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Microsoft word - march break registration form 2014 _francofun!_

FrancoFUN March Break Session Registration Form
Daily Drop-In = $55 per day
Directors: Caillie Cipriano (B. Ed.) and Sandra Smith (B. Ed.) I would like to register my child for the following days of the daily Camper Information:
March ____________________________________________, 2014 Last Name: ___________________________________________________
** If you would like to add additional days to the drop-in plan, the $55 fee First Name: ___________________________________________________
can be paid upon arrival to camp on that day. Grade: __________________________
Session(s) Fee: $______________ or Drop-in: _______ days x $55 *Open to students currently enrolled in Grades 5-8. Health Card #: ________________________________________________
Allergies: _____________________________________________________
** Cheques or cash are the only accepted form of payment and are payable to
FrancoFun Camp.
Additional Health Concerns: _____________________________________
Refund Policies
a) Payment in full must accompany the registration form for the dates/sessions
Dietary Restrictions: ___________________________________________
b) A full refund will be issued for cancellations prior to March 1st c) A refund of 50% will be issued for cancellations prior to March 8th Name: Phone: d) No refund will be issued for cancellations following March 15th Terms of Agreement
i) I agree to allow my child to participate in all camp activities, and in any supervised
trips or activities, on or off camp property. ii) I consent to having photos and videos taken of my child, for the purpose of camp *It is important that we are provided with a valid e-mail address as this will promotion both online and in printed text. be the primary form of communication. iii) I agree to release and indemnify "FrancoFUN Camp" from any claims for damages resulting from injury or accident sustained while at camp. iv) I give permission to "FrancoFUN Camp" to attain medical assistance and Alternate Pickup Authorization:
treatment for my child in the event of an emergency where the primary contact can In the event that I am not able to pick up my child she has my permission to leave v) "FrancoFUN Camp" does not assume any responsibility for lost, stolen or I would like to register my child for the following full-week session(s): I have read and consent to all the aforementioned terms of agreement and refund Guardian Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________ Session Fee = $275
**If you require extended care during a session (8am-5pm), the $50 weekly fee or $10 daily fee can be paid on the day that extended care is required. What is FrancoFUN all about?
March Break Session 2014
FrancoFUN is a hybrid program that offers in class instruction in the mornings, followed by fun camp activities in the afternoons. Information Package & Registration
The coolest thing about FrancoFUN… it's entirely in French! Our program caters to students of all skill levels. Whether you have done years of French Immersion or are new to the language, FrancoFUN is for you! In-class sessions will be spent reviewing knowledge from previous years, and introducing students to upcoming curriculum requirements. Afternoon activities will give campers a chance to put their French to the test in a variety of Established and run by qualified, experienced French teachers and What can I expect to do at FrancoFun?
A combination of school activities and camp fun for Grades 5-8
-experience French culture (music, movies, food) March 17th - March 21st
-go on hikes and scavenger hunts using French Hours: 9am-4pm
-practice for upcoming exams (Grade 7/8 students) Extended Hours: 8am-5pm
Camp Directors: Caillie Cipriano & Sandra Smith
What should I bring to camp each day?
Phone: (905) 271-3393
Email: francofuncamp@gmail.com
Webpage: www.mentorcollege.edu/index.php?pid=38

Source: http://www.mentorcollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/March-Break-Registration-Form-2014-_FrancoFUN_.pdf

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