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Matthew Romberg, MD, PA
Welcome to Our Practice
Congratulations on your pregnancy! From all of us at Heart of Texas Woman's Center, we look forward to sharing such a special time with you and your family. Please know that we will do our very best to see that your pregnancy and delivery are as pleasant and exciting as you are anticipating. Because our office is a single physician practice, Dr. Romberg himself cannot be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for deliveries or other medical issues his patients may encounter. However, as a member of a shared call group with other OB/Gyns in Round Rock, we can offer you this type of coverage all year round. If you have a problem and Dr. Romberg is out of the office, you will see the physician on-call. Dr. Romberg has agreed to this arrangement because he trusts these partners will take the best care of his patients. Important Numbers & Resources
Below is a list of phone numbers and websites which can benefit you throughout your pregnancy and postpartum period. If you have any questions, during business hours, please contact our office first. If it is after hours or on the weekend when you call, you will need to follow the instructions on our phone system to leave an urgent medical message for the physician on call. All urgent messages will be returned promptly. Seton Medical Center Williamson - 512.324.4000 http://www.seton.net/locations/seton_medical_center_williamson/ Scott & White University Medical Campus - 512.509.0100 Postpartum Resource Center of Texas - 877.472.1002, toll free www.texaspostpartum.org March of Dimes Texas Quitline (to help quit smoking) - 877.937.7848, toll free American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - publishers of your book "Your Pregnancy & Birth" with several additional patient publications and information When to Call Between Visits
At each visit to our practice during your pregnancy, we will remind you to notify us immediately in the event of any vaginal bleeding, loss of fluid, painful & regular cramps/contractions coming every 5 minutes over the course of an hour, itching or burning with urination or a temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater. In special circumstances, Dr. Romberg may give you other criteria that he or the on-call physician should be informed about immediately. Pregnancy-Safe Medications
Cold/Cough/Congestion Always try to get as much rest as possible and drink plenty of fluids, avoiding medication if possible; if something is needed… Claritin D 12 hour, one pill twice daily Sudafed 60 mg every 4-6 hours as needed (caution with high blood pressure) Robitussin DM, 2 tsp every 4 hours as needed High fiber foods (bran cereal, whole grain breads) & increase fluid intake Metamucil, 1 tsp in 8oz of water up to 3-times daily Medications to Avoid

Medications to avoid include aspirin, antiprostaglandins (Motrin, Aleve, ibuprofen),
Accutane, sedatives, tetracyclines, tranquilizers. If there is any doubt, please do not
start any new medications or vitamins unless you have discussed them with your doctor.

Schedule for Labs/Ultrasounds for Routine Visits

Visits will occur approximately every 4 weeks until around 28 weeks. From 28 to 36
weeks visits will be every 2 weeks. From 36 weeks until you deliver visits will be
scheduled weekly. Below is a list of the routine exams all patients will undergo during
the course of their pregnancies. Special circumstances may warrant more testing. Your
book "Your Pregnancy & Birth" has more information about the items listed.
1st Visit (confirm pregnancy) - urine pregnancy test, complete history and physical
exam and OB panel (blood type, RH factor, antibody screen, complete blood count,
Rubella titer, tests for Hepititis B/gonorrhea/chlamydia/syphilis, urine culture, HIV
[unless refused], Pap smear)
15-18 weeks - Quad screen for birth defects, if desired. This test is optional but Dr.
Romberg may strongly recommend it to you if you are at higher risk for having an infant
with birth defects.
20-22 weeks - Fetal anatomy scan (ultrasound) to visualize the developing organs of
your baby. Your baby's gender (boy or girl?) can usually be determined during this
exam. Please bring a CD-R, CD-RW, or USB drive with you if you would like a copy of
your images. We now offer video copies (DVD) of the anatomy scan. Please inform the
receptionist at check-in if you would like to purchase a copy. The fee is $10.
25-28 weeks - Diabetes screening test/repeat HIV You will drink a glucose drink and
one hour later have your blood drawn. You should eat normally but avoid high sugar
foods. An abnormal result will warrant a 3-hour test. We will also retest your blood for
HIV at this time.
35-38 weeks - Group B streptococcus vaginal culture.
Unless you are told otherwise, any results will be discussed with you at your next visit.
Some abnormal results may require an earlier follow-up appointment, and you will be
notified by the physician or staff member in such an event.

Pregnancy Checklist

Dr. Romberg and his on-call partners perform their deliveries at Seton Medical Center
Williamson in Round Rock. In anticipation of your delivery, the hospital makes
available several educational opportunities and asks that you keep in mind the following
recommendations to help make your experience as rewarding as possible.
Second Trimester
• Register for Childbirth Education (Lamaze) classes. Call 512.324.4252 • Register for Breastfeeding and/or Infant Care classes. Call 512.324.4252 • Labor check - If you experience any problems after 20 weeks into your pregnancy and are sent to the hospital by a physician for evaluation, please register at the Women's Center entrance on the 1st floor , Monday through Friday (or in the Emergency Department on weekends). Third Trimester
• Pre-register with the Women's Center prior to your delivery. You may do this as early as 20 weeks of pregnancy, but we strongly recommend you do this by the beginning of your third trimester to avoid any delays should you need to be seen for a labor check sooner than your due date. You may stop by the Women's Center (L&D) or Patient Registration at the main entrance Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You may also come during the evenings and weekends, but you will need to enter and pre-register through the Emergency Department. The phone number for the Women's Center is 512.324.4000, x21165 if you have any questions regarding the pre-registration process. • Register at the Women's Center (Labor & Delivery) entrance on the 1st floor, Monday through Friday (or in the Emergency Department on the weekends or after hours) • Bring any questions you have about what to expect during your labor & delivery • You will receive a tour of our Labor & Delivery facilities

Source: http://www.hotwc.com/forms/OB%20Welcome%20Letter.pdf

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