
Serial No.
Code No. 22
Time Allowed : Two Hours
Maximum Marks : 300
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8. Before you proceed to mark in the Response Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Response Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admit Card 9. While writing Centre, Subject and Roll No. on the top of the Response Sheet in appropriate boxes use "ONLY BALL POINT PEN".
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Extinct bird among the following, identify it : (A) Emil Fischer proposed the theory of competitive inhibition (B) An allosteric substance influences the enzyme activity by changing its specificity to substrate (C) The active site of an enzyme is formed by R groups of amino acids (D) Non-competitive inhibitor in that it reduces the affinity of substrate for enzymes "Silent Spring" is written by lady author which is first of its kind on Environmental degradation, The excretory product of cartilaginous fishes, adult amphibia and mammals is : Which one of the following represent humoral immunity ? TDC-41605-A
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In a double helix of DNA each base pair is how distant from the next base pair ? 10. The animal which shows "knotting" behaviour along with secretion of mucus to free itself from the "Kappa particles" are discovered by : 12. Honey bee dance as language of communication and its decoding was done by : 13. DNA finger printing technique is developed by : (B) In nucleoplasm without nucleolar organizer (D) In association with nucleolar organizer 15. Identify the rodenticide from the following : 16. Foramen of panizza is found in the heart of : TDC-41605-A
18. Microtubules perform the function of : 19. The sequence of eating and being eaten up is called : 20. The number of ATP produced at the level of Succinic dehydrogenase are : 24. The idea that "General characters appear first, then appear the special character" is given by : 25. Holoblastic spiral cleavage is found in : 26. A pair of contrasting characters is termed as : TDC-41605-A
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(A) Increased heart rate during expiration (B) Decreased heart rate during inspiration (C) Increased heart rate during inspiration 29. Which one of the following is not reabsorbed from the filterate to the blood in the proximal 32. "Ouch Ouch" disease, a pollutional disorder is caused due to : 33. During hibernation and aestivation, frog lives upon : (A) reappearance of forgotten characters (B) loss of adult characters (D) disappearance of phylogenic characters TDC-41605-A
35. During gastrulation epithelial cells may spread across the outer surface as a unit, it is called : 36. Reproductive symbiosis is represented by : 37. Which vitamin contributes to coenzyme of FAD ? 38. In secretory gland when secretion is gathered at the end of the cell and only the part of the cell is 39. "Inheritance of acquired characters", is one of the postulate of : 40. Chlorogogen cells which are modified Peritoneal cells are present around : 42. Which one of the following is unrelated to the general characters of Echinodermata ? TDC-41605-A
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44. In obelia the hydrocaulus is covered by a non living chitinous sheath which is protective in 45. The sense of hearing in mammals is attributed to : 47. Appearance of cortical granules help in : 48. Formation of new species is termed as : 49. "Animals inhibiting in temprate zone have less pigmentation in their skin and hence fairer in colour as compared to their counterparts in tropical area", this is the theme of : 50. Malaria, Filaria and Kalazar spread due to : 51. Events of cell cycle are regulated by : (D) No growth factors regulate cell cycle TDC-41605-A
52. In the life history of Fasciola one witnesses the following stage in proper sequence : (A) Miracidium, Sporocyst, Redia, Cercaria, Metacercaria (B) Cercaria, Metacercaria, Miracidium, Redia, Sporocyst (C) Redia, Sporocyst, Miracidium, Metacercaria, Cercaria (D) Miracidium, Sporocyst, Redia, Cercaria, Metacercaria 53. Temporal fossa is the basis of classification of : 56. Pleura is a double layered covering of : 58. The lowest chromosome number is found in : 59. The functional status of an organism in an ecosystem is called : TDC-41605-A
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60. Which one of the following is not essential for clotting ? 61. When the yolk is concentrated at one pole, it is called : 62. When two species evolved same traits while living in the same type of environment, the type of 64. The blood does not take part in respiration in : 65. Gynecomastism is shown by the males in : 66. The only snake that build the nest is : 67. One of the following set represents Indian major carps : (D) Silver carp, common carp, grass crap 68. Which one of the following is largest wet land in the world ? TDC-41605-A
69. Which of the following pest damages paddy crop ? 70. The system of collection of fluid from cytoplasm, a group membranous vesicles and tubules in 71. India incurred heavy losses in aquaculture industry due to which one of the following disease ? 72. If a single strand of DNA - 3′ TACCGAGTAC 5′ is given, the complementary DNA strand will 73. The ability of environment/habitat to support maximum number of organism is : 74. The metal associated with cytochrome a of Electron transport system is : 75. Greenhouse effect is concerned with : (A) Increase CO level decrease temperature (B) Increase CO level increase temperature (C) Decrease CO level increase temperature 76. Which one of the following is not a Parasitic adaptation in helminthis ? TDC-41605-A
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77. In the process of development when growth occurs due to increase in cell sizes rather than cell 78. "Contact inhibition" is lost in : 79. Chemical substance secreted at the synapse is : 80. Olive Ridley turtle "aribada" is seen in : 81. In Quartan Malaria, the patient suffers due to shivering fever and associated symptoms after 82. In sponges food particles are digested by : 83. "It is not only too less of a factor but also too high of a factor, that limits population density and growth of organism". This is the central theme of : (A) Dentalium is a snail with no head (B) Scaphopoda has large head with eyes, foot as tentacles and siphon (C) Rasping organ, radula is found in bivalves (D) Chiton has reduced head with large foot TDC-41605-A
(A) Acellular and cannot be crossed by interstitial cells (B) Acellular and can be crossed by interstitial cells (C) Cellular and gives rise to germ cells (D) Cellular and contains mesenchyme cells 86. Which one of the following is incorrect about new world monkeys ? 87. The enzyme which plays key role in bioluminiscence is : 88. Hormones regulate gene activity at the level of : (D) Transport of RNA from nucleus to cytoplasm (A) Heterozygotes having more numerous the differences between uniting gametes (B) Heterozygotes having less the differences between uniting gametes 90. Association between organisms of two different species in which one is inhibited/destroyed and the other is unaffected. This type of association is called : (A) Recurrent periods or cycles repeated throughout a 24 hour circadian day (C) The regular ebb and flow of oceans and very large inland bodies of water (D) It is roughly 24 hour cycle in the physiological processes of living beings TDC-41605-A
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92. The tusks of Elephant are modified form of : 93. Spiders produce silken threads using : 96. If there are only two alleles of a particular gene in a population. If allele 'A' has a frequency of 0.3, then what will be the frequency of allele 'B' in the light of Hardy Weinberg principle ? 97. Cardiac muscles are striped muscles with : (A) Syncytial muscle fibres which are voluntary in action (B) Uninucleate muscle fibres which are voluntary in action (C) Syncytial muscle fibres which are not voluntary in action (D) Spindle like muscle fibres which are involuntary in action TDC-41605-A
99. Which statement is correct about epistasis ? (A) The dominant and recessive alleles lack their dominant and recessive relationships and both (B) The two pair of genes present on the separate loci influence the same trait (C) Two independent pairs of dominant genes which interact to produce the effect (D) A gene at one locus on a chromosome suppresses the expression of a gene at another locus 100. The dispersed state of chromatin material in a chromosome is termed as : (A) Spotted deer is an endangered species (B) Indian Board of Wild Life was established in 1955 (C) Trade in rare and endangered species was banned under Wild Life Protection Act (1972) (D) The concept of Biosphere Reserves was evolved by the National Wild Life Action Plan 102. The ability of nerve and muscle cells to receive and respond to stimuli is called : 103. In earthworm each somite bears a pair of nephridia in the form of metanephridia except : 104. House flies, blow flies and fruit flies have : 105. Rhodnius and related genera transmit : TDC-41605-A
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106. Organ of Bojanur and Keber's organ are found in some : 107. Which is internationally accepted method of DNA replication ? (A) are chromatophores having guanine and other purines and produce silvery or metallic effect (B) are chromatophores produce yellow and red colours (C) are ommochromes produce yellow pigment (D) are chromatophore which produce black pigment 109. Sliding Filament model of muscle contraction is proposed by : 110. Which one of the following is not a method of osmoregulation in fresh water fishes ? (A) They actively absorb sodium chloride across gills (B) They flush out Excess water that enters the body (C) Excess sodium chloride is secreted outward the gill (D) The Glomerular kidney produces dilute urine 111. Protonephridia are present in the excretory system of : TDC-41605-A
113. Foramen of Monro is found in between : 115. Gharial is found in one of the following protected area : 117. What is not true about Caenorhabditis elegans ? (A) It has rapid (about 16 hours) embryogenesis (B) It contains exactly 912 somatic cells (D) It helps to identify each gene in development as well as to trace the lineage of every single cell 118. Those individuals which are normally tall, having sparse body hair, knock knees, limbs long are 120. Ameoba proteus is discovered by : TDC-41605-A


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