October 2007
Published in hard copy and on the web at www.saltmatters.org
The business address of the Salt Skip Program is Queensland Hypertension Association PO Box 193, Holland Park, QLD 4121, phone (07) 3899 1659, FAX (07) 3394 7815.
Use the academic address when writing about salt control-see the panel on page 4.
rather grandiose title Salt Matters-
'Tick', and could be introduced with
lights and especially unlike red lights).
with Salt Matters: the killer condi-ment and the Dizzy Chef cookbook.
Rick Keam-Freelance journalist, Melbourne-tells us his Personal Story
Monoplus, Napamide, Natrilix, Natrilix SR,
Prinzide, Renitec Plus, Spiractin, spironolac-
tone, Teveten Plus, triamterene, Uremide,
If you are taking a drug in that list, you (or
one of your children or grandchildren) can go
treatment for the vertigo of Meniere's
to www.saltmatters.org, click the button
Take the letter to your doctor, explain why,
and follow whatever advice you are given
from heaven for the ENT specialist. Here
diuretic. With good salt control (sodium
students in tow, when who should present
for diagnosis but someone-me-with the
object to it, for present purposes the more
familiar term 'Meniere's' will suffice.)
If you take tablets or capsules of any description have a look at them.
Check all their names against this list of
synthetic diuretics and/or combined medi-
over 12 hours, I had felt like a giant hand
cations (a diuretic with another drug mixed
was trying to turn me clockwise. Some of
'Stand facing me,' he said, 'then close
Burinex, chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone,
Coversyl Plus, Coversyl Plus LD, cyclopen-
If their faces were any indication, it would
be fair to say that this made a profound
Inspra, Kaluril, Karvezide, Lasix, Lasix-M,
'We can beat this,' said the specialist. The problem with all this is that people
'You'll be taking one of these a day'-he
generally don't know where the sodium is
brandished a diuretic tablet-'and one of
coming from, and you can't cut back on
these (Slow K for potassium) and you'll
what you're not even aware of to begin
modern diet is that sodium intake varies
'That won't be a problem,' I responded. 'I
wildly from meal to meal and day to day,
In theory the medication looks after this.
was still having two or three 12-13 hour
stood, by a 'low salt diet'. No suggestion
Then I discovered Salt Skip and what low
that it might be advisable to check just
salt living really means. In the subsequent
14 years, without diuretics or any other
explanation of the rationale, the reason-
medication and relying solely on dietary
four attacks. For all practical purposes, I
But I will remain cured only for as long as
they've stopped consciously using it in
the kitchen, I was still getting reasonably
The key word is indeed control, and the
cessed foods. (I always stress 'everyday'
equate processed foods with 'fast' food,
whelming social forces. I have been fortunate insofar as I work from home as
not realising the potent salt content of ordinary items like conventional bread.)
a freelancer. Once you are over the early
through the taste transition, learning how
standing. If I'd known then what I know
ine low-salt living-I hate and object to
easy to achieve, at least once the bread
the phrase 'low salt diet'-while continu-
ing to take a prescribed diuretic, I could
tinuing difficulties relate to eating out and
travelling. There are no easy answers, but the old adage that 'where there's a
will there's a way' remains as true as
'low salt diet', of course, was a reduced
salt diet. The idea is that you don't need to depart too much from convention in
what you eat, because it's all too hard
doctor-said to me a few years ago, 'You
can't avoid salt - why not just pop the
their ways and we all like salty pleasures
pills?' WRONG! You CAN avoid salt. You
anyway and its easier just to cut back a
The vote on traffic lights SALT SKIP NEWS
In Salt Skip News No 148 (August) we called for
What should the traffic light colours mean in Australia?
1.1 The dietary guidelines call for MODERATION with 4
nutrients (fat, saturated fat sugar and salt) and the colours
indicate the amounts of each nutrient shown in the Nutrition
RED = STOP (too much of the named nutrient to prevent illness)
AMBER = CAUTION (still high enough to require
Where should Australia place the upper boundary for salt? UK 2005 FAT UK 2006 FAT WHAT IS YOUR VOTE FOR AUSTRALIA?
had 36 votes (19 by mail and 17 by email). 35 votes were for 1.1 and 2C and one
vote w as for abolishing the amber light and going straight from green (up to 120 mg/100g)
to a red light for everything above 120 mg/100g.
on't laugh-if all processed foods eventually had green lights for salt, the salt-related
th problems would be virtually eradicated, and would no longer afflict half the adult
ation of Australia. 'Moderation' (amber lights) would not give such a good result.
BP Monitor with Salt Skip News is published every 2 months, from February to December (6 issues a year). Sa lt Skip Editorial Committee: Assoc Prof Michael Stowasser (Head, Hypertension Unit, University Dept.
Medicine, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane), Sister Dianne Robson (Hypertension Nurse, Hypertension Unit, Gr
eenslopes Private Hospital, Brisbane), Prof Tony Worsley (Public Health Nutrition, Deakin University), Prof
yl Nowson (Nutrition & Ageing, Deakin University), Clare Rawcliffe (Cardiology Dietitian, St Vincent's Hospital,
Sydney), Dr Malcolm Riley (Honorary Fellow, Baker Heart Research Institute), Jane Brown (Home Economist, Salt Skip Program, Hobart). Text drafted (edited where other authors are named) by Dr Trevor Beard (Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Menzies Research Institute, Hobart). Printed by Snap Printing, Edward Street, Brisbane.
City of Derby Swimming Club (Affiliated to ASA East Midland Region and Derbyshire ASA Under ASA Laws and ASA Technical Rules of Swimming) Level 1 Licensed Meet 2013 Open Meet – Results Sheet 13th January 2013 – Ponds Forge Pool Sheffield - 50m Pool Session Four Sheet 1 EVENT 46 FINAL OF EVENT 32 Girls 15 Yrs/Over 200m IM Full Results Place Name EVENT 47 FINAL OF EVE
NEUR 4006: MOVEMENT DISORDERS AND NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES 2011-2012 Students need to see elective director immediately after receiving computer-generated schedule and at least 30 days prior to beginning of elective. Faculty In Charge Of Course: Dr. Mya Schiess and Dr. Erin Furr Stimming Participating Faculty: Dr. Mya Schiess, Dr. Gage Van Horn, and Dr. Erin Furr Stimming Location: