ph/fax 02 62498446 AUSTRALIAN email: TUBERCULOSIS This review will also appear on the web page Sponsored by ARC Feb 2007 Vol 22 no 1 Australian Respiratory In this edition: Socio-political issues, nursing, diagnosis of TB in children from poor countries M. tuberculosis E M Photo Forthcoming Meetings The 24th IUATLD Asia Pacific Region Meeting 25-28 June 2007 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The 4th Congress of the IUATLD, Europe Region, Riga, Latvia June 27-30,2007 38th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 November 2007 email:
Editorial Advisory Group: Editorial Drs J Thompson, M Hurwitz, P Kelly, V Krause, A Sleigh.
A recent report from the Austin Hospital in
this edition) has the authors, Graham et al,
welcomed, but should not exceed 400 words.
proposing that BCG vaccination should be
All communications, including letters to the
routine for all medical students shown not be
infected by M. tuberculosis. They believe
that a combination of TST and an improved
Dr John Thompson,
version of the original γ interferon test would
3 Banner St, O'Connor 2602 ACT Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major
QuantiFERON-TB Gold/T-Spot, the test they
propose, did not perform as well as hoped in
countries. Following the disruption to health
a recent South African series. In other words
services in East Timor due to violent political
conflict in 1999, the National Tuberculosis
Control Program was established, with a local
It is easy to understand why BCG vaccination
agency. Within a few months the TB program
was no longer offered to medical students in
Methods and Findings: Using the East
disease in most of Australia, and multidrug
Timor TB program as a case study, we have
resistance was virtually unknown. Thus the
risk of a student developing the disease did
implementation of this type of communicable
not justify vaccination. As Graham et al have
disease control program in a post-conflict
pointed out, the situation has now changed.
undertaken, and semi-structured interviews
outside Australia in poor countries where TB
were conducted in 2003 with 24 key local and
is rife, or even in Aboriginal communities in
international stakeholders. Coordination,
North Australia where the disease remains
cooperation and collaboration were identified
as major contributors to the success of the
TB program. The existing local structure and
exposed to multidrug resistant organisms at a
rate far greater than their occurrence in
organisation, the commitment among local
Australia. These circumstances suggest that
establishing an effective program, and the
considered for all medical students. There is
willingness of international advisers and local
little point in giving INH chemoprophylaxis to
counterparts to be flexible in their approach
an infected student or graduate with resistant
were also important factors. This success
organisms, while current data show that the
alternative, a combination of rifampicin plus
including mass population displacement, lack
of infrastructure and the competing interests
into sick ones. It may be that the National
of organisations working in the health sector.
Conclusions: Five years after the conflict,
Australia wide guidelines on this issue., and
the TB program continues to operate in all
having done so, publicise them more widely
districts with high notification rates, although
challenge. Lessons learned in East Timor
may be applicable to other post-conflict
TB after major conflict: experiences and
settings where TB is highly prevalent, and
lessons learned in East Timor
may have relevance to other disease control
Martins et al Dili, East Timor, Darwin, Comment: As well, the post-colonial nature Australia PLOS Med 2006; 3: e383 Socio-political Issues Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all reported cases of active tuberculosis in
Toronto between July 1 1999, and June 30,
Counterfeit anti-infective drugs
2002. We obtained extensive clinical data on
cases as well as information on the training
Newton et al Vientiane Laos, Oxford UK,
and clinical experience of treating physicians.
Atlanta USA, Bangkok Thailand.
associated with patient mortality in a survival
Lancet Infect Dis 2006; 6: 602 Results: In a multivariable Cox regression Summary: The production of counterfeit or
analysis involving 1154 patients, factors
associated with all-cause mortality included
patient age (in years) (hazard ratio [HR] 1.05,
that contributes to morbidity, mortality and
P<0.001), use of directly observed therapy
reporting of resistance and toxicity and loss
(HR 0.22, CI 0.13-0.39, p<0.001), receipt of
tuberculosis (per case managed per year)(HR
0.98,CI O.97-0.99; p<0.01) Factors that were
not associated with patient survival included
analysis and simple field tests will enhance
drug quality monitoring, improved access to
foreign medical school, the physician's
inexpensive genuine medicines, support of
medical specialty and the number of years in
reporting, vigorous law enforcement, and
Interpretation: Physician experience with
tuberculosis and use of directly observed
therapy positively influenced the survival of
patients with active tuberculosis in our
Comment: There seems to be a particular
problem with some multidrug antituberculosis
Comment: Another example of the 'learning The impact of physician training and experience on the survival of patients with Tuberculin reactivity among health care active tuberculosis. workers in nonhospital settings Khan et al Toronto Canada Shah et al Saskatoon, Canada, Washington, Baltimore Md, Lubbock Tx CMAJ 2006; 175: 749 Background: Am J Infect Control 2006; 34: 338
influencing treatment outcomes of patients
with tuberculosis. We conducted an analysis
compensation data to identify health care
workers at risk of tuberculosis exposure in the
characteristics and their association with the
rate of death among tuberculosis patients.
Methods: We identified State Fund workers'
investigate the major determinants of grant
tuberculin skin test (TST) conversion (size
Methods: With information available publicly
>/=10mm) with a previous negative skin
random-effects analysis to investigate the
effect of grant characteristics, types of
Results: Health care workers experienced an
primary recipient and local fund agent, and
overall accepted workers' compensation
country attributes ion disbursements that
equivalent employees (FTEs) per year for
one of Global Fund payments). To check the
robustness of findings, regression results
accounted for the largest number, with 18.4
% tuberculin reactivity claims. The number of
tuberculin reactivity claims was the highest
Findings: Grant characteristics-such as size
for offices and clinics of doctors of medicine
of commitment, lag time between signature
(3.7 per 10,000 FTEs), followed by medical
and first disbursement, and funding round-
This study allowed implementation. Enhanced political stability
characterization of employees in various
was associated with high use of grants. Low-
nonhospital health services locations with
developed health systems for a given level of
Comment: Not huge conversion rates: does
income, were more likely to have a higher
reporting your tuberculin conversion now
rate of grant implementation than nations with
Interpretation: The higher rate of grant
implementation seen in countries with low
support to proponents of major increases in
Absorptive capacity and disbursements
health assistance for the poorest countries
by the Global Fund to fight AIDS,
and argues that focusing resources on low-
Tuberculosis and Malaria: analysis of
income countries, particularly those with
grant implementation.
political stability, will not create difficulties of
Lu et al Cambridge Ma USA
restricted to grant implementation, which is
one part of the issue of absorptive capacity.
The Lancet 2006; 368: 483
In the future, assessment of the effect of
Background: The Global Fund to fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis was launched in 2002 to attract
Comment: No doubt the researchers have
and rapidly disburse money to fight these
factored in the enormous absorptive capacity
believe that poor countries cannot effectively
use such resources to increase delivery of
their health programmes- referred to as a lack
International standards for tuberculosis care
Hopewell et al San Francisco CA USA Lancet Infect Dis 2006; 6: 710
graduates about TB, particularly in countries
of high incidence. One suspects that too
Summary: Part of the reason for failing to
themselves with their duty to the patient and
tuberculosis incidence worldwide is the lack
of effective involvement of all practitioners -
public and private - in the provision of high
quality tuberculosis care. While health-care
Can public - private collaboration promote tuberculosis case detection among the
trained and are expected to have adopted
poor and vulnerable?
health practices, the same is not likely to be
Malmborg et al Nydalen Norway
true for non-programme providers. Studies of
Bull World Health Org 2006; 84: 752
conducted in several different parts of the
Summary: Private-public mix (PPM) DOTS is
widely advocated as a DOTS adaptation for
common. The basic principles of care for
promoting progress towards the international
tuberculosis (TB) control targets of detecting
70 % of TB cases and successfully treating
diagnosis should be established promptly;
85% of these. Private health care plays a
standardised treatment regimens should be
central role in health-care provision in many
used with appropriate treatment support and
developing countries that have a high burden
supervision; response to treatment should be
of TB. It is therefore encouraging that PPM
projects are being set up in various countries
responsibilities must be carried out. Prompt
treatment are essential for good patient care
programmes and other partners in the fight
and tuberculosis control. All providers who
The objective of this review was to use the
patients with tuberculosis must recognise that
published literature to assess the range of
providers included in PPMs for their ability to
individual, but they are also assuming an
International Standards for Tuberculosis Care
(ISTC) describe a widely endorsed level of
elements of a pro-poor PPM model, namely,
care that all practitioners should seek to
cost-effectiveness from a patient perspective,
achieve in managing individuals who have, or
accessibility, acceptability and quality. The
are suspected of having, tuberculosis. The
review revealed that a very large part of the
total spectrum of potential PPM-participating
providers in delivering high quality care for
partners has not yet been explored; current
patients of all ages, including those with
models focus private-for -profit health-care
smear-positive, smear-negative, and extra-
pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis caused
by drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
important to think critically about the type of
complex, and tuberculosis combined with HIV
private providers who are best suited to
meeting the needs of the poor, and that more
Comment: Familiarity with the contents of
socioeconomic status of patients accessing
adequate education of medical students and
Comment: All the more important after the
IMF and World Bank set about dismantling
the state health systems of so many poor
Rifampicin plus pyrazinamide versus isoniazid for treatment of latent tuberculosis infection: a meta-analysis Prevention Gao et al Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Should medical students be routinely Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2006; 10: 1080 offered BCG vaccination? Setting: Six trials from Haiti, Mexico, the Graham et al Melbourne Australia
USA, Brazil, Spain, Zambia and Hong Kong.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and MJA 2006; 185: 324
safety of rifampicin plus pyrazinamide(RZ) vs.
Abstract: BCG vaccination is no longer
routinely offered to all medical students in
without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Victoria. Practices in Australia's 15 medical
vaccination and surveillance for tuberculosis
controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs that
(TB) infection during the medical course.
compared RZ for 2-3 months with INH for 6-
Health care workers can be exposed to TB in
12 months. Endpoints were development of
Australian hospitals, but the risk is much
active TB, severe adverse effects and death.
higher if they undertake work in countries with
Treatment effects were summarised as risk
student electives. BCG vaccination is safe ,
Results: Three trials conducted in HIV-
recipients from active TB, including multidrug-
infected patients and three trials conducted in
resistant TB. Protection is long-lasting,
non-HIV-infected persons were identified.
requires only a single dose, and there is new
The rates of TB in the RZ group were similar
infections, not just active disease. Although
infected: pooled RD = 0%; 95 % CI -1-2, P =
interpretation of the tuberculin test(TST),
0.89; non-infected persons; pooled RD = 0%;
treatment groups ( HIV-infected patients;
approach for all Australian medical students
pooled RD = -1%, 95% CI -4-2, P=0.53; non-
vaccination for students who test negative,
incidence of all severe adverse events was
provided they have not previously received
HIV-infected persons (RD =29%, 95% CI 13-
Comment: Such standardisation is long
46, P =0.0005 vs RD =7%, 95% CI 4-10,P<
0.0001). Conclusion: RZ is equivalent to INH in terms
of efficacy and mortality in the treatment of
latent tuberculosis infection. However, this
regimen increases the risk of severe adverse
Treatment for adult HIV infection: 2006 recommendations of the International AIDS Society--USA Panel Comment: There may still be a case to use
RZ in HIV-infected persons within populations
Hammer et al USA
where multidrug resistance is very common,
JAMA 2006; 296: 827
medical student who had been infected after
Context: Guidelines for antiretroviral therapy
are important for clinicians worldwide given
the complexity of the field and the varied
clinical situations in which these agents are
A case for passiveimmunoprophylaxis
used. The International AIDS Society-USA
against tuberculosis.
Panel has updated its recommendations as
warranted by new developments in the field.
Reljic et al London UK Objective: To provide physicians and other Lancet Infect Dis 2006; 6: 813
clinicians with current recommendations for
the use of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-
Summary: HIV-associated tuberculosis is
infected adults in circumstances for which
escalating ominously in Africa and south east
there is relatively unrestricted access to drugs
and monitoring tools. The recommendations
Therefore, new approaches to tuberculosis
are centered on 4 key issues: when to start
control need to be explored. We discuss the
antiretroviral treatment; what to start; and
potential use of passive immunoprophylaxis
what to change. Antiretroviral therapy in
with antibodies in tuberculosis control.
special circumstances is also described.
Although the predominant type of active host
Data sources and study selection: A 16-
resistance is T-cell mediated, recent results in
monoclonal antibodies to certain antigens
research and patient care internationally.
(eg, Acr or lipoarabinomannan) can impart
scientific conferences from mid 2004 through
tuberculous infection. These results are
May 2006 were identified and reviewed by
corroborated by data from other laboratories
on passive vaccination against a number of
Conclusions: Antiretroviral therapy in adults
intracellular microbial pathogens. Further
continues to evolve rapidly, making delivery
of state-of-the-art care challenging. Initiation
humanised) antibody reagents, to increase
of therapy continues to be recommended in
their protective efficacy, and to expand our
all symptomatic persons and in asymptomatic
understanding of the mechanisms of antibody
persons after the CD4 cell count falls below
350/µL and before it declines to 200/µL. A
Comment: Let us hope that this approach is
nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
more successful than that using antibodies as
or a protease inhibitor boosted with low dose
ritonavir each combined with 2 nucleoside (or
nucleotide) reverse transcriptase inhibitors is
TB and HIV
the individual patient profile. Therapy should
corticosteroids, if necessary; BIII). Efforts
antituberculous and antiretroviral therapy
patients with treatment failure is now a
although this goal can be difficult to achieve
plasma HIV-1 RNA level below 50 copies /ml.
Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in the
reconstitution inflammatory syndrome overlap
short term and the long term is crucial for
those that can occur with hypersensitivity
treatment success and must be continually
reactions to 1 or more of the agents in use
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: Comment: We are still not sure how long to
The use of antiretroviral therapy in patients
delay ART following the institution of TB
with active Mycobacterium tuberculosis
infection is complicated by interactions
inflammatory syndrome in patients in whom
treatment for the 2 infections is started in
Effect of tuberculosis preventive therapy
patients. These reactions usually occur in the
on HIV disease progression and survival in HIV-infected adults.
antiretroviral therapy and reflect reconstituted
immunity to M tuberculosis. They may include
Lim et al Milwaukee WIS USA
systemic manifestations, such as fever and
HIV Clin Trials 2006; 7: 172
malaise, or local reactions in organs, such as
Purpose: To determine whether tuberculosis
(TB) preventive therapies alter the rate of
disease progression to AIDS or death and to
identify significant prognostic factors for HIV
simultaneously, treatment for tuberculosis
Method: In a randomized placebo-controlled
trial in Kampala, Uganda, 2,736 purified
Antiretroviral therapy should not be delayed
protein derivative (PPD)-positive and anergic
for patients with low CD4 cell counts but a
HIV-infected adults were randomly assigned
precise CD4 cell count threshold at which
to four and two regimens respectively. PPD-
positive patients were treated with isoniazid
(INH) for 6 months (6H; n=536), INH plus
rifampicin for 3 months (3 HR; n=556), INH
established in controlled clinical trials (BIII).
All HIV-1-infected patients with tuberculosis
should be treated with a rifamycin-based
months (n=464). Anergic participants were
regimen. Drug selections and dosages for
treated with 6H (n= 395) or placebo (n= 323).
their antiretroviral regimens should be made
Results: During follow-up, 404 cases
with considerations for the interactions
between rifamycins and antiretroviral agents
occurred. The cumulative incidence of the
AIDS progression was greater in the anergic
pronounced for rifampin than for rifabutin.
cohort compared to the PPD-positive cohort
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome reactions are best managed with
(p <.0001). Among PPD-positive patients,
efavirenz-based antiretroviral regimen. No
the relative risk of the AIDS progression with
INH alone was 0.95 (95% CI 0.68-1.32); with
necessary. Nevirapine can be an alternative
3HR it was 0.83 (95% CI 0.59-1.17; and with
to efavirenz in this situation. For patients
who cannot take efavirenz, either due to
controlling for significant baseline predictors.
resistance or intolerance, rifabutin and a
Among anergic patients, the relative risk of
the AIDS progression was 0.81(95% CI 0.52-
adjustments. No definite recommendations
can be given regarding the optimal timing of
Conclusion: The number of signs or
antiretroviral therapy, but a delay of two
months after initiation of antituberculosis
morbidity and mortality. Even though the
therapy would be advisable and seems safe
effective in reducing the incidence of TB for
Comment: A reasonably simple guide to the
HIV-infected adults, their benefit of delaying
Comment: Yet we know that the presence of
TB causes HIV-infection to progress more
Microbiology Automatic identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Gaussian mixture models Antiretroviral therapy in AIDS patients Forero et al Birmingham UK with tuberculosis J Microscopy 2007; 223: 120 Moreno et al Madrid Spain Summary: Tuberculosis and other kinds of AIDS Rev 2006; 8: 115
mycobacteriosis are serious illnesses for which early diagnosis is critical for disease
Summary: Tuberculosis associated with HIV
bacillus detection but current sample-analysis
techniques are time-consuming, very tedious,
subject to poor specificity and require highly
concomitant treatment for tuberculosis has
pattern-recognition are appropriate tools for
improving the manual screening of samples.
problems faced by clinicians include the
Here we present a new technique for sputum
image analysis that combines invariant shape
rifamycins, a cornerstone in antituberculosis
features and chromatic channel thresholding.
therapy, and protease inhibitors, which are
Some feature descriptors were extracted from
an edited bacillus data set to characterize
combination regimens, as well as the best
moment to initiate antiretroviral therapy in
patients with tuberculosis. The therapy of
model representation and a minimal error
choice for patients with no previous antiretroviral experience includes an
antituberculosis regimen with rifampin and an
employed for the last identification stage.
nosocomial fungal pathogen can survive up
This technique constitutes a step towards
automating the process and providing a high
other yeasts, such as Torulopsis glabrata,
was described to be similar (5 months) or
Comment: We look forward to further
shorter (Candida parapsilosis,14 days). Most
viruses from the respiratory tract, such as
corona, coxsackie, influenza, SARS or rhino
virus, can persist on surfaces for a few days.
How long do nosocomial pathogens
as astrovirus, HAV, polio-or rota virus, persist
persist on inanimate surfaces? A systematic review.
viruses, such as HBV or HIV can persist for
more than one week. Herpes viruses, such
Kramer et al Greifswald, Berlin, Hamburg, Germany
shown to persist from only a few hours up to
BMC Infect Dis 2006; 6: 130 Conclusion: The most common nosocomial
pathogens may well survive or persist on
Background: Inanimate surfaces have often
surfaces for months and can thereby be a
been described as the source for outbreaks
of nosocomial infections. The aim of this
regular preventive surface disinfection is
Comment: Methods:The literature was systematically
restrictions. In addition, cited articles in a
report were assessed and standard textbooks
on the topic were reviewed. All reports with
experimental evidence on the duration of a
Microscopic-observation drug-
nosocomial pathogen on any type of surface
susceptibility assay for the diagnosis of Results: Most gram-positive bacteria, such Moore et al London UK, Lima Peru,
Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA), or
Baltimore Md, New Orleans Lo, USA
Streptococcus pyogenes, survive for months
N E J Med 2006; 355: 1539
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Background: New diagnostic tools are
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia urgently needed to interrupt the transmission
of tuberculosis and multi-drug tuberculosis.
survive for months. A few others, such as
Rapid, sensitive detection of tuberculosis and
Bordetella pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae,
multi-resistant tuberculosis in sputum has
Proteus vulgaris, or Vibrio cholerae, however,
persist only for days. Mycobacteria, including
studies of the microscopic-observation drug-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and spore
susceptibility(MODS) assay, in which broth
forming bacteria, including Clostridium difficile
cultures are examined microscopically to
can also survive for months on surfaces.Methods: In an occupational setting in Peru, Currentevidence on diagnostic accuracy of commercially based nucleic acid amplification tests for the diagnosis of
susceptibility testing in three target groups:
pulmonary tuberculosis
tuberculosis, prescreened patients at high
Greco et al Rome Italy
risk for tuberculosis or multidrug-resistant
tuberculosis, and unselected hospitalized
Thorax 2006; 61: 783 Background:
nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) have
reference methods: automated mycobacterial
become the most frequently used molecular
culture and culture on Lowenstein-Jensen
tests for laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary
tuberculosis (TB), published studies report
Results: Of 3760 sputum samples, 401 Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sensitivity of
detection was 97.8% for MODS culture, 89%
pulmonary TB in smear positive and smear
for automated mycobacterial culture, and
negative respiratory samples using culture as
(P<0.001); the median time to culture
Methods: English language studies reporting
positivity was 7 days, 13 days and 26 days,
data sufficient for calculating sensitivity and
respectively (P<0.001),and the median time
specificity of commercial NAATs on smear
to the results of susceptibility tests was 7
positive and/or smear negative respiratory
days, 22 days, and 68 days, respectively.
samples were included. Meta-regression was
The incremental benefit of a second MODS
used to analyse associations with reference
culture was minimal, particularly in patients at
test quality, the prevalence of TB, sample
and test type. Predictive values for different
resistant tuberculosis. Agreement between
levels of pre-test probability were quantified
susceptibility was 100% for rifampin, 97% for
Results: Sixty three journal articles published
isoniazid, 99% for rifampin and isoniazid
(combined results for multidrug resistance),
criteria. Pooled sensitivity and specificity
omycin (kappa values, 1.0,0.89,0.93,0.71 and
Conclusions: A single MODS culture of a
media used as reference test, the inclusion of
bronchial samples, and the TB prevalence
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis than the
accuracy. The test type had no effect on the
Comment: As I understand it a positive
correlated with sensitivity or sensitivity,
culture is determined by the presence of
'cording' and other known characteristics.
Conclusions: Commercial NAATs can be
But 'cording' will not distinguish members of
confidently used to exclude TB in patients
M. tuberculosis complex from each other.
environmental mycobacterial is suspected
and to confirm TB in a proportion of smear
characteristics of primary studies have a
P=.001). Linear regression analysis revealed
considerable effect on the reported diagnostic
presence of DM (P=.06), and plasma glucose
Comment: We could believe there is no
concentration (P=.016) were correlated with
longer any place for "in house" NAAs.
Conclusion: Exposure (AUC 0-6h) to
patients with TB and DM, compared to patients with TB only. Patients with TB and
Pharmacology Exposure to rifampicin is strongly Comment: It is interesting that the presence reduced in patients with tuberculosis and
of DM alone does not correlate with lower
type 2 diabetes
exposure to rifampicin. Are we to conclude
that such low exposure is limited with poorly
Nijland et al Jakarta Indonesia Clin Infect Dis 2006; 43: 848 Background: Type 2 diabetes (DM) is a
strong risk factor for tuberculosis (TB) and is
associated with a slower response to TB treatment and a higher mortality rate.
Pulmonary tuberculosis in infants: radiographic and CT findings
compared the pharmacokinetics of rifampicin
Kim et al Seoul Korea
in patients with TB, with and without DM.
Methods: Seventeen adult Indonesian AJR 2006; 187: 1024
sex-matched patients with TB and without
Objective: As complications of tuberculosis
DM were included in the study during the
are frequent in infancy, correct diagnosis of
tuberculosis in infants is important. The
patients received 450 mg of rifampicin (10
radiographic and CT findings of pulmonary
weekly. Steady-state plasma concentrations
tuberculosis in infants and to determine the
radiologic features frequently seen in infants
desacetylrifampicin were assessed at 0, 2, 4,
Conclusion: Frequent radiologic findings of Results: Geometric means of rifampicin
exposure (AUC 0-6 h) were 12.3 mg x h/L (
mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy with
95% CI, 8.0-24.2) in patients with TB and
central necrosis and airspace consolidations,
DM, and 25.9 mgxh/L (95% CI, 21.4-40.2) in
especially masslike consolidations with low-
attenuation areas or cavities within the
concentration of rifampicin. No significant
nodules and airway complications are also
differences in time to maximum concentration
frequently detected in this age group. CT is a
of rifampicin were observed. The AUC 0-6 h
useful diagnostic technique in infants with
of desacetylrifampicin was also much lower in
patients with TB and DM versus patients with
TB only (geometric mean, 0.6 vs 3.2 mg xhL;
radiography. CT scans can also be helpful
when chest radiographs are inconclusive or
A randomized controlled trial of two
complications of tuberculosis are suspected.
treatment programs for homeless adults Comment: Despite the increased ionizing with latent tuberculosis infection
radiation exposure there is a case to be
made for all chest Xray negative infants with
Nyamathi et al Los Angeles, San
strongly positive tuberculin tests to have non
Francisco, CA USA
contrast CT studies of the mediastinum at the
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2006; 10: 775 Setting: Few studies have examined
strategies for optimizing adherence to latent
Tuberculous pericardial effusion after Objectives: 1) To compare the effectiveness coronary artery bypass graft
of an intervention program employing nurse
case management and incentives (NCMI) vs.
Tuladhar et al London UK
a control program with standard care and
incentives on completion of LTBI treatment;
Ann Thor Surg 2006; 82: 1519 Summary: We describe a case of a recurrent
pericardial effusion after coronary artery
Design: A prospective, two-group, site-
bypass grafting. This was initially considered
to be due to post-pericardiotomy syndrome
homeless adults residing in the Skid Row
tuberculosis. After definitive surgery for this
immunohistochemistry confirmed the change in TB knowledge. diagnosis of tubercular pericarditis. At 4
Results: Using intent-to-treat analysis, 62%
of participants in the intervention program,
tuberculous therapy and corticosteroids, the
compared with 39% of controls, completed
the full 6-month course of LTBI treatment with
without further recurrence of his tuberculous
INH. Logistic regression modeling revealed
pericarditis. Local reactivation of tuberculosis
that intervention had three times greater odds
after pericardiotomy has not been previously
of completing INH treatment than controls.
reported and merits careful consideration in
population groups in which tuberculosis is
intervention participants (P<0.0001).
Comment: A successful outcome, although Conclusions: Nurse case management
there could be concerns in giving high dose
combined with education, incentives, and
cortico-steroids to someone with tracking dramatically improves both atherosclerotic disease.
knowledge in homeless persons compared to
Comment: Whether TB control agencies can afford the extra costs involved in this Int Nurs Rev 2006; 53: 253 Aim: To identify the forms and means of
emotional support that nurses provide to
Educational competencies to strengthen
patients living with multidrug-resistant
tuberculosis curricula in undergraduate nursing programs. Background: A fundamental role of nurses is
to provide emotional support, defined as all
Fair et al Houston TX USA
the strategies that a health team employs to
Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh 2006; 3: Art 23
well-being of the patient. However, neither
the forms of emotional support nor the means
Summary: Worldwide, at least two million
people die annually from tuberculosis (TB),
paper describes a qualitative study of a team
with projections of 36 million more global
of seven nurses working in a programme that
provides individualized MDR-TB treatment to
help nursing faculty strengthen TB curricula
patients in Lima, Peru. It describes the
and standardize TB content in national and
international undergraduate nursing support that facilitated the ability of patients programs, the Nurse Discipline Group of the
National Tuberculosis Curriculum Consortium
economic difficulties, social stigma, drug side-
effects, problems related to different stages
of treatment and concurrent illnesses/special
Methods: Qualitative study methods were
knowledge, ability, and/or skills required for
an undergraduate nursing student to provide
observe nurses and patients in an MDR-TB
qualified holistic care for patients, families,
observation sessions of nurses with their
multidisciplinary health care educators in the
patients and focus groups with seven nurses.
United States, with the primary mission to
Conclusion: Through theme and content
instill knowledge, skills, and appropriate
analysis of qualitative data, ten situations
attitudes in the management of active and
latent TB among undergraduate health care
These ten issues served as an analytical
framework used to identify and discuss the
Comment: We know that Australian nursing
various types of emotional support provided
undergraduates have a very steep learning
by both formal and informal means. This type
curve for TB when they graduate and work in
of support focused on problems related to
far northern Australia and in surrounding
different stages of treatment, social stigma of
the illness, treatment adherence, side-effects,
concurrent illnesses/special situations.
Practice Implications: The essential role of Nurses asproviders of emotional support
the nurse as a provider of emotional support
to patients with MDR-TB.
similar programmes with MDR-TB should, in
Chalco et al Lima Peru Comment: This study certainly emphasizes the role of the nurse as individual patient
advocate and counsellor rather than as agent
tuberculosis with a strong ability to boost prior
of the community in controlling a disease
Comment: This may be a genuine advance. Immunology Mucosal administration of Ag85B-ESAT-6 Antigen-specific CD8 + T cells and the protects against infection with development of central memory during Mycobacterium tuberculosis and boosts Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection prior bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunity. Kamath et al Boston MA USA Dietrich et al Copenhagen Denmark J Immunol 2006; 177: 6361 J Immunol 2006; 177: 6353 Summary: Whether true memory T cells Summary: We have examined the intranasal
develop in the face of chronic infection such
as tuberculosis remains controversial. To
Mycobacterium tuberculosis(Mtb) consisting
address this question, we studied CD8 (+) T
of the mucosal adjuvant LTK63 and the AG
Ag85B-ESAT-6. Vaccination with tuberculosis ESAT6-related Ags TB10.3 and LTK63/Ag85B-ESAT-6 gave a strong and
(20-28) is presented by H-2 K(d), and 20-30%
lasting protection against tuberculosis,
chronically infected mice are specific for this
equivalent to that observed observed with
Ag following respiratory infection with M
tuberculosis. These TB 10.3/10.4 (20-28)-
specific CD8(+) T cells produce IFN-gamma
bromide/monophophoryl lipid A. Because a
and TNF and express CD 107 on their cell
crucial element of novel vaccine strategies is
surface, which indicates their likely role as
the ability to boost BCG-derived immunity, we
CTLL in vivo. Nearly all of the AG-specific
CD8(+) T cells in the lungs of chronically
infected mice had a T effector cell phenotype
vaccinated mice. We found that vaccinating
based on their low expression of CD 62L and
with LKT63/Ag85B-ESAT-6 strongly boosted
TB10.3/10.4 (20-28)-specific CD8 (+) T cells
was identified in the lymphoid organs that
observed that infection with M.tb led to a
express high values of CD62L and CD45RB.
significant increase in anti-M.tb-specific CD4
Antibiotic treatment to resolve the infection
T cells in the lungs of LKT63/Ag85B-ESAT-6-
led to a contraction of the Ag-specific CD* (+)
T cell population and was accompanied by an
significant increase in the protection against
increase in the proportion of CD8(+) T cells
M.tb in LKT63/Ag85B-ESAT-6-boosted mice,
with a central memory phenotype. Finally,
significant expansion of TB10.3/10.4(20-28)-specific CD8(+) T cells, which suggests that these cells are in fact functional memory T
derived IFN-gamma differentially regulates T-
function in M. tuberculosis infection and
suggest that this response could serve as an
NK cell-derived IFN-(gamma) differentially
important barrier in AIDS patients or other
regulates innate resistance and neutrophil
individuals with compromised CD4(+) T cell
response in T cell-deficient hosts infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Comment: A fascinating revisit to the natural Feng et al Bethesda MD USA J Immunol 2006; 177: 7086 Treatment Summary: Although it is known that IFN-
gamma-secreting T cells are critical for
Rifapentine for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
contribution of IFN-gamma produced by NK
cells to host resistance to the pathogen is
Munsiff et al New York NY USA
deficient RAG (-/-) mice, we showed that M
Clin Infect Dis 2006; 1468
tuberculosis stimulates NK cell-dependant
Summary: Rifapentine is a recently approved
cultures and in lungs of infected animals.
antituberculosis drug that has not yet been
More importantly, common cytokine receptor
widely used in clinical settings. Clinical data
gamma-chain(-/-) RAG(-/-) animals deficient
support intermittent use of rifapentine with
in NK cells, p40(-/-)RAG (-/-), or anti-IFN-
isoniazid during the continuation phase of
tuberculosis treatment. Patients with culture-
displayed significantly increased susceptibility
positive, noncavitary, pulmonary tuberculosis
to M. tuberculosis infection compared with
whose sputum smear is negative for acid-fast
untreated NK-sufficient RAG (-/-) controls.
bacilli at the end of the two month intensive
Studies comparing IL-12 p40-P 35-deficient
treatment are eligible for rifapentine therapy.
RAG (-/-) mice indicated that IL12 plays a
immunodeficiency virus-infected patients,
mediated antimycobacterial effector functions
given their increased risk of developing
than IL 23 or other P40-containing IL-12
family members. The increased susceptibility
of IL-12 deficient or anti-IFN-gamma mAb-
currently recommended for children aged <12
treated RAG (-/-) mice was associated with
not only elevated bacterial loads, but also
with the development of granulocyte-enriched
extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Rifapentine
foci in lungs. The tissue response correlated
(600mg) is administered once weekly with
with increased expression of the granulocyte
isoniazid (900 mg) during the continuation
chemotactic chemokines KC and MIP-2 in NK
phase of treatment. This combination should
only given under direct observation. As with
Interestingly, depletion of granulocytes further
rifampin, drug-drug interactions are common,
increased bacterial burdens and exacerbated
and regular patient monitoring is required.
attractive both for tuberculosis-control
neutrophils in the absence of IFN-gamma.
The above observations indicate that NK cell-
Comment: Rifapentine seems inferior to
six-month regimen was effective regardless
rifampin unless you follow the guidelines laid
of HIV infection. The potential benefits from
adjunctive corticosteroids in the management
of effusive tuberculous pericarditis could not
be demonstrated in this three-year study.
Comment: A convincing study, even though Experience with adjunctive corticosteroids in managing tuberculous pericarditis. Reuter et al Cape Town South Africa Cardiovasc J S Afr 2006; 17: 233 A diagnostic review: children of the third world. Objectives: To compare the efficacy of
intrapericardial corticosteroid therapy to either
A refined symptom-based approach to
oral corticosteroid therapy or intrapericardial
diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis in
placebo in addition to closed children. Marais et al Cape Town South Africa Methods: Patients with large pericardial Pediatrics 2006; 118: 1350
effusions requiring pericardiocentesis were
included. A short-course anti-tuberculous
Background: Tuberculosis control programs
place an almost exclusive emphasis on adults
randomized to one of three treatment groups:
with sputum smear-positive tuberculosis ,
because they are most infections. However,
children contribute a significant proportion of
experience considerable tuberculosis-related
Patients were followed up for at least one
morbidity and mortality, but few children in
Results: Fifty seven patients were included
antituberculosis treatment. The diagnostic
in the study; 21 tested HIV positive (36.8%).
difficulty experienced in endemic areas with
Forty (70.0%) had microbiological and/or
limited resources has been identified as a
histological evidence of tuberculosis, and 17
major factor contributing to poor treatment
(30.0%) had a diagnosis based on clinical
and laboratory data. All patients responded
scepticism regarding the potential value of
well to initial pericardiocentesis. However,
nine patients (16.0%) were lost to follow up.
because current diagnostic approaches are
The hospitalisation duration for the steroid
often poorly validated. The natural history of
groups was shorter than for the placebo. The
childhood tuberculosis demonstrates that
difference was not significant. Complications
symptoms may offer good diagnostic value if
they are well defined and if appropriate risk
Conclusions: Intrapericardial and systemic
stratification is applied. This study aimed to
corticosteroids were well tolerated but did not
improve the clinical outcome. The standard
symptoms to diagnose childhood pulmonary tuberculosis in a tuberculosis-endemic area.
Methods: A prospective, community-based
tuberculosis, or (3) probable tuberculosis (as
defined), excluding isolated pleural effusion.
Africa. Specific well-defined symptoms were
Results: In total, 1024 children were referred
documented in all children < 13 years of age
reporting a persistent,nonremitting cough of >
2 weeks duration; study participants were
(41.8%) children with persistent nonremitting
thoroughly evaluated for tuberculosis. In
symptoms at evaluation were investigated for
addition, all of the children who received
tuberculosis. Pulmonary tuberculosis was
antituberculosis treatment during the study
period were reviewed by the investigator,
categorized as bacteriologically confirmed
tuberculosis, 75 as radiologically certain
concurrent disease surveillance provided a
nonremitting cough of > 2 weeks duration,
disadvantages associated with this symptom-
preceding 3 months), and fatigue provided
based diagnostic approach. In the absence
of an acceptable gold standard test optimal
uninfected children (sensitivity: 62.6%;
case definition is an important consideration.
specificity, 89.8%; positive predictive value:
Children were characterized as 83.6%); the performance was better in the "bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis",
low risk group (> or= 3 years; sensitivity :
"radiologically certain tuberculosis", "probable
82.3%; specificity: 90.2%; positive predictive
tuberculosis", or "not tuberculosis".
value: 82.3%) than in the high risk group ( < 3
Bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis was
years; sensitivity: 51.8%; specificity: 92.5%;
defined as the presence of acid-fast bacilli on
positive predictive values: 90.1%). In children
with an uncertain diagnosis at presentation,
tuberculosis cultured from a respiratory
clinical follow-up was a valuable diagnostic
specimen. Radiologically certain tuberculosis
accuracy, particularly in the low-risk group.
radiograph indicated certain tuberculosis in
diagnostic value in HIV-infected children.
the absence of bacteriological confirmation.
Three (15%) of the 20 HIV-infected children
Probable tuberculosis was defined as the
diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis failed
presence of suggestive radiologic signs and
to report symptoms of sufficient duration to
good clinical response to antituberculosis
treatment in the absence of bacteriologic
reported persistent, nonremitting symptoms in
confirmation or radiologic certainty. Good
the absence of tuberculosis. In addition, the
clinical response was defined as complete
tuberculin skin test was positive in < 20% of
symptom resolution and weight gain of > or =
10% of body weight at diagnosis, within 3
months of starting antituberculosis treatment.
Discussion: The combined presence of 3
Not tuberculosis was defined as spontaneous
(persistent, nonremitting cough of > 2 weeks
antituberculosis therapy in the absence of
duration,objective weight loss [documented
bacteriologic confirmation or radiologic signs
failure to thrive] during the preceding 3
months; and reported fatigue) provided good
tuberculosis was defined as a symptomatic
child with (1) bacteriologically confirmed
children > or = 3 years of age, with clinical
tuberculosis, (2) radiologically confirmed
follow-up providing additional value. The approach performed less well in children < 3
years. However, the presence of a persisting
Conclusions: Pulmonary tuberculosis can be
nonremitting cough together with diagnosed with a reasonable degree of documented failure to thrive still provided a
accuracy in HIV-uninfected children using a
fairly accurate diagnosis (sensitivity: 68.3%;
simple symptom-based approach. This offers
specificity: 80.1%; positive predictive value:
the exciting prospect of improving treatment
82.1%), illustrating the importance of regular
access for children, particularly in resource
weight monitoring in young children. Clinical
limited settings where current access to
follow-up also offered additional diagnostic
value, but caution is required, because very
Comment: An important study in its
young children have an increased risk of
relevance to poor countries with high TB
performed badly in HIV-infected children.
group has enormous expertise in childhood
Recent household contact with an adult index
tuberculosis. Whether their findings are
reproducible in other countries remains to be
value than a positive tuberculin skin test, bul
T-cell-based assays may offer the only real
improvement in sensitivity to diagnose M.
tuberculosis infection in HIV-infected children.
The variable diagnostic value offered by this
illustrates the importance of risk stratification, as demonstrated by the fact that 11 (91.7%)
Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis as a cause of death in patients co-infected
manifestations who failed to meet the entry
with tuberculosis and HIV in a rural area of
criteria were < 3 years of age or HIV-infected.
South Africa.
Particular emphasis should be placed on the
provision of preventive chemotherapy after
Gandhi et al New Haven CT USA
these high-risk children. Study limitations
Lancet 2006; 368: 1575
include the small number of HIV-infected
children, but on the positive side, the large
Background: The epidemics of HIV-1 and
number of HIV-uninfected children permitted
tuberculosis in South Africa are closely
adequate evaluation in this important group.
related. High mortality rates in co-infected
It is often forgotten that HIV-uninfected
patients have improved with antiretroviral
children constitute the majority of child
therapy, but drug-resistant tuberculosis has
tuberculosis cases, even in settings where
HIV is endemic. This study demonstrates the
assessed the prevalence and consequences
importance of ascertaining a child's HIV
status before symptom-based diagnosis is
extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis
attempted. Because children were recruited
in a rural area in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
at both the clinic and hospital level, some
selection bias may have been introduced;
surveillance for drug-resistant tuberculosis
however, the only significant difference
with sputum culture and drug susceptibility
between the 2 groups was the proportion of
testing in patients with known or suspected
HIV-infected children. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Genotyping was done for tuberculosis was diagnosed with different
isolates resistant to first-line and second-line
levels of certainty differences were recorded
Results: From January 2005, to March 2006, sputum was obtained from 1539 patients.
patients, of whom 53 had XDR tuberculosis.
Methods: Data on drug susceptibility testing
Prevalence among 475 patients with culture
for four antituberculosis drugs-isoniazid,
rifampicin, ethambutol, and streptomycin-
were gathered in the third round of the Global
tuberculosis. Only 55% (26 of 47) of patients
Project (1999-2002) from surveys or ongoing
surveillance in 79 countries or geographical
treated for tuberculosis; 67% (28 0f 42) had a
recent hospital admission. All 44 patients
those from the first two rounds of the project
with XDR who were tested for HIV were co-
participated followed a standardised set of
tuberculosis died, with median survival of 16
among the 42 patients with confirmed dates
of death. Genotyping of isolates showed that
resistance to any of the four antituberculosis
39 of 46 (85%, 95% CI 74-95) patients with
drugs in new cases of tuberculosis identified
in 76 countries or geographical settings was
Conclusions: MDR tuberculosis is more
prevalent than previously realised in this
prevalence of multidrug resistance in new
transmitted to HIV co-infected patients and is
Karakalpakstan (Uzbekistan), Estonia, Israel,
observations warrant urgent intervention and
the Chinese provinces Liaoning and Henan,
Lithuania, and Latvia reported prevalence of
Comment: We now know that XDR bacilli are
analysis showed a significant increase in the
easily passed to the immunosuppressed and
prevalence of multidrug resistance in new
seem to be virulent. Will they be as virulent
cases in Tomsk Oblast (p<0.0001). Hong
reported significant decreasing trends in
Epidemiology of antituberculosis drug resistance ( the global project on antituberculosis drug resistance tuberculosis control in countries of the former surveillance): an updated analysis
Soviet Union and in some provinces of China.
Gaps in coverage of the Global Project are
Aziz et al Antwerp Belgium, Atlanta GA
substantial, and baseline information is
USA, Geneva Switzerland
urgently required from several countries with
The Lancet 2006; 368: 2142
Comment: This is where the "political will" of
Background: The burden of tuberculosis is
compounded by drug-resistant forms of the
disease. This study aimed to analyse data on
antituberculosis drug resistance gathered by
Case Report Superficial thrombophlebitic tuberculide
Project on Anti-tuberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance.
Comment: Yes, although since PCR the Motswaledi et al Limpopo South Africa
whole issue of what is a tuberculide and what
Int J Dermatol 2006; 45: 1337
Background: Tuberculides are the result of
components of Population Studies
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. There are three
The influence of previous exposure to
tuberculide, erythema induratum of Bazin,
environmental mycobacteria on the
and lichen scrofulosorum. In 1997, in Japan,
interferon-gamma response to bacille
Hara and coworkers reported five patients
Calmette-Guerin vaccination in southern
with what they called "nodular granulomatous
England and northern Malawi.
phlebitis" which they proposed was a fourth
type of tuberculide. We describe a patient
Weir et al London UK
who presented features identical to those
Clin Exp Immunol 2006; 146: 390
attention to the previous report and to support
the concept of a fourth tuberculide which
Summary: We report a large study of the
effect of BCG vaccination on the in vitro 6-
Methods: A black South African man
superficial veins on the antero-medial aspects
schoolchildren in south-eastern England,
of the lower legs. Nodular swellings were
palpable along the course of these veins.
vaccination is highly protective against
vaccination is not protective. In the UK
increase in IFN-gamma response to antigens
culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Results: Histologic examination showed a
granulomatous infiltrate localized to the veins
relatedness of the species to Mycobacterium
in the subcutaneous fat. Stains for acid-fast
bovis BCG, and provides further evidence of
bacilli and culture were negative but PCR
the cross-reactivity of mycobacterial species
was positive for M. tuberculosis DNA. The
lesions responded promptly to gamma responses to purified protein
derivatives (PPDs) from M.tuberculosis and
Conclusions: Our patient showed features
identical to those of cases described by Hara
prevalent in the Malawian than in the UK
and coworkers and assigned as a fourth type
group prior to vaccination; BCG vaccination
of tuberculide. As the lesions clinically
increased the prevalence of responses to
resemble superficial thrombophlebitis, we
these PPDs in the UK group to a level similar
to that in Malawi. There was no evidence
thrombophlebitic tuberculide" rather than "
virulent MTB release large amounts of TDM
magnitude of the initial response of the
during growth as a pellicle within cavities.
individual to environmental mycobacteria in
activation of the toxicity and antigenicity of
observations should assist the development
TDM at the air interface and that presence of
and interpretation of human clinical trials in
Comment: Does this mean that TDM is partly Comment: On the other hand, this study may
Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis Pathogenesis Mycobacterium tuberculosis presenti-ng as chronic red eye. Multiple roles of cord factor in the pathogenesis of primary, secondary and Jennings A et al Westmead Sydney cavitary tuberculosis, including a revised description of the pathology of secondary Cornea 2006; 25: 1118 disease. Purpose: To report a case of tuberculosis of Hunter et al Houston TX USA Methods: Case report with pathologic Ann Clin Lab Sci 2006; 36: 371
relocated to Australia from Liberia presented
Summary: Tuberculosis, once thought to
have been controlled, is now resurgent in
Results: The diagnosis was not initially
many parts of the world. Many gaps exist in
polymerase chain reaction testing. Definitive
cavitary disease. Evidence presented here
diagnosis was made after repeated histologic
suggests that cord factor (trehalose 6,6'-
dimycolate, TDM) is a key driver of these
resulted in prompt resolution of all ocular
processes. It is the most abundant lipid
released by virulent M.tuberculosis (MTB)
Conclusion: Tuberculous conjunctivitis is
and can switch between two sets of activities.
now a very rare condition in the developed
On organisms, TDM is non-toxic and protects
world. Definitive diagnosis requires the
them from killing by macrophages. On lipid
identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
surfaces, it becomes antigenic and highly
organisms in conjunctival biopsy specimens-
toxic. Caseating granulomas, the hallmark of
either through microscopic detection of acid-
Comment: The data reported suggests that a
secondary tuberculosis begins as a lipid
tuberculide is a more appropriate diagnosis
pneumonia that accumulates mycobacterial
antigens and host lipids in alveoli before
developing conditions for activation of the
toxicity and antigenicity of TDM. This rapidly
produces cavities or leads to cavities. Finally,
Treatment P 11 - 12 CONTENTS Diagnostic Review: P 12 - 13 Editorial P 1 - 2 MDR-TB P 13 - 14 Disease Control P 2 Case Report P 14 Socio-Political Issues P 2 - 4 Population Studies P 15 Prevention P 4 - 5 Pathogenesis P 15 TB and HIV P 5 - 6 Extrapulmonary TB P 15 - 16 Microbiology P 6 - 8 RFLP in contact tracing Pharmacology P 8 - 9 Imaging P 9 Surgery P 9 Nursing P 9 -10 Immunology P 10 - 11
LOOKING AFTER SOMEONE AT HOME WITH H1N1 FLU VIRUS Note: This guidance document is being provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada in response to the recent outbreak of H1N1 flu virus (human swine flu) in Canada. This guidance has been developed to assist people in caring for someone at home who is recuperating from the virus. This guidance is based on current available scientific evid
02.00u, er begint wat te rommelen. Geen onweer, tenzij in mijn darmen. Een eerste bezoek aan het kleinste kamertje dringt zich op en het zal niet het laatste zijn. Veel slapen is niet van toepassing deze nacht en ik verschijn dan ook als een halve zombie aan de ontbijttafel. Een stevig ontbijt zit er zeker niet in, enkel een tas koffie om mijn pillen imodium door te slikken. Een normaal men