 22 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2004 O Diretor-Presidente Substituto da Agência Nacional de Vi gilância Sanitária, no uso da atribuição, que lhe confere a Portaria GM/MS n º 2.636, de 15 de dezembro de 2004, considerando o art. 12 da Lei