Year 10 Exam Tips Relax: Make sure you have time out in Revise: Make and stick to your revision May/June Year 10
timetable. This will make you feel in control of your work.
Eat breakfast: Even if you don't feel Study everything: Don't not revise a
something for breakfast, your brain needs
subject because you don't like it or find it
hard. You'll still have an exam on it so it's
Avoid caffeine: Drinking lots of coffee or other drinks containing lots of Quiz of the week Check dates and times: It's your
responsibility to get to your exams on the
right day and at the right time so make sure
Keep calm: If you start to feel nervous, Get organised: Make sure you pack your bag and check you have everything Don't panic: Say to yourself in your Product Design - Fri 25th Early to bed: Don't stay up late cram- Perspective: Overall, remember that
ming for your exams - you need to be fresh
English - Tues 29th May
for the next day. So get to bed at a reasona-
not the be all and end all. You can always
ble time and don't forget to set your alarm
Physics - Wed 30th May Think positive: Make yourself feel ICT - Fri 1st June May
going well. Imagine you are confident and relaxed during the exam. Try to imagine
Maths - Mon 11th June
the scene in as much detail as possible. If
Science - Tue 12th June Maths - Wed 13th June Revision Sessions for Year 10 Science Gateway - Thursday after School 3pm-4pm Room 102 Geography - Thurs 14th Joke of the week ! Triple Science - Monday & Wednesday Lunchtimes Room 262 (Miss Stevenson) Joke…. Maths Higher - Tuesday & Friday after School 3pm - 4pm P.E - Tuesday 15th & Tuesday 22nd May after School 3pm - 4pm History - Please speak to your class teacher to arrange a suitable
time. Business - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 3pm - 4pm Room 242 (Mrs Penny) IF YOU HAVE ANY NEWS THAT YOU Geography - Please speak to your class teacher to arrange a suita- WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOUR YEAR GROUP PLEASE EMAIL Work Skills - Thursday 3pm - 4pm Room E56 (Mr Sword) OR SPEAK TO THE EDITORS.
Beter effect antidepressiva Suppletie foliumzuur bij gebruik fluoxetine door Ary van der Kuy, Lan Kiauw de Munck-Khoe - 05-10-2012 Foliumzuur verbetert vaak de respons op fluoxetine en andere antidepressiva bij therapieresistente patiënten. Foliumzuur is nodig voor de synthese van monoamine-neurotransmitters. • Casus Een 54-jarige man met de diagnose ernstige depressie, zonder p
Grade descriptions Aboriginal and Intercultural Studies order of students. Grades should not be allocated to individual A Identifies that both traditional elements of culture and non-traditional responses to change can enable groups to maintain cultural identity. Explains how factors such as policy and practices influence and reinforce existing social structures and institutions. Dr