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The SAR Newsletter is published by
Society for Acupuncture Research
Welcome to SAR's Summer 2011 newsletter. This issue provides you with selected information on recent and upcoming meetings and events, acupuncture in the news, highlights of new relevant research, and more. SAR Newsletter Committee
SAR's newsletter will keep you up-to-date and informed about what's going on in the field of acupuncture research. If you find the Newsletter useful, please feel free to share with your colleagues. Also, we welcome your feedback, in addition to submissions of news and events. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Upcoming Events
4th Annual International Scientific Acupuncture and Meridian
Symposium (October 7-9, 2011; Irvine, CA)
The 4th Annual International Scientific Acupuncture and Meridian Symposium is scheduled to be held at the Beckman Center at the University of California Irvine, October 7-9, 2011. The event is sponsored by Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute and University of California Irvine, Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine. The three day conference will have several themes all devoted to the science of acupuncture and Oriental herbal supplements. The focus of the Questions or Comments?
conference will be on neural mechanisms that underlie acupuncture's actions in treatment of cardiovascular disease, pain and other clinical areas for which it is applied. Read more. CAHCIM's One-Day Research Symposium in Integrative Medicine
and Health
(October 26, 2011, Los Angeles, CA)
The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine
(CAHCIM) announces its inaugural One-Day Research Symposium in
Integrative Medicine and Health. The symposium will be held in Los
Angeles, California on Wednesday, October 26, 2011. CAHCIM's goal is
to facilitate a gathering where researchers from a variety of disciplines,
at all levels of training, will be able to share their work and connect.
Read more.

2012 North American Research Conference on Complementary &
Integrative Medicine
(May 15-18, 2012, Portland, Oregon)
The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine
announced its 2012 North American Research Conference on
Complementary & Integrative Medicine (May 15-18, 2012, Portland,
Oregon). The conference theme is: "Strengthening Research in
Integrative Healthcare around the World," Read more.
Time, Attention, and Reassuring Touch
Dr. Josephine P. Briggs, Director of NIH NCCAM, noted the following in a recent public message: "The most common health problem for which people turn to complementary and alternative approaches is chronic pain. Pharmacological management of chronic pain, while important, has hazards. Evidence is showing, based on carefully controlled studies, that there is promise in certain complementary treatments as adjuncts to conventional pain management. Read more. Position Statement on Trigger Point Dry Needling
Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) recently publicized its position statement on Trigger Point Dry Needling, and invited various nationwide organizations to consider taking a position on it. The rationale of the statement reads, "A recent trend in the expansion in the scopes of practice of western-trained health professionals to include "dry needling" has resulted in redefining acupuncture and re-framing acupuncture techniques in western biomedical language." Read more. NCCAM Clinical Digest
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has developed the NCCAM Clinical Digest to provide both patients and health care providers with evidence-based information on CAM, including scientific literature searches, summaries of NCCAM-funded research, fact sheets for patients, and more. Read more. Side Effects of Tamoxifen and Acupuncture
In a single arm, observational study, fifty participants with early breast cancer received eight traditional acupuncture treatments from one acupuncturist to manage side effects from Tamoxifen. Traditional acupuncture is an integration of Eight-principles and Five Element style acupuncture. Participants reported hot flashes and night sweats were Thank You
Unique Considerations in Fertility Treatment
To help inform future research on fertility acupuncture, Cochrane et al analyzed responses from ten fertility acupuncturists to define how best to gratitude to the following organizations for treat fertility. The researchers used a complex consensus-building technique in this qualitative study that spanned two phases. Three acupuncturists were intensely interviewed in phase one to generate enough material to guide a forum in the second phase. Seven more acupuncturists were recruited, and during second phase, all ten "Manual versus Electrical Acupuncture" in participants discussed the themes and responses from the first phase and then a questionnaire was developed and distributed. Read more. American Foundation of
Acupuncture Sensation during Ultrasound Guided
Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture Needling
Logan College of Chiropractic
Although acupuncture sensation (also known as de qi) is a cornerstone of traditional acupuncture therapy, most research has accepted the Please consider supporting this important traditional method of defining acupuncture sensation only through subjective patient reports rather than on any quantifiable physiological significant, long-term impact throughout basis. A recent study investigating correlation between needle sensation the research and practice of acupuncture. and the depth and needle manipulation using ultrasound scan reported that the frequency of pricking, sharp sensations was significantly greater in shallower tissue levels (TLs) than deeper (p=0.007); the frequency of sensations described as deep, dull and heavy, as spreading, and as electric shocks was significantly greater in deeper TLs than shallower (p=0.002). Read more. Submit Your Job Listings and
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If you have not yet joined SAR, join today to access useful tools and resources. A Society for Acupuncture Research membership is one of the best investments you can make for your professional development, Click here to find out how to submit your especially with the recent launch of SAR's library of Evidence Based SAR Quick Links


Apda book-sections for web

Excerpt from the Young Parkinson’s Handbook (full content available at’s disease (PD) is a movement disorder that is caused by the defi-ciency of a substance in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotrans-mitter that is produced by cells (neurons) in a region of the brain known as the substantia nigra. When approximately 60-80% of the dopamine neurons

Panic disorder clinical practice guideline

Subject: Panic Disorder Clinical Practice Guideline Policy Number: NMP472 Effective Date*: December 2005 Updated: November 2007, May 2009, May 2010, May This National Medical Policy is subject to the terms in the IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this document Overview Panic Disorder (PD) is a treatable condition that is estimated to affect about 6 million

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