Occupational Safety and Health Administration
29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be consulted
Bonide Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer Conc. ID No. 43492 Section I
Section II - Hazardous Ingredients/Identity
_Hazardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity: Common Name(s) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits % (Optional) Permethrin 52645-53-1 None None None
HAZARD IDENTIFICATION- EMERGENCY OVERVIEW WARNING! Combustible liquid and vapor. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. May cause eye irritation. May cause skin irritation. May cause target organ or system damage to the following: Kidney, liver. May cause adverse reproductive effects. Section III - First Aid EYES: Flush with water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, obtain medical attention.
SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash with soap and water immediately. Obtain medical attention.
INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult or if any discomfort persists, obtain medical attention. INGESTION: Obtain medical attention. Do not induce vomiting. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Contains the pyrethroid insecticide permethrin and has low oral toxicity, moderate dermal toxicity and moderate eye irritation. Initial treatment is removal of exposure by washing, emesis or lavage and is followed by symptomatic and supportive care.
Section IV - Fire and Explosion Data
EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water fog, foam DEGREE OF FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARD: Slightly combustible. Overheated, sealed containers are an explosion hazard. Vapors which form inside empty containers may also present an explosion hazard during a fire. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Isolate fire area. Evacuate downwind residents and all areas where fire seriously threatens the product containers. fires, use self-contained breathing apparatus. Wear full protective clothing including rubber boots, neoprene gloves and self-contained breathing apparatus. Attempt to keep drums cool. Do not breathe or contact smoke or vapors.
Section V - Health Hazard Information
PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: Acute and chronic effects from overexposure may result from inhalation and ingestion. ACUTE EFFECTS FROM OVEREXPOSURE: Data available to date on human exposure suggests that permethrin does not produce skin sensations (feelings of numbing and tingling), although other pyrethroids have been known to cause these reactions. If they occur, these sensations subside and disappear within a few hours. Large, toxic doses administered to laboratory animals have produced central nervous system effects with symptoms that include diarrhea, salivation, bloody nose, tremors and intermittent convulsions. Overexposure of animals to permethrin via inhalation has also produced hyperactivity and hypersensitivity. CHRONIC EFFECTS FROM OVEREXPOSURE: In studies with laboratory animals, permethrin did not cause reproductive toxicity or teratogenicity. Analysis of chronic feeding studies in both mice and rats with permethrin resulted in the conclusion that permethrin's potential for induction of oncogenicity in experimental animals is low Section VI - Health Hazard Information (cont'd.) and that the likelihood of oncogenic effects in humans is nonexistent or extremely low. Long terms feeding studies in animals resulted in increased liver and kidney weights, induction of the liver microsomal drug metabolizing enzyme system and histopathological changes in the lungs and liver. An overall lack of genotoxicity has been demonstrated in mutagenicity testing with permethrin. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: None presently known CARCINOGENICITY: NTP: No IARC: No OSHA: No
Termite & Carpenter Ant Control Concentrate ID # 43492
Section VI - Precautions for Safe Handling/Use
STORAGE AND HANDLING: Store in a cool, dry place and avoid excess heat. Store in original container only. Carefully open containers. After partial use, replace bungs or cap and close tightly. Wash hands and other exposed skin surfaces thoroughly prior to smoking or consuming food or beverages. Shower after handling or applying the product. Do not put concentrate or dilute material into food or drink containers. Do not contaminate other pesticides, fertilizers, water, food or feed by storage or disposal. PROTECTIVE REQUIREMENTS: VENTILATION: Thoroughly ventilate all transport vehicles prior to unloading. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. General exhaust ventilation is considered sufficient. WORK CLOTHING: Wear long-sleeved coveralls or uniform, cap, safety shoes and neoprene gloves. Launder clothing separately.
EYE PROTECTION: Where potential of splashing exists, or contact with mist, protective safety glasses, goggles and face shield should be worn. A source of clean water for flushing the eyes should be nearby. RESPIRATORY PROT.: For For moderate vapor liquid mist exposure, use half face or full face air purifying respirators which are NIOSH/MSHA approved for pesticides.
GLOVES: Where chemical protective gloves made of neoprene when handling this product.
Section VII - Physical/Chemical Ingredients
SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.190 to 1.272 at 20°C
Section VIII - Reactivity Data
CONDITIONS TO AVOID (INCOMPATIBILITY): Heat and fire. Thermal decomposition and burning may produce toxic by-products and an explosion hazard. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide. Chlorine and hydrogen chloride may be formed.
Section IX - Environmental
SPILL OR LEAK: Isolate and post spill area. Wear prescribed protective clothing and equipment. Keep material out of streams and sewers. Contain and absorb spilled material with a solid absorbent such as sand, cat litter, commercial clay or other suitable absorbent. Place in an approved drum and dispose of material following the method outlined below under "Waste Disposal". To decontaminate spill area, tools and equipment, wash with a suitable solution (e.g. organic solvent, detergent, bleach or caustic) and dispose of solution following the method outlined below under "Waste Disposal". Section X -Disposal Information WASTE DISPOSAL: Open dumping or burning of this material is prohibited. An acceptable method of disposal is to burn in an incinerator in accordance with all local, state and federal environmental laws, rules, standards and regulations. Because acceptable methods of disposal may vary by location and because regulatory requirements may change, the appropriate regulatory agencies should be contacted prior to disposal. Steel containers which contained these materials must be crushed and disposed of in a sanitary landfill. Do not cut or weld steel containers. Section XI- Transportation Information Per 49 CFR 173.150(b) (3) ORM-D- KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ABBREVIATION KEY
Buyer assumes all risks of use, storage and handling of this material not in strict accordance with directions given herewith.
ALLERGY TESTING PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS Your appointment is on: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Your doctor or provider has recommended that you be tested for inhalant and/or food allergies to determine if various foods, pollens or other airborne allergens may be contributing to your currentsymptoms. Please read the following guidelines prio
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