Psychopharmacology (2008) 200:255-260DOI 10.1007/s00213-008-1202-z
Effects of caffeine on alertness as measured by infraredreflectance oculography
Natalie Michael & Murray Johns & Caroline Owen &John Patterson
Received: 15 January 2008 / Accepted: 12 May 2008 / Published online: 9 June 2008
using infrared reflectance oculography and converted into a
Rationale Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that can be
drowsiness score, Johns Drowsiness Scale (JDS).
used to increase alertness and performance especially in
Results Caffeine significantly reduced JDS scores (drowsi-
low arousal situations such as monotonous highway driving
ness) and reaction times, and these changes persisted for 3 to
or after sleep deprivation. The effects of caffeine in rested,
4 h. Self reports of sleepiness were not as sensitive, with
alert, participants are less clear, and this may be attributable
Karolinska Sleepiness Scale scores only being significantly
to difficulties in objectively assessing small changes in
lower in the caffeine compared to placebo condition at 30 min
Objectives The present study examined the effects of
Conclusions The results demonstrated that despite being
caffeine in non-sleep-deprived participants with methods
well rested, administration of caffeine significantly in-
that have previously been shown to be sensitive to changes
creased alertness and enhanced performance, and these
in alertness. In order to avoid confounding results, low, or
changes were able to be detected with the JDS.
non-users of caffeine, were sought as participants. Materials and methods Twelve subjects participated in a
Keywords Alertness. Blinks. Caffeine. Vigilance.
within-subjects double-blind placebo-controlled design study
and were administered either a capsule containing 200 mg ofcaffeine or placebo on two separate days. Ten-minute long
Caffeine is one of the most commonly used of all psychotropic
tests of vigilance were performed at baseline and then at 30,
drugs in today's society (Fredholm et al. ). When
60, 120, 180, and 240 min after swallowing the capsule.
administered to sleep-deprived participants, it has been
During vigilance tests, eye blink variables were measured
shown to increase performance and arousal level. Specifi-cally, caffeine has been found to decrease reaction times,increase sleep latency, and decrease physiological signs ofsleepiness in the electroencephalogram (Beaumont et al.
Patat et al. Wesensten et al. Performance
in alert subjects often improves with the administration of
caffeine, but the magnitude is usually smaller than in
Swinburne University of Technology,P.O. Box 218, Hawthorn Victoria 3122,
participants with lowered arousal levels (Lorist et al. ;
Difficulties in objectively measuring drowsiness also
in alert (non-sleep-deprived) people. The effects have
previously been studied with physiological recordings,measures of performance (e.g., reaction times), and self
ratings. A new system to measure alertness/drowsiness has
Peter MacCallum Cancer Center Research Division,Melbourne, Australia
become available and has not yet been studied in
combination with caffeine (Optalert™, Johns et al. ).
a minimum of 3 days. Participants were asked to aim for
This system utilizes infrared reflectance oculography to
between 7 and 8 h of sleep the night proceeding each
measure ocular variables, which are incorporated into a
experimental day and to refrain from consuming any form
drowsiness score, the Johns Drowsiness Scale (JDS; Johns
of caffeine from midnight prior to an experimental day,
et al. ). The JDS has been shown to indicate decreases
in alertness associated with sleep deprivation and correlates
Participants were asked a series of questions related to
significantly with reaction times, lapses in performance,
their habitual caffeine use. This included whether they
and lane departures in a driving simulator (Johns et al.
regularly consumed caffeine, and if yes, on average how
many caffeinated products they consumed per day. They
To the authors' knowledge, no studies have examined
were also asked to specify the type and number of each
the effects of caffeine on blink duration or velocity or the
caffeinated product. Using standard values of caffeine
effects of caffeine on any ocular variable in alert partic-
content of products, an estimate of caffeine consumption
ipants. A limited number of studies have examined the
within the participant sample was calculated. Coffee, tea,
effects of caffeine on ocular variables in sleep-restricted or
and energy drinks were considered to contain 100, 40, and
sleep-deprived participants, but generally, these studies fail
80 mg, respectively (Food Standards Australia New
to show any effect. Previously, caffeine has not effected
Zealand ). On each experimental day, participants also
pupil diameter, pupil contraction latency (Minzhong et al.
indicated the last time that they had consumed caffeine and
), or blink rate (Horne and Reyner and only
specified what type of caffeinated product it was.
indicated trends towards increased saccade velocities
All participants had normal vision requiring no correc-
(Minzhong et al. The only other study that could
tion and were not taking any medication that could directly
be found regarding caffeine and ocular variables was one
influence alertness. Two female participants did report use
where clonidine was administered in order to lower arousal
of oral contraceptives, and one smoked on a regular basis,
levels (Smith et al. Interestingly, the caffeine was
which could have interacted with the caffeine administered
able to counteract the decreases shown in saccade velocity
during the study (Abernethy and Todd Parsons and
caused by clonidine (Smith et al. ). It is possible that in
Neims ). Participants reported to be free of any sleep
these previous studies, the ocular variables measured were
disorders, and their Epworth Sleepiness Scale scores
not sensitive enough to changes in alertness generally in
indicated normal levels of daytime sleepiness (mean=6.6,
order to demonstrate changes in alertness due to caffeine
consumption. For example, variables such as blink rate and
Each experimental day involved six testing sessions,
saccade velocity have been shown to correlate poorly with
during each of which participants performed a 10-min
decrements in performance when sleep-deprived (Bocca
version of the Johns Test of Vigilance (JTV; Johns et al.
). This simple reaction time task involves a push
The aim of the present study was to assess any
button response to a brief change in shape of three circles
differences in a newly developed drowsiness score based
presented on a computer screen that occurred at random
on ocular variables (JDS) after the administration of
intervals of between 5 and 15 s. There were between 50 and
caffeine in non-sleep-deprived individuals. As the JDS has
64 such stimuli presented per session. To ensure equal
been shown to be sensitive to changes in drowsiness/
samples per participant and session, only the last 50
alertness due to sleep deprivation, it was expected to be
reaction times in each session for each participant were
effected by caffeine. Reaction times from a vigilance test
and self reports of sleepiness were measured to support the
Test sessions were scheduled at baseline (approximately
validity of any changes observed in the oculography based
9 am) and then at 30, 60, 120, 180, and 240 min after
JDS. These measures were also expected to be effected by
administration of either 200 mg of caffeine or a placebo.
caffeine and to change in a similar manor to the JDS scores.
Participants and experimenter were blind to which capsulewas being administered. The order of administration wascounterbalanced, with half the participants taking caffeine
on their first experimental day and the other taking theplacebo. Once participants began the experimental day they
Twelve participants (M/F=5/7) with a mean age of 22 years
were allowed to eat only apples and dry biscuits and to
(SD = 4.0, range 18-29 years) were involved in the
drink only water. They passed the time between testing
experiment. The study was approved by the Swinburne
sessions by reading and doing other quiet activities.
University Human Research Ethics Committee, and all
Whilst participants performed the JTV, their eye and
participants provided written informed consent. They
eyelid movements were monitored by infrared reflectance
attended two experimental days, which were separated by
oculography (Optalert™; Johns et al. ). This system
measures the relative velocity of the eyelids opening and
( p=0.07 and 0.15; see Fig. The order effect was not
closing and the total duration of blinks through infrared
significant [F(1, 557)=0.03, p=0.87].
transducers positioned towards the eye. Previous studies
Reaction times were significantly effected by drug
have determined these to be important variables, which
[F(1, 7181)=138.6, p=0.00], subject [F(11, 7181)=83.6,
change from when a participant is alert and performing well
p=0.00], and order [F(1, 7181)=5.3, p=0.02]. Post hoc
to when they are drowsy and suffering performance
dependent t tests showed that reaction times were not
decrement (Johns ; Johns et al. ). These variables
significantly different between the drug conditions at the
are combined to produce a drowsiness score from 0 to 10
baseline session (p=0.73). Reaction times were signifi-
(JDS) each minute. The JDS is based on a weighted
cantly shorter after caffeine than after placebo at all other
combination of the aforementioned ocular variables and is
testing times (p=0.00; see Fig. ). The time effect was not
also sensitive to drowsiness (Johns et al. ; Johns et al.
significant [F(5, 7181)=1.1, p=0.34].
). In the present study, the Optalert™ system calcu-
KSS scores were found to differ significantly between
lated JDS values automatically; however, description of the
participants [F(11, 125)=16.4, p=0.00] and between drug
method used to determine JDS scores is available in Johns
conditions [F(1, 125)=12.1, p=0.00]. Post hoc dependent
et al. (As this system is self calibrating, it can take
t tests showed significantly lower sleepiness 30 min after
about 4 or 5 min at the beginning to produce JDS scores. In
taking caffeine compared with placebo (p=0.00) but not at
this study, the minimum number of JDS scores was four in
any other testing times ( p>0.05; see Fig.
any one 10-min session. Only the last four JDS values persession were analyzed to ensure equal samples per personand session. Participants also rated their sleepiness after
each JTV on the modified Karolinska Sleepiness Scale(KSS; Akerstedt and Gilberg
Overall, the results indicate that despite the participants
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed
being rested, their alertness was increased and their
separately for reaction times, JDS and KSS scores, with
performance enhanced by the administration of caffeine.
the main effects being drug (caffeine vs placebo), time
As expected, the JDS scores were significantly reduced
(time after taking capsule), order (first vs second experi-
when the participants had consumed caffeine compared
mental day), and participants. Post hoc dependent t tests
with a placebo. This effect was evident at 30 min and
were performed for significant main effects for drug at each
persisted for almost 3 h, which is consistent with the known
pharmacokinetics of caffeine (Arnaud Liguori et al. ; Van Deventer et al. ).
Also as expected, the changes in JDS were similar to the
changes observed in reaction times. Reaction times weresignificantly shorter after caffeine administration compared
Only six of the 12 participants rated themselves as regular
with placebo at each of the time intervals. Interestingly,
users of caffeine. The average daily caffeine intake across
reaction times remained rather stable from 60 min onwards
all participants was 66 mg per day (SD =72 mg).
in the caffeine condition and did not show any evidence of
Participants reported no caffeine consumption in the
increasing towards the latter sessions, as would be expected
specified time periods. Participants reported sleeping for7.5 h (SD=0.7 h) the night preceding an experimental day,with no differences in sleep duration between caffeine(M=7.3, SD=0.6) and placebo days [M=7.6, SD=0.8;F(1, 10)=2.07, p=0.18]. No differences in sleep durationoccurred with the order participants performed each session[F(1, 10)=1.07, p=0.33].
ANOVA revealed significant main effects on JDS scores
of drug [F(1, 557)=26.00, p=0.00], time [F(5, 557)=3.00,p=0.01], and subject [F(11, 557)=22.88, p=0.00]. Post hocdependent t tests showed that JDS scores were notsignificantly different at the baseline sessions ( p=0.27)between the two drug conditions. JDS was significantlylower at 30, 60, and 120 min after taking caffeine comparedto placebo ( p=0.00, 0.01, and 0.00 respectively). These
Fig. 1 Mean JDS scores after drug administration. All bars represent
differences were no longer significant at 180 and 240 min
the current study, the JDS, which is based on a combinationof variables including total blink duration and the velocityof eyelids opening and closing, changed with caffeineadministration. No other studies examining these ocularvariables are available; however, the current results are inline with trends towards, and significant increases, insaccade velocity with caffeine administration that have beenreported by others (Minzhong et al. ; Smith et al.
The changes in JDS in the current study, however, are in
contrast to most other previous research into ocularvariables, which have demonstrated no difference in pupildiameter, pupil contraction latency, and blink rate withcaffeine administration after sleep restriction or deprivation
Fig. 2 Mean reaction times after drug administration. All bars
possible explanation as to why others have not observedchanges in ocular variables after caffeine administration
if the reaction times paralleled the pharmacokinetic prop-
may be due to the sensitivity of the measures they used to
detect changes in alertness generally. Ocular variables such
The self-reported levels of sleepiness measured with the
as blink rate and saccade velocity have not proven very
KSS were not as sensitive to caffeine as the other variables.
effective in detecting changes in alertness/drowsiness
Self-rated sleepiness only showed significant differences
caused by sleep deprivation (Bocca and Denise ;
between drug conditions 30 min after capsule administra-
Caffier et al. and blink rate has also been shown to
tion. This may have been due to the ability of the KSS to
be largely effected by individual differences and task
detect small changes in arousal in relatively alert partic-
(Caffier et al. ; Stern et al. ), so it is not surprising
ipants and may be even due to the significant variability
that they have demonstrated limited or no changes after
caffeine administration. The Optalert™ system and JDS do
The current behavioral results are in line with those
not use such variables. A possible additional advantage of
found in the sleep-deprived state, which have shown
the JDS for detecting changes in alertness due to caffeine
vigilance and reaction times to improve after the adminis-
administration may be attributed to the use of several ocular
tration of caffeine, when compared to placebo (Bonnet et al.
; Patat et al. Wesensten et al. The reaction
Many researchers have indicated the importance of not just
time results here are also comparable with studies of alert
relying on one ocular variable to measure drowsiness
people showing improvements after caffeine administration
(Heitmann et al. ; Morris and Miller Van Orden
(Lorist et al. ; Smith et al. and summarized in
et al. ). It may be this combination of variables used to
generate the JDS that gives the measure more sensitivity to
Previous research regarding the effects of caffeine on
smaller changes in alertness than would individual measures
ocular variables is limited and generally finds no effect. In
such as blink rate or pupillary response. This study showsthat even when people are reporting hours of sleep at nightthat are considered to be adequate, their alertness levelsduring the day can still be improved by caffeine. It iscommonly believed that the only known direct effect ofcaffeine is on adenosine receptors (Fredholm ;Fredholm et al. ); however, it is possible that theindirect effects of caffeine also contributed to the effects seenhere on reaction times and JDS scores.
The current study involved participants that usually
ingested only small amounts of caffeine, if any. Thus, thedifferences in performance, JDS, and KSS seen betweencaffeine and placebo in this study are accredited to theeffects of caffeine on the CNS rather than reversal ofcaffeine withdrawal suggested to occur in habitual caffeineusers (James and Rogers As a consequence of using
Fig. 3 Mean KSS scores after drug administration. All bars representSEM
low or non-users of caffeine, the dose given to participants
was much higher than they would usually have in daily life.
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For the purpose of the current study, this dose illustrated the
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predicted relationships; however, the effects on JDS in
particular may be different with a smaller amount of
Beaumont M, Batejat D, Pierard C, Coste O, Doireau P, Van Beers P,
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Bocca ML, Denise P (2006) Total sleep deprivation effect on
current study only recorded sleep length for the night prior
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to each experimental day. Thus, it is possible that
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Medication Guide Read the Medication Guide that comes with Celexa before you start taking it and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This Medication Guide does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment. Talk with your healthcare provider if there is something you do not understand or want to learn more about. Wha
Actos y resoluciones con efectos sobre tercerosConvenio de transferencia de Recursos del Programa " Apoyo a las familias para el Autoconsumo 2013 , suscrito entre la Municipalidad de Curacavì y el Convenio de transferencia de recursos de programa de fortalecimiento municipal -Subsistema " Chile crece contigo 2013 " Convenio de colaboración para la " IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE