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Publikationen 2011
1. Blohmer J, Paepke S, Sehouli J, Blohmer D, Kolben M, Würschmidt F, Petry KU, Kimmig R, Elling D, Thomssen C, von Minckwitz G, Möbus V, Hinke A, Kümmel S, Budach V, Lichtenegger W, Schmid P (2011) Randomized phase III trial of sequential adjuvant chemoradiotherapy with or without erythropoietin Alfa in patients with high-risk cervical cancer: results of the NOGGO-AGO intergroup study. J CLIN ONCOL, 29(28): 3791-3792 2. Dittmer A, Fuchs A, Oerlecke I, Leyh B, Kaiser S, Martens JW, Lützkendorf J, Müller L, Dittmer J (2011) Mesenchymal stem cells and carcinoma-associated fibroblasts sensitize breast cancer cells in 3D cultures to kinase inhibitors. INT J ONCOL, 39: 689-696 3. Dittmer A, Fuchs A, Oerlecke I, Leyh B, Kaiser S, Martens JWM, Lützkendorf J, Müller L, Dittmer J (2011) Mesenchymal stem cells and carcinoma-associated fibroblasts sensitize breast cancer cells in 3D cultures to kinase inhibitors. INT J ONCOL, 39: 689-96 4. Gerloff A, Dittmer A, Oerlecke I, IHolzhausen HJ, Dittmer J (2011) Protein expression of the Ets transcription factor Elf-1 in breast cancer cells is negatively correlated with histological grading, but not with clinical outcome. ONCOL REP, 26: 1121-5 5. Gnant M, Harbeck N, Thomssen C (2011) St. Gallen 2011: Summary of the Consensus 6. Goepel C, Johanna Kantelhardt E, Karbe I, Stoerer S, Dittmer J (2011) Changes of glycoprotein and collagen immunolocalization in the uterine artery wall of postmenopausal women with and without pelvic organ prolapse. ACTA HISTOCHEM, 113: 375-81 7. Guo X, Loibl S, Untch M, Möbus V, Schwedler K, Fasching PA, Barinoff J, Holms F, Thomssen C, Zahm DM, Kreienberg R, Hauschild M, Eidtmann H, Tauchert S, Mehta K, von Minckwitz G (2011) Re-Challenging Taxanes in Recurrent Breast Cancer in Patients Treated with (Neo-)Adjuvant Taxane-Based Therapy. BREAST CARE, 6(4): 279-283 8. Harbeck N, Thomssen C (2011) A new look at node-negative breast cancer. ONCOLOGIST, 9. Huober J, Paepke PA, Barsoum M, Petruzelka L, Wallwiener D, Thomssen C, Reimer T, Paepke S, Azim HA, Ragosch V, Kubista E, Baumgärtner AK, Beckmann MW, May C, Nimmrich I, Harbeck N (2011) Higher efficacy of letrozole in combination with trastuzumab compared to letrozole monotherapy as first-line treatment in patients with HER2-positive, hormone-receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer - Results of the eLEcTRA trial. BREAST, 19: 1-11 10. Kantelhardt EJ, Vetter M, Schmidt M, Veyret C, Augustin D, Hanf V, Meisner C, Paepke D, Schmitt M, Sweep F, von Minckwitz G, Martin PM, Jaenicke F, Thomssen C, Harbeck N (2011) Prospective evaluation of prognostic factors uPA/PAI-1 in node-negative breast cancer: phase III NNBC3-Europe trial (AGO, GBG, EORTC-PBG) comparing 6×FEC versus 3×FEC/3×Docetaxel. BMC CANCER, 11: 140 11. Loehberg CR, Strissel PL, Dittrich R, Strick R, Dittmer J, Dittmer A, Fabry B, Kalender WA, Koch T, Wachter DL, Groh N, Polier A, Brandt I, Lotz L, Hoffmann I, Koppitz F, Oeser S, Mueller A, Fasching PA, Lux MP, Beckmann MW, Schrauder MG (2011) Akt and p53 are potential mediators of reduced mammary tumor growth by Chloroquine and the mTOR inhibitor RAD001. BIOCHEM PHARMACOL, 3: 10-15 12. Pivot X, Schneeweiss A, Verma S, Thomssen C, Passos-Coelhol JL, Benedetti G, Ciruelos E, von Moos R, Chang HT, Duenne AA, Miles DW (2011) Efficacy and safety of bevacizumab in combination with docetaxel for the first-line treatment of elderly patients with locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: results from AVADO. EUR J CANCER, 47(16): 1387-2395 13. Schmitt M, Harbeck N, Brünner N, Jänicke F, Meisner C, Mühlenweg B, Jansen H, Dorn J, Nitz U, Kantelhardt EJ, Thomssen C (2011) Cancer therapy trials employing level-of-evidence-1 disease forecast cancer biomarkers uPA and its inhibitor PAI-1. EXPERT REV MOL DIAGN, 11: 617-34 14. Smith IE, Pierga JY, Biganzoli L, Cortés-Funes H, Thomssen C, Pivot X, Fabi A, Xu B, Stroyakovskiy D, Franke FA, Kaufman B, Mainwaring P, Pienkowski T, De Valk B, Kwong A, González-Trujillo JL, Koza I, Petrakova K, Pereira D, Pritchard KI (2011) First-line bevacizumab plus taxane-based chemotherapy for locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: safety and efficacy in an open-label study in 2,251 patients. ANN ONCOL, 22: 595-602 15. Smith I, Pierga JY, Biganzoli L, Cortes-funes H, Thomssen C, Saracchini S, Nisenbaum B, Peleaz I, Duenne AA, Pritchard K (2011) Final overall survival results and effect of prolonged (? 1 year) first-line bevacizumab-containing therapy for metastatic breast cancer in the ATHENA trial. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 130(1): 133-143 16. Stang A, Trocci P, Ruschke K, Schmidt-Pokrzywniak A, Holzhausen J, Löning T, Buchmann J, Thomssen C, Lantzsch T, Hauptmann S, Böcker W, Kluttig A (2011) Factors influencing the agreement on histopathological assessments of breast biopsies among pathologists. HISTOPATHOLOGY, 59(5): 939-49 17. Thomssen C, Scharl A, Harbeck N (2011) AGO Recommendations for Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Primary and Metastatic Breast Cancer. Update 2011. BREAST CARE, 6 (4): 299-313 18. Vetter M (2011) Vom Labor in die Klinik: Prognosefaktoren uPA und PAI-1 als enerkannte Biomarker zur Therapieentscheidung bei Brustkrebspatientinnen. Das Magazin für medizinische Forschung, Innovation und Praxis, 9/10: 24-28 19. Witzel I, Kantelhardt EJ, Milde-Langosch K, Ihnen M, Zeitz J, Harbeck N, Jänicke F, Müller V (2011) Management of patients with brain metastases receiving trastuzumab treatment for metastatic breast cancer. ONKOLOGIE, 34(6): 304-308 Buchbeitrag
1. Dittmer J, Oerlecke I, Leyh B (2011) Involvement of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Breast Cancer Progression. In: Mehmet Gunduz and Esra Gunduz (Ed.) (Hg.) Breast Cancer - Focusing Tumor Microenvironment, Stem cells and Metastasis. InTech, Deutschland, 256-279 2. Thomssen C (2011) Brustkrebs Patientenratgeber zu den AGO-Empfehlungen 2011. In: AGO Kommission Mamma (Hg.) Brustkrebs Patientenratgeber zu den AGO-Empfehlungen 2011. Zuckschwerdt München, München, 1-81 3. Untch M, Thomssen C, Costa SD (2011) Endokrine Therapie beim Mammakarzinom. In: Untch, Thomssen, Serban (Hg.) Colloquium Senologie. Agileum, München, 137-157


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