Aim: To ensure safe storage and administration of medication to pupils and staff by the nurses, house
Storage All medications are kept in a locked cupboard in a room not normally accessible to pupils. In the Medical Centre medicines that require refrigeration are kept in a locked medicine fridge. In the boarding houses medicines that require refrigeration are kept in the housemistresses own fridge. Controlled drugs Controlled drugs (CDs) are stored in the medical centre in a CD cabinet. If required they are stored in the boarding houses in a locked area that only a limited number staff have access to. The drugs are brought in by the parents or pupil for day pupils and by the parents or pupil or collected from the pharmacy by the matron for boarders. It is not always practical for two staff members to be present when a CD is administered, but a record of the amount given and the balance remaining is kept in a bound record book with numbered pages. There is a separate page for each person. CDs are disposed of by returning them to the pharmacy and a record of the returns kept in the CD record book. Disposal of medicines Any unused prescribed medications and any out of date OTC medications will be returned to the Medical Centre and from there to the pharmacy for disposal. The cupboards are checked for surplus medications at the end of every term. Replacing stock homely remedies in boarding houses A record is kept of the stock supplied to the boarding houses, including the amount issued, issue date and expiry date. Non- Prescribed Medications These are available to boarding pupils, day pupils and staff. The boarding staff have access and are trained, by the school nurse, to give the attached list of medications. The secretary at Prep School issue Paracetamol only, to pupils and staff in the absence of the school nurse. They too sign a protocol. Boarding staff email the Medical Coordinator when they issue a medication. This is then added to the pupil's individual record. The Medical Coordinator/Boarding staff administer non prescribed medications under a homely remedies protocol. Prescribed Medications Medication prescribed by a doctor should be administered according to the instructions on the individual medication and only given to the named pupil to whom it has been prescribed. They should be kept in their original container. The original dispensing label must not be altered. The protocol should be the same as for non prescribed medications. A form 'pupils taking short term prescribed medication' should be completed by those staff giving the medication to the pupil. Appendix 2 Adverse reactions Drugs can cause adverse reactions in some people. If a pupil experiences adverse reaction to a medication do not give any further doses until instructed to do so by the doctor. A medical incident form should be completed. See Appendix 3 If a serious reaction occurs medical attention should be sought immediately. An adverse reaction should be reported by the nurses to the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency ( Medicines given in error If an error is made with any medication advice must be sort immediately. During the day contact the surgery 01691 653143 or ShropDoc 08444 068888. A medical incident form should be completed explaining the error and any action taken. See Appendix 3. Medication brought into school by the pupils There are risks that prescribed medications will interact with medications purchased over the counter and cause harm. Or that herbal or traditional medications could interact with prescribed or over the counter medications. Over the counter medication should never be given to a pupil who has taken their own medicine. A record will be kept of any medications that the pupils bring into school. It is the schools policy that the pupils do not bring in their own medications unless they are prescribed, but some always will. Self administration of medications Boarders assessed as being able to self medicate sign the appropriate form. See Appendix 4. The pupil should be aware that they must keep their medicines in a secure place, and not give their medication to anyone else, even if they have the same symptoms. The school has a protocol for assessing the ability of the pupils to self administer their medications. See attached - Appendix 5. Administration to save a life In extreme emergencies e.g. an anaphylactic reaction, certain medicines can be given or supplied without the direction of a doctor, or without there being a patient group directive PGD, for the purpose of saving life. In an extreme emergency a medication e.g. adrenalin would be given. (Article 7 of the Prescription Only Medicines (Human Use) Order 1997). Recording Medications are recorded to provide a complete audit trail for all medications. Signatures are kept of every person who administers medication. The records are checked frequently by the school nurses. The Headmaster is aware of the methods used to keep records, but does not review the records himself. In Boarding Houses, the records are recorded in a book, and copied onto the pupils' personal file on a week day basis. This makes it possible to follow an audit trail for the treatment. E.g. where a boarder is issued Paracetamol in the boarding house by a matron and then later in the medical centre by the nurse, both entries are recorded in the one place. When a boarder is given medication by the nurses after midday the boarding houses are notified. Mrs E Nunnerley Medical Coordinator Reviewed: Administration of Over the Counter Medication Protocol
The medications kept in locked cupboards in the boarding houses are as follows:- Medication Reason for administration
- Headaches, period pains, pyrexia, toothache, migraine, muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, colds, sore throats and flu.
- NOT TO BE ISSUED TO ASTHMATICS. (Unless prescribed.) Not to be given to under 12s Headaches, muscular pain and backache, dental pain, period pain, neuralgia.
Procedure When issuing a medication the following procedure should be followed:-
The reason for giving the medication should be established.
The contraindications of giving the medication should be known or checked.
Whether the student has taken any medication recently, and if so what. (Paracetamol should not be
issued more frequently than every four hours).
Whether the student has taken the medication before, if not, whether the student is allergic to any
The student should be seen to take the medication by the person issuing it.
The student's name, the reason for the medication, the medication issued, the dosage, the date and
the time should be noted immediately in the relevant medical record book.
This protocol has been agreed by the school medical coordinator Staff administering medication Name Signature sample
Trained by Prescription Medicine Administration Record Chart Name of Pupil :- …………………………………………………. D.O.B :- …………………………. Drug & Strength :-………………………………………………… Quantity :- ………………………… Dosage :- …………………………………………………………… Date received :- …………………… Reasons for giving :- ……………………………………………… Allergies :- ………………………… Date course finished …………………………………. Date unused medication returned…………………….Quantity returned ……………………… To where returned ……………………………………………………………………………………… Name of person returning medication ………………………………………………………………. Additional Notes:- Medical Incident Form
This form is to be used when a medication has been given in error or when a pupil has had an adverse reaction to a medication. Pupils Name Medication given Explanation of the incident Action taken Outcome Follow up Oswestry School PUPILS WHO ADMINISTER THEIR OWN PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS Name of pupil: _______________________________________
Name of medication/dose: ____________________________________ Amount of medication given to the pupil: __________________________ How often taken: ___________________________________________ Medication can be stored in pupil's own locked area.
Pupil has proven themselves to be reliable
Full understanding of reasons for medication and side effects
Important: If a pupil is not keeping medication locked away the right to self medication will be removed.
Pupil signature: ________________________ Date ________________ Staff signature: ________________________ Date _________________
The school allows pupils to keep their own medications in a locked area in the boarding house if they have been assessed as competent to do so. Asthmatics may carry their inhalers with them. The criteria used to assess the pupils are: The age of the pupil
Whether the medication is long term or a short course
Whether the pupil has proven himself or herself to be reliable in general and will
remember to take the medication if it is to be taken regularly.
That the pupil understands why they are taking the medication and any
side effects, and the risks of overdose.
That the pupil knows when and how to take the medication.
That the pupil can effectively store the medication in a locked area.
That the pupil understands that they should never give the medicine to anyone else, even if they have
Rehabilitation (pg 1 of 6) PURPOSE: To ensure that the physical and mental condition of firefighters operating at the scene of an emergency or a training exercise does not deteriorate to a point that affects the safety of each member or that jeopardizes the safety and integrity of the operation. SCOPE: This procedure shall apply to all emergency operations and training exercis
Causas da Baixa Visão e Cegueira nas Diferentes Faixas Etárias – 109 F.7 – DEGENERAÇÃO MACULAR RELACIONADA À Eduardo Buchele Rodrigues, Felipi Zambon, Michel Eid Farah e Descrever a Causa da Baixa Visão/Cegueira A degeneração macular relacionada à idade (DMRI) é uma doença ocularimportante que leva à perda da visão central, deixando apenas a visão peri-férica intacta.1,2