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The Richmond Museum Association Newsletter TO SAIL OR
Lois Boyle has retired from many things: her career at the NOT TO SAIL
City of El Cerrito; running a daycare center; owning a party shop,and lots of other things. But through it all, her passion has "The Board of the Richmond Museum Association really always been the Richmond Museum Association, the Richmond put a lot of time and thought into this decision, but ultimately we Museum of History and the Red Oak Victory Ship.
decided not to go until we could do it right," said John And now Lois has retired again. (Not entirely -- she serves Ziesenhenne, President of the RMA Board, about the Board's as the Project Director of the project "For the Love of the Ship." decision to delay the Red Oak Victory Ship's "first sail" since Visit www.richmondmuseumofhistory.org to see the Spring 2013 issue of The MIRROR and read about Lois and her contri-
"We were all so excited about sailing and the Ship's crew bution to Richmond's history. We're eager to see what she does has been working long and hard toward this goal, but there is lots to do to get the Ship ready, not to mention the need to meetthe Coast Guard requirements for sailing, so our new goal is tosail around the Bay as soon as we're fully shipshape, with theultimate goal to go with a flotilla to Normandy for the 75th Anni-versary of D-Day in 2019." Watch for our updated sailing schedule.
The many people who bought Certificates of Sailing for the 2013 Veterans Day sail have options on what to do with them.
If you hold Certificates of Sailing, you actually have three save them to pay for the next trip. It will take six certi- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12TH
10 A.M. TO 4 P.M.
count what you spent as a donation to a good cause, tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
This year, the 7th Annual Home Front Festival features a shuttle -- a vintage bus -- going back and forth between the two Whatever you decide, thank you for supporting the renova- festival venues, the Craneway and the Ship.
On the Ship, activities include selling hot dogs, chips and drinks from the Galley, and demonstrations such as lowering theanchor, climbing the mast, and using the winch. And, of course,tours of the Ship, free to all on that day.

At the Craneway, there will be more food, entertainment, SEE PAGE 4
children's activities, information booths, the Kiwanis Classic CarShow and rides on the Duck Boat.
The theme for this year's Festival is "Children on the Home Front" (see the logo at the left) and we are excited to be showcas-ing the Museum's collection of Children's Art created at the Mari-time Childcare Centers.
by Melinda McCrary

As I look back on the dwindling summer, I am compelled to reflect upon my time at the Museum during the past year. It was only one year ago, in July 2012, that I began working as a volunteer in the costume collection on Sunday afternoons. While that period seems likea lifetime ago, I am so proud of all that has been accomplished at the Museum in one year, and am so excited for the present and future ofthe Richmond Museum Association.
Recently, staff and volunteers have been focused on clean- THE RICHMOND MUSEUM OF HISTORY SEEKS
ing up the Museum building and grounds. A huge priority ispainting the interior of the Museum, which will be completed in VOLUNTEERS
many stages. The new gift shop/visitor services station will be Hours are available Wednesday through Sunday 10-4:30.
painted first, followed by the Seaver Gallery. It is our hope that Please call 510-235-7387 or email info@richmond- early next year we can begin to paint the upstairs permanent museumofhistory.org for more information. Court-appointed vol- gallery as well. The Museum will look even more beautiful with a unteers are welcome. We want to fill the following positions: SS Jeremiah O'Brien and USS Potomac
sail past the Red Oak Victory
Visitor Services representatives to greet the public. Duties
The most exciting recent development at the Museum is include greeting visitors, collecting admission fees, recording related to public programs. I am so proud to report that a local visitor statistics, answering the phone and assisting with the Gift Richmond foundation has funded a new program to encourage Shop. Successful candidates will love working with the public.
young scholars to visit the Museum. A local non-profit called Individuals with Spanish language skills are needed.
4Richmond (http://4richmond.org/) has agreed to pay for school buses to transport every 4th-grade class in Richmond public Facilities Maintenance technicians to help tend the garden
schools to the Museum for a field trip during the 2013/2014 and do some housekeeping and other light maintenance tasks.

Office Assistant to assist with general office work including
During the field trip, the students will learn about local his- answering phones, typing, photocopying and preparing material tory with a focus on material that corresponds to the State of to be mailed. Volunteer may also be asked to run simple errands California Curriculum Standards for 4th grade. The students will within the local area (if possible).
be provided with a docent tour of the permanent exhibit with opportunities to handle authentic artifacts from the teaching Graphic Designer to create marketing materials for the Mu-
collection. After the tour, the students will be asked to partici- seum to create more visibility in the community. The graphic de- pate in a gallery scavenger hunt that requires them to observe signer will be asked to creatively combine images from the Mu- and describe artifacts in the exhibit.
seum collection of historical documents and photographs with The USS Iowa moves astern of the Red Oak
the urban vibe that is the modern City of Richmond while still The students will benefit from learning about their local Victory
promoting our Mission devoted to the history of the City. The history and handling authentic artifacts related to classroom intention of the new marketing approach is to appeal to the local curriculum. It is also our hope that we will instill a sense of pride community of Richmond, specifically young families. We are look- about our rich local history into our young neighbors. The Mu- ing for someone with a hip, urban, fresh point of view to help us seum will benefit from a significant increase in attendance and publicity, while carrying out our most basic mission to educate The Museum has limited graphic-design software, so it is the community about the great history of Richmond. Please help recommended that individuals have access to proper equipment.
me in thanking For Richmond for their support and generosity.
Candidates will benefit from a discreet recognition on all market-ing materials created. All designs must be approved by Museum The USS Iowa sits at anchor near the Red Oak
As always, thank you for your support of the Richmond staff prior to printing and/or distribution. Please note the artist Victory (at right)
Association. The organization would not exist without will be asked to give the copyright of all images created to the the continued support and efforts of our volunteers, members, Richmond Museum Association for further use and distribution friends, business associates, and the City of Richmond.
of any and all marketing materials created. However, the artist isencouraged to include all materials created in his/her personal portfolio. The candidate must allow all marketing materials to betranslated into Spanish. Selected candidate may also be eligiblefor a letter of recommendation from the curator/Museum man- The USS Iowa at anchor on the Red Oak'
s port side
before its voyage to Southern California
Executive DirectorRichmond Museum of History NEWS FROM THE RMA
The view of San Francisco and Oakland, the usually balmy by Clare Fischer
weather on a lazy Sunday morning, meeting with family and friends As part of the Cal Humanities grant awarded to the Museum -- and on top of all that, a great breakfast for only $7.00!!! this year, I have been listening to a rich and diverse narrative Breakfast includes pancakes, eggs, bacon, juice, coffee and, about the volunteer commitments involved in the restoration of for a bit extra, mimosas. Children under 5 are free. After your the Red Oak Victory (ROV). For the past two months, 15 crew meal, if you can drag yourself away from the view, you can take Lois Boyle and Jeff Wright
members have generously given time to share stories about their a tour of the Ship for only $5.00 more.
prepare behind the scenes
respective contributions toward the eventual sail. Twelve addi- Bring friends to the final breakfast of the year on Sunday, tional interviews are planned before the first phase of the grant is October 13. Breakfast is served from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the Ship completed. These recorded stories will become part of a perma- nent archival document allowing listeners to hear the crew tell ofan extraordinary volunteer community.
By day, he's a member of the Ship's electrical department, but on Pancake Breakfast Sundays Rich Chivers is Pancake-maker extraordinaire. On October 13th, Rich will be serving his40,000th pancake.
Among responses from crew volunteers are those that em- There is an ongoing sale of used books on the Red Oak phasize the ROV as a unique teaching object: a physical pres- Victory Ship. To shop the sale, visit the Red Oak on open days, ence that points to the home-front efforts in Richmond and the Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Ship's significant role in providing goods during three wars. Other To donate books for the sale, bring them to the Ship or to crew volunteers reflect on the collaborative environment that the Museum on its open days, Wednesday through Sunday, 1 supports "right work." All of the interviewees share a sense of accomplishment and a willingness to meet a variety of challenges The Richmond Museum Association is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and donations of books or funds are tax-deduct-ible.
In the months to come there are successive steps designed to provide an informative document about the ROV volunteers.
A video of a representative number of crew volunteers will be EXCITING NEW MEMBERSHIP
created and this media document will be accessible to the general public both at the Museum and on the ROV. A short booklet is planned to incorporate excerpts from and photos of crew inter- A new committee is looking at membership in the Richmond views and will be sold in the gift shops for a modest cost.
Museum Association. The price of the various levels may go up(you might want to join or renew soon!) as everything does, but Lois Boyle is the Project Manager and as such, puts in many the benefits of membership will be multiplied. And every mem- hours assuring solid and vital planning, connections with ber at every level will realize some exciting new annual benefits.
interviewees and the various demands of administering the grant(including reports to the California Humanities Council). The fi-nal phase of the grant will involve an exhibition, curated by Lois, NEW WEBSITE COMING SOON
displaying artifacts and photographs illustrating the Ship volun- Richmondmuseumassociation.org will soon be the Internet teers' contribution in achieving the restoration of the ROV. The home for both the Richmond Museum of History and the Red opening event will be on January 26, 2014, and will be a celebra- Oak Victory Ship, all together where it will be easier to find the tion of all the committed efforts of the ROV crew, including the calendar of upcoming events, to make reservations or buy tick- viewing of the video production, a panel presentation involving ets for those events, to shop the Gift Shops, and even to reserve ROV volunteers, food and music.
rooms at the Red Oak Inn Bed and Breakfast. (Details comingsoon.) Clearly, the critical role of volunteer enthusiasm for the task and committed skill and time cannot be overstated. Even so, the need for volunteer engagement continues. Every department on TEMS NOT ON DISPLAY
the Ship needs help, especially willingness to paint, to work in The column "Items Not on Display" is not included in this the engine department, to assist in the educative efforts of do- issue of The MIRROR due to technical difficulties. We hope to
cents and greeters. Interested persons are urged to contact the continue this popular feature in a future issue.
29 color slides depicting the construction of the Scrapbook of ephemera related to the Richmond-Shimada (Japan) Friendship Tour that took place from Sept. 21 toOct. 12, 1981 May Barbano (June 2013)One black-and-white photograph of Women's Softball Team in Nicholl Park in 1947/8.
Page from the St. Louis Dispatch of "Tilly the Toiler" One color photograph of the same ladies in the WANTED! DOCENTS, GREETERS
Photographs and ephemera from Lola (Machado)Peterson related to the Machado, Peterson, and AND OTHER VOLUNTEERS
Chichester families of Richmond (ca. 1880-1950s) Want adventure on the high seas without actually sailing anywhere? Want a job with great hours, no pay, good company, and lots of fresh air? Try sharing your 15 black-and-white photographs depicting various talents on the Red Oak as a docent or greeter.
subjects including Richmond City Hall, Pt. Isabel, No experience necessary, standing in line at a union hall not required, and training provided. Intrigued? Call the Ship at (510) 237-2933. You'll get a vest, a badge, a flashlight, a whistle and a laser pointer! To volunteer at the Museum, call Melinda at (510) Booklets, commissioned by the East Bay Regional 235-7387. All the benefits, no wind in your hair.
Betty R. Smith (June 2013)Two books: One Hundred and One Fingers by G.
Miner (1956) and Arts & Crafts Manual for theRichmond Children's Center by M. Haley DAY ON THE RED OAK
(October 1965) [George Miner was a long-time Veterans Day will be celebrated dockside at the Red Oak as it has Superintendent of Richmond Schools and been celebrated for many years, this year with a few special touches Monica Haley was an artist and a teacher at like the Ribbon Cutting at the newly rehabilitated Rigger's Loft, fol- local daycare centers during and after World lowed by a BBQ fundraiser and the laying of flowers in memoriam.
The festivities start at 11 a.m. on November 11.
A free art giveaway will be a feature of the Veterans Day celebra- Collection of documents and photographs related tion. Acrylic paintings by award-winning artist Tom Bottomley, Red to the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards owned by Oak Victory purser, will be given in exchange for modest donations engineer L.B. Harbour including 17 loose pages of ranging from $25 to $150, to the Ship's operating fund. Among themore than two dozen paintings available are several acrylic sketches shipyard cartoons, a binder of memoranda to middle management from the Shipyard General Superintendent, ephemera from several ship Bottomley currently has four paintings on display at the El Cerrito launchings and booklets related to the maintenance Department of Motor Vehicles office and one at the El Cerrito library. Since May, he was awarded first-, second- and third -place ribbons inmini art shows at El Cerrito Art Association meetings.
This quiltmaking challenge focuses on the years 1941 - 1945, a brief and influential period in American history that continues to impact life in the United States today. The WWIIHome Front theme was chosen to celebrate one of our newest ♦ Quarterly newsletter, "The MIRROR"
National Parks, the Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home FrontNational Historical Park, located in Richmond, California. Quilts inspired by any aspect of civilian wartime life across the USA • Open to anyone living in California, Oregon, Washing- Yes, I want to become a member
Enclosed is my check for
• Format: Small quilts, measuring 80 inches around the pe- rimeter, square or rectangular in shape.
• Traditional, contemporary and innovative techniques are • Entries accepted 12/1/2013 - 1/15/2014. Quilts selected by the jurors must arrive by 3/1/2014.
Categories of Membership
• Challenge guidelines:
The World War II Home Front Quilts Project will exhibit the best quilts entered in the challenge based on composition, con-cept, content and overall excellence, representing a range of styles and a diversity of home front subjects. Up to 80 quiltswill be exhibited online beginning in March 2014, and at Voices in Cloth on March 22 and 23, 2014. This major San Francisco Bay Area quilt event will be held on the Richmond waterfront atthe Craneway Pavilion, adjacent to the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National HistoricalPark Visitor Education Center.
____New ____Renew ____Gift
____ I Would like to volunteer
the jury will be retained for ex-hibition through December2014 and returned in January Name ____________________________
Address __________________________
City ______________________________
State/Zip __________________________
of San Francisco Bay Area quiltenthusiasts, arts organizations, Phone ____________________________
museums and historical associations, the Rosie the Riveter E-Mail ___________________________
Trust, and National Park Service staff and volunteers.
____ I would like my newsletter sent by e-mail
For more information, visit the Project website: http://
(saves money & trees).
www.wwiihomefrontquilts.com, or contact us at:
Richmond Museum of History
PO Box 1267
We are excited at the prospect that the Richmond Mu- Richmond, CA 94802
seum of History might be one of the venues for displaying someof the quilts in 2014. Richmond Museum Assoc., Inc.
P.O. Box 1267Richmond, CA 94802 Museum Admission:
Members: Free
Seniors/Students: $1.00
General: $2.00
Children: Free w/adult

Red Oak Boarding Fee: $5
Children under 5: $2
Members: Free

The Richmond Museum Association is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit
educational organization. Gifts and donations are tax-deductible
to the extent allowed by law.

Richmond Museum of History
Open Wed-Sun, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Appointed Chairs
(510) 235-7387 for information and Tour Appointments Museum Staff
Red Oak Victory Ship
(510) 237-2933 for information and Tour Appointments redoakvictory.com

Source: http://www.richmondmuseumofhistory.org/pdf/Mirror_Fall_2013.pdf

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