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Drug testing policy

Georgian Court University
Drug Education and Testing Program

The following program is administered by the Department of Athletics. Georgian Court
reserves the right to make changes to this program from time to time as needed. This
program should not be construed to create a contract between student-athletes and
Georgian Court.
Georgian Court is committed to developing and maintaining an environment that
encourages students participating in intercollegiate athletic competition to avoid the
abuse of alcohol and the unauthorized use of controlled substances and performance
enhancing drugs, including dietary supplements. The integration of a comprehensive
education program with reliable tests and predictable outcomes for student-athletes who
test positive will function as an effective deterrent to substance abuse.
To this end, the program has several components. Education and counseling are the
cornerstones of this program. The education program is designed to support a healthy
lifestyle and alert student-athletes and coaches to the potential harm of substance abuse.
The education program is also intended to discourage student-athletes from alcohol abuse
and experimentation with drugs and minimize the risk of drug abuse and drug
dependency. Education and counseling are supplemented with banned substance testing.
Studies have shown that education alone is not a sufficient deterrent to drug use. An
accurate and reliable drug-screening program will identify users and abusers of controlled
substances and performance enhancing drugs, including dietary supplements. Student-
athletes who test positive will be evaluated by the Georgian Court University Substance
Abuse Counselor and may be referred for further counseling. It is the Athletic
Department's expectation that this program will encourage student-athletes to make
positive choices regarding her future conduct.
The priority of this program is the student-athlete's health, welfare and safety. The
program is based on a medical perspective, with an emphasis on prevention, education,
timely diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of all student-athletes participating in
intercollegiate athletics at Georgian Court. This is a physician directed program.
The Head Team Physician, or designee, has operational authority over this program.
The Georgian Court Univesity Drug Program and its sanctions are independent of the
NCAA Drug Testing Program. All student-athletes must also sign a NCAA Consent

1. To provide a safe and healthy environment for our student-athletes. 2. To address, identify and treat student-athlete's problems and concerns 3. To educate our student-athletes and others associated with athletic teams about the use, abuse and/or misuse of illicit substances, prescribed medications, over-the-counter medications and performance enhancing substances including nutritional supplements. 4. To provide support for student-athletes in need of substance abuse counseling. 5. To protect the integrity of the institution and athletic department.
Georgian Court University Drug Education Committee:
Tristy Wolfe, Head Athletic Trainer - Substance Abuse Team Ashley Cameron, Assistant Athletic Director Compliance/SID Pat McMahon, Substance Abuse Counselor- Substance Abuse Team Pat Dority, Director of Health Services- Substance Abuse Team Dr. Robin Solbach, Director of Counseling-Substance Abuse Team The duties of the committee shall include the following: 1. Maintain the Operational Manual for the Alcohol and Other Drug Education 2. Audit the Alcohol and Other Drug Education and Testing Program, Policies and 3. Make recommendations for changes in the program.
Student-athletes will be counseled on a yearly basis on the health concerns associated
with alcohol and drug use, as well as the use of dietary supplements.
The first of these counseling sessions will begin at the start of the season on an individual
team basis and/or during the athletic orientation. It will be required of all student-athletes
and coaches are highly encouraged to attend. During these sessions the Head Athletic
Trainer and/or other athletic staff will discuss the specifics of the Alcohol and Other Drug
Education Program. The student-athletes will be awarded the opportunity to ask any
questions regarding the program.
For the remainder of the student-athlete's participation, follow up presentations,
including any change in policy, will occur during team meetings. The Athletic Training
staff will present this information.
Tristy Wolfe, Head Athletic Trainer, has been appointed the position of coordinator of
the CHAMPS/Life Skills program. Through this program and a cross-campus
committee, the goal is to achieve programming on a regular basis that will address these
issues and bring to awareness the resources on campus.
Administration of the Drug Testing Program:
Each student-athlete shall, prior to participating in any sport, acknowledge in writing that
he or she has received, read, and understands the copy of the Drug Education Program.
All student-athletes will be asked to sign a form acknowledging receipt of and
understanding of the program, and provide voluntary consent to participate in the
Georgian Court University program as well as the NCAA drug-testing program. Any
student-athlete that does not sign the consent form (attached) will be ineligible for
participation in Georgian Court intercollegiate athletics. All student-athletes listed on the
current roster are eligible for testing.
Sample collection will take place in the Health Center in the Casino building. The Head
Athletic Trainer will oversee all testing sessions. Picture identification will be required
and checked prior to sample collection.
The collection of specimens will be performed by Tristy Wolfe, Head Athletic Trainer,
the assistant athletic trainer, or Pat Dority, Director of Health Services or a designated
nurse. They will follow all policies outlined in the Georgian Court Drug Testing
Operational Manual. They will be referred to as a UrineValidator.
Athletes will be notified for selection by phone and/or in person. However, the athlete
will be required to sign a notification form (attached) to ensure there is no confusion.
Upon notification of selection, the student-athlete must present herself at the testing site
at the designated time for testing. The student-athlete must provide an appropriate
sample before the end of the day and preferably within 3 hours. Failure to provide an
appropriate sample or report to the testing site following notification will result in
immediate suspension from athletic activity and referral to the team physician. This
student-athlete is in violation of this policy and will be considered positive until proven
otherwise. The student-athlete will be provided an opportunity to appeal using
procedures outlined in the "Appeals" section of this policy. The "B" specimen will be
collected, frozen and stored untested until the Appeals Committee has rendered a
decision on the prerequisite of reasonable suspicion.
Upon entering the collection station, the athlete will provide photo identification and/or a
client representative/site coordinator will identify the athlete and the athlete will officially
enter the station. The athlete will select a sealed collection beaker from a supply of such
and will record his/her initials on the collection beaker's lid. A collector, serving as
validator, will monitor the furnishing of the specimen by observation in order to assure
the integrity of the specimen until a volume of at least 50 mL is provided.
Validators who are of the same gender as the athlete must observe the voiding process
and will be members of the official drug-testing crew. The athlete must urinate in full
view of the validator (validator must observe flow of urine) and the validator will request
the athlete raise his/her shirt high enough to observe the midsection area completely ruling out any attempt to manipulate or substitute a sample. Athletes may not carry any item other than his/her beaker into the restroom when providing a specimen. Any problem or concern should be brought to the attention of the collection crew chief or client representation for documentation. Athletes will rinse and dry hands, with water only, prior to urination, and wash with soap and water following urination. Once a specimen is provided, the athlete is responsible for keeping the collection beaker closed and controlled. Fluids and food given to athletes who have difficulty voiding must be from sealed containers (approved by the collector) that are opened and consumed in the station. These items must be caffeine- and alcohol-free and free of any other banned substances. If the specimen is incomplete, the athlete must remain in the collection station until the sample is completed. During this period, the athlete is responsible for keeping the collection beaker closed and controlled. If the specimen is incomplete and the athlete must leave the collection station for a reason approved by the collector, specimen must be discarded and upon return to the collection station, the athlete will begin the collection procedure again. Once an adequate volume of the specimen is provided, the collector who monitored the furnishing of the specimen by observation will sign that the specimen was directly validated and a collector will check the specific gravity and measure the pH of the urine in the presence of the athlete. If the urine has a specific gravity below 1.005 (1.010 if measured with a reagent strip), or a pH greater than 7.5 (with reagent strip) or less than 4.5 (with reagent strip), the specimen will be discarded by the athlete. The athlete must remain in the collection station until another specimen is provided. If the urine has a specific gravity above 1.005 (1.010 if measured with a reagent strip) and the urine has a pH between 4.5 and 7.5 inclusive, the specimen will be processed and sent to the laboratory. The laboratory will make final determination of specimen adequacy. If the laboratory determines that an athlete's specimen is inadequate for analysis, at the client's discretion, another specimen may be collected. If an athlete is suspected of manipulating specimens (e.g., via dilution), the client will have the authority to perform additional tests on the athlete.Once a specimen has been provided that meets the on-site specific gravity and pH parameters, the athlete will select a specimen collection kit and a uniquely numbered Chain of Custody Form from a supply of such where the collector will record the specific gravity and pH values. The collector will pour approximately 35 mL of the specimen into the "A vial" and the remaining amount (approximately 15 mL) into the "B vial" in the presence of the athlete. The collector will place the cap on each vial in the presence of the athlete; the collector will then seal each vial in the required manner under the observation of the athlete and witness (if present). Vials and forms (if any) sent to the laboratory shall not contain the name of the athlete. All sealed specimens will be secured in a shipping case. The collector will prepare the case for forwarding. The athlete, collector and witness (if present) will sign certifying that the procedures were followed as described in the protocol. Any deviation from the procedures must be described and recorded. If
deviations are alleged, the athlete will be required to provide another specimen.
After the collection has been completed, the specimens will be forwarded to the
laboratory and copies of any forms forwarded to the designated persons.The specimens
become the property of the client. If the athlete does not comply with the collection
process, the collector will notify the client representative/site coordinator and third party
administrator responsible for management of the drug-testing program.
Random Selection:
Student-Athletes will be chosen for administration of testing through random selection. A
Third Party Administrator will be responsible for randomly selecting those student-
athletes who will be tested. An entire team may be selected at any time or if there is
potential for them to qualify for postseason competition.
In most cases student-athletes will receive zero notification prior to testing. The Athletic
Trainer will notify them as they are leaving the practice field or athletic related activity if
possible. In some cases it will not be possible to utilize zero notification. In those cases
same day notification will be the method of choice. An example of this method is a
student-athlete who is in their non-competitive season. The team's administrator and
head coach will be notified in addition to the student-athlete. They will be informed that
the student-athlete must report to the Health Center at the specific testing time. It will
also be communicated that failure to report will result in ineligibility. At no time will it
be revealed that this appointment is for a drug test.
If a student-athlete refuses to participate or fails to show up for a drug test, following
notification, he or she will be immediately suspended from all athletic activity and will be
referred to the team physician for evaluation. This student-athlete is in violation of this
policy and will be considered positive until proven otherwise. This suspension will be
lifted only on the full compliance with the terms of the Georgian Court Athletic
Department Drug Education Program.

Individualized Reasonable Suspicion:
Individual Reasonable Suspicion is defined as specific objective facts, which, if taken
with rational inferences drawn from those facts, and taken as a whole, strongly suggest
that drug testing may produce a positive test result.

Athletes who are suspected of using performance enhancing or street drugs can be tested
at the discretion of the Georgian Court Team Physician. The information leading to
suspicion must be from a reputable source (coach, athletic trainer, academic advisor,
administrator, or support staff) and specific factual information should be presented.
Example(s): Student struggling academically with no prior history of difficulty,
significant poor athletic performance, behavioral issues, arrest in connection with alcohol
or drugs. Suspicion must be documented in writing and submitted to the Head Team
Physician. The Substance Abuse Reasonable Suspicion Reporting Form will be utilized
for documentation (attached). The student-athlete will then be referred to the Head
Athletic Trainer and Head Team Physician for case evaluation. Only at the discretion of
the Team Physician will specimen collection be administered. The student-athlete may
also be referred to the University Substance Abuse Team for evaluation. The Substance
Abuse Team will then report the results of the assessment to the Head Team Physician.
Student-athletes who have violated the Georgian Court University Alcohol and Tobacco
policy will be tested under reasonable suspicion.
Specimen collection and responsive actions to a positive test result shall be handled the
same as those found in random testing.
If the student-athlete wishes to appeal the physician's decision relative to reasonable
suspicion, he or she shall immediately notify the team physician and the specimen will be
collected, frozen and stored untested until the Appeals Committee has rendered a
decision on the prerequisite of reasonable suspicion.
Specific Testing:
The Georgian Court Drug Testing program will test for street drugs, as well as
performance enhancing dietary supplements such as ephedrine. The test will identify the
chemical compounds present in marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and other popular street
drugs. Additional laboratory procedures will be performed to identify ephedrine and
anabolic steroids.
It is important to identify the use of ergogenic aids like ephedrine and other substances
found in dietary supplements. The NCAA currently tests for these substances. Most
nutritional supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and pose
significant risk to the health of student-athletes.

Sanctions for Illegal Substance (street drugs), Performance Enhancing Substances,
including Dietary Supplements:
1st Positive Test:
a. Mandatory evaluation with the Georgian Court University Team Physician b. Notification to Georgian Court's Associate Provost for Student Affairs c. Mandatory evaluation with the Georgian Court Substance Abuse Team d. Suspension from the team for 25% of championship season a. Mandatory evaluation with the Georgian Court Substance Abuse Team b. Notification to Georgian Court's Associate Provost for Student Affairs and c. Suspension from the team for one year (12 calendar months) d. Removal of all scholarship money from the athletic department for one a. All sanctions listed under 2nd Positive Test b. Loss of remaining eligibility for all sports at Georgian Court University c. Loss of scholarship money for the remainder of their collegiate career
An individual who is suspended from the team for one year will not be permitted to
participate in any team related activity.
The sanctions listed under 2nd and 3rd Positive Test are not limited to a specific drug used.
An individual who tests positive for a different substance following the initial 1st or 2nd
positive test will be considered in violation of this program and will adhere to the
sanctions listed under the 2nd or 3rd positive.
Positive test results from the NCAA Program will be treated as positive tests obtained
under the Georgian Court University policy and may result in sanctions under this policy.
Furthermore, a positive test from another institution will be a valid reason for testing
under the reasonable suspicion policy.
Any one-year suspension will begin on the date the positive test results are received or
the date an appeal is denied. The student-athlete is precluded from using this one-year
suspension as a "red shirt" year or medical hardship. The student-athlete may not regain
this year of eligibility.
Student-athletes who have their scholarship revoked will be notified as per NCAA
procedure and will have the opportunity to appeal cancellation of their scholarship in
accordance with the NCAA requirements. Information regarding the NCAA appeals
process is available in the Georgian Court University Athletics and Recreation office.
To further protect the health and safety of GCU student-athletes, theAthletic Director,
under the recommendation of the team physician, may withhold a student-athlete from
participation. Upon completion of the sanctions, the student-athlete must have a negative
drug test and be cleared by the team physician.

Medical Staff Response to Test Results:
Any student-athlete who has tested positive for a banned substance will meet with the
Head Team Physician and/or Head Athletic Trainer to discuss the findings. At this
meeting the student-athlete will be informed of the test results and their responsibilities
thereafter. The student will sign a Disciplinary Action Contract (attached) that will
specifically outline these responsibilities. The student-athlete will be given an
opportunity to challenge or explain the results prior to imposition of any sanction or
required treatment or counseling program. The physician and/or Athletic Trainer will
also notify the Director of Athletics, Assistant Athletic Director (for eligibility reasons),
Head Coach, assistant athletic trainer (for health reasons) and Substance Abuse Team.
An individual who tests positive will be referred to the Substance Abuse Counselor for an
evaluation. The Substance Abuse Team will review the recommendations. If follow up
counseling is determined to be necessary, the student-athlete will be mandated to attend
all visits under the timeline indicated at the decision of the Substance Abuse Team. This
may include attending a facility off-campus for counseling and require the use of
personal health insurance. Any individual who has tested positive will continue to be
tested at the discretion of the Team Physician for the remainder of their eligibility.
Positive test results from the NCAA Program will be treated as positive tests obtained
under this policy and may result in sanctions under this policy. This will provide the
opportunity for medical evaluation and counseling if necessary.
Judicial Affairs Response to Test Results:
The Team Physician and/or Athletic Director will notify the Associate Provost when a
student-athlete has a positive test. For a 2nd positive test, Judicial Affairs will apply the
University sanctions associated with a 1st offense which may include: a hearing with the
Director of Judicial Affairs, residence hall probation, a monetary fine (loss of scholarship
money will be used in lieu of this sanction), and disciplinary probation. The Director of
Judicial Affairs or Associate Provost will handle all cases referred to Judicial Affairs. If a
student-athlete has a 3rd positive drug test, Judicial Affairs will apply the University
sanctions associated with a 2nd offense.
If a student-athlete has a prior offense(s) with the Judicial Affairs Department, the
notification of a positive screen from the athletic department will be considered a
sequential offense within the University's policy.
The education and counseling components of the University policy will be handled
through the Athletic Department's program.
A student-athlete may appeal any sanction as the result of a positive drug test result. A
student-athlete desiring to appeal must file a written notice of appeal with the Director of
Athletics within two business days of being notified of a positive test result.
A hearing will be conducted by the Georgian Court University Drug Appeals Committee,
which will consist of two Athletic Administrators, chosen by the Director of Athletics
and includes the Director of Athletics. The appeals committee will reach a decision
within two working days of each individual hearing. The Director of Athletics will
maintain a written record of the committee's decision including all evidence considered
by the committee as well as rationale for the committee's decision.
A student-athlete may contest the laboratory finding of a positive test. This must be
presented in writing to the Director of Athletics within forty-eight hours of being notified
of the positive result. Evidence of the inaccuracy of the findings must be indicated. As
per normal laboratory procedures the student-athlete's sample is split into two samples,
the A bottle is tested and the B bottle is sealed and stored at the laboratory. A student-
athlete who appeals their positive may have the B bottle tested. To ensure the same
methodology, instrumentation, and chain of custody, specimen B will be tested at the
same laboratory as specimen A. If the laboratory presents to the Athletic Director a
finding that the student-athlete does not have banned drugs in her urine sample, the Athletic Director must rely upon those test results and shall conclude that the student-athlete's urine does not contain banned substances. The committee may, at their discretion, impose sanctions during the period a student-athlete is contesting a laboratory finding or during the period an appeal is pending. Safe Harbor Program
A student-athlete eligible for the Georgian Court University Safe Harbor Program may refer herself to the Program for voluntary evaluation, testing and counseling. A student is not eligible for the Program after she has been informed of an impending drug test or after having received a positive Georgian Court or NCAA drug test. Georgian Court University will work with the student to prepare a Safe Harbor treatment plan, which may include confidential drug testing, evaluation and counseling. The student-athlete will be tested for banned substances upon entry into the Safe Harbor Program and such a positive initial test will not result in any administrative sanction except those listed in this section (the team physician may suspend the student from play or practice if medically indicated). A student will be permitted to remain in the Safe Harbor Program for a reasonable period of time, not to exceed thirty (30) days, as determined by the treatment plan. A student will not be permitted to enter the Safe Harbor Program thirty (30) days prior to NCAA or Conference postseason competition. A student-athlete will only be permitted to enter the Safe Harbor Program one time during their athletic eligibility at Georgian Court University. If a student-athlete is determined to have new substance use after the initial Safe Harbor Program test (as determined by follow-up testing), or fails to comply with the Safe Harbor Program treatment plan, the student-athlete will be removed from the Safe Harbor Program and be subject to appropriate sanctions as detailed in the Georgian Court University program. Entering the Safe Harbor Program will not be treated as a positive test as it relates to sanctions. However, any positive test after the initial Safe Harbor Program test will be treated as the next subsequent positive. While in compliance with the Safe Harbor Program treatment plan, the student- athlete will not be included in the list of students eligible for random drug testing by
Georgian Court University. Students in the Safe Harbor Program may be selected for
drug testing by the NCAA.

The Director of Athletics, the Assistant Athletic Director, the Head Athletic Trainer, Assistant Athletic Trainer, the student-athlete's Head Coach and the Team Physician may be informed of the student's participation in the Safe Harbor Program. The assistant coach(es) also may be informed at the discretion of the head coach. Other university employees may be informed only the extent necessary for the implementation of this policy. Confidentiality:
The Georgian Court University Athletics and Recreation Department protocol for drug
testing is designed to be fair, to achieve reliability of testing results, and to protect the
privacy rights of the student-athlete. Test results are confidential and become a part of
the student-athlete's medical record. Test results will not be released to anyone except in
accordance with this policy or as required by law.
All documents associated with this program will be kept in a secure area in the Athletic
Training Room. Only the Head Team Physician, Athletic Director and Athletic Training
staff will have access to these documents.
Dietary Supplements:
The Georgian Court University Athletics and Recreation Department strongly
discourages the use of dietary supplements. These substances are not regulated by the
Food and Drug Administration and in turn may be harmful to your health. Due to the
lack of regulation, use of these products may result in a positive drug test, as all the
ingredients in the product may not be listed on the label. The NCAA states this is "a
buyer beware market" so student-athletes should make responsible choices with regards
to dietary supplementation. If a student-athlete is considering taking a supplement they
must clear it through the Head Athletic Trainer.
Prescription Drugs:
Student-athletes who are taking drugs pursuant to prescription from a physician must
register in writing with the Head Athletic Trainer. A copy of the prescription will suffice.
It is possible that some prescription drugs may result in a positive test in the Drug
Program. If a student-athlete tests positive because of a medication for a medically
diagnosed reason the student-athlete will proceed with a medical exception.

Student-Athlete Reinstatement from Suspension:
The student-athlete shall petition for reinstatement from a suspension under the following
1. The student-athlete must consent to a medical examination including drug testing, and a review of all counseling or treatment records by the team physician. 2. The student-athlete must undergo mandatory, unannounced periodic drug testing with the understanding that he or she will not gain eligibility until he or she has had one negative drug test result. 3. Should a student-athlete test positive at any time subsequent to being reinstated from a second positive drug test, he or she will be permanently banned from intercollegiate athletics participation at Georgian Court University.
The following websites provide helpful health and safety information:
Center at Drug Free Sport allows you to anonymously research substances to determine if
they are on the NCAA banned substance list by entering the password ncaa2 for NCAAII login. Student-athletes must be aware of the NCAA banned substance list (attached). How Drug Use May Effect Athletic Performance
nerves and makes them prone to injuries • Slow or non-reactive pupils distort vision Amphetamines • Over stimulates reflexes Alcohol • Reduces mental alertness for approximately 24 hours after a binge of How marijuana and cocaine can cause athletic injuries:
• Collects in fatty tissues around muscles, • Drives out chemicals at nerve endings All the following risks have been linked to steroid use:
In Females:
NCAA and Georgian Court University Banned Substances

NCAA Banned-Drug Classes
The NCAA list of banned-drug classes is subject to change by the NCAA Executive Committee. Contact
NCAA education services or www.ncaa.org/health-safety for the current list. The term "related
compounds" comprises substances that are included in the class by their pharmacological action and/or
chemical structure. No substance belonging to the prohibited class may be used, regardless of whether
it is specifically listed as an example.

Many nutritional/dietary supplements contain NCAA banned substances. In addition, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) does not strictly regulate the supplement industry; therefore purity and safety
of nutritional dietary supplements cannot be guaranteed. Impure supplements may lead to a positive NCAA
drug test. The use of supplements is at the student-athlete's own risk. Student-athletes should contact their
institution's team physician or athletic trainer for further information.
Bylaw 31.2.3. Banned Drugs
The following is a list of banned-drug classes, with examples of substances under each class:
(a) Stimulants:
amiphenazole methylenedioxymethamphetamine
amphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy)
bemigride methylphenidate
benzphetamine nikethamide
bromantan pemoline
caffeine (guarana) pentetrazol
chlorphentermine phendimetrazine
cocaine phenmetrazine
cropropamide phentermine
crothetamide phenylephrine
diethylpropion phenylpropanolamine (ppa)
dimethylamphetamine picrotoxine
doxapram pipradol
ephedrine prolintane
(ephedra, ma huang) strychnine
ethamivan synephrine
ethylamphetamine (citrus aurantium, zhi shi, bitter
fencamfamine orange)
meclofenoxate and related compounds
(b) Anabolic Agents:
anabolic steroids
androstenediol methyltestosterone
androstenedione nandrolone
boldenone norandrostenediol
clostebol norandrostenedione dehydrochlormethyl- norethandrolone testosterone oxandrolone dehydroepiandro- oxymesterone sterone (DHEA) oxymetholone dihydrotestosterone stanozolol (DHT) testosterone
dromostanolone tetrahydrogestrinone (THG)
epitrenbolone trenbolone
fluoxymesterone and related compounds
methandienone other anabolic agents
methenolone clenbuterol
(c) Substances Banned for Specific Sports:
alcohol pindolol
atenolol propranolol
metoprolol timolol
nadolol and related compounds
(d) Diuretics:
acetazolamide hydrochlorothiazide
bendroflumethiazide hydroflumethiazide
benzhiazide methyclothiazide
bumetanide metolazone
chlorothiazide polythiazide
chlorthalidone quinethazone
ethacrynic acid spironolactone
flumethiazide triamterene
furosemide trichlormethiazide
and related compounds
(e) Street Drugs:
heroin tetrahydrocannabinol
marijuana (THC)
(f) Peptide Hormones and Analogues :
corticotrophin (ACTH)
human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)
leutenizing hormone (LH)
growth hormone(HGH, somatotrophin)
insulin like growth hormone (IGF-1)
All the respective releasing factors of the above-mentioned substances also are banned:
erythropoietin (EPO) sermorelin

Source: http://www.georgian.edu/uploadedfiles/drug_testing_policy_06-07.pdf

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