Haloperidol prophylaxis for elderly hip-surgery patients at risk for delirium: a randomized placebo-controlled study
Haloperidol Prophylaxis for Elderly Hip-Surgery Patientsat Risk for Delirium: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study
Kees J. Kalisvaart, MD,Ã Jos F. M. de Jonghe, PhD,Ã Marja J. Bogaards, PharmD,Ralph Vreeswijk, RN, MSc,Ã Toine C. G. Egberts, PhD,z Bart J. Burger, MD, PhD,ÃPiet Eikelenboom, MD, PhD,§z and Willem A. van Gool, MD, PhDk
OBJECTIVES: To study the effectiveness of haloperidol
14.4 Æ 3.4 and 18.4 Æ 4.3, respectively (mean difference
prophylaxis on incidence, severity, and duration of post-
4.0, 95% CI 5 2.0-5.8; Po.001); delirium duration was
operative delirium in elderly hip-surgery patients at risk for
5.4 versus 11.8 days, respectively (mean difference 6.4 days,
95% CI 5 4.0-8.0; Po.001); and the mean number of days
DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
in the hospital was 17.1 Æ 11.1 and 22.6 Æ 16.7, respec-
SETTING: Large medical school-affiliated general hospi-
tively (mean difference 5.5 days, 95% CI 5 1.4-2.3;
Po.001). No haloperidol-related side effects were noted.
PARTICIPANTS: A total of 430 hip-surgery patients aged
CONCLUSION: Low-dose haloperidol prophylactic treat-
70 and older at risk for postoperative delirium.
ment demonstrated no efficacy in reducing the incidence ofpostoperative delirium. It did have a positive effect on the
INTERVENTION: Haloperidol 1.5 mg/d or placebo was
severity and duration of delirium. Moreover, haloperidol
started preoperatively and continued for up to 3 days post-
reduced the number of days patients stayed in the hospital,
operatively. Proactive geriatric consultation was provided
and the therapy was well tolerated. J Am Geriatr Soc
MEASUREMENTS: The primary outcome was the inci-
Key words: haloperidol; delirium prevention; prophy-
dence of postoperative delirium (Diagnostic and Statistical
laxis; elderly; orthopedic surgery; risk factors; delirium
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, and Confu-
severity; duration of hospital stay; assessment of delirium
sion Assessment Method criteria). Secondary outcomeswere the severity of delirium (Delirium Rating Scale, revisedversion-98 (DRS-R-98)), the duration of delirium, and thelength of hospital stay. RESULTS: The overall incidence of postoperative delirium
Delirium is a serious postoperative complication in
was 15.8%. The percentage of patients with postoperative
elderly patients.1-3 It is associated with high morbidity
delirium in the haloperidol and placebo treatment condi-
and mortality, increased length of hospital stay, and a high
tion was 15.1% and 16.5%, respectively (relative
rate of institutionalization after discharge.2,4-7 Incidence
risk 5 0.91, 95% confidence interval (CI) 5 0.6-1.3); the
rates for delirium of 5% to 45% in patients undergoing
mean highest DRS-R-98 score Æ standard deviation was
orthopedic hip surgery emphasize the need for primary andsecondary prevention.2,8,9
Although delirium can occur in any older patient, some
From the ÃDepartments of Geriatric Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery,
are more at risk than others. Many predisposing and
Medical Center Alkmaar, Alkmaar, the Netherlands; Department
precipitating factors have been identified (e.g., cognitive
of Pharmacy, Reinier de Graaf Group, Delft, the Netherlands; zDepartment of
impairment, sensory impairment, severity of illness, and
Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacotherapy, Utrecht Institute forPharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Departments
dehydration).10 To counteract the effect of some of these
of §Psychiatry and kNeurology, Academic Medical Center, University
risk factors, previous studies on delirium prevention have
of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and Free University of
focused on nonpharmacological interventions such as
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
reorienting the patient, modifying the hospital environ-
A paper with the preliminary results was accepted for presentation at the
ment, proactive geriatric consultation, pain treatment
meeting of the American Geriatrics Society in Baltimore, Maryland, 2003.
programs, family education, early mobilization protocol,
Because of illness, no presentation was made. Abstract was published in theJournal of the American Geriatrics Society, May 2003.
nutritional support, and infection control measures.11-15 Ameta-analysis revealed that, on average, nonpharmacolo-
Address correspondence to K. J. Kalisvaart, MD, Medical Center Alkmaar,PO Box 501, 1800 AM Alkmaar, the Netherlands.
gical interventions reduce the absolute risk of delirium by a
mere 13%.16 Further reduction of the incidence, severity,
and duration of postoperative delirium could have an
r 2005 by the American Geriatrics Society
important effect on the burden of surgical procedures in
elderly patients, but little is known about the effectiveness
A research team of geriatricians and nurses in a single 915-
of prophylactic pharmacological treatment strategies for
bed teaching hospital in the Netherlands identified poten-
tially eligible patients by systematically screening new
The antipsychotic drug haloperidol is widely used for
admissions to two surgical and three orthopedic wards.
the symptomatic treatment of delirium.17 In one small
Men and women aged 70 and older admitted for acute or
study, haloperidol prophylaxis proved to be effective in
elective hip surgery were considered for inclusion in the
reducing delirium in gastrointestinal surgery patients.18
haloperidol prophylaxis study, provided that they were at
Haloperidol is a dopamine antagonist. Dopamine D2
intermediate or high risk for postoperative delirium. Risk
receptor blockade is associated with enhanced acetylcho-
classification was based on the presence of four predictive
line release.19,20 Delirium is highly associated with choli-
risk factors, as described elsewhere.10,25 Visual impairment,
nergic deficiency. So it can be hypothesized that haloperidol
defined as binocular near vision worse than 20/70 after
may have an indirect beneficial effect on delirium. Indeed,
correction; severity of illness, measured using the Acute
some dopamine receptor antagonists, particularly antipsy-
chotics, appear to treat delirium, including that arising from
(APACHE II) scale of 0 to 70,26 with a cut-off score of 16
or higher indicating increased severity; cognitive impair-
In other conditions that are associated with cholinergic
ment (Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score 24
deficiency, such as Alzheimer's disease, haloperidol and
on a scale of 0-30);27 and index of dehydration (ratio of
physostigmine have a positive effect on delusions and
blood urea nitrogen to creatinine of !18). Intermediate
hallucinations, which are symptoms of delirium as well.23
risk for postoperative delirium was defined as presence of
The documented therapeutic effects, as well as its pharma-
one or two risk factors and high risk as presence of three or
cological profile and a possible ''priming'' effect, suggest
more risk factors. The low-risk patients were assessed daily
that haloperidol could prevent the occurrence of delirium or
according to the protocol for incident delirium but received
reduce its severity or duration, but no controlled studies
have evaluated the prophylactic effect of haloperidol on
Patients were ineligible if they had delirium at
postoperative delirium. There are potential side effects:
admission, no risk factors for postoperative delirium
hypotension (minimal), particularly with parenteral admin-
present at baseline, history of haloperidol allergy, use of
istration; sedation; altering of cardiac conduction; and
cholinesterase inhibitors, parkinsonism, epilepsy, levodopa
extrapyramidal symptoms. In addition, haloperidol has a
treatment, inability to participate in interviews (profound
lower potency of cholinergic blockade than other neuro-
dementia, language barrier, intubation, respiratory isola-
leptics. Keeping the total daily dose of haloperidol below
tion, aphasia, coma, or terminal illness), delay of surgery of
3 mg may reduce the risk of extrapyramidal side effects.24
more than 72 hours after admission, or a prolonged QTc
This was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-
interval of 460 ms or higher for men and 470 ms or higher
blind, clinical trial of low-dose haloperidol prophylaxis for
for women on their electrocardiogram.
postoperative delirium in elderly hip-surgery patients who
Eligibility was checked against patients' clinical notes
were at intermediate or high risk for this complication. The
and their own recall. Patients were randomized between
aim was to assess the effectiveness of 1.5 mg of haloperidol
daily versus placebo on the primary (incident delirium) andsecondary (deterioration of delirium) prevention of post-operative delirium in hip-surgery patients.
Measurements and ProceduresEligible patients were sequentially randomly assigned tostudy treatment (placebo or haloperidol 0.5 mg three timesdaily) from a block of drugs that the hospital pharmacist
had prepackaged, according to a computer-generatedrandomization code. Placebo medication was identical in
appearance to the active drug. The research team and all
The study was undertaken in accordance with the Declara-
participants were blinded to the treatment group, and
tion of Helsinki and the guidelines on good clinical practice.
blinding was maintained throughout the study and checked
Approval of the regional research ethics committee was
obtained. All patients or their relatives gave fully informed
Trial medication was started on admission and
continued until 3 days after surgery. A maximum delayfor surgery of 72 hours was permitted. The haloperidoldosage was based on the average starting dose for treatmentof older patients with delirium in the department and
recommendations by the American Psychiatric Associa-
This was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind,
tion.17 All patients were assessed daily for efficacy and
clinical trial, with a minimum duration of 1 day and a
safety evaluations. Experienced geriatric nurses and geria-
maximum of 6 days, depending on the onset of delirium.
tricians provided proactive geriatric consultation to all
The study aim was to evaluate efficacy of 1.5 mg of
patients. The consultation was based on a structured
haloperidol daily versus placebo on the primary and
multimodular protocol (geriatric medical attention; en-
secondary prevention of postoperative delirium in elderly
hancement of orientation and cognition; sensory and
mobility-improving advice; attention to pain and sleeping
problems; extra attention to fluid and food intake; and
ary outcome variables were severity of delirium, delirium
patient, family, and nursing staff education). If post-
duration, and length of hospital stay. Delirium severity was
operative delirium occurred, patients were treated accord-
measured using the Delirium Rating Scale, revised version-
ing to standard procedures (haloperidol three times per day,
98 (DRS-R-98, range 0 (no severity) to 45 (high severity)).35
lorazepam three times per day, or both in increasing doses,
Daily patients assessments using the MMSE, DRS-R-98, and
depending on symptoms of delirium) and assessed for
Digit Span test (assessment of attention, range 0 (no
attention) to 42 (good attention)36 were used to make the
Code envelopes were stored in the pharmacy and at the
DSM-IV and CAM diagnoses possible and to assess delirium
investigation site. In case of emergency, an independent
severity. CAM and DRS-R-98 assessments were continued
physician could request unmasking of the treatment
allocation. A statement had to be made in the Case ReportFormulary after breaking the seal. This happened with two
patients in the haloperidol group and five in the placebo
Statistical calculations were performed using SPSS for
group. These patients do not appear in the protocol
Windows, version 11 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). Calculation
violation count (Figure 1). In all other cases, the treatment
of the required sample size was based on the assumption that
was blinded until the end of the total study.
haloperidol prophylaxis would reduce the incidence of
The clinical staffFindependent of the research staffF
postoperative delirium from 40% to 27%. These figures
recorded the level of adherence to the intervention, with
were based on a 40% incidence of delirium in a comparable
reasons for nonadherence, daily. Adherence was complete if
population in the pretrial period in the study hospital in 1999
the patient received all medication at the times it had to be
and an absolute 13% median risk reduction as found in
given. Partial adherence indicated that the patient received
studies using nonpharmacological interventions.16 With a
some but not all the medication or not at the scheduled
two-sided test, an alpha level of 0.05, and a power of 80%,
times. Nonadherence indicated that none of the medication
the analysis required 206 patients per group. The analysis
was undertaken as intention to treat at all levels. The primaryoutcome of the study was the incidence of postoperative
delirium, defined according to the DSM-IV criteria.
Members of the research team not involved in the clinical
For the primary analysis of the intervention, delirium
care of the patients performed all baseline and outcome
was considered a binary outcome (absent or present)
assessments. Assessors had extensive training before the
according to its earliest occurrence. Secondary outcomes
study and followed standard procedures. All data were
were the severity of delirium, which was measured using the
collected on standardized patient record forms and under-
DRS-R-98 and was expressed as the maximum DRS-R-98
went extensive checks of error and validity.
score during the delirium period, the duration of delirium,
The baseline screening and assessments were com-
and duration of hospital stay of delirious patients (the
pleted before surgery and within 12 hours after admission
number of days spent in hospital until patients were ready
and included the MMSE, the Informant Questionnaire on
for transfer to a rehabilitation unit or home).
Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (measures preexisting
Proportions of patients were compared using the Fisher
cognitive impairment),28 the standardized Snellen test for
exact test. Two-tailed P-values o.05 were considered to
visual impairment,29 chart review to determine APACHE II
indicate statistical significance. Parametric and nonpara-
score (range 0 5 no acute health problems to 70 5 severe
metric values were tested using Student t test and the Mann-
acute health problems), ratio of blood urea nitrogen to
Whitney U test, respectively. The results are expressed as
creatinine, Geriatric Depression Scale (15-item version self-
relative risks with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the
rating scale for depression, range 0-15, higher scores
haloperidol group relative to the placebo group, with a
indicating depression),30 and the Barthel Index (range
relative risk less than 1.0 indicating a beneficial effect.
0-20, lower scores indicating more dependency).31 Safetywas monitored throughout the study and was based on
analysis of adverse events, daily examination by the treating
Of 681 individuals initially admitted to the orthopedic and
surgeons, spontaneous reports from the patients, and
surgical units, 603 entered the baseline phase (Figure 1).
specific assessments; the Barnes Akathisia Scale (range 0
Failure to meet the inclusion criteria was the most typical
(no akathisia) to 14 (severe akathisia) was used to assess
reason for not entering this phase (n 5 78); 36 refused to
drug-induced akathisia.32 Electrocardiogram was per-
participate, 13 were discharged without surgery, eight could
formed on admission and in case of an adverse event, for
not be tested, six had surgery before testing could take
evaluation of QTc interval. Daily blood pressure measure-
place, six were known to have parkinsonism, four were
ments were taken to check for postural hypotension.
taking antipsychotic drugs, three were missed by failure of
Patients were clinically assessed daily for signs of sedation
the emergency department staff to report them, one had
extreme liver failure, and one was delirious at admission. One hundred twenty-one of 603 patients were not
randomized because all four risk factors were absent (low
The primary outcome was postoperative delirium. Diagnosis
risk). Of the 482 entering the baseline phase, 52 refused to
of the syndrome was defined using Diagnostic and Statistical
comply after baseline screening, all because they or their
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) and
caregiver refused treatment with the study drug. The
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) criteria.33,34 Second-
remaining 430 eligible patients were randomized (Figure 1).
Patients not meeting inclusion criteria (n = 78)
Discharged without surgery (n = 13) Parkinsonism (n = 6) On antipsychotic drugs (n = 4) Not testable (n = 8) Surgery before testing (n = 6)
Intermediate risk (n = 181) High risk (n = 35)
Adverse events (n = 8) Randomization violation (n = 3)
Figure 1. Flow diagram of the study.
elective and fracture patients. Patients with an intermediate
The characteristics at the time of admission of the 212
baseline risk for delirium and nonacute (elective) surgery
patients randomized to haloperidol prophylaxis and the
were overrepresented, indicating that, overall, the study
218 patients in the placebo group are shown in Table 1. The
group was in relatively good clinical condition. The low
groups did not differ significantly in terms of any of these
APACHE II scores and the high Barthel Index scores are
characteristics. The mean number of risk factors per patient
was similar in the two groups. On average, both studygroups included elderly patients with minimal cognitive
impairment, some visual impairment, and light dehydra-
Intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis included 430 patients;
tion. MMSE results at baseline did not differ between
delirium occurred in 68 (15.8%). The incidence of delirium
Table 1. Characteristics of the Patients on Admission According to Study Group/Intention-to-Treat Group
Mini-Mental State Examination score, mean Æ SDÃ
Acute Physiology Age and Chronic Health Examination II score, mean Æ SDz
Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio, mean Æ SD§
Geriatric Depression Scale-15 score, mean Æ SDk
Note: Because of rounding, percentages may not total 100.
à Range 0 (severe cognitive impairment) to 30 (no cognitive impairment).
w Range 20/20 (no visual impairment) to 20/800 (severe visual impairment). z Range 0 (no acute health problems) to 70 (severe acute health problems). § Ratio greater than 18 indicates dehydration. k Range 0 (depression not likely) to 15 (depression very likely).
z Range 0 (severe disability) to 20 (no disability). # Two patients with no risk missing from total 218 patients in placebo group; see Figure 1.
in the ITT haloperidol group of 15.1% (32/212) did not
having delirium was significantly lower after haloperidol
differ significantly from the 16.5% (36/218) in the placebo
prophylaxis (Figure 3). The mean duration of delirium in
group (relative risk 5 0.91, 95% CI 5 0.59-1.44) (Table 2).
the haloperidol group was 6.4 days (95% CI 5 4.0-8.0;
The baseline characteristics of patients in the haloperidol
Po.001) shorter than in the placebo group (haloperidol
and placebo group who developed delirium on follow-up
5.41 Æ 4.91 days vs placebo 11.85 Æ 7.56 days). The mean
did not differ significantly (Table 2).
difference of days spent in the hospital until patients were
Forty-four of the randomized 367 patients with an
ready for transfer to a rehabilitation unit or home was 5.5
''intermediate risk'' for delirium developed delirium (12%,
days shorter (95% CI 5 1.4-2.3; Po.001) in patients from
95% CI 5 8.7-15.3%), whereas 24 of 63 high-risk patients
the haloperidol group (17.1 Æ 11.1) than in the placebo
became delirious (38%, 95% CI 5 26.1-51.2%). Only five
group (22.6 Æ 16.7) (Table 3). No episodes with recurrence
of the 121 low-risk patients (4.1%, 95% CI 5 0-4.4%)
of delirium were observed in this study.
developed delirium. Per-protocol analysis included 382
No drug-related side effects were seen during the study
patients; delirium occurred in 55 (14.4%). The dropout
period. The adverse events were never related to extra-
incidence was 20 (9.4%) patients in the haloperidol group,
pyramidal symptoms. (Values on the Barnes Akathisia Scale
of which 11 were lost for follow-up for the per-protocol
were 0 for all the patients in both groups.) There was no
analysis and 28 (12.8%) patients in the placebo group, of
sedation reported, other than related to the use of
which 24 were lost to follow-up (Figure 1).
There was partial or nonadherence in two patients in
the haloperidol group and patients in the placebo group
The characteristics of the episodes of delirium that occurredwere markedly different in both groups. The severity ofdelirium characterized by the highest value of the DRS-R-98 (DRS-Max) during an episode with delirium in
patients from the haloperidol group was on aver-
Low-dose haloperidol prophylaxis was not effective for the
age Æ standard deviation 14.40 Æ 3.5, versus 18.41 Æ 4.4
prevention of postoperative delirium in elderly hip-surgery
in the placebo group (mean difference 4.0, 95% CI 5 2.0-
patients at intermediate or high risk for this complication,
5.8; Po.001) (Table 3). During the first 3 days after the
but haloperidol prophylaxis markedly reduced severity and
onset of delirium, the severity as measured using the mean
duration of postoperative delirium. As a result, the burden
of the DRS-R-98 scores was significantly lower in patients
of postoperative delirium was less, as was the number of
who had received haloperidol preoperatively (Figure 2),
days patients stayed in the hospital. No drug-related side
and from Day 5 until Day 8, the proportion of patients still
Table 2. Characteristics of Patients Who Developed Delirium, According to Study Group: Intention-to-Treat Group
Mini-Mental State Examination score, mean Æ SDÃ
Acute Physiology Age and Chronic Health Examination II score, mean Æ SDz
Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio, Æ SD§
Geriatric Depression Scale-15 score, mean Æ SDk
à Range 0 (severe cognitive impairment) to 30 (no cognitive impairment).
w Range 20/20 (no visual impairment) to 20/800 (severe visual impairment). z Range 0 (no acute health problems) to 70 (severe acute health problems). § Ratio greater than 18 indicates dehydration. k Range 0 (depression not likely) to 15 (depression very likely).
z Range 0 (severe disability) to 20 (no disability).
These findings have important implications for the
Perhaps the findings of the current study indicate a
management of elderly patients at risk of delirium. Primary
''priming'' effect (i.e., therapeutic blood serum levels of
prevention (proactive geriatric consultation) is an effective
haloperidol were reached sooner once treatment of delirium
strategy in preventing delirium, and even when delirium
develops, there was still an additional effect of this
The strengths of this study include the targeting of older
pharmacological prophylactic intervention on the duration
people at (intermediate or high) risk of developing delirium
and severity of delirium. The results of this study are not in
for prophylactic treatment only. Patients at low risk were
accord with the results of one other study, in which
not randomized. Postoperative delirium occurred in only
haloperidol prophylaxis led to a reduction of postoperative
five (4.1%) of them, which is much less than in the at-risk
delirium in gastrointestinal patients and no data are available
sample (15.8%). The findings corroborate the prognostic
on the reduction of severity or delirium duration.18 The
model of one study, which is an important finding in and of
current study did not find an effect on the primary endpoint of
itself and provides important validation of this risk system
postsurgery delirium. Rather, there was a significant effect on
for this particular population.10 This enabled the restriction
secondary end points (duration and severity of delirium).
of the prophylactic pharmacological treatment to those
Dissimilarities between samples, design, and type of surgery
patients who needed it, thus maximizing the efficiency and
may explain the apparent differences in study outcomes. One
clinical relevance of the intervention. All patients were
study consisted of a small (N 5 80) group of gastrointestinal
assessed daily using standardized and validated instru-
surgery patients randomized, not blinded, for 5 mg haloper-
ments. Outcome data were relatively complete, and few
idol per day or saline solution.18 Another found a significant
patients were lost to follow-up. Moreover, haloperidol
improvement in the symptoms of delirium and cognition in
prophylaxis was well tolerated, and the extensive clinical
patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome treated
experience with this antipsychotic drug in combination
with low-dose haloperidol and chlorpromazine for delirium.37
with its low costs enhances the extent to which this
Table 3. Results of Patients Who Developed Delirium, According to Study Group: Intention-to-Treat Group
Note: Because of rounding, percentages may not total 100.
implementation of proactive geriatric consultation, pro-
vided to all the patients in both groups, may have
stimulated the attention for predisposing and precipitatingfactors for delirium of the nursing and medical staff of theparticipating wards. In turn, it could have led to extra care
for at-risk patients, thereby decreasing the likelihood ofincident delirium. Such an effect may have caused the
results to tend toward the null hypothesis. Second, the studyincluded far more patients who were at intermediate risk
than at high risk for delirium. This may have resulted infewer incident cases of delirium, decreasing discriminating
power. Third, patients were treated with a low dosage of
haloperidol prophylaxis, which may explain the absence of
a clear difference in the incidence of delirium between
Figure 2. Mean of Delirium Rating Scale, revised version-98
patients receiving haloperidol and placebo prophylaxis.
(DRS-R-98) scores during delirium for treatment groups: x-
The choice of 1.5 mg/24 hours dosage of haloperidol was
axis 5 days; y-axis 5 mean DRS-R-98 scores of patients with
based on the average starting dose for treatment of delirious
delirium. The mean of the scores on the DRS-R-98 and the 95%
older people and the minimal chance of extrapyramidal side
confidence intervals in patients with delirium from the haloper-
effects with a total daily dose of less than 3 mg.17,24 Another
idol (n 5 32) and placebo (n 5 36) groups, respectively. During
study found ''extremely low'' prevalence of extrapyramidal
each of the first 3 days after onset of delirium, the severity, as
side effects with haloperidol and chlorpromazine treatment
measured using the DRS-R-98, was significantly lower in
of delirium in patients with acquired immunodeficiency
patients who had received haloperidol perioperatively.
syndrome.37 Higher doses of haloperidol may perhapsbe necessary for primary prevention of delirium, but thefrequency and severity of side effects may increase, espe-
prevention protocol can be applied in other settings. The
cially in vulnerable patient groups. A dose titration and
significantly lower severity and shorter duration of delir-
duration study might have benefited this study. Fourth, the
ium, as well as the fewer total number of days haloperidol
effect of the haloperidol prophylaxis could be solely due to
patients were hospitalized, than those receiving placebo
reduction of certain symptoms of delirium (agitation or
strongly suggests that haloperidol prophylaxis contributed
hyperactive symptoms), implying that haloperidol does not
to the effectiveness of the intervention strategy. These
change the underlying nature or course of delirium.
findings support that, when applied to clinical practice, this
However, delirium was diagnosed based on clinical judg-
strategy combining nonpharmacological and pharmacolo-
ment and CAM ratings. A shorter duration of delirium
gical interventions may lead to smaller numbers of patients
implies a treatment effect beyond the psychomotor symp-
who will have delirium and that it may shorten the severity
toms. The total score on the DRS-R-98 before the onset of
and duration of this neuropsychiatric syndrome.
delirium was not different between the haloperidol and
Some limitations of this study need to be addressed.
placebo patients. The effect of sedation on psychomotor
This study was underpowered, given the relatively low
symptoms from haloperidol is therefore highly unlikely.
delirium rates. The overall incidence of postoperative
Fifth, there was no information about prehospitalization
delirium was much lower than was expected based on the
mental status, such as from proxy report, because most of
literature and previous experience in the study hospital. The
the informant questionnaires were not returned, so in theacute (fracture) patients, the study intake MMSE might nothave been reflective. Nevertheless, the MMSE results did
not differ in the fracture population from those of theelective patients. Sixth, the study group consisted of elderly
orthopedic patients only, which may limit generalizabilityto other settings. Seventh, factors such as medical compli-
cations, pain, and use of medications that have central
nervous system (CNS) side effects may have influenced thesecondary outcome measures that proved to be signifi-
cantFseverity of delirium, duration of delirium, and
number of days in the hospital. However, but this was a
randomized, controlled study, and if there were confound-
Figure 3. Proportion of patients suffering from delirium during
ing variables, they would have been expected to be present
the first 2 weeks postoperatively: x-axis 5 days; y-axis 5 propor-
in both treatment conditions alike. Moreover, a retro-
tion of patients with delirium. The flags indicate the upper and
spective review of the medical charts did not show any
lower limits of the 95% confidence interval of this proportion
evidence of more complications, more pain, or the use of
in the haloperidol (n 5 212) and placebo (n 5 218) groups,
more painkillers or drugs with CNS side effects in any of the
respectively. During the entire postoperative period, this
proportion was lower in patients who had received haloperidol
Despite all these effects, which may have tended to bias
prophylaxis; this difference was significant from Day 5 until Day
results toward the null hypothesis, the significant results
support the effectiveness of the intervention.
A formal cost-effectiveness analysis was beyond the
scope of this study, but it is likely that the intervention
1. Dyer CB, Ashton CM, Teasdale TA. Postoperative delirium. A review of
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80 primary data-collection studies. Arch Intern Med 1995;155:461-465.
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2. Galanakis P, Bickel H, Gradinger R et al. Acute confusional state in the elderly
This clinical trial holds substantial promise for the
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prevention and reduction of delirium in hospitalized,
3. Lindesay J, Rockwood K, Rolfson DB. The epidemiology of delirium. In:
nonsurgical, older patients too. Further studies are needed
Lindesay J, Rockwood K, Macdonald AJ, eds. Delirium in Old Age, 1st Ed.
to determine whether similar beneficial effects can be
New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, pp 27-50.
observed in other settings. Moreover, the potential effect of
4. Marcantonio ER, Flacker JM, Michaels M et al. Delirium is independently
associated with poor functional recovery after hip fracture. J Am Geriatr Soc
haloperidol prophylaxis on other patient outcome mea-
sures, such as morbidity, mortality, institutionalization, and
5. Marcantonio ER, Simon SE, Bergmann MA et al. Delirium symptoms in post-
long-term cognitive functioning, deserves further study.
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53rd ASH meeting (2011) in San Diego: Multiple Myeloma (MM) update This year, the 2011 ASH meeting gathered the MM specialists in the city of San Diego, Southern California. It was more than worth to undertake the long trip to get there and learn about the continuous progress made in the knowledge and treatment of our disease. A personalized treatment approach for MM patients is definite
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