
Dr. Füst György irodalomjegyzéke (1968-2010)
Impakt faktorral rendelkező, külföldön kiadott nemzetközi folyóiratokban megjelent
tudományos közlemények jegyzéke
1. M.J. Surján, G. Füst.: The control of cardiolipin and lecithin products with the 50 % hemolysis method. Z. Immun.-Forsch. 1346, 303, 1968. (impakt faktor: 1,576)
2. G. Füst, G. Fóris: Newer data on the role of complement system in toxicity of endotoxin. Experientia, 26, 1362, 1970. (impakt faktor: 1,580)
3. M. Surján, G. Füst, I. Balogh: Suphydryl sensivity of syphilitic antibodies and temperature dependence in complement fixation. Brit. J. Ven. Dis. 47, 87, 1971. (impakt faktor: 0,456)
4. G. Füst, S. Kósa: Antigenic relationship between the C4 inactivating substance produced by KB cell cultures and the first component of human complement (C1). Med. Microbiol.
Immunol. 157, 244, 1972. (impakt faktor: 1,082)
5. M. Surján, G. Füst: National Standard for human syphilitic serum and the use of International Unit in the routine work of syphilis serology. J. Biol. Standardization 1, 81, 1973. (impakt
faktor: 0,872)

6. G. Füst, G. Fóris: Role of complement system in the endotoxicity-enhancing and endotoxin- detoxifying effect of serum. Med Microbiol. Immunol. 159, 141, 1974. (impakt faktor:

7. G. Füst, Gy. Petrás, E. Ujhelyi: Activation of the complement system during infections due to Gram-negative bacteria. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. 5, 293, 1976. (impakt faktor:

8. G. Füst, A. Erdei, G. Sármay, G.A. Medgyesi, J. Gergely: Functionally active C1 on the surface of human peripheral lymphocytes: Its role in the complement-mediated inhibition of the Fc
receptor of B lymphocytes. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. 5, 377, 1976. (impakt faktor:

9. G. Füst, M. Cécsi-Nagy, G.A. Medgyesi, J. Kulics, J. Gergely: Study of the interaction between monoclonal IgM proteins and the complement system. Immunochemistry, 13, 793, 1976.
(impakt faktor: 1,946)

10. G. Füst, L. Bertók, S. Juhász-Nagy: Interactions of radiodetoxified Escheria coli endotoxin preparations with the complement system. Infect. Immunity 16, 26, 1977. (impakt faktor:

11. A. Erdei, G. Füst, G. Sármay, G.A. Medgyesi, J. Gergely: Studies on the mechanism of the complement-mediated inhibition of the Fc and C3 receptors of B lymphocytes. Clin.
Immunol. Immunopathol. 8, 367, 1977. (impakt faktor: 2,352)
12. G. Füst, G.A. Medgyesi, F. Franek: Complement consumption by immune complexes containing various pig anti-DNP antibodies and DNP-serum albumin. Immunochemistry,
14, 259, 1977. (impakt faktor: 1,946)
13. G. Füst, J. Székely, S. Gerő: Circulating immune complexes in vascular diseases. Lancet 1, 193, 1977. (impakt faktor: 15,871)
14. G.A. Medgyesi, G. Füst, J. Gergely, H. Bazin: Classes and subclasses of rat immunoglobulins: Interaction with the complement system and with staphylococcal protein
A. Immunochemistry 15, 125, 1978. (impakt faktor: 1,946)
15. G. Füst, É. Szondy, J., Székely, I. Nánai, S. Gerő: Studies on the occurrence of circulating immune complexes in vascular diseases. Atherosclerosis 29, 181, 1978. (impakt faktor:

16. J. Gergely, G. Füst, É. Rajnavölgyi, G.A. Medgyesi: The influence of immune complex composition on the triggering of the complement dependent complex elimination.
Panminerva med. 20, 1, 1978. (impakt faktor: 0,131)
17. G. Füst, G.A. Medgyesi, M. Csécsi-Nagy, É. Rajnavölgyi, J. Gergely: Factors influencing the in vitro interaction between immunoglobulins and isolated C1: a critical study. Immunology
34, 869, 1978. (impakt faktor: 2,952)
18. G.Gy. Petrányi, Gy. Györffy, M. Benczur, M. Varga, É. Gyódi, K. Ónody, Gy. Füst, I. Láng: Features genetics and in vivo importance of lymphocyte mediated natural cytotoxicity.
Panminerva med. 20, 71, 1978. (impakt faktor: 0,131)
19. É. Rajnavölgyi, G. Füst, J. Ember, G.A. Medgyesi, J. Gergely: Evidences proving the intercalation hypothesis of the C-mediated complex release activity (CRA). Immuno-
chemistry 15, 335, 1978. (impakt faktor: 1,946)
20. M. Sándor, G. Füst, G.A. Medgyesi, J. Gergely: Isolation and characterization of Fc-receptors shed from human peripheral mononuclear cells. Immunology 35, 559, 1978. (impakt
faktor: 2,952)

21. É. Szondy, M. Horváth, G. Füst, E. Ling, J. Fehér, S. Gerő: The effect of clofibrate and pyridinol carbamate on the circulating immune complexes and cellular immune response
in experimental atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis. 31, 251, 1978. (impakt faktor: 2,462)
22. G. Füst,.A. Medgyesi, É. Rajnavölgyi, M. Csécsi-Nagy, K. Czikora, J. Gergely: Possible mechanisms of the first step of the classical complement activation pathway: binding and
activation of C1. Immunology 35, 873, 1978. (impakt faktor: 2,942)
23. É. Rajnavölgyi, G. Füst, J. Kulics, J. Ember, G.A. Medgyesi, J. Gergely: The effect of immune complex composition on complement activation and complement dependent complex
release. Immunochemistry, 15, 887, 1978. (impakt faktor: 1,946)
24. F. Franek, M.A. Saber, J. Doskocil, J. Novotny, Gy. Füst: Non-antibody components in porcine anti-DNP antibody preparations obtained by affinity chromatography. Molec. Im-
munol. 16, 389, 1979. (impakt faktor: 1,946)
25. G. Füst, J.L. Molenear: Inhibition by nascent C3b of the immune complex binding to lymphocytes. Immunology Letts. 1, 61, 1979. (impakt faktor: 1,513)
26. M. Sándor, G. Füst, G.A. Medgyesi, A. Erdei, J. Gergely: The heterogeneity of Fc receptors on human peripheral mononuclear blood cells. Immunology 38, 553, 1979. (impakt
faktor: 2,952)

27. G.A. Medgyesi, G. Füst, J. Gergely, J.-C. Jaton: Activation of the classical complement pathway by homogeneous anti-SIII antibody bound to bivalent or trivalent oligosaccharide
antigens. Molec. Immunol. 16, 949, 1979. (impakt faktor: 1,946)
28. A. Erdei, G. Füst, G.A. Medgyesi, J. Gergely: Complement-dependent inhibition of Fc receptors on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells: inhibition of the binding of
aggregated IgG, soluble and particulate immune complexes. Immunology Letts. 1, --224,
1980. (impakt faktor: 1,513)
29. G. Füst, G.A. Medgyesi, H. Bazin, J. Gergely: Differences in the ability of rat IgG subclasses to consume complement in homologous and heterologous serum. Immunology Letts. 1,
249, 1980. (impakt faktor: 1,513)
30. A. Mód, G. Füst, S.R. Hollán: Presence of C1 in immune complexes precipitated from sera of leukaemic patients by polyethylene glycol. Immunology Letts. 2, 91, 1980. 31. M. Sándor, L.I. Horváth, Cs. Bagyinka, A. Erdei, G. Füst, J. Gergely: Effect of binding of C3 and its fragments on the plasma membrane fluidity of lymphocyte. Immunology Letts. 2,
115, 1980. (impakt faktor: 1,513)
32. A. Mód, G. Füst, E. Puskás, S.R. Hollán: Circulating immune complexes and phagocytosis in acute leukaemia. Clin. lab. Haemat. 2, 293, 1980. (impakt faktor: 0,469)
33. G. Füst, M. Kávai, Gy. Szegedi, K. Merétey, A. Falus, Á. Lenkey, M. Misz: Evaluation of different methods for detecting circulating immune complexes. An inter-laboratory study.
J. Immunol. Methods 38, 281, 1980. (impakt faktor: 1,837)
34. G.A. Medgyesi, K. Miklós, J. Kulics, G. Füst, J. Gergely, H. Bazin: Classes and subclasses of rat antibodies: reaction with the antigen and interaction of the complex with the
complement system. Immunology 43, 171, 1981. (impakt faktor: 2,952)
35. É. Szondy, Zs. Mezei, J. Székely, G. Füst, S. Gerő: Serial measurement of circulating immune complexes in patients with myocardial infarction. Brit. Heart J. 46, 93, 1981.
(impakt faktor: 1,792)
36. L. van Es, S.J. Smith, P.H. Schur, G. Hauptmann, W. Leskovar, P. Spath, G. Füst, P. Lachmann, U. Lother, R.A. Thomson, T.B.L. Kirkwood: International collaborative study of four candidate reference preparations for the antigenic and haemolytic measurement of human serum complement components. J. Biol. Standardization 9, 91, 1981. (impakt
faktor: 0,416)

37. A. Mód, G. Füst, J. Gergely, S.R. Hollán, M.P. Dierich: Alpha-1-antitrypsin-induced inhibition of complement-dependent phagocytosis. Immunobiology 158, 338, 1981. (impakt faktor:

38. Kávai, M., M. Sándor, Gy. Szegedi, G. Füst, J. Gergely: Effect of soluble immune complexes on Fc and C3 receptor-dependent phagocytosis by human monocytes. Immunology 44,
599, 1981. (impakt faktor: 2,952)
39. G. Füst, B. Fekete, I. Angyal, Á. Jakab, A. Pál, K. Merétey, A. Falus, K. Török, Gy. Szegedi, M. Kávai, É. Puskás, M. Csécsi-Nagy, T. Szabó, Á. Lenkey, M. Misz: Evaluation of
different methods for detecting circulating immune complexes. Studies in patients with
lung cancer. J. Immunol. Methods, 46, 259, 1981. (impakt faktor: 1,837)
40. K. Miklós, J. Kulics, F. Franek, G. Füst, J. Gergely: Complement-mediated fragmentation of soluble and insoluble immune complexes containing porcine anti-DNP antibodies. Mol.
Immunol. 19, 307, 1982. (impakt faktor: 1,946)
41. A.I. Farkas, G.A. Medgyesi, G.Füst, K. Miklós, J. Gergely: Immunogenicity of antigen complexed with antibody I. Role of different isotypes. Immunology 45, 483, 1982. (impakt
faktor: 2,952)

42. É. Puskás, G. Füst, I. Angyal, N. Chi-Phi, J. Gergely: Serial measurement of circulating immune complexes in healthy subjects. Immunol. Letts. 4, 223, 1982. (impakt faktor:

43. A. Dobozy, G. Füst, A.Sz. Kenderessy, J. Hunyadi, Zs. Fábry, N. Simon: Inhibitory effect of C3b on rosette formation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with mouse erythrocytes.
Clin.exp. Immunol. 49, 230, 1982. (impakt faktor: 2,142)
44. A. Mód, G. Füst, S.R. Hollán: Characterization of circulating immune complexes by nephelometry in acute leukaemia. Clin. Lab. Haematol. 4, 139, 1982. (impakt faktor:

45. Do quang Minh, E. Czink, A. Mód, G. Füst, S.R. Hollán: Serial complement measurements in patients with leukaemia. Clin. lab. Haematol. 5, 23, 1983. (impakt faktor: 0,469)
46. G. Fóris, B. Dezső, G.A. Medgyesi, G. Füst: Effect of angiotensin II on macrophage functions. Immunology 48, 529, 1983. (impakt faktor: 2,952)
47. G. Fóris, G. Füst, G.A. Medgyesi: The effect of oligopeptides on the C3b receptor-mediated functions of rat macrophages. Immunol. Letts. 6, 7, 1983. (impakt faktor: 1,513)
48. B. Fekete, Gy. Füst, A. Pál, I. Angyal, Á. Jakab, K. Merétey, A. Falus, K. Török, Gy. Szegedi, M. Kávai, É. Puskás, M. Csécsi-Nagy, T. Szabó, Á. Lenkey, M. Misz: Clinical correlates of
circulating immune complex levels in advanced lung cancer. Oncology 40, 106, 1983.
(impakt faktor: 1,156)

49. Do quang Minh, E. Czink, G. Füst, S.R. Hollán: Acquired C1-esterase inhibitor deficiency and recurrent herpes infection in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Diagn.
Immunol. 1, 68, 1983. (impakt faktor: 0,844)
50. A. Erdei, G. Füst, J. Gyenes, Zs. Fábry, J. Gergely: C3b acceptors on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells: characterization and functional role. Immunology 49, 423, 1983.
(impakt faktor: 2,952)
51. E. Koó, K.G. Fehér, T. Fehér, G. Füst: Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on hereditary angioedema. Klin Wochenschr. 61, 715, 1983. (impakt faktor: 0,857)
52. J. Kulics, E. Rajnavölgyi, G.Füst, J. Gergely: Interaction of C3 and C3b with immunoglobulin G. Mol. Immunol. 20, 805, 1983. (impakt faktor: 1,946)
53. N. Anh-Tuan, A. Falus, G. Füst, K. Merétey, G.A. Medgyesi, S.R. Hollán: Precipitability and composition of HBsAg-anti-HBs immune complexes formed in the presence of
complement. A model of circulating immune complex analysis. J. Immunol. Methods 64,
283, 1983. (impakt faktor: 1,837)
54. É. Szondy, M. Horváth, Zs. mezey, J. Székely, É. Lengyel, G. Füst, S. Gerő: Free and complexed anti-lipoprotein antibodies in vascular diseases. Atherosclerosis 49, 69, 1983.
(impakt faktor: 2,462)
55. N. Anh-Tuan, F.D. Tóth, B. Szabó, J. Kiss, A. Réthy, A. Falus, K. Merétey, A. Mód, G. Füst, L. Váczi, S.R. Hollán: Antibodies to primate retrovírus antigens in circulating immune
complexes of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia. Leukemia Res. 8, 863, 1984.
(impakt faktor: 1,293)
56. N. Anh-Tuan, A. Falus, G. Füst, K. Merétey, S.R. Hollán: Appearance of covalently bound antigen in immune complexes formed during the activation of complement. J. Immunol.
Methods 75, 257, 1984. (impakt faktor: 1,837)
57. É. Szondy, É. Lengyel, Zs. Mezey, G. Füst, S. Gerő: Occurrence of anti-low density lipoprotein antibodies and circulating immune complexes in aged subjects. Mechs.
Ageing. Dev. 29, 117, 1985. (impakt faktor: 1,411)
58. G.A. Medgyesi, G. Fóris, G. Füst, H. Bazin: Regulation of Fcu receptor-mediated functions of resident and provoked peritoneal macrophages. Immunobiol. 167, 293, 1984. (impakt
faktor: 1,576)

59. T. Hídvégi, G.K. Fehér, T. Fehér, É. Koó, G. Füst: Inhibition of the complement activation by an adrenal androgen dehydroepiandrosteron. Complement 1, 201-206, 1984. (impakt
faktor: 1,426)

60. Hollán, S.R., Füst G., Nagy, K., Horváth, A., Králl, G., Verebélyi, K., Ujhelyi, E., Varga, L., Mayer, M.M.: Immunological alterations in anti-HTLV III negative haemophiliacs and
homosexual men in Hungary. Immunology Letters 11, 305-310, 1985 (impakt faktor:

61. Hídvégi, T., Füst, G., Rajnavölgyi, É., Kulics, J., Gergely, J.: Non-covalently bound C3 enhances lysis of rabbit erythrocytes through the alternative pathway. Immunology 56,
735-741, 1985. (impakt faktor: 2,952)
62. G. Füst, E. Czink, D. Minh, Zs. Miszlay, L. Varga, S.R. Hollán: Depressed classical complement pathway activities in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Clin. exp. Immunol. 60,
489-495, 1985. (impakt faktor: 2,142)
63. Varga L., Dervaderics, M., Zsiray M., Kárpáthy J., Füst, G.: Granulocyte aggregating activity in sera of workers ,ewxposed to textile dust inhalation. Diagn. Immunol. 4, 140-144, 1986.
(impakt faktor: 0,844)

64. Füst, G., Miszlay, Zs., Czink, E., Varga, L., Pálóczi, K., Szegedi, Gy., Hollán S.R.: C1 and C4 abnormalities in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and their significance. Immunol. Letts. 14,
255-259, 1986/87. (impakt faktor: 1,513)
65. Varga L., Miszlay Zs., Czink E., Pálóczi K., Szegedi Gy., Füst Gy., Hollán Zs.: Study of the immune complex precipitation inhibiting capacity of sera of patients with chronic
lymphocytic leukaemia. Diagn. Clin. Imm. 5, 129-134, 1987. (impakt faktor: 0,844)
66. Epstein J. S., Grimley P. M., Prebble O., Füst Gy., Horváth A., Hollán Zs., Pearson G. R., Schneider A. L., Mayner R. E., Phelan, M. A., Wells M. A., Manischewitz J. F., Armstrong
G. R., Varga L., Ujhelyi E., Quinnan G. V. JR.: Absence of antibodies to human T-
lymphotropic virus type III in homosexual, hemophiliac, and heterosexual men in
Budapest, Hungary in 1983-84. J. Infect. Dis. 155, 134, 1987. (impakt faktor: 4,869)
67. Ujhelyi E., Füst Gy., Mihaleczky G., Králl G., Zimonyi I., Nagy K., Mayer V., Hollán Zs.: Studies of the sensitivity and reproducibility of commercial kits to detect antibodies to the
human immunodeficiency virus. Transfusion, 27, 210-212, 1987. (impakt faktor: 2,404)
68. Ujhelyi E., Onody K., Do Quang Minh, Sarkadi B., Füst Gy.: Enhancing effect of alpha interferon on the C2 synthesis by cultured human monocytes. Immunology Letters, 15 41,
1987. (impakt faktor: 2,952)
69. Ujhelyi E., Büki B., Salavecz V., Bánhegyi D., Horváth A., Füst Gy., Hollán Zs.: A simple method for detecting HIV antibodies hidden in circulating immune complexes. AIDS, 1,
161, 1987. (impakt faktor: 4,305)
70. Medgyesi, G.A., Kovás, J., Jenei, B., Füst, G, Merétey, K. Safety aspects of intravenous immunoglobulins. Immunol.Invest. 17, 121-133, 1988. (impakt faktor: 1,017)
71. Varga, L., Thiry, E., Füst, G. BSA-anti-BSA immune complexes formed in the presence of human complement do not bind to autologous red blood cells. Immunology 64, 381-384,
1988. (impakt faktor: 2,952)
72. Varga, L., Clas, F., Füst, G., Pálóczi, K., Szegedi, Gy., Loos, M., Hollán, S.R. Patients with CLL and hypocomplementaemia have an impaired serum bactericidal activity against the
Salmonella minnesota Re mutant. Complement 5, 40-45, 1988. (impakt faktor: 1,426)
73. Pálóczi, K., Ujhelyi, E., Illei, G., Füst, G., Szelényi, J., Szabó, J., Hollán, S.R.: HIV transmission from female to male at improperly protected sexual intercourse. Lancet, i, 65,
1988. (impakt faktor: 15,871)
74. E. Ujhelyi, G. Füst, M. Katonka, M. Héjjas, S.R. Hollán: Pitfalls in HIV serology: Reagent- dependent changes in sensitivity and specificity of ELISA kits. J.Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndromes 2, 208-211, 1989 (impakt faktor: 3,735)
75. Kramer, J., Gyódi, E., Füst, G.: Usefulness of densitometry in typing of human complement component C4. Immunogenetics, 29, 121-123, 1989. (impakt faktor: 3,540)
76. Kramer, J., Rajczy, K., Füst, G.: Low incidence of null alleles of the fourth component of complement (C4) in elderly people. Immunology Letts, 20, 83-85, 1989. (impakt faktor:

77. Hidvégi T., Ermolin G.A., Efremov E.E., Dikov M.M., Kurmanova L.V., Vnashenkova G.V., Merkulova M.V., Kókai M., Pánya A., Füst G.: FN-C1q and C1 INH C1r-C1s complexes
as indicators of complement activation in patients with CLL. Immunol.Letts. 22, 1-6, 1989.
(impakt faktor: 1,513)
78. Ujhelyi, E., Füst, G., Illei, G., Allam, S., Szelényi J., Hollán, S.R.: Effect of pepsin treatment on the HIV envelope and core antigens. AIDS 3, 383-387, 1989. (impakt faktor: 4,305)
79. Ujhelyi, E., Füst, G., Illei, G., Gyodi, E., Nagy, K., Toth, F.D., Büki, B., Dierich, M.P., Mayer, V., Gál, Gy., Makó, J., Hollán, S.R.: Different types of false positive anti-HIV reactions in
patients on haemodialysis. Immunol. Letts. 22, 35-40, 1989. (impakt faktor: 1,513)
80. Falus A., Fehér K.G., Walcz E., Brozik M., Füst G., Hidvégi T., Fehér T., Merétey K.: Hormonal regulation of complement biosynthesis in human cell lines - I. Androgens and
gamma-interferon stimulates the biosyntheis and gene expression of C1 inhibitor in
human cell lines U937 and HepG2. Mol.Immunol. 27, 191-195, 1990. (impakt faktor:

81. F.D. Tóth, J. Kiss, B. Szabó, G. Füst, E. Ujhelyi, S.R. Hollán, L. Váczi. Complement- dependent cytotoxicity of antibodies reactive with HIV-induced cell surface antigens in
HIV-carrying haemophiliacs. Acta virol. 33, 521, 1989. (impakt faktor: 0,438)
82. B. Szabó, F.D. Tóth, J. Kiss, E. Ujhelyi, G. Füst, A. Horváth, S.R. Hollán. Neutralizing antibodies and serum interferon levels in the different stages of HIV infection. Acta. Virol.
34, 164-170, 1990 (impakt faktor: 0,438)
83. Kramer J., Kassai, T., Tauszik, T., Füst, G.: Complement C2, C3, C4, and factor B allele distribution in the Gipsy population in Hungary. Immun. Letts. 24, 11-12, 1990. (impakt
faktor: 1,513)

84. E. Ujhelyi, J. Lange, J. Goudsmit, V. Salavecz, B. Büki, G. Füst, S.R. Hollán: Correlation of HIV core antigen, antibody and immune complex levels in sera of HIV-infected individuals.
AIDS, 4, 928-929, 1990 (impakt faktor: 4,305)
85. E. Ujhelyi, D. Fuchs, G. Králl, I. Zimonyi, S. Berkessy, S. Bujdosó, K. Pálóczi, R. Mihalik, G. Füst, H. Wachter, S.R. Hollán: Age-dependency of the progression of the-HIV-disease in
haemophiliacs; Predictive value of the T cell subset and neopterin measurements Immun.
Letts, 26, 67-74, 1990 (impakt faktor: 1,513)
86. T. Hidvégi, L. Varga, A. Falus, M. Kirschfink, M. Kókai, Nguyen Ahn Tuan, G. Füst: Differences in the complement activation induced by preformed and nascent immune
complexes. Complement and Inflammation, 8, 43-49, 1991 (impakt faktor: 1,426)
87. K. Pálóczi, E. Ujhelyi, D. Fuchs, R. Mihalik, D. Bánhegyi, S. Berkessy, V. Salavecz, H. Wachter, S.R. Hollán, G. Füst: Correlation of the percentage of activated, CD3+DR+
lymphocytes to serum neopterin level in HIV seropositíve hemophiliacs. Klin. Wochschr.,
69, 143-145, 1991 (impakt faktor: 0,857)
88. G. Füst, E. Ujhelyi, T. Hidvégi, K. Pálóczi, R. Mihalik, S. Hollán, K. Nagy, M. Kirschfink: The complement system in HIV disease. Immunol. Invest., 20, 231-241, 1991. (impakt faktor:

89. S.R. Hollán, E. Ujhelyi, K. Pálóczi, J. Szelényi, G. Illei, L. Medrano, D. Fuchs, L. István, J. Szabó, D. Bánhegyi, F. Várnai, A. Horváth, G.A. Medgyesi, G. Füst: Results of
longitudinal immunological surveillance of individuals directly or indirectly infected by a
single HIV seropositive donor. Transfusion Science, 11, 73-78, 1990 (impakt faktor:

90. Kramer J, Fülöp T, Rajczy K., Anh-Tuan N., G. Füst.A marked drop in the incidence of the null allele of B gene of the fourth component of complement (C4B*Q0) in elderly subjects:
C4B*Q0 as a probable negative selection factor for survival. Human Genetics, 86. 595-
598, 1991 (impakt faktor: 2,656)
91. Polay, A., Lakos, T., Füst, G., Kramer, J., Nguyen Ahn-Tuan, Kraszits, E., Medgyessy, I., Stenszky, V., Farid, N.R.: HLA-DR1 is associated with vitiligo. Immunology Letts, 27, 59-
62, 1991. (impakt faktor: 1,513)
92. L. Varga, C.A. Alper, Z. Zám, G. Füst: Decreased inhibition of immune precipitation by sera with the C2 B allotype. Clin.Immunol. Immunopathol., 59, 65-71, 1991. (impakt faktor:

93. D.Tóth, F., Szabó, B., Ujhelyi, E., Pálóczi, K., Horváth, A., Füst, G., Kiss, J., Bánhegyi, D., Hollán, S.R.: Neutralizing and complement-dependent enhancing antibodies in different
stages of HIV infection. AIDS 5, 263-268, 1991. (impakt faktor: 4,305)
94. Kálmán, B., Takács, K., Gyódi, É., Kramer, J., Füst, G., Tauszik, T., Guseo, A., Kuntár, L., Nagy, Cs., Pálffy, Gy., Petrányi, G.Gy.: Sclerosis multiplex in Gypsies. Acta Neurol.
Scand. 84, 181-185, 1991. (impakt faktor: 0,963)
95. G. Gyapay, B. Schmidt, M. Válay, A. Falus, Nguyen Anh-Tuan, A. Pánya, M. Kókai, K. Onody, A. Mód, G. Füst: Effect of Conditioned Media of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Blast
Cells on Complement Synthesis by Cultured Human Cells of Monocyte and Hepatocyte
Origin. Complement and Inflammation, 8, 370-377, 1991. (impakt faktor: 1,426)
96. Erdei, A., Füst, G., Gergely, J.: Complement and immune homeostasis. Immunology Today, 12, 332-337, 1991. (impakt faktor: 17,988)
97. Gregorek, H., KókaI, M., Hidvégi, T., Füst, G., Sabbouh, K., Madalinski, K.: Concentration of C1 inhibitor in sera of healthy blood donors as studied by immunoenzymatic assay.
Compl.Inflam, 8, 310-312, 1991. (impakt faktor: 1,426)
98. Schmidt, B., Gyapay, G., Válay, M., Füst, G.:Human Recombinant Macrophage Colony- Stimulating Factor (M-CSF) Increases C1-Esterase Inhibitor (C1-INH) Synthesis by
Human Monocytes. Immunology 74, 677-679, 1991 (impakt faktor: 2,952)
99. El Jarrah, F., Hidvégi, T., Ujhelyi, E., Gyapay, G., Salavecz, V., Origer, J-J., Hollán, S.R., Füst, G.: Complement activation decreases the ability of HIV transmembrane envelope
protein to bind to specific antibody. AIDS, 6, 1050-1051, 1992 (impakt faktor: 4,305)
100. Falus A., Füst G., Erdei A.: Complement research: biosynthesis, genetics, immunoregulatory role and clinical stidies. Immunology Today 13, A10-A12, 1992 (impakt faktor: 17,988)
101. Füst G.: HIV in Hungary. Immunology Today 13, A23-A24, 1992 (impakt faktor: 17,988)
102. Schmidtmayerova, H., Lackovicova, Stankova, M., Bruckova, M., Surovy, I., Ujhelyi, E.,
Füst, G., Mayer, V.: Virus neutralizing antibodies at different stages of the HIV disease:
Increased levels after azidothymidine treatment. Acta Virol. 36: 157-165, 1992. (impakt
faktor: 0,438)

103. Dierich, M.P., Ebenbichler, Ch., Marschang, P., Füst, G., Thielens, N., Arlaud, G.: HIV and human complement: Mechanisms of interaction and biological implications. Immunology
Today, 14, 435-440, 1993. (impakt faktor: 17,988)
104. Hidvégi, T., Prohászka, Z., Ujhelyi, E., Thielens, N.M., Dierich, M.P., Hampl, H., Arlaud, G.,. Nagy, K., Füst, G.: Studies on the mechanism of complement-mediated inhibition of
antibody binding to HIV gp41. Clin.exp.Immunol.,94, 490-493, 1993. (impakt faktor:

105. Füst, G., Tóth, F.D., Kiss, J., Ujhelyi, E., Nagy, I., Bánhegyi, D.: Neutralizing and enhancing antibodies measured in complement-restored serum samples from HIV-1-infected
individuals correlate with immunosuppression and disease. AIDS, 8, 603-609, 1994.
(impakt faktor: 4,305)
106. Kramer, J., Rajczy, K., Hegyi, L., Fülöp, T., Mohácsi, A., Mezei, Zs., Keltai, L., Blaskó, G., Ferenczy, E., Nguyen Anh-Tuan, Füst G.: C4B*Q0 allotype as risk factor for myocardial
infarction. Br.Med.J. 309, 313-314, 1994. (impakt faktor: 4,338)
107. D. Tóth, F., Süsal C., Ujhelyi, E., Bánhegyi, D., Kiss, J., Daniel, V., Nagy, I., Opelz, G., Füst, G.: Comparative study of antibodies that are associated with disease progression in HIV
disease. Imm.Letts. 41, 33-36, 1994. (impakt faktor: 1,513)
108. Varga, L., Czink, E., Miszlay, Zs., Pálóczi, K., Bányai, A., Füst, G.: Low activity of the classical complement pathway predicts short survival of patients with chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia. Clin.exp.Immunol., 99, 112, 1995 (impakt faktor:2,680)
109. Varga, L., Poros, A., Puskás, É., Pánya, A., Kramer, J., Gyódi, É., Füst, G.: Clinical significance of longitudinal complement measurements in bone marrow transplant
patients. Bone Marrow Transplantation., 15, 509-514, 1995 (impakt faktor: 2,234)
110. Stachowski, J., Kramer, J., Füst, G., Maciejewski, J., Baldamus, C., Petrányi, G.Gy.: Relationship between the reactivity to hepatitis B virus vaccination and the frequency of
MHC class I, II and III alleles in haemodialysis patients. Scand.J.Immunol. 42, 60-65,
1995 (impakt faktor: 1,894)
111. Prohászka, Z., Hidvégi, T., Ujhelyi, E., Stoiber, H., Dierich, M.P., Süsal, C., Füst, G.: Interaction of complement and specific antibodies with the external glycoprotein 120 of
HIV-1. Immunology 85, 184-189, 1995 (impakt faktor: 2,867)
112. Füst, G., Dierich, M.P., Hidvégi, T.: Role of humoral factors in the progression of HIV disease. Immunology Today, 16, 167, 1995 (impakt faktor: 19.590)
113. Hidvégi, T., Schmidt, B., Varga, L., Dervaderics, M., Lantos, Á., Gönczi, Sz., Barok, J., Kirschfink, M., Spath, P., Füst, G.: In vitro complement activation by ragweed allergen
extract in the sera of ragweed allergic and non-allergic persons. Immunol. Letts. 48, 65-
71, 1995. (impakt faktor: 1,241)
114. Németh, A., Szakmary, K., Kramer, J., Dinya, E., Pados, Gy., Fust, G., Huettinger, M.: Apolipoprotein E and complement C3 polymorphism and their role in the response to
Gemfibrozil and low fat cholesterol therapy. Eur.J.Clin.Chem.Biochem. 33, 799-804, 1995.
(impakt faktor: 0,956)
115. Hidvégi, T., Berrens, L., Varga, L., Maranon, F., Schmidt, B., Kirschfink, M., Füst G.: Comparative study of the complement-activating and specific IgE-binding properties of
ragweed pollen allergen. Clin.exp.Immunol. 108, 122-127, 1997. (impakt faktor: 2,546)
116. Prohászka, Z., Nemes, J., Hidvégi, T., Tóth, F.D., Kerekes, K., Erdei, A., Szabó, J., Thielens, N., Dierich, M.P., Spath, P., Ghebrehiwet, B., Hampl, H., Arlaud, G., Füst, G.:
Two parallel routes of the complement-mediated antibody-dependent enhancement of the
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection, AIDS, 11, 949-958, 1997. (impakt faktor:

117. Gönczi, Zs., Varga, L., Hidvégi, T., Schmidt, B., Pánya, A., Kókai, M., Füst, G.: The severity of clinical symptoms in ragweed-allergic patients is related to the extent of ragweed-
induced complement activation in their sera. Allergy, 52, 1110-1114, 1997 (impakt faktor:

118. Kramer J., Stachowski J, Barth C., Ujhelyi E., Tarján V., Sulowicz W., Füst G., Baldamus C.A.: Genetic regulation of the impaired immune response to hepatitis B vaccine
associated with low TCR density in end stage renal disease patients: contribution of
complement C4 and factor B alleles. Immun.Letts, 59, 13-19, 1997 (impakt faktor: 1,241)
119. Prohászka Z., Német K., Csermely P., Hudecz F., Mezô G., Füst. G.: Defensins purified from human granulocytes bind C1q and activate the classical complement pathway like
the transmembrane glucoprotein gp41 of HIV-1. Mol.Immunol., 34, 809-816, 1997 (impakt

120. Füst G.: Enhancing antibodies in HIV infection. A review. in "Survival of parasites, microbes and tumours: strategies for evasion, manipulation and exploitation of the immune
response. Supplement to Parasitology Volume 115 (1997) Edited by MJ Doenhoff and LH
Chappell, 115, S127-S140 (impakt faktor:1,808)
121. Prohászka Z., Thiel S., Ujhelyi E., Szlávik J., Bánhegyi D., Füst G.: Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) serum concentrations are dependent on the stage of disease in HIV infected
patients. Immun.Letts, 58, 171-175, 1997, (impakt faktor: 1,241)
122. Tarján V., Ujhelyi E., Kellner R., Králl G., Gyuris Á., Mihály I., Füst G.: Three cases of transient HIV-seropositivity observed in ten year practice of a national AIDS confirmatory
laboratory. AIDS, 12, 120-121, 1998, (impakt faktor: 5,227)
123. Prohászka Z., Bánhegyi D., Ujhelyi E., Karádi I., Füst G.: Antibodies against 60 kD heat shock proteins in human immunodeficiency vírus infection. In Stress of Life from
Molecules to Man (ed.:P.Csermely) Ann.N.Y Acad. Sci, 851:94-98, 1998 (impakt faktor:

124. Dervaderics, M., Hidvégi, T., Schmidt, B., Füst, G., Varga, L.: Ragweed allergy: correlation between skin reactivity and in vitro complement activation. Immunol.Letts. 64, 119-123,
1998. (impakt faktor: 1.096)
125. L. Bíró, Gy. Domján, A. Falus, L. Jakab, K. Cseh, L. Kalabay, G. Tarkovács, J. Kramer, Z. Prohászka, J. Jákó, G. Füst, A. Császár. Relationship among the levels of complement
components, acute phase proteins and some cytokines in patients with multiple myeloma.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 28:679-686, 1998. (impakt faktor: 1.693)
126. Z. Prohászka, G. Füst: Contribution of complement to defensin action in eye. The Lancet 352, 1152, 1998 (letter).(impakt faktor: 8.060)
127. Farkas H., Gyeney L., Nemesánszky E., Káldi G., Kukán F., Masszi I., Soós J., Bély M., Farkas E., Füst G., Varga L.: Coincidence of hereditary angioedema (HAE) with Crohn's
disease. Immunol. Invest. 28, 43-53, 1999 (impakt faktor: 0.787)
128. Prohászka Z., Daha MR, Süsal C, Daniel V, Szlávik J., Bánhegyi D, Nagy K, Várkonyi V, Horváth A, Ujhelyi E, Tóth FD, Uray K, Hudecz F, Füst G.: C1q autoantibodies in HIV
infection: Correlation to elevated levels of autoantibodies against 60-kDa heat-shock
proteins. Clin.Immunol. 90, 247-255, 1999 (impakt faktor: 1,891)
129. Z. Prohászka, J. Duba, G. Lakos, E. Kiss, L. Varga, L. Jánoskuti, A. Császár, I. Karadi, K. Nagy, M. Singh, L. Romics, and G. Füst: Antibodies against human hsp60 and
mycobacterial hsp65 differ in their antigen specificity and complement activating ability.
International Immunology 11, 1363-1370, 1999 (impakt faktor: 3.548)
130. Farkas, H., Gyeney L., Gidófalvy, F, Füst G., Varga, L.: The efficacy of short-term dnazol prophylaxis in hereditary angioedema patients undergoing maxillofacial and dental
procedures. J.Oral Maxillofac.Surg. 57, 404-408, 1999 (impakt faktor: 0.641)
131. Farkas, H., Csepregi, A., Nemesánszky, E., Pár, A., Gyeney, L., Varga, L., Füst, G.: Acquired angioedema associated with chronic hepatitis C. J.Allergy Clin.Immunol. 103,
711-712, 1999 (impakt faktor: 3,769)
132. Farkas H., Gyeney, L., Majthényi, P., Füst, G., Varga, L.: Angioedemea due to acquired C1-esterase inhibitor deficiency in a patient with Helicobacter pylori infection.
Z.Gasroenterol. 37, 513-518, 1999 (impakt faktor: 1,021)
133. Szabó J., Prohászka Z., Tóth F.D., Gyuris, Á., Segesdi, J., Bánhegyi, D., Ujhelyi E., Minárovits, J. Füst G. Strong correlation between the complement-mediated antibody-
dependent enehancement of HIV-1 infection and plasma viral load. AIDS 13, 1841-1849,
1999 (impakt faktor: 5,050)
134.Speth, C., Prohászka, Z., Mair, M., Stöckl, G., Zhu, X., Jöbst, B., Füst, G., Dierich M.P. A 60 kD heat-shock protein-like molecule interacts with the HIV transmembrane glycoprotein
gp41: Molecular Immunology 36, 619-628, 1999 (impakt faktor: 1,800)
135 Farkas H., Harmat G, Gyeney L., Füst G, Varga L. Danazol therapy for hereditary angiedema in children Lancet, 354, 1030-1032, 1999. (impakt faktor: 0)
136. Nagy G, Brózik M, Varga L, Füst G, Kirschfink M, Kiss E, Gergely P.: Usefulness of detection of complement activation products in evaluating SLE activity. Lupus 9, 19-25,
2000. (impakt faktor: 2,514)
137. Bíró L, Varga L, Pár A, Nemesánszky E, Csepregi A, Telegdy L, Ibráni E, Dávid K, Horváth G, Szentgyörgyi L, Nagy I, Dalmi L, Abonyi M, Füst G, Horányi M: Changes in the acute
phase complement component and IL-6 levels in patients with chronic hepatitis C
receiving interferon α-2b. Immunology Letters 72, 69-74, 2000 (impakt faktor: 1,546)
138. Kramer J, Harcos P, Prohászka Z, Horváth L, Karádi I, Singh M, Császár A, Romics L, Füst G: Frequencies of certain complement protein alleles and serum levels of anti-heat-shock
protein antibodies in cerebrovascular diseases. Stroke 31, 2648-2652, 2000.( impakt
faktor: 6,008)

139. Bíró L, Varga L, Pár A, Nemesánszky E, Telegdy L, Ibrányi E, Dávid K, Horváth G, Szentgyörgyi L, Nagy I, Dalmi L, Abonyi M, Füst G, Horányi M, Csepregi A: C5b-9 and
interleukin-6 in chronic hepatitis C. Surrogate markers predicting short-term response to
interferon alpha-2b. Sc. J. Gatroenterol. 35, 1092-1096, 2000. (impakt faktor: 1,842)
140. Horváth L, Czirják L, Fekete B, Jakab L, Prohászka Z, Cervenák L, Romics L, Singh M, Daha M.R., Füst G.: Levels of antibodies against C1q and 60 kDa family of heat shock
proteins in the sera of patients with various autoimmune diseases, Immmunology Letters
75, 103-109, 2001. (impakt faktor: 1,546)
141. Z Prohászka, J Duba, L Horváth, A Császár, I Karádi, A Szebeni, M Singh, B Fekete, L Romics, G Füst: Comparative study on antibodies to human and bacterial 60 kD heat
shock proteins in a large cohort of patients with coronary heart disease and healthy
subjects. Eur.J.Clin.Invest. 31, 285-292, 2001 ((impakt faktor: 2,071).
142. K Burian, Z Kis, D Virok, V Endresz, Z Prohaszka, J Duba, K Berencsi, K Boda, L Romics, G Fust, E Gonczol: Independent and Joint Effects of Antibodies to Human Heat-Shock
Protein 60 and Chlamydia pneumoniae Infection in the Development of Coronary
Atherosclerosis. Circulation 103, 1503-1508, 2001 (impakt faktor: 10,893)
143. A Horváth, G. Füst, I. Horváth, G. Vallus, J. Duba, P. Harcos, Z. Prohászka, É. Rajnavölgyi, L. Jánsokuti, M.Kovács, A. Császár, L. Romics, I. Karádi.: Anti-cholesterol antibodies in
patients with different atherosclerotic vascular diseases and healthy individuals.
Characterization of human ACHA. Atherosclerosis 156, 185-192, 2001 (impakt faktor:
144. J Szabó, L Cervenák, F D Tóth, Z Prohászka, L Horváth, K Kerekes, Z Beck, A Bácsi, A Erdei, EIB Reerschke, G Füst, B Ghebrehiwet: Soluble gC1q-R/p33, a cell protein that
binds to the globular "heads" of C1q, effectively inhibits the growth of HIV-1 strains in cell
cultures. Clin. Immunol. 99, 222-231, 2001.( impakt faktor: 2,377)
145. Á Kalina, A. Császár, G. Füst, B. Nagy, Cs. Szalai, I. Karádi, J. Duba, Z. Prohászka, L. Horváth, H. Dieplinger. The association of serum lipoprotein levels, apolipoprotien size and (TTTA)n polymorphism with coronary heart disease. Clinica Chimica Acta 309, 45-51, 2001 (impakt faktor: 1,041)
146. G Nagy, A Horváth, G Füst, L. Romics, P.Gergely, I Karádi: Anticholesterol antibody levels in patients with sytemic lupus erythematosus Ann Rheum Dis 60, 722-723, 2001 (impakt
faktor: 2,444)

147. A Horváth, D Bánhegyi, A. Bíró, E. Ujhelyi, A. Veres, L.Horváth, Z. Prohászka, A. Bácsi, V. Tarján, L. Romics, I. Horváth, F. D. Tóth, G. Füst, I. Karádi: High Level of anticholesterol
antibodies (ACHA) in HIV patients. Normalization of serum ACHA concentration after
introduction of HAART. Immunobiology 203, 756, 2001 (impakt faktor: 2,416).
148. L. Horváth, L. Czirják, B.Fekete, L.Jakab, T. Pozsonyi, L. Kalabay, L. Romics, K. Miklós, L. Varga, Z. Prohászka, A. Szakács, E. Nagy, M.R. Daha, G.Füst: High levels of antibodies
against C1q are associated with the disease activity and nephritis but not with other organ
manifestations in SLE patients. Clin. Exp.Rheumatol., 19, 667-672, 2001.( impakt faktor:

149 Császár A., Duba J., Melegh B., Kramer J., Szalai Cs., Prohászka Z., Karádi I., Kovács M., Méhes K., Romics L., Füst G.: Increased frequency of the C3*F allele and the Leiden
mutation of coagulation factor V in patients with severe coronary heart disease who
survived myocardial infarction. Exp. Clin. Immunogenetics 18, 206-212, 2001 (impakt
faktor: 2,400)

150. H. Farkas, G. Füst, B. Fekete, I. Karádi, L. Varga: Eradication of Helicobacter pylori and improvement of hereditary angioneurotic oedema. Research Letter. Lancet 358, 1695-
1696, 2001 (impakt faktor: 10,232)
151. Cs. Szalai, G. Füst, J Duba, J Kramer, L Romics, Z Prohászka, A. Császár: Association of polymorphisms and allelic combinations in the tumour necrosis.α-complement MHC region with coronary artery disease. J. Med. Genet. 39: 46-51 2002. (impakt faktor:

152. Z. Prohászka, M. Singh, K. Nagy, E. Kiss, G. Lakos, J. Duba, G. Füst: Heat shock protein 70 is a potent activator of the human complement system Cell Stress and Chaperones 7, 17-
22, 2002 (impakt faktor: 3,436)
153. Veres A., Prohászka Z., Kilpinen S., Singh M., Füst G., Hurme M.: The promoter polymorhism of the IL-6 gene is associated with levels of antibodies to 60-kDa heat-shock
proteins. Immunogenetics 53, 851-856, 2002 (impakt faktor: 2,142)
154. Kalabay L., Jakab L., Prohászka Z., Füst G., Benkö Zs., Telegdy L., Lörincz Zs., Závodszky P., Arnaud P, Fekete B.: Human fetuin/α2HS-glycoprotein level as a novel indicator of
liver cell function and short-term mortality in patients with liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Eur. J. Gastrenterol. Hepatol. 14, 1-6, 2002. (impakt faktor: 1,142)
155. Bene L., Füst G., Huszti Z., Hernádi Zs., Fekete B., Mészáros M., Veres A., Kovács Á., Miklós K., Sing M., Romics L., Prohászka Z.: Impaired humoral immune rsponse against
mycobacterial 65-kDa heat shock protein (HSP65) in patients with inflammatory bowel
disease. Di. Dis. Sci, 2002, (impakt faktor: 1,516)
156. L. Horváth, L. Cervenak, M. Oroszlán, Z. Prohászka, K. Uray, F. Hudecz, É. Baranyi, L. Madácsy, M. Singh, L. Romics G. Füst a,b and P. Pánczél. Antibodies against different
epitopes of heat-shock protein 60 in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus, Immunology
Letters, 80, 151-154, 2002 (impakt faktor: 1,546)
157. Veres A., Szamosi T, Ablonczy M, Szamosi T.Jr., Singh M, Karádi I, Romics L, Füst G, Prohászka Z.: Complement activating antibodies against the human 60 kDa heat shock
protein as a new independent family risk factor of coronary heart disease. Eur. J. Clin.
Invest. 32, 405-410, 2002. (impakt faktor: 2,255)
158. L Kalabay, B Fekete, L Czirják, L Horváth, M R. Daha, A Veres, G Fónyad, A Horváth, Á Viczián, M Singh, I Hoffer, G Füst, L Romics Z. Prohászka: Helicobacter pylori Infection in
Connective Tissue Disorders is Associated with High Levels of Antibodies to
Mycobacterial hsp65 but not to Human hsp60. Helicobacter 7, 250-256, 2002. (impakt
faktor: 2,737)

159. M Dervaderics, G Füst, M Ótos, J. Barok, G Pataky: Differences in the Sensitisation to ragweed pollen and occurrence of late Summer allergic symptoms between native and
immigrant workers of the nuclear power plant of Hungary. Immunol. Invest. 31, 29-40,
2002. (impakt faktor: 1,190)
160. L Kalabay, L Jakab, Z Prohászka, G Füst, Zs Benkö, L Telegdy, P Závodszky, P Arnaud, B Fekete: Human fetuin/α2HS-glycoprotein level as a novel indicator of liver cell function
and short-term mortality in patients with liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Eur. J.
Gastroenterol and Hepatol 14, 1-6, 2002. (impakt faktor: 1,580)
161. L Horváth, A Császár, A Falus, H Dieplinger, A Horváth, É Puskás, G Halm, A Bányai, K Pálóczi, E László, L Kalabay, L Romics, G Füst: IL-6 and lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)]
concentrations are related only in patients with high apo(a) isoforms in monoclonal
gammopathy. Cytokine, 18, 340-343, 2002 (impakt faktor: 1,992)
162. Kerényi Á, Gy Nagy, A Veres, L Varga, Á Füst, A Nagymihály, N Czumbel, I Süveges, G. Füst: C1r-C1s-C1-inhibitor (C1rs-C1inh) complex measurements in tears of patients
before and after penetrating keratoplasty. Current Eye Research 24, 99-104, 2002.
(impakt faktor: 1,300)
163. S Rugonfalvi-Kiss, V Endrész, H O. Madsen, K Burián, J Duba, Z Prohászka, I Karádi, L Romics, É Gönczöl, G Füst, P Garred: Association of Chlamydia pneumoniae With
Coronary Artery Disease and Its Progression Is Dependent on the Modifying Effect of
Mannose-Binding Lectin. Circulation 106, 1071-1076, 2002 (impakt faktor: 10,517)
164. Vatay Á, Rajczy K, Pozsonyi É, Hosszúfalusi N, Prohászka Z, Füst G, Karádi I, Szalai Cs, Grósz A, Bártfai Z, Pánczél P: Differences in the genetivc background of latent
autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) and type 1 diabetes mellitus. Immunol. Letters 84,
109-115, 2002. (impakt faktor: 2,009)
165 J Kocsis, A Veres, Á Vatay, J Duba, I Karádi, G Füst, Z Prohászka: Antibodies against the human heat shock protein hsp70 in patients with severe coronary artery disease.
Immunol. Invest 31, 219-231, 2002 (impakt faktor: 1,190)
166. A Veres, G Füst, M Smieja, M McQueen, A Horváth, Qilong Yi, A Bíró, J Pogue, L Romics, I Karádi, M Singh, J Gnarpe, Z Prohászka, S Yusuf for the Heart Outcomes Prevention
Evaluation (HOPE) Study Investigators: Relationship of Anti-60 kDa Heat Shock Protein
and Anti-Cholesterol Antibodies to Cardiovascular Events, Circulation 106, 2775-2780,
2002. (impakt faktor: 10,517)
167. Hosszúfalusi N, Vatay Á, Rajczy K, Prohászka Z, Pozsonyi É, Horváth L, Grósz A, Gerő L, Madácsy L, Romics L, Karádi I, Füst G., Pánczél P.: Similar genetic features and different
islet cell autoantibody pattern of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) compared
with adult-onset type 1 diabetes with rapid progression. Diabetes Care 26, 452-457, 2003
(impakt faktor: 5,477)
168. L. Varga, K. Szilágyi, Zs. Lőrincz, L. Berrens, S. Thiel, P. Závodszky, M.R. Daha, N.M. Thielens, G.J. Arlaud, K. Nagy, P. Spath, G. Füst. Studies on the mechanisms of allergen-
induced activation of the classical and lectin pathways of complement Mol. Immunol. 39,
839-846, 2003 (impakt faktor: 2,414)
169. Yu, C.Y., Chung, E.K., Yang, Y., Blanchong, C.A., Jacobsen, N., Saxena,K., Yang, Z., Miller, W., Varga, L., and Fust,G. Dancing with complement C4 and the RP-C4-CYP21-
TNX (RCCX) modules of the major histocompatibility complex. Progr. Nucl. Acid Res.
Mol. Biol. 75: 217-292, 2003. (impakt faktor: 4,839)
170. Farkas H, Harmat G, Füst G, Varga L, Visy B.: Clinical management of hereditary angio- edema in children Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 13, 153-151, 2002 (impakt faktor:

171. Vatay A, Bene L, Kovacs A, Prohaszka Z, Szalai C, Romics L, Fekete B, Karadi I, Fust: Relationship between the tumor necrosis factor alpha polymorphism and the serum C-
reactive protein levels in inflammatory bowel disease. Immunogenetics. 2003 55:247-52.
(impakt faktor: 2.475)
172 Vatay A, Yang Y, Chung EK, Zhou B, Blanchong CA, Kovacs M, Karadi I, Fust G, Romics L L, Varga L, Yu CY, Szalai C. : Relationship between complement components C4A and
C4B diversities and two TNFA promoter polymorphisms in two healthy Caucasian
populations. Hum Immunol. 2003 64:543-52. (impakt faktor: 2,573)
173. Biro A, Horvath A, Varga L, Nemesanszky E, Csepregi A, David K, Tolvaj G, Ibranyi E, Telegdy L, Par A, Romics L, Karadi I, Horanyi M, Gervain J, Ribiczey P, Csondes M, Fust
G.: Serum anti-cholesterol antibodies in chronic hepatitis-C patients during IFN-alpha-2b
treatment. Immunobiology, 207, 161-168, 2003. (impakt faktor: 1.319)
174. László Bene, George Füst, Béla Fekete, Ágota Kovács, Laura Horváth Zoltán Prohászka, Kata Miklós, Gábor Pálos, Mohamed Daha, Henriette Farkas and Lilian Varga: High
Normal Serum Levels of C3 and C1-inhibitor, Two Acute Phase Proteins Belonging to the
Complement System, Occur More Frequently in Patients with Crohn's Disease than in
Ulcerative Colitis. Dig. Dis. Sci. 2003 Jun;48(6):1186-92. (impakt faktor: 1.498)
175. Bakos N, Fekete B, Prohászka Z, Füst G, Kalabay L. High prevalence of IgG and IgA antibodies to 19-kDa Helicobacter pylori-associated lipoprotein in chronic urticaria.
Allergy. 2003 Jul;58(7):663-7 (impakt faktor: 3.666)
176. Bánhegyi D, Bácsi A, Tóth FD, Prohászka Z, Horváth A, Beck Z, Kónya J, Füst G. Significant decrease of the enhancement/neutralization index in HIV patients during highly
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Immunol Lett. 2003 Oct 9;89(1):25-30. (impakt
faktor: 1.847)

177. Kocsis Judit, Prohászka Zoltán, Bíró Adrienn, Füst George, and Bánhegyi Dénes. Elevated levels of antibodies against 70 kD heat shock proteins (Hsp70) in sera of patients with HIV
infection. J Med Virol. 2003 Dec;71(4):480-2., (impakt faktor: 2.629)
178. Yang Y, Chung EK, Zhou B, Blanchong CA, Yu CY, Fust G, Kovacs M, Vatay A, Szalai C, Karadi I, Varga L.: Diversity in intrinsic strengths of the human complement system: serum
c4 protein concentrations correlate with c4 gene size and polygenic variations, hemolytic
activities, and body mass index. J Immunol. 2003 Sep 1;171(5):2734-45 (impakt faktor:

179. Uray K, Hudecz F, Füst G, Prohászka Z. Comparative analysis of linear antibody epitopes on human and mycobacterial 60-kDa heat shock proteins using samples of healthy blood
donors. Int Immunol. 2003 Oct;15(10):1229-1236. (impakt faktor: 3.595)
180. Pandey JP, Prohaszka Z, Veres A, Fust G, Hurme M. Epistatic effects of genes encoding immunoglobulin GM allotypes and interleukin-6 on the production of autoantibodies to 60-
and 65-kDa heat-shock proteins. Genes Immun 5, 64-71, 2004 (impact factor: 3,060)
181. Szalai C, Keszei M, Duba J, Prohaszka Z, Kozma GT, Csaszar A, Balogh S, Almassy Z, Fust G, Czinner A. Polymorphism in the promoter region of the apolipoprotein A5 gene is
associated with an increased susceptibility for coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis.
2004 Mar;173(1):109-14. (impact factor: 3,603)
182. Prohaszka Z, Fust G. Immunological aspects of heat-shock proteins-the optimum stress of life. Mol Immunol. 2004 May;41(1):29-44 (impact factor: 2,827)
183. Quintana FJ, Buzas E, Prohaszka Z, Biro A, Kocsis J, Fust G, Falus A, Cohen IR. Knock-out of the histidine decarboxylase gene modifies the repertoire of natural autoantibodies. J
Autoimmun. 2004 Jun;22(4):297-305. (impact factor: 2,353)
184 Visy B, Fust G, Varga L, Szendei G, Takacs E, Karadi I, Fekete B, Harmat G, Farkas H. Sex hormones in hereditary angioneurotic oedema. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2004 Apr;60(4):508-
15. (impact factor: 2,767)
185. Arason GJ, Bodvarsson S, Sigurdarson ST, Sigurdsson G, Thorgeirsson G, Gudmundsson S, Kramer J, Fust G. An age-associated decrease in the frequency of C4B*Q0 indicates
that null alleles of complement may affect health or survival. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003
Dec;1010:496-9. (impact factor: 1,892)
186. Kalabay L, Nemesanszky E, Csepregi A, Pusztay M, David K, Horvath G, Ibranyi E, Telegdy L, Par A, Biro A, Fekete B, Gervain J, Horanyi M, Ribiczey P, Csondes M, Kleiber M,
Walentin S, Prohaszka Z, Fust G. Paradoxical alteration of acute-phase protein levels in
patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with IFN-alpha2b. Int Immunol. 2004
Jan;16(1):51-4. (impact factor: 3,690)
187. Kalmar L, Bors A, Farkas H, Vas S, Fandl B, Varga L, Fust G, Tordai A. Mutation screening of the C1 inhibitor gene among Hungarian patients with hereditary angioedema. Hum
Mutat. 2003 Dec;22(6):498. (impact factor: 6,845)
188. Fust G, Arason GJ, Kramer J, Szalai C, Duba J, Yang Y, Chung EK, Zhou B, Blanchong CA, Lokki ML, Bodvarsson S, Prohaszka Z, Karadi I, Vatay A, Kovacs M, Romics L,
Thorgeirsson G, Yu CY: Genetic basis of tobacco smoking: strong association of a
specific major histocompatibility complex haplotype on chromosome 6 with smoking
behavior. Intern.Immunol. 16,1507,2004. (impact factor: 3,543)
189. Agostoni A, Aygoren-Pursun E, Binkley KE, Blanch A, Bork K, Bouillet L, Bucher C, Castaldo AJ, Cicardi M, Davis AE, De Carolis C, Drouet C, Duponchel C, Farkas H, Fay
K, Fekete B, Fischer B, Fontana L, Fust G, Giacomelli R, Groner A, Hack CE, Harmat G,
Jakenfelds J, Juers M, Kalmar L, Kaposi PN, Karadi I, Kitzinger A, Kollar T, Kreuz W,
Lakatos P, Longhurst HJ, Lopez-Trascasa M, Martinez-Saguer I, Monnier N, Nagy I,
Nemeth E, Nielsen EW, Nuijens JH, O'grady C, Pappalardo E, Penna V, Perricone C,
Perricone R, Rauch U, Roche O, Rusicke E, Spath PJ, Szendei G, Takacs E, Tordai A,
Truedsson L, Varga L, Visy B, Williams K, Zanichelli A, Zingale L. Hereditary and acquired
angioedema: problems and progress: proceedings of the third C1 esterase inhibitor
deficiency workshop and beyond. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2004 Sep;114(3 Suppl):S51-
131. (impact factor: 7,205)
190. Fust G, Beck Z, Banhegyi D, Kocsis J, Biro A, Prohaszka Z. Antibodies against heat shock proteins and cholesterol in HIV infection. Mol Immunol. 2005 Jan;42(1):79-85. (impact
factor: 3,196)

191. Szeplaki G, Prohaszka Z, Duba J, Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Karadi I, Kokai M, Kramer J, Fust G, Kleiber M, Romics L, Varga L. Association of high serum concentration of the third
component of complement (C3) with pre-existing severe coronary artery disease and new
vascular events in women. Atherosclerosis. 2004 Dec;177(2):383-9. (impact factor:

192. Huszti Z, Bene L, Kovacs A, Fekete B, Fust G, Romics L, Singh M, Prohaszka Z. Low levels of antibodies against E. coli and mycobacterial 65kDa heat shock proteins in patients with
inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Res. 2004 Oct;53(10):551-5. (impact factor: 1,450)
193. Janoskuti L, Forhecz Z, Hosszufalusi N, Kleiber M, Walentin S, Balint O, Duba J, Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Romics L, Karadi I, Fust G, Prohaszka Z. High levels of C-reactive
protein with low total cholesterol concentrations additively predict all-cause mortality in
patients with coronary artery disease. Eur J Clin Invest. 2005 Feb;35(2):104-11 (impact
factor: 2,346)

194. Dosa E, Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Prohaszka Z, Szabo A, Karadi I, Selmeci L, Romics L, Fust G, Acsady G, Entz L. Marked decrease in the levels of two inflammatory markers, hs-C-
reactive protein and fibrinogen in patients with severe carotid atherosclerosis after
eversion carotid endarterectomy. Inflammation Res. 2004 Nov;53(11):631-5. (impact
factor: 1,450
196. Szeplaki G, Varga L, Valentin S, Kleiber M, Karadi I, Romics L, Fust G,Farkas H. Adverse effects of danazol prophylaxis on the lipid profiles of patients with hereditary
angioedema.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Apr;115(4):864-9. (impact factor: 7,205)
197. Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Dosa E, Madsen HO, Endresz V, Prohaszka Z, Laki J, Karadi I, Gonczol E, Selmeci L, Romics L, Fust G, Entz L, Garred P. High rate of early restenosis after
carotid eversion endarterectomy in homozygous carriers of the normal mannose-binding
lectin genotype.Stroke. 2005 May;36(5):944-8. Epub 2005 Mar 24. (impact factor: 5,748)
198. Dosa E, Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Prohaszka Z, Szabo A, Karadi I, Selmeci L, Romics L, Fust G, Acsady G, Entz L. Marked decrease in the levels of two inflammatory markers, hs-C-
reactive protein and fibrinogen in patients with severe carotid atherosclerosis after
eversion carotid endarterectomy.Inflamm Res. 2004 Nov;53(11):631-5. (impact factor:

199. Fust G, Beck Z, Banhegyi D, Kocsis J, Biro A, Prohaszka Z. Antibodies against heat shock proteins and cholesterol in HIV infection.Mol Immunol. 2005 Jan;42(1):79-85. Review.
(impact factor: 3,196)
200 Dosa E, Szabo A, Prohaszka Z, Karadi I, Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Apor A, Jaranyi Z,Huttl K, Selmeci L, Acsady G, Fust G, Entz L.Changes in the plasma concentration of soluble
thrombomodulin in patients with severe carotid artery stenosis after eversion
endarterectomy. Inflamm Res. 2005 Jul;54(7):289-94. (impact factor: 1,450)
201. Papp D, Prohaszka Z, Kocsis J, Fust G, Banhegyi D, Raynes DA, Guerriero V.Development of a sensitive assay for the measurement of antibodies against heat shock protein binding
protein 1 (HspBP1): increased levels of anti-HspBP1 IgG are prevalent in HIV infected
subjects. J Med Virol. 2005 Aug;76(4):464-9. (impact factor 2,331)
202. Biro A, Dosa E, Horvath A, Prohaszka Z, Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Szabo A, Karadi I, Acsady G, Selmeczi L, Entz L, Fust G, Romics L.Dramatic changes in the serum levels of anti-
cholesterol antibodies after eversion endarterectomy in patients with severe carotid
atherosclerosis. Immunol Lett. 2005 Jun 15;99(1):51-6. Epub 2005 Jan 19. (impact factor

203. Hermann C, Krikovszky D, Fust G, Kovacs M, Korner A, Szabo A, Vannay A, Madacsy L. Association between interleukin-6 polymorphism and age-at-onset of type 1. diabetes.
Epistatic influences of the tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1beta
polymorphisms. Eur Cytokine Netw. 2005 Dec;16(4):277-81 (impact factor: 1,747)
204. Szebeni A, Schloot N, Kecskemeti V, Hosszufalusi N, Panczel P, Prohaszka Z, Fust, G, Uray K, Hudecz F, Meierhoff G. Th1 and Th2 cell responses of type 1 diabetes patients and healthy controls to human heat-shock protein 60 peptides AA437-460 and AA394-
408. Inflamm Res. 2005 Oct;54(10):415-9. (impact factor: 1,450)
205. Harcos P, Laki J, Kiszel P, Szeplaki Z, Szolnoki Z, Kovacs M, Melegh B, Szeplaki G, Fust G, Blasko B.Decreased frequency of the TNF2 allele of TNF-alpha -308 promoter
polymorphism is associated with lacunar infarction. Cytokine. 2006, 33, 100-105, (impact
factor: 1,986)

206. Szilagyi A, Blasko B, Szilassy D, Fust G, Sasvari-Szekely M, Ronai Z. Real-time PCR quantification of human complement C4A and C4B genes.BMC Genet. 2006 Jan 10;7:1
(impact factor: 0,924)
207. Biro A, Thielens NM, Cervenak L, Prohaszka Z, Fust G, Arlaud GJ.Modified low density lipoproteins differentially bind and activate the C1complex of complement.Mol Immunol.
44, 1169-77, 2007. (impact factor: 3,742)
208. Oroszlan M, Daha MR, Cervenak L, Prohaszka Z, Fust G, Roos A: MBL and C1q compete for interaction with human endothelial cells. Mol. Immunol. 44, 1150-58, 2007 (impact
factor: 3,742)

209. Molvarecz A, Prohaszka Z, Nagy B, Szalay J, Fust G, Karadi I, Rigó J Jr: Association of elevated serum heat-shock protein 70 concentration with transient hypertension of
pregnancy, preeclampsia and superimposed preeclampsia: a case-control study.J Hum
Hypertens. 20, 780-786, 2006 (impact factor: 2,960)
210. Lilian Varga Gábor Széplaki, Beáta Visy, George Füst, George Harmat, Katalin Miklós, Julianna Németh, László Cervenak, István Karádi, Henriette Farkas: C1-inhibitor (C1-INH)
autoantibodies in hereditary angioedema. Strong correlation with the severity of disease in
C1-INH concentrate naïve patients. Mol. Immunol. 44, 1654-60, 2007 (impact factor:

211. Szilagyi, A.Blasko, B.Ronai, Z.Fust, G.Sasvari-Szekely, M.Guttman, A.: Rapid quantification of human complement component C4A and C4B genes by capillary gel electrophoresis.
Electrophoresis, 27, 1437-1443, 2006 (impact factor: 4,101)
212. Laki, J.Kiszel, P.Vatay, A.Blasko, B.Kovacs, M.Korner, A.Madacsy, L.Blatniczky, L.Almassy, Z.Szalai, C.Rajczy, K.Pozsonyi, E.Karadi, I.Fazakas, A.Hosszufalusi, N.Panczel,
P.Arason, G. J.Wu, Y. L.Zhou, B.Yang, Y.Yu, C. Y.Fust, G: The HLA 8.1 ancestral
haplotype is strongly linked to the C allele of -429T>C promoter polymorphism of receptor
of the advanced glycation endproduct (RAGE) gene. Haplotype-independent association
of the -429C allele with high hemoglobin(A1C) levels in diabetic patients. Mol. Immunol.
44, 648-655, 2007 (impact factor: 3,742)
213. Judit Laki, István Laki, Krisztina Németh, Rita Újhelyi, Olga Bede, Emőke Endreffy, Katalin Bolbás, Kálmán Gyurkovits, Eszter Csiszér, Enikő Sólyom, Gergely Dobra, Adrienn
Halász, Éva Pozsonyi, Katalin Rajczy, Zoltán Prohászka, György Fekete, George Füst:
The 8.1 ancestral MHC haplotype is associated with delayed onset of colonization in
cystic fibrosis. International Immunol, 18, 1585-90, 2006 (impact factor: 4,015)
214. Adrienn Bíró, Zoltán Prohászka, George Füst, Bernadett Blaskó: Determination of complement factor H functional polymorphisms (V62I, Y402H, and E936D) using
sequence-specific primer PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphisms.Mol. Dioagn
Ther 10, 303-310, 2006 (impact factor: 1,390)
215 Petra Kiszel, George Füst, Mikko Hurme, Zoltán Prohászka: Associations between Interleukin-6 genetic polymorphisms and levels of autoantibodies to 60-kDa heat-shock
proteins. Human Heredity, 62, 77-83, 2006 (impact factor: 2.051)
216. Éva Katalin Tóth, Judit Kocsis, Balázs Madaras, Adrienn Bíró, Zsuzsa Pocsai, George Fust, Bernadett Blaskó, István Karádi, Róza Ádány, Judit Laki: The 8.1 ancestral MHC
haplotype is strongly associated with colorectal cancer risk. Int. J. Cancer 121, 1744-
1748, 2007 (impact factor: 4,555)
217. Visy B, Füst G, Bygum A, Bork K, Longhurst H, Bucher C, Bouillet L, Cicardi M, Farkas H. Helicobacter pylori infection as a triggering factor of attacks in patients with hereditary
angioedema. Helicobacter. 2007 Jun;12(3):251-7. (impact factor: 2,423)
218. Molvarec A, Széplaki G, Kovács M, Széplaki Z, Fazakas A, Prohászka Z, Füst G, Karádi I. Estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) PvuII and XbaI gene polymorphisms in ischemic stroke in
a Hungarian population. Clin Chim Acta. 2007 Jul;382(1-2):100-5. (impact factor: 2,601)
219. Kiszel P, Kovács M, Szalai C, Yang Y, Pozsonyi E, Blaskó B, Laki J, Prohászka Z, Fazakas A, Pánczél P, Hosszúfalusi N, Rajczy K, Wu YL, Chung EK, Zhou B, Blanchong CA,
Vatay A, Yu CY, Füst G. Frequency of carriers of 8.1 ancestral haplotype and its
fragments in two Caucasian populations. Immunol Invest. 2007;36(3):307-19. (impact
factor: 1,529)

220. Szabó A, Laki J, Madsen HO, Dósa E, Prohászka Z, Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Kókai M, Acsádi G, Karádi I, Entz L, Selmeci L, Romics L, Füst G, Garred P, Cervenak L. Early rise in serum
VEGF and PDGF levels predisposes patients with a normal MBL2 genotype to restenosis
after eversion endarterectomy. Stroke. 2007 Aug;38(8):2247-53. (impact factor:6,296)
221. Farkas H, Jakab L, Temesszentandrási G, Visy B, Harmat G, Füst G, Széplaki G, Fekete B, Karádi I, Varga L. Hereditary angioedema: a decade of human C1-inhibitor concentrate
therapy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Oct;120(4):941-7 (impact factor:8,115)
222. Széplaki G, Varga L, Laki J, Dósa E, Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Madsen HO, Prohászka Z, Kocsis A, Gál P, Szabó A, Acsády G, Karádi I, Selmeci L, Garred P, Füst G, Entz L. Low C1-
inhibitor levels predict early restenosis after eversion carotid endarterectomy. Arterioscler
Thromb Vasc Biol. 2007 Dec;27(12):2756-62. (impact factor:7,221)
223. Jakab L, Laki J, Sallai K, Temesszentandrási G, Pozsonyi T, Kalabay L, Varga L, Gombos T, Blaskó B, Bíró A, Madsen HO, Radics J, Gergely P, Füst G, Czirják L, Garred P,
Fekete B. Association between early onset and organ manifestations of systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) and a down-regulating promoter polymorphism in the MBL2 gene.
Clin Immunol. 2007 Dec;125(3):230-6. (impact factor:3,551)
224. Szegedi R, Széplaki G, Varga L, Prohászka Z, Széplaki Z, Karádi I, Füst G, Farkas H. Long-term danazol prophylaxis does not lead to increased carotid intima-media thickness
in hereditary angioedema patients.Atherosclerosis. 2008 May;198(1):184-91. (impact

225. Blaskó B, Kolka R, Thorbjornsdottir P, Sigurdarson ST, Sigurdsson G, Rónai Z, Sasvári- Székely M, Bödvarsson S, Thorgeirsson G, Prohászka Z, Kovács M, Füst G, Arason GJ.
Low complement C4B gene copy number predicts short-term mortality after acute
myocardial infarction. Int Immunol. 2008 Jan;20(1):3 1-7. (impact factor:3,290))
226. Varga L, Bíró A, Széplaki G, Tóth L, Horváth A, Füst G, Farkas H. Anti-cholesterol antibody levels in hereditary angioedema. J Cell Mol Med. 2007 Nov-Dec;11(6):1377-83 (impact

227. Beck Z, Prohászka Z, Füst G. Traitors of the immune system-enhancing antibodies in HIV infection: their possible implication in HIV vaccine development. Vaccine. 2008 Jun
6;26(24):3078-85. Review. (impact factor:3,377)
228. Széplaki G, Hirschberg K, Gombos T, Varga L, Prohászka Z, Dósa E, Acsády G, Karádi I, Garred P, Entz L, Füst G. Early complement activation follows eversion carotid
endarterectomy and correlates with the time of clamping of the carotid artery. Mol
Immunol. 2008 Jun;45(11):3289-94. (impact factor:3,742)
229. Kádár K, Kovács M, Karádi I, Melegh B, Pocsai Z, Mikala G, Tordai A, Szilágyi A, Adány R, Füst G, Várkonyi J. Polymorphisms of TNF-alpha and LT-alpha genes in multiple
myeloma. Leuk Res. 2008 Oct;32(10):1499-504. (impact factor:2,561)
230 Varga L, Széplaki G, Laki J, Kocsis A, Kristóf K, Gál P, Bajtay Z, Wieslander J, Daha MR, Garred P, Madsen HO, Füst G, Farkas H. Depressed activation of the lectin pathway of
complement in hereditary angioedema. Clin Exp Immunol. 2008 Jul;153(1):68-74.
(impact factor:2,599)
231 Kis Z, Burian K, Treso B, Acs K, Prohaszka Z, Fust G, Gonczol E, Endresz V. Inflammatory- and immune responses in relation to bacterial replication in mice following re-infections
with Chlamydophila pneumoniae. Inflamm Res. 2008 Jun;57(6):287-95. (impact

232. Wagenaar-Bos IG, Drouet C, Aygören-Pursun E, Bork K, Bucher C, Bygum A, Farkas, H, Fust G, Gregorek H, Hack CE, Hickey A, Joller-Jemelka HI, Kapusta M, Kreuz W, Longhurst H, Lopez-Trascasa M, Madalinski K, Naskalski J, Nieuwenhuys E, Ponard, D,
Truedsson L, Varga L, Nielsen EW, Wagner E, Zingale L, Cicardi M, van Ham SM.
Functional C1-Inhibitor diagnostics in hereditary angioedema: Assay evaluation and
recommendations. J Immunol Methods. 2008 Jul 22. [Epub ahead of print]. (impact

233. Kaur G, Kumar N, Szilagyi A, Blasko B, Fust G, Rajczy K, Pozsonyi E, osso A, Petranyi G, Tandon N, Mehra N. Autoimmune-associated HLA-B8-DR3 haplotypes in Asian Indians
are unique in C4 complement gene copy numbers and HSP-2 1267A/G.Hum Immunol.
2008 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]. (impact factor:2,901)
234. Arason GJ, Kramer J, Blaskó B, Kolka R, Thorbjornsdottir P, Einarsdóttir K, Sigfúsdóttir A, Sigurdarson ST, Sigurdsson G, Rónai Z, Prohászka Z, Sasvári-Székely M, Bödvarsson S,
Thorgeirsson G, Füst G. Smoking and a complement gene polymorphism interact in
promoting cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. Clin exp Immunol. 149, 132-8,
2007. (impact factor:2,599)
235. Szilágyi A, Fust G. Diseases associated with the low copy number of the C4B gene encoding C4, the fourth component of complement. Cytogenet Genome Res.2008;123(1-
4):118-30. (impact factor:1,729)
236 Széplaki G, Varga L, Szépvölgyi A, Simon K, Blaskó B, Nagy E, Karádi I, Füst G, Farkas H. Acquired angioedema associated with primary antiphospholipid syndrome in a patient with
antithrombin III deficiency. Int Arch Allergy Immunol.2008;146(2):164-8. (impact

237. Bowen T, Cicardi M, Bork K, Zuraw B, Frank M, Ritchie B, Farkas H, Varga L, Zingale LC, Binkley K, Wagner E, Adomaitis P, Brosz K, Burnham J, Warrington R, Kalicinsky C,
Mace S, McCusker C, Schellenberg R, Celeste L, Hebert J, Valentine K, Poon MC,
Serushago B, Neurath D, Yang W, Lacuesta G, Issekutz A, Hamed A, Kamra P, Dean J,
Kanani A, Stark D, Rivard GE, Leith E, Tsai E, Waserman S, Keith PK, Page D,
Marchesin S, Longhurst HJ, Kreuz W, Rusicke E, Martinez-Saguer I, Aygören-Pürsün E,
Harmat G, Füst G, Li H, Bouillet L, Caballero T, Moldovan D, Späth PJ, Smith-Foltz S,
Nagy I, Nielsen EW, Bucher C, Nordenfelt P, Xiang ZY. Hereditary angiodema: a current
state-of-the-art review, VII: Canadian Hungarian 2007 International Consensus Algorithm
for the Diagnosis, Therapy, and Management of Hereditary Angioedema. Ann Allergy
Asthma Immunol. 2008 Jan;100(1 Suppl 2):S30-40. Review (impact factor: )
238. Füst G. Genetic and immune correlates of the HIV infection and vaccine-induced immunity. Foreword. Vaccine. 2008 Jun 6;26(24):2949-50. (impact factor:3,616)
239. Széplaki G, Szegedi R, Hirschberg K, Gombos T, Varga L, Karádi I, Entz L, Széplaki Z, Garred P, Prohászka Z, Füst G. Strong complement activation after acute ischemic stroke
is associated with unfavorable outcomes. Atherosclerosis.2009 May;204(1):315-20.
(impact factor:4,522)

240. Santos PS, Füst G, Prohászka Z, Volz A, Horton R, Miretti M, Yu CY, Beck S, Uchanska- Ziegler B, Ziegler A. Association of smoking behavior with an odorant receptor allele
telomeric to the human major histocompatibility complex. Genet Test. 2008
Dec;12(4):481-6 (impact factor:1,170)
241. Pozsonyi E, György B, Berki T, Bánlaki Z, Buzás E, Rajczy K, Hossó A, Prohászka Z, Szilágyi A, Cervenak L, Füst G. HLA-association of serum levels of natural antibodies. Mol
Immunol. 2009 Apr;46(7):1416-23. (impact factor:3,202)
242. Hirschberg K, Gombos T, Dósa E, Somorjai A, Szilágyi A, Szabó G, Füst G, Entz L. Association between estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphisms and early restenosis
after eversion carotid endarterectomy and carotid stenting. Atherosclerosis. 2009
Sep;206(1):186-92. (impact factor: 4,522)
243. Aladzsity I, Kovács M, Semsei A, Falus A, Szilágyi A, Karádi I, Varga G, Füst G, Várkonyi J. Comparative analysis of IL6 promoter and receptor polymorphisms in myelodysplasia and
multiple myeloma. Leuk Res. 2009 Nov;33(11):1570-3 (impact factor:2,358)
244. Széplaki G, Varga L, Füst G, Prohászka Z. Role of complement in the pathomechanism of atherosclerotic vascular diseases. Mol Immunol. 2009 Sep;46(14):2784-93. (impact
factor: 3,202)

245. Blaskó B, Bánlaki Z, Gyapay G, Pozsonyi E, Sasvári-Székely M, Rajczy K, Füst G, Szilágyi A. Linkage analysis of the C4A/C4B copy number variation and polymorphisms of the
adjacent steroid 21-hydroxylase gene in a healthy population. Mol Immunol. 2009
Aug;46(13):2623-9 (impact factor: 3,202)
246. Herczenik E, Varga Z, Eros D, Makó V, Oroszlán M, Rugonfalvi-Kiss S, Romics L, Füst G, Kéri G, Orfi L, Cervenak L. Protein kinase inhibitor-induced endothelial cell cytotoxicity
and its prediction based on calculated molecular descriptors. J Recept Signal Transduct
Res. 2009;29(2):75-83 (impact factor:)
247. Kocsis J, Madaras B, Tóth EK, Füst G, Prohászka Z. Serum level of soluble 70-kD heat shock protein is associated with high mortality in patients with colorectal cancer without
distant metastasis. Cell Stress Chaperones. 2010 Mar;15(2):143-51 (impact

248. Beck Z, Balogh A, Kis A, Izsépi E, Cervenak L, László G, Bíró A, Liliom K, Mocsár G, Vámosi G, Füst G, Matko J. New cholesterol-specific antibodies remodel HIV-1 target
cells' surface and inhibit their in vitro virus production. J Lipid Res. 2010 Feb;51(2):286-
96. (impact factor:4,917)
249. Safrany E, Hobor R, Jakab L, Tarr T, Csongei V, Jaromi L, Sipeky C, Valasek A, Zeher M, Fust G, Czirjak L, Melegh B. Interleukin-23 receptor gene variants in Hungarian systemic
lupus erythematosus patients. Inflamm Res. 2010 Feb;59(2):159-64. (impact

250. Kelemen Z, Moldovan D, Mihály E, Visy B, Széplaki G, Csuka D, Füst G, Farkas H, Varga L. Baseline level of functional C1-inhibitor correlates with disease severity scores in
hereditary angioedema. Clin Immunol. 2010 Mar;134(3):354-8. (impact factor:3,863)
251. Farkas H, Czaller I, Csuka D, Vas A, Valentin S, Varga L, Széplaki G, Jakab L, Füst G, Prohászka Z, Harmat G, Visy B, Karádi I. The effect of long-term danazol prophylaxis on
liver function in hereditary angioedema-a longitudinal study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010
Apr;66(4):419-26. (impact factor:2,743)
252. Mészáros T, Füst G, Farkas H, Jakab L, Temesszentandrási G, Nagy G, Kiss E, Gergely P, Zeher M, Griger Z, Czirják L, Hóbor R, Haris A, Polner K, Varga L. C1-inhibitor
autoantibodies in SLE. Lupus. 2010 Apr;19(5):634-8. (impact factor:2,586)
253. Varbiro S, Biro A, Cervenak J, Cervenak L, Singh M, Banhidy F, Sebestyen A, Füst G, Prohászka Z. Human anti-60 kD heat shock protein autoantibodies are characterized by
basic features of natural autoantibodies. Acta Physiol Hung. 2010 Mar;97(1):1-10.
(impact factor:)
254. Barbai VH, Ujhelyi E, Szlávik J, Vietorisz I, Varga L, Fey E, Füst G, Bánhegyi D. Changes in the levels of some acute-phase proteins in human immunodeficiency virus-1 infected
patients, following interleukin-2 treatment. Clin Exp Immunol. 2010 Jul 1;161(1):134-41.
(impact factor:3,009)

255. Szilágyi A, Bánlaki Z, Pozsonyi E, Yunis EJ, Awdeh ZL, Hossó A, Rajczy K, Larsen CE, Fici DA, Alper CA, Füst G. Frequent occurrence of conserved extended haplotypes (CEHs) in
two Caucasian populations. Mol Immunol. 2010 Jun;47(10):1899-904 (impact factor:

256. Madách K, Aladzsity I, Szilágyi A, Fust G, Gál J, Pénzes I, Prohászka Z. 4G/5G polymorphism of PAI-1 gene is associated with multiple organ dysfunction and septic
shock in pneumonia induced severe sepsis: prospective, observational, genetic study. Crit
Care. 2010;14(2):R79. Epub 2010 Apr 29. (impact factor:6,373)
257. Czaller I, Visy B, Csuka D, Füst G, Tóth F, Farkas H. The natural history of hereditary angioedema and the impact of treatment with human C1-inhibitor concentrate during
pregnancy: a long-term survey. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010 Sep;152(1):44-9
(impact factor:1,582)
258. Kelemen Z, Visy B, Csuka D, Czaller I, Füst G, Farkas H. Abdominal symptoms of hereditary angioedema and early weaning. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010 Sep;64(9):1025-7
(impact factor:3,072)
259. Bowen T, Cicardi M, Farkas H, Bork K, Longhurst HJ, Zuraw B, Aygoeren-Pürsün E, Craig T, Binkley K, Hebert J, Ritchie B, Bouillet L, Betschel S, Cogar D, Dean J, Devaraj R,
Hamed A, Kamra P, Keith PK, Lacuesta G, Leith E, Lyons H, Mace S, Mako B, Neurath D,
Poon MC, Rivard GE, Schellenberg R, Rowan D, Rowe A, Stark D, Sur S, Tsai E,
Warrington R, Waserman S, Ameratunga R, Bernstein J, Björkander J, Brosz K, Brosz J,
Bygum A, Caballero T, Frank M, Fust G, Harmat G, Kanani A, Kreuz W, Levi M, Li H,
Martinez-Saguer I, Moldovan D, Nagy I, Nielsen EW, Nordenfelt P, Reshef A, Rusicke E,
Smith-Foltz S, Späth P, Varga L, Xiang ZY. 2010 International consensus algorithm for
the diagnosis, therapy and management of hereditary angioedema. Allergy Asthma Clin
Immunol. 2010 Jul 28;6(1):24. (impact factor:)
260. Kocsis J, Mészáros T, Madaras B, Tóth EK, Kamondi S, Gál P, Varga L, Prohászka Z, Füst G. High levels of acute phase proteins and soluble 70 kDa heat shock proteins are
independent and additive risk factors for mortality in colorectal cancer. Cell Stress
Chaperones. 2010 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print] (impact factor: 2,167)
261. Csuka D, Molvarec A, Derzsy Z, Varga L, Füst G, Rigó J Jr, Prohászka Z. Functional analysis of the mannose-binding lectin complement pathway in normal pregnancy and
preeclampsia. J Reprod Immunol. 2010 Oct 15. [Epub ahead of print] (impact

262. Füst G, Farkas H, Csuka D, Varga L, Bork K. Long-term efficacy of danazol treatment in hereditary angioedema. Eur J Clin Invest. 2010 Oct 18. [Epub ahead of print] (impact

Source: http://kutlab.hu/documents/publikaciok_fust_g_2010.pdf

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Verso un framework europeo per la cittadinanza d’impresa. Il contributo delle partnership tra aziende e organizzazioni di cittadini* La dimensione europea della corporate citizenship, a dispetto degli sforzi ad essa dedicati dalla Unione, e in particolare dalla Commissione europea, in attuazione delle decisioni di Lisbona, si caratterizza per una serie di paradossi con i quali è utile inizi

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