Tc-3496-022811 tasc guide to deductible expense.indd
OTC Items That Require Prescription or Prescription Order Form
In March 2010, the Patient Protection and Aff ordable Care Act
medicine or drug is a prescribed drug (determined without regard
(PPACA) amended previous legislated defi nitions of which
to whether such drug is available without a prescription) or is
over-the-counter (OTC) healthcare expenses are eligible for tax-
advantaged benefi t plans such as Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Reimbursement Arrangements, and Health Savings
Below is a partial list of over-the-counter items that will require a
Accounts. The language made the current defi nition very clear,
prescription or a Prescription Order Form to be an eligible expense
"reimbursement for expenses incurred for a medicine or drug shall
be treated as a reimbursement for medical expenses only if such
Type of OTC Drug Examples
Benadryl, Sudafed, Claritin, Alavert, Chlora Trimaton
Tums, Gas-X, Maalox, Mylanta, Pepcid AC, Prilosec OTC
Monistat 3, 7, Femstat 3, Gyne-Lotrimin, Vagistat-1
Benadryl, Sudafed, Actifed, Contac, Tylenol Cold, Nyquil, Triaminic, Claritin
Pepto-Bismol, Immodium AD, Ex-Lax, Correctol
Bactine, Cortaid, Lanacort, Benadryl Cream, Caladryl, Calamine Lotion
Mucinex, Robitussin, Vicks 44, Chloraseptic
Decongestant/nasal decongestant and cold remedies
Tylenol Cold and Flu, Advil Cold and Sinus, Tavist-D, Thera-Flu, Alka Seltzer Cold and Flu, Sudafed, Nyquil, Dristan Long Lasting, Neo-Synephrine
Internal analgesic/antipyretic (pain relief )
Tylenol, Aleve, Advil, Excedrin, Bayer, Ecotrin, Children's Motrin, St. Joseph's Children's Aspirin
Excedrin Migraine, Advil Migraine, Motrin Migraine
TASC • 2302 International Lane • Madison, WI 53704-3140 • 1-800-422-4661 • Fax: 608-245-3623
The information in this communication is confi dential and may only be used by the authorized
recipient for its intended purpose. Any other use or disclosure is prohibited. OTC Items That Require Prescription or Prescription Order Form Type of OTC Drug Examples
Nicotine gum, patches, or other smoking cessation aids
Compound W, Dr. Scholl's Clear Away, Wartner
TASC • 2302 International Lane • Madison, WI 53704-3140 • 1-800-422-4661 • Fax: 608-245-3623
The information in this communication is confi dential and may only be used by the authorized
recipient for its intended purpose. Any other use or disclosure is prohibited. Deductible Medical Expenses
Medical Care means amounts paid for the diagnosis, cure,
Christian science fees, if related to a medical condition.
mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease, and/or for
treatments aff ecting any part or function of the body. The
Cold/hot packs, if used to treat a medical condition.
medical care expense must be primarily to alleviate or prevent a
physical or mental defect or illness.
Contact lenses, materials and suppliesCounseling, if related to a medical condition.
The following list identifi es expenses that may be reimbursed
under the products off ered by TASC. This list includes a partial list of over-the-counter items that remain eligible and need no
Abortion, expenses for operations that are illegal do not
Administrative costs, FSA monthly maintenance fees qualify. Air conditioner, must be recommended by a Doctor to treat a
Eggs and embryos, storage fees. Temporary storage qualify, but
Air purifi er, must be recommended by a Doctor to treat a specifi c
only to the extent necessary for immediate conception.
fees for undefi ned future conception likely are not considered
Alternative healers, must be needed to treat a medical condition.
Elevator, may qualify if a medical condition is present. See capitol
Automobile modifi cation, if for a physically handicapped person.
Bandages & fi rst aid dressingsBirth control products
Family member's transportation where presence of family
member is necessary to obtain medical care.
Food, organic, the excess cost for person allergic to chemically
Braille books and magazines, if for a visually impaired person,
but only amounts above the cost of regular printed material will
Breast pumps and supplies that assist lactationBreast reconstruction surgery following mastectomy, to the
extent the surgery was related to cancer.
Capitol expenses, improvements or special equipment added to
a home or other capital expenditures may qualify if the
primary purpose of the expenditure is medical care. How
much of the expense would qualify depends on the extent to
which the expense permanently improves the property and
whether others besides the person with the medical condition will
TASC • 2302 International Lane • Madison, WI 53704-3140 • 1-800-422-4661 • Fax: 608-245-3623
The information in this communication is confi dential and may only be used by the authorized
recipient for its intended purpose. Any other use or disclosure is prohibited. Deductible Medical Expenses
Lamaze classes, qualify to the extent that the instruction relates
Language training, if related to a medical condition.
Lead based paint removal, for the costs of removing lead based
Propecia, must be used to treat a specifi c medical condition such
paints from surfaces in the participant's home.
as propecia ameliorates a deformity arising from congenital
abnormality, personal injury from accident or trauma. Is not a
Legal fees, general, may qualify as medical care if they bear a
qualifi ed expense if used for cosmetic reason.
direct or proximate relationship to the provision of medical
care to the participant, the spouse or dependent.
Lodging, while away from the home primarily for and essential to
medical care, $50/night per individual.
Massage therapy, if related to a medical condition.
Meals, that are provided at a hospital or similar institution at
Retin-A, must be used to treat a medical condition and not
which the patient is receiving medical care.
Rogaine, only is used to treat a medical condition and not for
Medical conference admission, transportation, meals, etc.
Expenses for admission and transportation, if they relate
to a medical condition for the individuals, spouse and/or
dependent and if the conference is primarily for and essential
Schools and education, special. Payments made to a special
to the person in need of medical care.
school for a mentally impaired or physically disabled person
Medical information plan charges. To cover storage costs.
qualify if the main reason for using the school is its resources
These are expenses paid to a plan to keep medical information
so that it can be retrieved from a computer databank for your
Medical monitoring (medical bracelets) and testing devices
Shipping and handling fees, must be associated to fees
Medical records charges, for example, fees associated with
incurred to obtain an item that constitutes medical care.
transferring medical records to a new medical practitioner will
Special foods, if prescribed my a medical practitioner to treat a
specifi c illness or ailment and if the foods do not substitute for normal nutritional requirements. But the amount that may
qualify is limited to the amount by which the cost of the
special food exceeds the cost of commonly available versions
Sperm, storage fees, yes with respect to temporary storage, but only to the extent necessary for immediate conceptions. Storage
fees for undefi ned future conception likely are not considered
Orthopedic shoes and inserts, cost of specialized orthopedic
items qualify to the extent that they exceed the ordinary
Stem cell harvesting and/or storage of. Yes, if there is a specifi c
and imminent medical condition that the stem cells are
intended to treat. An example would be the cost of harvesting
and storing stem cells because a newborns has a birth defect
TASC • 2302 International Lane • Madison, WI 53704-3140 • 1-800-422-4661 • Fax: 608-245-3623
The information in this communication is confi dential and may only be used by the authorized
recipient for its intended purpose. Any other use or disclosure is prohibited. Deductible Medical Expenses
and the stem cells would be needed in the near future are
Examples of Non-Qualifi ed Medical
allowable. Collection and storage indefi nitely is not medical
care. Sterilization proceduresSunglasses, yes if they are prescription sunglasses
Automobile depreciation, insurance repair or maintenance expenses
Taxes on medical services, to the extent that the tax is impose on qualifi ed medical care expenses. This includes local, sales,
service and other taxes. Telephone for hearing impaired persons
ThermometersTransportation expenses for person to receive medical care.
Illegal operations, treatments and medicines
This is limited to the standard mileage allowance.
Late fees, for late payment of bills for medical careLodging while attending a medical conference
Ultrasound, prenatalUmbilical cord, freezing and storing of, if there is a specifi c
medical condition that the umbilical cord is intended to treat.
Collection and storage indefi nitely, just in case it is needed is
Transportation to visit a hospitalized spouse or dependent
Warranties, extended warranties, maintenance agreements
VaccinesVasectomyVasectomy, reversalViagra, if used to treat a medical condition. Vision correction procedures
WalkersWeight loss program, only if the program is recommended by a physician to treat an existing disease (such as obesity, heart disease or diabetes) and is not simply to improve general health. WheelchairWigs, if the wig is prescribed by a physician for the mental heath of a patient who has lost all of their hair from disease or treatment.
TASC • 2302 International Lane • Madison, WI 53704-3140 • 1-800-422-4661 • Fax: 608-245-3623
The information in this communication is confi dential and may only be used by the authorized
recipient for its intended purpose. Any other use or disclosure is prohibited.
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