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Health guide.qxp:layout
UOP Health Care Travel Kit Prevention and treatment guide Introduction
This booklet provides information about many of the healthproblems that are commonly encountered by travelers. Inaddition, it contains a list of the medications included in theUOP Health Care Travel Kit.
Please read this booklet before taking any medication in thetravel kit. If you take medication prescribed by your ownphysician, be sure that you have ample supply, that youunderstand how to take it, and that it is not contraindicatedfor use with any of the other included medications.
If you have any questions about the medications or specific health questions, please contact the UOP Medical Department, MEDEX or your personal physician.
In this booklet, we identify medications both by their Americanbrand names and by their generic names, which may be morefamiliar. UOP Medical Department MEDEX ACCESS A comprehensive program providing you with 24/7 emergencymedical assistance - including emergency evacuation andrepatriation - and other travel assistance services when you are100 or more miles away from home.Program Description How to access MEDEX access services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Your MEDEX identification card is your key to travel security. If youhave a medical or travel problem, simply call us for assistance. Ourtoll-free and collect-call telephone numbers are printed on your IDcard. Either call the toll-free number of the country you are in, orcall the emergency Response Center collect at:
Baltimore, Maryland - 1-410-453-6330
A multilingual assistance coordinator will ask for your name, yourcompany or group name, the MEDEX ID number shown on yourcard, and a description of your situation. We will immediately beginassisting you. If the condition is an emergency, you should go immediately to the nearest physician or hospital without delay and then contact the 24-hour Emergency Response Center. We will then take the appropriate action to assist you and monitor your care until the situation is resolved.
MEDEX Access provides you with Medical Assistance Services,Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Services, Travel AssistanceServices. Travel Kit Contents
10. Sulfacetamide Sodium Ophthalmic solution
Supplemental Items
You may want to consider adding some of the following itemsto your travel kit:
9. Sunscreen, with SPF of at least 15.
Travel Supplies such as mosquito netting, insect repellent, and water filter/purifiers may be obtained from the followingsource:
Travel Medicine, Inc. 800-TRAV-MEDhttp://www.travmed.com
Traveler's Diarrhea
Traveler's diarrhea is caused by a variety of organisms. It isusually due to E. Coli, commonly present in food and water. Itis best avoided by drinking bottled water and eating only hot,well-cooked or peeled foods. Remember that alcohol doesnot kill the organisms in ice cubes!
If you develop mild diarrhea (less than six bowel movements in 24 hours), stop eating solid foods, except starchy foods like bread, potatoes, and rice, and begin replacing fluids with purified or bottled water of Sqwincher Electrolyte Solution* to avoid dehydration. Chew (or dissolve in your mouth) 2 Diotame tablets* every hour (do not exceed 16 tablets in 24 hours) and/or take one Diomode tablet* after each loose stool (do not exceed 6 caplets in 24 hours). If diarrhea is severe (more than six loose stools in 24 hours), if it persists more than 48 hours, or if fever or bloody diarrhea is present, stop taking the Diomode, continue with fluid replacement, and contact MEDEX.
Under most circumstances it is advisable to treat the diarrhea,but not to prevent it. Diarrhea allows the body to shed theinfectious organism. * See the sections on these medications elsewhere in this
Malaria is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases world-wide. It is serious and often times fatal. It is much easier toprevent malaria than to treat it. The female mosquito spreadsmalaria; therefore, it is vital to follow insect precautions even ifyou take preventative medication. Medication may not protectyou completely. Insect precautions include using both insectrepellent containing DEET and mosquito netting, especiallybetween dusk and dawn.
Malaria symptoms can occur shortly after a bite or more thana year after exposure. The symptoms include fever, chills,headache, sweating, and nausea. If you have been in a malar-ial area in the past year and you have flu-like symptoms, youshould seek medical attention.
In many parts of the world, the malaria parasite has becomeresistant to Chloroquine. The Centers for Disease Control(CDC) now recommend Malarone for malaria prophylaxis inmany areas of the world.
Remember that malaria is a deadly disease; the risk of catch- ing malaria is far greater than any risk associated with prophy- lactic medication when taken properly. You cannot assume that the medicine you took for a previous assignment is appropriate for your next overseas assignment. Please contact the UOP Medical Department or MEDEX prior to your next trip to a malarial area. Dental Problems
Dental pain related to a tooth with a cavity may be helped bythe use of Advil (400-600 mg) three times a day with food. However, the best prophylaxis is good dental hygiene (i.e. frequent brushing and flossing) and a check up with your dentist is a must prior to travel!
While traveling, if a tooth becomes tender and you develop a fever, this may indicate an abscess and may require antibiotic treatment. You should first call MEDEX for consultation before beginning antibiotic therapy. Sprains and Strains
Major weight bearing joints such as the knee and ankle arecommonly sprained. A sprain is a tear of the ligaments thathold the bones together over a joint. A strain results from atear of the muscle. Swelling over the joint may follow in thefirst few hours after an injury. Carefully examine yourself withyour fingers to see where the maximum tenderness is. If it isnot directly over a bone and you can walk without great discomfort, a sprain is probably the injury.
Treatment includes REST, ICE, COMPRESSION and ELEVATION.
Ice the affected area for the first 24 hours by putting ice cubesin a plastic bag, covering the bag with a towel and placing itover the affected area for 20 minutes every 2 hours. Elevate theaffected area. Rest is important. Avoid strenuous activity untilit can be done painlessly. You may wish to use Advil (400-600mg) three times a day with food, to reduce the swellingand relieve the pain. Wearing an elastic bandage may help. Common Cold
Upper respiratory infections (colds) are caused by a variety of viruses. The symptoms may be sore throat, runny nose,minimally productive cough, and malaise. Persistent highfever, although uncommon, or a persistent sore throat maysignal the need to seek medical advice. Important preventativesteps include getting enough sleep, reducing stress and eatingwell. Once you get a cold, symptomatic measures may help. These include an oral decongestant, such as Sudodrin, torelieve nasal congestion. Tylenol or Advil may be helpful torelieve fever and achiness. Increase your intake of fluids, suchas water, juice, broth and Jell-O. Antibiotics are of NO benefitin treatment of a cold. Precautions Food and water precautions
Drink beverages made only with boiled waterand/or drink bottled water. Decide which methodyou will be using for water purification and bringthe appropriate equipment with you. Do NOT:
Drink water or anything mixed with water such aslemonade. Do NOT: Do NOT:
Rinse your toothbrush with tap water. Do NOT:
assume that chlorinated water is safe; chlorinatingdoes not necessarily kill all organisms that canmake you ill.
Well-cooked meats, vegetables and other foods,served piping hot.
Freshly boiled foods such as beans, soups, riceand pasta served while still hot.
Breads, tortillas and other baked goods.
Fruits, nuts and vegetables with thick skins orshells which you have removed yourself. Do NOT Eat: Under-cooked meat or fish or cold meat.
Leafy or uncooked vegetables or salads.
Unpasteurized cheese, yogurt or other dairyproducts.
Food from street vendors or from restaurantsthat appear unclean. Insect Precautions
Take advantage of preventative medications and vaccines.
Use unscented shampoos, soaps, and deodorants.
Dress in pale colors; wear long sleeves and pants,especially if you will be outdoors between dusk and dawn.
Use mosquito netting over beds when sleeping innon-air conditioned rooms and make sure thatscreens are intact and free of tears.
Perform a full body check daily for imbeddedinsects. Do NOT: Wear perfumes or use scented soaps, deodorants,
Wear jewelry or bright color clothes, which tend toattract insects.
Sit directly on sand or on the ground, if you can avoid it.
For temporary relief of minor aches and painsassociated with the common cold, headache,toothache, muscular aches, backache, for theminor pain of arthritis, menstrual cramps, andthe reduction of fever.
2 tablets every 4-6 hours; dosage may beincreased to 3 tablets every 4-6 hours, However,the smallest effective dose should be used. Takewith food or milk. Warning: Do not take if you are taking aspirin, a blood
thinning medication, or are allergic to aspirin. 2) Alcohol Wipes
To cleanse the skin prior to injection or removalof a splinter. 3) Band-Aids and Telfa Pads
Wash minor cuts, abrasions, burns, with cleanwater and soap before covering the area. Asmall amount of antibiotic ointment can beapplied prior to covering the area. 4) Bite Relief
To relieve the itch of insect bites and stings. Directions:
Shake well. Apply wet applicator tip to the bitten area as promptly as possible. Repeat asneeded. Do not cover with a bandage until thearea has dried. 5) Cephalexin (Keflex)
An antibiotic used to treat skin and wound infections. A medical professional should beconsulted before initiating this medicine. Side effects: Minor side effects include nausea, vomiting,
and mild diarrhea. Women may develop vaginalyeast infections. Warning:
Do not take this medication if you are allergic topenicillin, cephalosporin or cephalosporin-likemedications. Allergic Warning:
If you develop a rash, itchiness, red blotches, confusion or hallucinations, immediately discontinue use and contact MEDEX. 6) Ciprofloxicin (Cipro)
An antibiotic used to treat infectious diarrheaand respiratory infections. A medical professionalshould be consulted before initiating this medication.
For infectious diarrhea, take one tablet every 12 hours for 5 to 7 days. For respiratory infections, take one tablet every12 hours for 10 days. Taken preferably two hours after eating. Side effects: Nausea vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal Warning:
Antacids, Coumadin, Dilantin, and oral hypo-glycemic agents should not be taken while onCipro, unless directed by a physician. Do nottake this medication in combination withTheophylline. Allergic Reaction:
If you develop a rash or photosensitivity, discontinue use and contact MEDEX. 7) Diomode (Imodium)
Indicated for the control and symptomatic reliefof acute, non-specific diarrhea.
Initial dose is two caplets, followed by one tabletafter each loose stool. Dosage should notexceed six caplets in 24 hours. Warning:
If diarrhea does not improve after 48 hours, or if blood is noted in the stool, or if fever develops, contact MEDEX. This medication should not be used in the case of acute Dysentery, which is characterized by blood in the stools and high fever. Fluid and electrolyte depletion often occurs in persons with diarrhea. In such cases, administration of appropriate fluids is very
important. The use of this medicine does notpreclude the need for appropriate fluid and electrolyte replacement. 8) Diotame (Pepto-Bismol)
May be used to relieve upset stomach, nausea,and heart burn or mild diarrhea.
Chew or dissolve two tablets in mouth; repeatevery hour if needed to a maximum of eightdoses (i.e. 16 tablets) in 24 hours. Warning:
May cause darkening of the stool and tongue. Do not take if allergic to aspirin. If taken with aspirin, and ringing in the ears develops, discontinue use. If diarrhea is accompanied by high fever or persists for more than 48 hours, contact MEDEX. 9) Electrolyte Solution (SQWINCHER)
Helps prevent dehydration from diarrhea.
Follow packet directions. Drink sufficient volume to replace fluid lost.
Continue until diarrhea subsides. If diarrhea is severe or prolonged, contact MEDEX. 10) Sulfacetamide Sodium Ophthalmic Solution
For topical treatment of eye infections.
Instill one to two drops into the affected eyeevery four hours. Warning:
If condition persists, contact MEDEX. 11) Insect Repellent (DEET) Directions: Read label instructions and warning carefully 12) Needle and Syringe 13) Neosporin Ointment
To help prevent infection in minor cuts, scrapesand burns. Directions: After washing area with soap and water, apply
directly to the affected area and cover withBand-Aid or telfa. May be applied 3-4 times aday as needed. Warning:
If redness, irritation swelling or pain persists and you suspect infection, discontinue use and contact MEDEX. 14) Sudodrin (Sudafed)
For temporary relief of nasal congestion due tocommon cold, hay fever or other upper respira-tory allergies; promotes nasal and/or sinusdrainage.
Two tablets every 4-6 hours. Do NOT exceedfour doses in 24 hours. Warning:
Do not take this medication if you are presentlytaking a prescription antihypertensive or takingmedication for Parkinsonism. 15) Tylenol (Acetaminophen)
For temporary relief of aches and pains. Mayalso be used to reduce fever and discomfortassociated with colds and "flu".
One to two tablets every four hours as needed. Do NOT take more than 12 tablets in a 24-hourperiod. Warning:
For this and all other pain relievers includingibuprofen and aspirin, if you generally consumethree or more alcoholic drinks per day, youshould not take medication without first consulting with a physician. Find Out More
2007 UOP LLC. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER 2 LANDSCAPING SECTION: General Landscape Requirements Landscape Improvement Deposit Landscape Requirements for Business/Commercial Developments Landscape Requirements for Subdivisions Landscape Requirements In Public Right-Of-Way Landscape Requirements for Stormwater Detention Facilities Penalties Appendices 13-2-1: GENERAL LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Plant i
DIRECCIÓN DE FORTALECIMIENTO INSTITUCIONAL REPORTE FINAL: SEGUIMIENTO DE PROYECTOS PIFI 21MSU0014E Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Ejercicio Fiscal 2008 Proyecto P/PIFI-2008-21MSU0014E-05 Aseguramiento de los indicadores de capacidad y competitividad académica para garantizar la pertinencia de los PE ofertados por la DES en Ciencias Valoración General