Gene expression analysis of mtor pathway: association with human longevity
Gene expression analysis of mTOR pathway: association withhuman longevity
Willemijn M. Passtoors,1 Marian Beekman,1,2 Joris Deelen,1,2
present in two distinct multiprotein complexes called mTOR complex 1
Ruud van der Breggen,1 Andrea B. Maier,3 Bruno Guigas,4
(mTORC1) and mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2), each with different
Evelyna Derhovanessian,5 Diana van Heemst,3 Anton J. M. de
functions (Polak & Hall, 2009), although their exact respective roles
Craen,3 David A. Gunn,6 Graham Pawelec5 and
remain to be elucidated. The main known functions of mTORC1 include
translation initiation, protein synthesis and autophagy, while those ofmTORC2 include cytoskeletal organization (Laplante & Sabatini, 2009).
1Section of Molecular Epidemiology, Leiden University Medical Center,
In addition, the two complexes are connected in that mTORC2 regulates
Leiden, The Netherlands2Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Ageing, Leiden, The Netherlands
Akt phosphorylation, part of an upstream pathway that controls
3Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Leiden University Medical
activation of mTORC1 (Stanfel et al., 2009). Inhibition of the mTOR
signalling pathway in yeast (Kaeberlein et al., 2005), worms (Vellai et al.,
4Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Center,
2003), flies (Kapahi et al., 2004) and mice (Harrison et al., 2009) results
in lifespan extension. In mouse models, inhibition of the mTOR signalling
5Center for Medical Research, University of Tu¨bingen, Tu¨bingen, Germany6
pathway provides cardiovascular benefits and improved metabolic
Unilever Discover, Colworth, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, UK
function (Stanfel et al., 2009). Additionally, a primary hallmark of
calorie restriction (CR) in rodents, which leads to inhibition of themTORC1 pathway, is a dramatic reduction in age-associated cancer
mTOR signalling is implicated in the development of disease andin lifespan extension in model organisms. This pathway has been
incidence and growth rate (Spindler, 2005), implying that enhancedmTOR signalling plays a central role in cancer progression. In rats, the
associated with human diseases such as diabetes and cancer, but
mTOR pathway has also been implicated in both Type 1 and Type 2
has not been investigated for its impact on longevity per se. Here,we investigated whether transcriptional variation within the
diabetes, with chronic activity of mTORC1 contributing to obesity andinsulin insensitivity (Newgard et al., 2009). Because reduced mTOR
mTOR pathway is associated with human longevity using whole-
signalling in model organisms extends lifespan and is associated with
blood samples from the Leiden Longevity Study. This is a uniquecohort of Dutch families with extended survival across genera-
better metabolic health, we postulated that a similar reduction in this
tions, decreased morbidity and beneficial metabolic profiles in
signalling pathway may also contribute to longevity and healthy aging inhumans.
middle-age. By comparing mRNA levels of nonagenarians and
Thus far, mTOR signalling has been investigated in humans mainly by
middle-aged controls, the mTOR signalling gene set was found toassociate with old age (P = 4.6 3 10À7). Single gene analysis
studying disease. Its activity has been found to be elevated in differentcancers including lymphomas, melanomas, breast and prostate (Guertin
showed that seven of 40 mTOR pathway genes had a significant
& Sabatini, 2005; Stanfel et al., 2009). Elevated mTOR signalling in
differential expression of at least 5%. Of these, the RPTOR(Raptor) gene was found to be differentially expressed also when
human tumours is correlated with poor tumour prognosis, and inhibitorsof this pathway are showing promising results in clinical trials (Le et al.,
the offspring of nonagenarians was compared with their
2008; Strimpakos et al., 2008; Yap et al., 2008). Additionally, interme-
spouses, indicating association with familial longevity in mid-dle-age. This association was not explained by variation between
diate phenotype insulin resistance in human diabetes can be preventedby mTOR inhibitors (Krebs et al., 2007). Metformin, a commonly
the groups in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and cancer or
prescribed anti-diabetic drug which inhibits mTORC1 downstream
glucose levels. Thus, the mTOR pathway not only plays a role in
pathways through activation of AMP kinase, has also been shown to
the regulation of disease and aging in animal models, but also inhuman health and longevity.
reduce tumour growth (Dowling et al., 2007). Human CR studies usedas model for down-regulation of mTOR are much more short term in
Key words: aging; longevity; mTOR; human; gene expression.
comparison with animal studies, but nevertheless, CR may reduce therisk of age-related diseases even in non-obese humans (Fontana et al.,2004; Holloszy & Fontana, 2007). Thus, accumulating evidence is
showing that mTOR signalling can play an important role in human
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is an evolutionarily conserved
disease. In contrast, it has not been investigated whether natural
nutrient-sensing protein kinase that belongs to the phosphoinositide 3-
variation in mTOR signalling could also contribute to disease risk.
kinase (PI3K)-related protein kinase family and acts as a central regulator
Recently, we have identified 360 genes, the expression of which was
of growth and cell division (Stanfel et al., 2009). The core kinase mTOR is
associated with human longevity (Passtoors et al., 2012). MTOR (alsoknown as FRAP1) was among these, suggesting a role for the mTORsignalling pathway in human longevity. In the current study, weinvestigated whether common natural genetic and transcriptional
variation among the 40 genes of the mTOR pathway (Fig. 1) was
Professor Eline Slagboom, Department of Molecular Epidemiology, LeidenUniversity Medical Center, Postzone S-05-P, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden,
associated with human longevity. To do this, we took advantage of the
The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 71 526 9731; fax: +31 71 526 8280;
Leiden Longevity Study (LLS), a Dutch cohort in which families are
selected on the basis of nonagenarian sibling pairs (Schoenmaker et al.,2006). The middle-aged offspring of these nonagenarians have a
Accepted for publication 27 September 2012
Aging Cell ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
mTOR pathway in human longevity, W. M. Passtoors et al.
Fig. 1 mTOR signalling pathway of which genetic variation and expression of 40 genes are investigated for their association with human aging and longevity. mTORC1receives signals from growth factors, nutrients, energy status and a range of stressors and positively regulates cell growth and proliferation by promoting many anabolicprocesses, including biosynthesis of proteins, lipids and organelles, and by limiting catabolic processes such as autophagy (Sengupta et al., 2010). mTORC2 phosphorylatesand activates Akt, serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase (sGK), RhoA and protein kinase C (PKC), which regulate cell survival, cell cycle progression and cytoskeletonorganization (Sarbassov et al., 2005; Garcia-Martinez & Alessi, 2008; Ikenoue et al., 2008).
decreased prevalence of myocardial infarction and type 2 diabetes
First, we selected the two mTOR complexes mTORC1 and mTORC2
(Westendorp et al., 2009) and display healthier intrinsic metabolism
including their downstream targets often described in the literature
reflected by lipid profiles (Barzilai et al., 2001; Heijmans et al., 2006),
(Laplante & Sabatini, 2009; Polak & Hall, 2009). Next, we included the
glucose metabolism and preservation of insulin sensitivity (Rozing et al.,
direct activators and inhibitors of these two complexes. Figure 1 shows
2009; Wijsman et al., 2011) than age-matched controls. They also have
the mTOR pathway as we investigated.
different immune profiles in that they fail to show a lower number ofCD8+ naive T cells and a higher number of CD8+ late-stage
Gene expression in whole blood: nonagenarians vs. controls
differentiated memory cells dependent on cytomegalovirus infectionoften seen as a hallmark of immune aging (Derhovanessian et al.,
We measured gene expression levels for each of the 40 mTOR signalling
2010). To investigate whether expression of mTOR signalling genes is
genes using RT-qPCR on whole blood samples from 87 LLS nonagenar-
associated with familial longevity, we compared the levels of mRNA for
ians, 337 of their middle-aged offspring and 321 middle-aged LLS
these genes in peripheral blood of nonagenarians from families
controls (Table 1). When comparing long-lived individuals to younger
enriched for longevity and younger controls. In addition, genetic
controls differentially expressed genes may associate either with
variation in mTOR pathway genes of LLS nonagenarians is compared
calendar age, familial longevity or both. We tested the total gene set
with that of younger controls. Next, mRNA levels of the top longevity-
for such association using the globaltest method (Goeman & Oosting,
associated genes were compared between the offspring of the
2011). We observed that the gene expression levels of the mTOR
nonagenarians and similarly aged controls to exclude the possibility
signalling gene set did associate significantly with age and/or familial
that differential expression of these genes did not simply mark old age,
longevity in these families (P = 4.6 9 10À7).
but are a defining characteristic of the long-lived families in middle-age.
Second, to investigate which genes are primarily responsible for this
Finally, we examined whether the association of the expression of
association, single gene analysis using linear regression was performed
mTOR signalling genes with longevity is independent of metabolic
on all 40 mTOR signalling genes (Table 2). After Bonferroni correction
health parameters, namely plasma glucose levels, and the prevalence of
for multiple testing, seven genes showed significant differential
type 2 diabetes and cancer, because these factors are known
expression with at least a 5% expression difference: FOXO1 and RPTOR
characteristics of the long-lived families and are suggested to beinfluenced by mTOR signalling.
Table 1 Analysed samples: gene expression
For the mTOR pathway, we selected 40 genes encoding proteins that
belong to the well-described core of the mammalian mTOR pathway.
Aging Cell ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
26 mTOR pathway in human longevity, W. M. Passtoors et al.
Table 2 Linear regression results of gene expression of long-lived individuals
genes simultaneously in one test (P-value < 0.05 for significance)
(Supplementary Table S2). We observed a significant association ofgenetic variation in the mTOR pathway as a whole with familial
longevity (P = 0.009). However, the single gene analysis (of 40 SNP
sets), for which the significance level for P-values after Bonferronicorrection for multiple testing is 0.00125, did not result in significant
associations. (Supplementary Table S3), suggesting that effects of single
common variation in mTOR signalling genes on familial longevity is very
Gene expression in whole blood: offspring of nonagenarians
To investigate whether the differences in expression of the seven genes
differentially expressed between nonagenarians and controls are a
characteristic of the long-lived families and not just a marker of old age,
we compared their expression in the middle-aged offspring of nonage-
narians to the controls of similar age (Supplementary Table S5). While
the association for six genes was not significant after correction for
multiple testing, as compared to the controls, the offspring expressed
significantly less RPTOR mRNA (Table 3). Thus, in two generations, the
RPTOR gene expression was decreased as compared to controls. As
association of PRR5L was borderline significant and displayed the largest
effect size (FC = 0.74), we also included PRR5L for further follow-up in
this article Gene expression levels of PRR5L were increased in the
nonagenarians, but decreased in their offspring. The gene expression
differences between offspring and control groups may be due to
variation in gene expression level indeed or could (partially) be explained
by differences in between the groups in blood cell subsets or in disease
Relation of gene expression in whole blood with cell
Whole blood consists of several cell subtypes and subsets of differen-
tiated immune cells that may have different mRNA expression profiles.
To investigate whether the proportions of different blood cell types
could explain differential expression levels of RPTOR and PRRL5, the
comparisons between offspring and controls were corrected for the
relative counts of leucocytes, thrombocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes,
monocytes, basophils and eosinophils present in the whole blood
samples (see Experimental procedures). We observed that variationbetween cell counts in offspring and controls did not influence the
Significance level for P-value after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing is
associations of the gene expression with familial longevity.
0.00125. Genes significantly differentially expressed with at least 5% are depicted
Recently, an increasingly important role for mTOR in directing T-cell
activation and differentiation has become apparent (Derhovanessian
Mean, mean relative expression level; SD, standard deviation of relative expression
et al., 2010). We therefore examined whether the difference in expres-
level; FC, fold change, above one indicated higher expression in long-livedindividuals. P, raw P-value from linear regression model.
sion levels of RPTOR and PRR5L between offspring and partners isinfluenced by the level of T-cell differentiation reflected in the distribution
were expressed at a lower level, and EIF4EBP1, LAMTOR2, AKT1S1,
of different T-cell phenotypes. To this end, the frequency of nai¨ve
PRR5L and RHOA at a higher level in nonagenarians.
(CD45RA+ CCR7+ CD27+ CD28+), central memory (CD45RAÀCCR7+CD27+ CD28+), effector memory (CD45RAÀCCR7ÀCD27ÀCD28À)and late-stage differentiated (CD45RA+CCR7ÀCD27ÀCD28À) T cells
Genetic analysis: nonagenarians vs. controls
was assessed in 71 offspring and 73 controls. The largest effect was seen
Since we had GWAS data available in the LLS study, we analysed the
when correcting for the relative amount of effector memory T cells
set of GWAS-based SNPs within a 10-kb window around the 40 mTOR
present in this sample; it reduced the expression difference between
signalling genes for differences in variation between 417 unrelated
offspring and controls for PRR5L by about 60% (the beta changed from
nonagenarian participants and 476 younger controls from the LLS
À0.44 to À0.17, Supplementary Table S4). This indicated that differences
(Supplementary Table S1) (Deelen et al., 2011a). Using the PLINK set-
in the proportion of effector memory T cells in these groups explained
based test, we investigated 1,018 SNPs in the 40 mTOR signalling
about half of the differential gene expression effect for PRR5L. No
Aging Cell ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
mTOR pathway in human longevity, W. M. Passtoors et al.
middle-aged members of the longevity families as compared to similarly
Table 3 Linear regression results of gene expression of offspring compared withcontrols
aged controls. The significant differential expression of RPTOR andsuggestive differential PRR5L expression indicate that expression of these
genes may not just mark old age but familial longevity per se.
We also compared nonagenarians and controls in a genetic approach.
Variation in the mTOR gene set associated with longevity in the LLS due
to the joint contribution of small effects in several genes. This association
could not pinpoint the main effector genes or SNPs, so we conclude that
this finding must be replicated in much larger studies to test whether
genetic variation in the pathway and specific genes truly associate with
Decreased mTORC1 protein activity is associated with lower glucose
Significance level for P-value after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing is
levels and a lower prevalence of diabetes in humans (Liu et al., 2004;
0.00714. Genes significantly differentially expressed with at least 5% are depicted
Krebs et al., 2007), while impaired mTORC2 is associated with glucose
intolerance and insulin resistance (Lamming et al., 2012). The
Mean, mean relative expression level; SD, standard deviation of relative expression
offspring of the nonagenarian siblings in the LLS have a lower
level; FC, fold change, above one indicated higher expression in offspring of
prevalence of diabetes and lower glucose levels than similarly aged
nonagenarians; P, raw P-value from linear regression model.
controls. Since adjustment for glucose levels and excluding diabeticpatients provides similar associations, differences in the prevalence of
remarkable changes in effect size were found for RPTOR when correcting
type 2 diabetes or plasma glucose levels between offspring and
for the above-mentioned T-cell differentiation markers (Supplementary
controls did not explain the association of RPTOR and PRR5L mRNA
Our results could be explained if RPTOR gene expression in blood
marks familial longevity and metabolic health in middle-age and would
Association of gene expression in whole blood with disease
thus be an early marker of familial longevity. The altered gene expression
levels in the longevity family members may be the consequence of aging,
Since in the literature expression levels of mTOR pathway proteins have
or merely a trait shared by the long-lived families or may truly contribute
been implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (Newgard et al.,
to human longevity. In view of the findings in animal models (Vellai
2009) and progression of cancer (Guertin & Sabatini, 2005; Stanfel
et al., 2003; Kapahi et al., 2004; Kaeberlein et al., 2005; Harrison et al.,
et al., 2009) and since the prevalence of diabetes differed between LLS
2009), it is not unlikely that a familial and genetic background
offspring and controls (Westendorp et al., 2009), we tested whether
contributing to low mTORC1 signalling activity (and preservation of
RPTOR and PRR5L expression were simply marking differences in disease
low mTOR throughout life) contributes to metabolic health and an
prevalence. We therefore performed the same analysis between
extended life expectancy across species.
offspring and controls without known diabetics and cancer patients,
In our study, we found RPTOR, AKT1S1 and EIF4EBP1 to be associated
which yielded similar associations to those described above (Supple-
with old age and/or familial longevity, and the directions of association
indicate a transcriptional down-regulation of mTORC1. Even in middle-
Because glucose levels differed between offspring and controls
age, a down-regulation of RPTOR mRNA was associated with familial
(Supplementary Table S5), we investigated whether the mRNA differ-
longevity, providing another example of the highly conserved role mTOR
ences of RPTOR and PRR5L depended on glucose levels in non-diabetic
signalling has in lifespan regulation across different species.
participants. The association of familial longevity with RPTOR was not
Not only mTORC1, but also mTORC2 activity has been linked to
affected by adjustment for glucose levels, and the association with
health and lifespan. Rictor, an important component of mTORC2,
PRR5L expression gained significance (Supplementary Table S7). Thus,
contributes to glucose homeostasis in murine muscle tissue (Kumar
the expression level of the RPTOR gene in blood mark familial longevity
et al., 2008), TORC2 C. elegans mutants show modulation of lifespan
independent of the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and cancer and
by affecting feeding and metabolism of different diets (Soukas et al.,
glucose levels. Due to the influence of T-cell differentiation, glucose
2009), TORC2 is a mediator of proliferative and survival signals in
levels and diabetes prevalence on its gene expression, the association of
cancer cells (Fang et al., 2012) and a study in mouse embryonic
PRRL5 with familial longevity is more complex.
fibroblasts showed that mTORC2 regulates the TLR-mediated inflam-matory response via FoxO1 (Brown et al., 2011). In addition, PRR5L,
which is part of mTORC2, has been suggested to play a role inapoptosis in HeLa cells, but whether it is pro-apoptotic or anti-
By comparing mRNA levels in blood of nonagenarians and middle-aged
apoptotic remains unclear (Thedieck et al., 2007). Recently, Lamming
controls from the LLS, we found that the mTOR signalling gene is
et al. showed that disruption of mTORC2 can result in glucose
differentially expressed in old age. Single gene analysis showed that
intolerance and insulin resistance in rodents and may be relevant in
seven of 40 mTOR pathway genes had a significant differential
the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome (Lamming
expression of at least 5%, up to 1.81-fold. The expression of the genes
et al., 2012). Our results regarding the association of PRR5L, RHOA
EIF4EBP1, LAMTOR2, AKT1S1, PRR5L and RHOA were higher in
and FOXO1 with old age and/or familial longevity suggest a transcrip-
nonagenarians, whereas FOXO1 and RPTOR were lower. The directions
tional up-regulation of mTORC2, which would be in concordance with
of these differential gene expressions indicate separate effects on
these earlier findings in animal models. As we provide the first evidence
mTORC1 and mTORC2 complexes. Two of the seven differentially
that mTORC2 is beneficial for healthy aging in humans, further
expressed genes, RPTOR and PRR5L, were expressed to a lower level in
research is required to replicate these findings.
Aging Cell ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
28 mTOR pathway in human longevity, W. M. Passtoors et al.
We observed that PRR5L expression was higher in nonagenarians, but
lower in their offspring as compared to the controls. If expression of agene is associated with familial longevity in this population, we would
For the mTOR pathway, we selected 40 genes encoding proteins that
expect to find a similar direction in both long-lived nonagenarians as well
belong to the well-described core of the mammalian mTOR pathway.
as their offspring. Late-differentiated memory T-cells accumulate with
First, we selected the two mTOR complexes mTORC1 and mTORC2
age and this hallmark feature of immunosenescence is believed to
including their downstream targets often described in the literature
contribute to the weakened immune status in the elderly. It has also
(Laplante & Sabatini, 2009; Polak & Hall, 2009). Next, we included the
been shown that offspring of the long-lived nonagenarians have less
direct activators and inhibitors of these two complexes. Figure 1 shows
accumulation of these effector memory T cells in comparison with
the mTOR pathway as we investigated.
controls (Derhovanessian et al., 2010). Therefore, varying proportions ofT-cell subsets might influence observed PRR5L expression levels in the
different groups of the LLS. When testing for association with cellsubtype measurements in a subset of middle-aged LLS participants, we
Eighty-seven non-related long-lived siblings, 337 offspring and 321
found that PRR5L expression is positively associated with the amount of
partners belonging to 281 nuclear families were selected for the current
CCR7ÀCD45RAÀCD27ÀCD28À late-differentiated effector memory
study (Table 1 and Supplementary Table S5). These samples were
cells. Data on T-cell subset counts are not available for the LLS
randomly selected, but in such a way that age and gender were
nonagenarians, but Koch and colleagues showed the same subset of
balanced between the groups and age range was as large as possible.
effector memory cells to be increased in the elderly (Koch et al., 2008).
Additionally, individuals with outlying cell counts (beyond 3 SDs below
This may explain the higher PRR5L expression levels we found in the
or above the standard error of the mean) were excluded. This
nonagenarians, while lower amounts of effector memory cells (Derhov-
subpopulation is representative for the whole LLS regarding disease
anessian et al., 2010) and also lower PRR5L expression was found in the
prevalence and parameters involved in metabolic syndrome (Supple-
middle-aged offspring compared with controls. From this, we conclude
mentary Table S5) (Westendorp et al., 2009; Rozing et al., 2010). From
that PRR5L expression may be a marker for the differentiation state of T
these non-fasted individuals, peripheral blood was harvested using
cells, indicating a more late-differentiated T-cell compartment in
PAXgeneTM tubes (Qiagen, Venlo, the Netherlands). The tubes were
nonagenarians as compared to younger controls, but a less-differenti-
frozen and kept at À20 °C for ~3-5 years. After thawing at room
ated phenotype in the offspring in middle-age. The link between the
temperature for at least 2 h, total RNA was extracted from the
mTOR pathway and T-cell activation and differentiation is perhaps not
approximately 2.5 mL of peripheral blood in each tube following the
surprising when it is considered that rapamycin was first identified and
manufacturer's recommended protocol (PAXgene Blood RNA Kit Hand-
exploited as a T-cell-directed immunosuppressive agent in transplanta-
book, Qiagen, Venlo, the Netherlands). The quality and integrity of the
tion (Morath et al., 2007). The differential distribution of T-cell pheno-
total RNA was evaluated on the 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies,
types contributed approximately to 60% of the PRR5L effect, suggesting
Amstelveen, the Netherlands), and the concentration was measured
that PRR5L might have another role in longevity other than marking/
using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Wil-
influencing T-cell population subtypes; further research is required to
mington, DE, USA). Quality criteria included a 28S/18S ratio as measured
by the Bioanalyzer of at least 1.2, and a total RNA yield of at least 3 lg.
In conclusion, the expression level in blood of genes belonging to the
two mTOR complexes 1 and 2 associated with old age showing down-
and up-regulation in the long-lived respectively. RPTOR gene expressionwas further significantly associated with familial longevity in middle-age
For all 40 mTOR signalling genes, the suggested Taqman® assay
independent of glucose levels and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and
(Applied Biosystems, Bleiswijk, the Netherlands) was selected. Reverse
cancer. At the level of suggestive evidence, this was also the case for
transcription was performed with total RNA from blood of in total 790
PRRL5. These results suggest that the mTOR pathway may not only be
samples, which passed QC using the First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
involved in lifespan regulation in animal models, but also with the
according to the manufacturer's protocol (Roche Applied Science,
metabolic health and extended lifespan of human longevity families.
Almere, the Netherlands). cDNA was amplified using the DNA EngineTetrad® 2 Peltier Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad, Veenendaal, the Nether-lands). qPCR was then performed with the Taqman® method using the
BiomarkTM 48.48 and 96.96 Dynamic Arrays (Fluidigm, Amsterdam,the Netherlands). Relative gene expression of the BioMarkTM Array
data were calculated using the 2ÀDDCt method, in which Ct indicates
The individuals investigated in this study are participants of the LLS. The
cycle threshold, the fractional cycle number where the fluorescent
families participating in this study have at least two siblings with a
signal reaches the detection threshold (Livak & Schmittgen, 2001).
minimum age for men of 89 years and for women of 91 years
YKT6 was used as internal control and commercially available human
(Schoenmaker et al., 2006). The offspring of these long-lived individuals,
total reference RNA (Clontech Laboratories, Mountain View, CA, USA)
who have an increased potential to become long-lived individuals (30%
reduced standardized mortality rate) were also included. In addition, thepartners of the offspring were included as population controls of similar
age and environmental exposures as the offspring and as a youngcontrol group for the nonagenarian siblings. Blood samples were taken
The Globaltest methodology was designed to determine whether the
from all the participants. The LLS was approved by the Medical Ethical
common expression pattern of genes within a pre-defined set is
Committee of Leiden University Medical Centre, and all participants gave
significantly related to clinical outcome (Goeman et al., 2004; Goeman
et al., 2005). A generalized linear model is used to estimate a
Aging Cell ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
mTOR pathway in human longevity, W. M. Passtoors et al.
'Q-statistic' for each gene set, which describes the correlation between
several blood cell counts. In the whole blood samples of the participants,
gene expression profiles, X, and clinical outcomes, Y. The Q-statistic for a
the following cell subtypes were counted using the automated Siemens
gene set is the average of the Q-statistics for each gene in the set. The
ADVIA 1200 system (SMSD, Tarrytown, NY, USA) in the Leiden Medical
Globaltest method was used to perform geneset analysis comparing two
Diagnostical Center: leucocytes, thrombocytes, neutrophils, lympho-
groups of individuals (either nonagenarians vs. controls or offspring vs.
cytes, monocytes, basophils and eosinophils. Both longevity-associated
controls) including age (in offspring vs. controls only) and gender and
genes in middle-age were adjusted for each of these cell counts
their interaction as covariates. Global test package in R (Goeman &
separately when associating with familial longevity, which analysis is
Oosting, 2011) has been used to perform analyses.
Single gene analysis of gene expression data
Differences in expression level between long-lived siblings, their
Data on distribution of different T-cell subsets were generated in 71
offspring and the partners of their offspring were assessed using linear
offspring and 73 controls, of whom also gene expression data were
regression. In these analyses, expression level was the dependent
available, as described previously (Derhovanessian et al., 2010). Briefly,
variable and the two groups of individuals (either nonagenarians vs.
PBMCs viably cryopreserved with DMSO were thawed and treated
controls or offspring vs. controls) were included in the model as a
with human Ig, GAMUNEX (Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany) and
categorical variable together with age (in offspring vs. controls only),
ethidium monoazide (EMA) (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany). Cells
gender and their interaction as covariates. To take into account
were first stained indirectly for KLRG-1 using a primary antibody
dependencies within sibships, robust standard errors were used, that
kindly provided by Prof. Hans-Peter Pircher, Freiburg, Germany and a
is, the variance was computed from the between family variation.
P-values were also based on these robust standard errors. Analyses were
blocking with mouse serum (Chemicon/Millipore, Schwalbach, Ger-
performed using the software package STATA/SE 11.0 (DPC Software,
many), the following directly conjugated monoclonal antibodies were
added: CD3-PE (Calltag; Invitrogen), CD4- PerCP, CD8-allophycocya-nin-Cy7, CCR7-PE-Cy7 (BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany), CD27-allophycocyanin, CD45RA-Pacific Blue, CD28- Alexa Fluor 700, (Bio-
Sample and SNP collection for genetic association analysis
Legend, San Diego, CA, USA) and CD57-FITC (Immunotools, Freiburg,
The SNP set analysis was performed in the same manner as described in
Germany). After 20 min incubation on ice, cells were washed and
Deelen et al. (2011b). We used the genotype data of 417 unrelated
analysed immediately on an LSR II cytometer with FACSDiva software
long-lived individuals and 476 young controls from the LLS, typed with
(BD Biosciences). The spectral overlap between all channels was
Illumina HumanOmniExpress BeadChips (Supplementary Table S1). We
calculated automatically by the BD FACSDiva software, after measur-
removed SNPs with a SNP call rate <0.95, MAF < 0.01 or PHWE < 10À4 in
ing negative and single-colour controls. Data were analysed using
nonagenarian cases and controls and 1018 analysed SNPs within a 10-kb
FLOWJO software (Tree Star, Portland, OR, USA). For data analysis,
window around the 40 genes from the MTOR pathway (Fig. 1) using the
EMA-positive dead cells were excluded. T cells were characterized as
nai¨ve (CD45RA+CCR7+ CD27+ CD28+), central memory (CD45RAÀCCR7+ CD27+ CD28+), effector memory (CD45RAÀCCR7ÀCD27ÀCD28À) and 'terminally differentiated' effector memory (TEMRA;
CD45RA+ CCR7ÀCD27ÀCD28À) T cells according to previously
In the PLINK set-based test [-set-test,
published models (Koch et al., 2008).
purcell/plink (Purcell et al., 2007)], a SNP analysis of the pathway orgene SNP set is performed. For the SNP set, a mean SNP statistic
Association of gene expression with insulin-related
is calculated from the single SNP statistics of a maximum amount
(-setmax) of independent SNPs below a certain P-value threshold(-set-P). If SNPs are not independent, that is in case linkage
Since the mTOR pathway has been implicated in insulin-related
disequilibrium (r2) is above a certain threshold (-set-r2), the SNP with
phenotypes, their effect on the expression of the longevity-related
the lowest P-value in the single SNP analysis is selected. The same
genes was further investigated. Blood samples were taken at baseline
analysis is performed with a certain amount (-mperm) of simulated SNP
for the determination of non-fasted serum parameters. For the serum
sets in which the phenotype status of the individuals is permuted. An
measurements, the Hitachi Modular or the Cobas Integra 800, both
empirical P-value for the SNP set is computed by calculating the
from Roche, Almere, the Netherlands were applied. CVs of these
number of times the test statistic of the simulated SNP sets exceeds
measurements were all below 5%. Information on medical history was
that of the original SNP set. For the analysis in this study, the
requested from the participants' general practitioners. As described
parameters were set to -setP 0.05 -set-r2 0.5, -set-max 99 999 and
before, differences in expression level between offspring and controls
-mperm 10 000. Bonferroni correction for the pathway analysis is
were assessed using linear regression using the same model, but
not necessary as it contains just one test. When SNP sets were tested
excluding known Type 2 diabetes patients. The association of glucose
per gene (40 SNP sets), the significance level for P-values after
and insulin levels with expression levels of the seven longevity-
Bonferroni correction for multiple testing is 0.00125.
associated genes was also analysed using linear regression in controlsonly. To investigate the influence of glucose and insulin levels on theassociation with longevity of these seven genes, linear regression
between offspring and controls was performed again, including one of
To further investigate the candidate genes, their expression level was
again tested for association with familial longevity, but now adjusted for
Aging Cell ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
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Table S6 Linear regression results of gene expression of offspring compared
Westendorp RG, van Heemst D, Rozing MP, Frolich M, Mooijaart SP, Blauw GJ,
with controls, excluding diabetics and cancer patients.
Beekman M, Heijmans BT, de Craen AJ, Slagboom PE (2009) Nonagenariansiblings and their offspring display lower risk of mortality and morbidity than
Table S7 Linear regression results of gene expression of offspring compared
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with controls (without diabetics), including adjustments for glucose plasma
Aging Cell ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
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