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Dancer - performer
Work experience
"PIEL IL. EL" by Gennaro Maione
Mission: Choreographer - director - dancer
Appraisal: Presented in different European Festivals
Best Project artistic residency TIGA - Naples Fresh Fruit Festival / Wild Project - New York "PIERINO E IL LUPO.CIAK!"
Mission: Dancer
"AMOR Q" by Roberto Giordano
Mission: Dancer and co-choreographer
"R2 ROADS AND ROOTS" by Selim Aydogdu
Mission: Dancer
Mission: Dancer and performer for new creation in Arles, France
"NOI SAREMO" by Roberto Giordano & Gennaro Maione
Mission: Co-choreographer and co-director
"SOLEIL SPARTIATE" by Anna Dolores Marcelis
Mission: Performer
"WELCOME ON BOARD" by Francesco Nappa
Mission: Dancer
Gennaro Maione Via Cupa S. Cesarea 24 Naples - 80145 Naples Italy
Telephone: +393291532247 / 0032489731214 - maione_gennaro@yahoo.it - http://gennaromaione.cv.fm/ "LA PRINCESSE DE MILAN" by Karine Saporta
Mission: Dancer
"SUSSURRI- primo studio" by Antonello Tudisco
Mission: Dancer
"IN.CO" by Antonello Tudisco
Mission: Dancer
"UOMINI IN DANZA" by Ciro Carcatella
Mission: Dancer
Diplomas and education
Ballet Teatro Scuola Rossella Rossi (ITALY)
Académie de Dance Princesse Grace's member Area of specialisation: Ballet and Contemporary dance
Language skills
Speaking competence: Basic level, Written competence: Basic level
Speaking competence: Fluent, Written competence: Fluent
Speaking competence: Native speaker, Written competence: Native speaker
Speaking competence: Fluent, Written competence: Intermediate
Additional experience
August - Selected like choreographer and performer for new creation with RBS Compagnie in Arles (France) April 2013 - Selected like choreographer for "Prima danza" project in Venice( Biennale danza ) December 2012 - Model for dance photoshooting at the Beaux Arts Academie - Bruxelles (BELGIUM) Gennaro Maione Via Cupa S. Cesarea 24 Naples - 80145 Naples Italy
Telephone: +393291532247 / 0032489731214 - maione_gennaro@yahoo.it - http://gennaromaione.cv.fm/ August 2012 - Artistic residence in Freiburg (GERMANY) - Dancer for dance project by PVC Freiburg Tanz / CollettivoNada Workshops
Classes and workshops with:- TanzFabrik (Berlin)- Dock11 (Berlin)- La menagerie de Verre (Paris) works and classes (release / floor work / impro / M. Cunningham with:A. Trevisani , A. Tudisco , C. Carcatella , F. Nappa , D. Verga , L.Russo , A. Prina , J.J. Allue with Cia. Nacho Duato , Cie. Thor Thierry Smits , Ultima Vez , Hofesh Shecter , Nutshell Dance Company Palco 11zero8's co-worker, choreoghrapher and dancer
Palco 11zero8 is a new artistic entity created by Roberto Giordano with the intent to contribute substantially andeffectively to the enhancement and dissemination of the performing arts, especially acting and dance.
I have contribuited on the frontline to the creation of Palco 11zero8 of which I am chorepographer and dancer as well asbeing the main co-worker.
Link website
Gennaro Maione Via Cupa S. Cesarea 24 Naples - 80145 Naples Italy
Telephone: +393291532247 / 0032489731214 - maione_gennaro@yahoo.it - http://gennaromaione.cv.fm/

Source: http://gennaromaione.cv.fm/en/cv.pdf


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