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Eating right with Hypothyroidism includes following a low-sugar, low refined-carbohydrate and high protein diet. Foods to Avoid if You Are Hypothyroid:
Over-processed and refined foods. This refers to white breads, white flour, and basic junk foods. These
don't offer much nutritional value and can contribute to problems with insulin resistance and hormonal difficulties. • Limit Goitrogenic foods such as cruciferous vegetables. Cooking them seems to break down the
enzymes enough to make the anti-thyroid effect a non-factor: cabbage, broccoli, turnips, rutabaga, mustard greens, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, peaches, pears, strawberries, and radishes cauliflower, millet, and African cassava, potatoes, corn. • Eliminate soy products. Soy isoflavones can also wreak havoc on the thyroid by causing anti-thyroid
antibodies to be produced. This would create a situation in which the thyroid would attack itself just as in Autoimmune Thyroiditis. Over time, this could cause Hypothyroidism to occur or worsen, if it already exists. Additional Dietary Guidelines:
Carbohydrates, in and of themselves aren't bad and neither is fat. Complex carbohydrates such as those in
both whole grains such as amaranth, quinoa, and brown rice and vegetables from asparagus to yams are very good for controlling blood sugar levels, which helps us to control our hunger. • Lean proteins such as chicken, fish, turkey and red meats that are trimmed of excess fat and don't include
processing techniques also help the metabolism to run smoothly. Fats can be good for you. Yes, I'll repeat. Certain fats can be good for you. Omega-3s and Omega-6s are the essential fatty acids. They are called essential because the body can not produce these fats. We must get them from our food. • Essential Fatty Acids/good fats (EFAs) can help improve hypothyroid symptoms. They can add shine and
luster to brittle hair, make nails stronger, and improve brain functioning to reduce some of the fog or
confusion some of us sometimes feel. When it comes to weight loss, EFAs increase our energy, help keep
us satiated longer, thus reducing hunger and can even increase thermogenesis, which is a term describing
the burning of fat.(Imagine that, eating fat can help you burn fat. Who knew?)
Omega-3s come from flaxseeds, green leafy vegetables and high fat, cold water fish like salmon,
cod and herring. Omega-6s are basically found in seeds and nuts. Sometimes, people will take fish
oil supplements to increase their intake of Omega-3s; however, only a few servings of fish or nuts
a week will give you a sufficient amount of the EFAs (essential fatty acids) and spare you the
really fishy taste and smell of some of this products. Also, these oils and supplements can become
ineffective due to a variety of factors and even toxic. Fresh is best.
Eats Selenium-rich foods (These are in order of most concentration of Selenium to the least): Brazil Nuts,
Wheat Germ, Brewer's Yeast, Kidney, Liver, Tuna, other oily fish, shellfish, sunflower seeds, lentils, and cashews. • Unrefined Sea Salt & Celtic Sea Salt: Can be purchased at any health food store. Make sure it says
unrefined and is iodized. It will appear grey or red in color and is "gritty". Substitute your regular table salt and sea salt with this unrefined salt. Use in cooking and on salads. Unrefined salt naturally contains bioavailable iodine that will naturally help to support thyroid function. Page 2 of 3
According to Dr Andrew Jones, Senior Medical Advisor of the Women's Health Institute of Texas, "There are 2 other reasons why most of us are iodine deficient: • Inadequate dietary intake, and
Exposure to toxic substances that displace iodine.
Iodine is a mineral, but one that is not abundant in the food we eat. Primarily found in very small quantities in
seawater, soils are naturally deficient in iodine, especially the further away you get from the ocean.
Iodine is also fairly easily displaced from your body by toxins called toxic halides… fluoride, bromine and
Fluoride is by far the worst culprit. Found in toothpaste and in your water supply, every time you take a shower,
brush your teeth or drink from the tap, your body gets a little exposure to fluoride, leeching out good iodine. And
contrary to popular belief, fluoridated water is actually rather poor at preventing tooth decay.
If You're Human, You're Most Certainly Iodine Deficient! Because of these factors, 96% of all people tested
are iodine deficient!
This according to a study of 4000 patients conducted by Dr. David Brownstein, Medical
Director for The Center of Holistic Medicine
, and renowned author of several books on hormones, iodine and
hypothyroidism. The World Health Organization also concurs, estimating that 72% of the world's population is
being affected by iodine deficiency. This trend is worsening. Over the last 30 years, the NHANES (National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey I) shows iodine levels have dropped 50% in the U.S.A. alone.
If you are currently taking a thyroid hormone like Synthroid, Levothroid, Levoxyl or Armour, taking the iodine
tablets will actually reduce the amount of your prescription dosage needed - or even eliminate it altogether! If
you are taking these prescription medications, please make sure you consult with your physician and take regular
thyroid blood level tests."
Barriers to Weight Loss for the Hypothyroidism
One of the most frustrating and unwanted symptoms of hypothyroidism is weight gain. It's usually slow, but steady. You may not even correlate your weight gain with a thyroid condition. After a while, the weight gain is noticeable, so you try everything to lose the excess weight. No matter what you do, it sticks to you like glue. Regardless, brain chemistry, depression, overeating, stress and hormonal balances including those of the thyroid can
all contribute to 'inexplicable' weight gain. Before we 'blame it all on the thyroid' and learn ways to lose weight
despite hypothyroidism, I want to discuss two more conditions that are correlated to hypothyroidism and possibly
more likely to cause weight gain. These conditions are referred to as metabolic resistance and insulin resistance.
You should always know your scores: your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood glucose and thyroid levels. These pieces of information are INVALUABLE for helping you to manage your weight and your condition. Page 3 of 3

Hypothyroidism is often linked with Gallbladder Disease including Gallbladder
Attacks and Stones:
As part of your treatment your Acupuncture Physician may recommend a 3-week cleanse for the liver and gallbladder to ensure healthy functioning of these organs. Please check with
your Acupuncture Physician if he/she recommends the following protocol for your
specific hypothyroid symptoms.
The cleanse is accomplished by following the recipe guidelines below: BEET RECIPE (Treatment for Gallbladder Pain)
1 large organicor beetroot (raw) washed (not peeled unless not organic) and
juice of 1/2 lemon
2 Tbsp flax oil
(Flax oil is by far the superior choice here as it is anessential fatty acid, but if you only have extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil in the house, you can substitute it temporarily.) Take one teaspoon of mixture every hour throughout the day. On day two and three make a fresh batch using ¼ of a large beet. Take one teaspoon of mixture 3 to 4 times a day or more. Make this mixture to add to your salads frequently or eat alone as above 2 or 3 times a week. This will keep the bile thin and moving. Note: If you cannot get organic beets, be sure to peel them. Otherwise, use the peel as well. Beets in any form are an excellent food for both the liver and the gallbladder. Eat your regular meals throughout this period, striving to eat lots of fresh vegetables, good fats and to avoid refined sugars and processed foods. The materials and content contained on this form are for general holistic nutrition information only to help support and enhance the body's own healing properties and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment for any medical condition. You should not rely exclusively on information provided on this or any other nutritional guidelines for your health needs. All specific medical questions should be presented to the appropriate medical health care provider.


Stanford Hospital & Clinics Antibiotic Dosing Reference Guide 2011 This document is also located on the SHC Intranet ( P&T Approved April 15, 2011 Formulas for dosing weights : Ideal body weight IBW (male) = 50 kg + (2.3 x height in inches > 60 inches)· IBW (female) = 45 kg + (2.3 x height inches > 60 inches) Adjusted BW (kg) = IB


CJR Home » Issues » 2005 » Issue 6: November/December n May 18, 2004, the Institute of Medicine, a branch of the prestigious National Academies, delivered its eighth and final report on vaccine safety, seeking to end a Oscientific controversy that had built to a slow boil over the previous five years: whether a mercury-containing vaccine preservative called thimerosal was to blame

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