Microsoft word - student_medication_regulations

World -Class C oll ege Preparatory Edu cati on
The Imagine International Academy of North Texas recognizes that it will occasionally be necessary for a student to
take medication at school. Parents should make every effort to schedule medication outside the school day. When
administration at school must take place, authorized school district staff may administer medication to students in
accordance with these regulations and school policy. The School Nurse will comply with the Nurse Practice Act (NPA)
at all times and will not administer medication in any manner conflicting with the NPA.
A. Only medication that cannot be given outside of the school day will be administered at school (i.e.
mealtimes, physician designated time, four times a day or greater). B. Only medication prescribed by a practitioner licensed to practice in the state of Texas and with prescriptive authority in the state of Texas will be administered at school. Medications prescribed by out-of-state physicians may be administered for up to 90 days. C. The school nurse, school nurse substitute, or school employee designated by the principal may administer D. The school will not accept more than a 30-day supply of medication at a time. E. The school will not accept prescriptions more than one year old nor medications that are past the F. Parents should make every effort to transport medication to and from school. G. All medications categorized as controlled substances must be counted upon receipt in the school clinic. The parent/guardian, student (secondary school), or another school employee will witness the count. The count is recorded on the reverse of the medication log and will be initialed by the person counting and by the witness. H. School personnel will administer only medication approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). The Imagine International Academy of North Texas will not administer home remedies, plants, herbs, vitamins, and other non-traditional forms of medicine. I. A registered nurse or a parent must administer the initial dose of any new medication that has not been previously administered to the student and must observe for adverse reactions to the medicine. J. Medication will be destroyed if not picked up within two weeks after being discontinued. K. Adjustment in the medication dosage or discontinuation of the medication requires a written, signed physician's order. The Nurse Practice Act of Texas requires clarification of any medication order that the nurse has reason to believe is inaccurate, non-efficacious, or contraindicated by consulting with the appropriate licensed practitioner. Medication Container
A. All medication must be in the original, properly labeled container. A properly labeled container is one with
a pharmacy label including the student's name, name of medication, dosage, physician's name, route of administration (if other than oral), time of administration, and date prescription was filled. The parent should request two labeled containers from the pharmacist. B. A new pharmacy label is required for any permanent medication dosage change. (A physician's written order will be accepted for a temporary change and until a new label can be obtained.) C. Any prescription labels that state "use as directed" or "as needed" must include written clarification from the prescribing physician with the dosage, frequency, and indications for administration. D. The prescription bottle should contain only the number of doses to be administered at school. E. Non-prescription (over-the-counter) medication and sample medication must be accompanied by the physician's written authorization/prescription for the administration of the medication and must be in the original labeled container. This authorization must include all of the information required on prescription labels. F. Medication in any other container will not be accepted or administered. Location/Storage of Medication
A. All medication brought to school will be kept in a locked container in the school clinic.
B. Epi-Pens are to be kept in a large re-sealable plastic bag with a copy of the physician's orders, a copy of the
appropriate procedure with diagrams, parent phone numbers, pair of gloves, note pad, and pen/pencil. If the administration of Benedryl (Diphenhydramine) is included in the physician's orders, it is to be kept in the bag as well. The student's name is to be clearly labeled on the outside of the bag. C. Diastat is to be kept in a large re-sealable plastic bag with a copy of the physician's orders, a copy of the appropriate procedure with diagrams, parent phone numbers, pair of gloves, note pad, and pen/pencil. D. Students are not allowed to carry any medication and may be subject to the school district's discipline management plan if in possession of medication. E. An exception to the storage of medication may be granted for rescue asthma inhalers, other emergency medication, and insulin to be carried by the student when the following criteria have been met: 1. School authorities receive a written request from the prescribing physician to carry the medication. The written request must include a treatment plan or an asthma action plan. 2. The written physician's request is good for one school year and must be renewed each school year. 3. The student must carry the inhaler or emergency medication in the properly labeled original container and must carry the authorization form issued by the school nurse. 4. The student must demonstrate the ability to properly self-administer the medication, must demonstrate knowledge of the medication and its side effects, and must exhibit understanding of the safety factors and responsibility related to carrying the medication. 5. The student, parent, and school nurse must all sign the agreement to self-carry medication. 6. The privilege of carrying medication may be revoked if the student fails to adhere to the regulations, misuses or shares the medication. Written Request
A. The Medication Policy-Parent Permission form must be completed by the parent or guardian requesting
that the medication be taken at school. A written note from the parent or guardian may be accepted temporarily until the completed form is received. B. A new written request must be completed for any changes in medication or dosage. C. A separate form must be completed for each medication. D. The request is valid for the current school year only and must be renewed at the beginning of each school E. A written request signed by the parent or guardian is required to discontinue a medication. Documentation
A. The school nurse shall maintain a separate medication log for each medication. A log for each dose is kept
if the medication is routinely given more than once during the school day. When the dosage is changed, a new medication log is initiated. B. Medication logs for scheduled medications are printed on white paper. The medication logs for as-needed medications are printed on yellow paper. C. Each dose of medication is recorded on the student's medication log. The initials of the staff member administering the medication and the time (utilizing 24-hour clock) are recorded under the appropriate date in the log for all medications. The legend at the bottom of the log sheet will be utilized for recording special circumstances. D. All persons administering medication at school must sign the Medication Signature Sheet located in the front of the medication administration book and on individual medication logs for SHARS medications. E. A Medication/Treatment Incident Report must be completed for any medication error. A copy is sent to Medication on Field Trips
A. Medication sent on field trips must be in the properly labeled original container or in a single-dose
container labeled and prepared by the nurse. B. Documentation of medications administered on field trips will be recorded on the medication log or C. It is recommended that only the required number/amount of pills/liquid to be administered be sent on the field trip. Parents should supply a duplicate bottle for use on field trips for daily medications. D. The parent/guardian may submit written permission for the school to waive a dose of medicine for field trips if the medication can be safely rescheduled or omitted. E. Only school personnel designated by the School Director may administer medication on field trips. This responsibility cannot be delegated to parents or other chaperones. F. The form titled Medication Guidelines for Upper School Overnight Field Trips will be utilized for appropriate overnight school sponsored activities in upper school. Training
A. All school personnel whom the School Director has designated to administer medications shall be trained
by the School Nurse, prior to their administration of medication. B. These personnel will be re-trained and re-evaluated annually. A Medication Administration Training Log will be maintained for each designee each year.
VIII. Medication Administered by a Coach or Athletic Trainer
A. It is imperative that the school nurse, as the healthcare professional on campus, knows what medications students are being given during the school day so she can effectively respond in the event of an emergency. B. In order for a coach or athletic trainer to take on the responsibility of administering a student's medication at school, these steps must be taken: 1. The school nurse will ask the parent to complete and sign a permission form. 2. The school nurse will determine that the medication container is properly labeled. 3. If a self -carry agreement is needed, the school nurse will provide this paperwork to the parent. 4. The school nurse will provide a copy of the parent permission form and self-carry agreement (if applicable) to the coach or athletic trainer who is taking responsibility for medication administration. 5. The school nurse will provide the coach or athletic trainer with a medication log for documentation of 6. The trainer or coach will ensure that the medication is stored in a secured location. It is understood that the medication may need to be in a gear bag or similar environment during workouts or games. Disposal of Unused or Expired Medications
A. It is suggested that parents keep expiration dates for prescription and over the counter medications
documented. The parent is ultimately responsible for replacing medications prior to their expiration. B. The school nurse will make every attempt to notify the parent/guardian two or more weeks prior to the expiration date of medication. The parent /guardian will have two weeks from the date of notification to pick up the medication at school. After two weeks, the medication may be destroyed. C. The school nurse will make every attempt to notify the parent/guardian to pick up medications by the last day of the school year or that the medication will be sent home with the student, depending on what the parent/guardian indicated on the Medication Policy-Parent Permission form. D. Medications remaining in the school clinic after the last day of school will be destroyed. E. The following procedure will be followed for disposal of most medications: 1. Take medication out of the original container. Destroy all personal information on the container (make illegible) and discard the container in the trash. 2. Dilute medications in water and place in bag with 1-2 cups of kitty litter. Pills will need to be crushed first. Rectal meds may be dissolved in warm water. The bag may be discarded in the trash. 3. Medications in syringes with needles (Glucagon, Epi-Pens) are disposed of in a sharps container. 4. All controlled substances need to be disposed of with a witness. Document the following information on the Medication Log: date, medication, quantity disposed, RN signature, and witness signature. F. The FDA advises that the following drugs be flushed down the toilet instead of thrown in the trash: Actiq (fentanyl citrate) Daytrana Transdermal Patch (methylphenidate) Duragesic Transdermal System (fentanyl) OxyContin Tablets (oxycodone) Avinza Capsules (morphine sulfate) Baraclude Tablets (entecavir) Reyataz Capsules (atazanavir sulfate) Tequin Tablets (gatifloxacin) Zerit for Oral Solution (stavudine) Meperidine HCl Tablets Percocet (Oxycodone and Acetaminophen) Xyrem (Sodium Oxybate) Fentora (fentanyl buccal tablet)


Microsoft word - material safety data sheet for necator americanus.doc

MSDS Necator americanus MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR NECATOR AMERICANUS NAME: Necator americanus infective larvae SYNONYM: Human hookworm, necatoriasis CHARACTERISTICS: Family Ancylostomatidae, subfamily Necatorinae; intestinal nematode parasite, adult male measures 5-9 X 0.30 mm, female 9-11 X 0.35 mm; eggs are 64-76 X 35-40 µm, infective larvae 630-670 X 20-30 µm. SECTION

Lewis wardlaw blackman

B’rosh Hashanah yikatayvoon, uvYom tzome Kippur yaykhtaymoon…mee yekhyeh umee yamoot; mee vehkitzo oomee lo vehkitzo… “On Rosh Hashanah it is written and on Yom Kippur it is sealed … who shall live and who shall die, who will attain a full measure of life and who not.” This is the true story of Lewis Blackman as first reported in The State newspaper of Columbia, South Carolina

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