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Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP) in Bangladesh: Procurement of 32 Million Cycles Low Dose Oral Contraceptive Pills Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Status: Current KEY INFORMATION Project Reference No(s): 2003 66 237 / 2005 70 424 DGFP/L&S-3/KfW/2009/6443/ WB308-767/10 Contacts: Director (Logistics and Supply) and Line Director (Procurement, Storage & Supply Management) dirlsdgfp@gmail.com Phone: +880.2.8144049 Fax: +880.2.8144049 IMPORTANT DATES: Announced Date January 11, 2010 Proposal Due Date January 25, 2010 General Information Opportunity Type: Goods Country/Region: Bangladesh Publication Date: Jan 12, 2010 Contract Award Add Contract Award Notice/Contract Number: 2003 66 237 / 2005 70 424 DGFP/L&S-3/KfW/2009/6443/ WB308-767/10 Project SummaryCountry: Health, Nutrition And Population Sector Programme (Hnpsp) Procurement Of 32 Million Cycles Low Dose Oral Contraceptive Pills Sector: Population, Health and Nutrition Loan/Credit Number: KfW Financial Cooperation Nos. 2003 66 237 / 2005 70 424 Contract/Bid Number: IFB No. DGFP/L&S-3/KfW/2009/6443/…. Deadline: The People's Republic of Bangladesh has received a grant from the KfW Entwicklungsbank toward the cost of the Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Programme (HNPSP), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments under the contract for the Procurement of oral contraceptive pills under the Contract Package No. GFP-KFW 01/2009. The Director (Logistics and Supply) and Line Director (Procurement, Storage & Supply), Directorate General of Family Planning of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders, which have manufactured and marketed oral contraceptive pills, for at least three (3) years and similar goods for at least five (5) years, for supply and delivery of Sub-pack-age: 1 Description: Oral contraceptive pills, (Levonorgestrel 150 micrograms with Ethinylestradiol 30 micrograms, sugar free and film coated Quantity: 16 million cycles, 3 blisters packed in a box. Delivery Schedule in weeks from the date of contract effectiveness: Entire quantity of goods to be delivered to final destination within 16 weeks Mode of Shipment: CIP Central Warehouse Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Sub-pack-age: 2 Description: Oral contraceptive pills, (Levonorgestrel 150 micrograms with Ethinylestradiol 30 micrograms, sugar free and film coated Quantity: 16 million cycles, 3 blisters packed in a box. Delivery Schedule in weeks from the date of contract effectiveness: Entire quantity of goods to be delivered to final destination within 16 weeks Mode of Shipment: CIP Central Warehouse Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh. A bidder may bid for one or more sub-packages. But the Bidder must bid for entire quantity of a sub-package, including the syringes and needles. Evaluation and comparison of bids will be carried out simultaneously. Price reductions or cross discounts will be considered in the evaluation and comparison of bids for more than one sub package. Bidding will be conducted through the international competitive bidding procedures specified in the KfW Entwicklungsbank's Guidelines: Procurement of Supply and Works Contracts under Financial Cooperation with Developing Countries (Nov 2006) and World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits (May 2004). In the case of a discrepancy between the guidelines, the World Bank guidelines shall prevail. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Directorate General of Family Planning and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below during working days from 0900 a.m. to 0500 p.m., until and including the date and time of bid submission. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Taka 6,500.00 or USD 100.00. The method of payment will be by Pay Order / Bank Draft / Cashier's Cheque. The document will be sent by airmail for overseas delivery and surface mail for local delivery or may be collected through an authorised representative. Bids must be delivered to the address below on 28 February 2010 at or before 0200 p.m. local time. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security amounting to US $ 26.000 (twenty six thousand) or Bangladesh Taka 1.800.000 (one million eight hundred thousand) or equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency for each sub-package, in the form of a bank guarantee from a scheduled bank in Bangladesh or a reputable major international bank in the format provided in Section VIII of this bidding document. Late bids will be rejected, and will be returned unopened. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to attend at the address below on 28 February 2010 at 0230 p.m. local time. A pre-bid conference will be held in the office of the undersigned at 11:30 hours on 25 January 2010. All prospective bidders are requested to attend the conference in time. Contact: Director (Logistics and Supply) and Line Director (Procurement, Storage & Supply Management). Directorate General of Family Planning. 6, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka - 1215, Bangladesh. Tel: +880-2-8144049. Fax: +880-2-8144049. E-mail: dirlsdgfp@gmail.com

Source: http://globaltenders.net/free_tenders/TenderDetails_20_T5269714.pdf


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Effects of polysulfated glycosaminoglycan and hyaluronan on prostaglandin E2 production by cultured equine synoviocytes Stephen P. Frean, BVSc, PhD, and Peter Lees, PhDly through inhibition of PGE2 production,9,11 although Objective —To investigate effects of the anti-arthritic glucocorticoids possess other actions, such as inhibi-agents hyaluronan and polysulfated glycosaminogly-tion

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